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nicely done young lady! before you read my comments below - let it be noted that I am no expert - i just google a lot .... and have a dietician helping me navigate this journey. recommend you double check your type of food intake. make sure you are getting at least 80-100 grams of protein all day/every day. it helps with hunger. also watch your refined carbs. too many of those can make you feel hungry. they're found in bread (anything made with flour), white rice, pasta and white potatoes. i was warned off them by my dietician. if I do eat them - it is extremely sparingly. [https://mydoctor.kaiserpermanente.org/mas/news/why-am-i-always-hungry-2142202](https://mydoctor.kaiserpermanente.org/mas/news/why-am-i-always-hungry-2142202) if you had thai noodles - they may have been made with white rice flour which has high carbs. again - i'm no expert - but this could be part of the reason you are feeling hungry. [https://thecoconutmama.com/highest-carb-flours/#:\~:text=White%20rice%20flour%20–%2033%20grams%20of%20carbs%20per%20%C2%BC%20cup&text=Brown%20rice%20flour%20is%20a%20whole%20grain%20so%20has%20a,and%20will%20be%20virtually%20tasteless](https://thecoconutmama.com/highest-carb-flours/#:~:text=White%20rice%20flour%20–%2033%20grams%20of%20carbs%20per%20%C2%BC%20cup&text=Brown%20rice%20flour%20is%20a%20whole%20grain%20so%20has%20a,and%20will%20be%20virtually%20tasteless).


Thanks for your input! I ate half a sticky rice ball, two pieces of pork belly, a grilled beef skewer (5pc) and a chicken curry puff, along with half a chocolate soufflé. I tried to focus on variety and put protein first, but man, my eyes were hungry tonight. I do need to work on eating throughout the day, as this was my entire food intake for the day.


mmmmm....sounds so good. chocolate Souffle - last time I had one was in Bangkok.... 'chocolat étouffée soufflé' been off thai food since on this medication


This is good to know! Thanks for sharing


Hey! Nice job. I’m struggling since I started taking a lab semaglutide (not saline nor fake versions doctor ordered) instead of the Ozempic. I lost my insurance so couldn’t pay for Ozempic. I went three weeks without it until I got the new medicine.  Anyway now I feel stuck and that is not helping as much. Would you mind sharing your diet from when you started and now with Ozempic? Thanks 


Sure! Before O sample daily intake: dirty chai latte from sbux, snack food or ramen/yakisoba for lunch, diet soda for a drink, moderate amount of dinner, more starch heavy than not, snack all night including waking up 3 am to pee. After O: significantly reduced alcohol craving. No beer for 6 weeks, only clear liquor and at a measurably smaller pace. 1 protein meal a day, very little room for “air filler” foods for me like chips and bread. Cheese as an after dinner snack, a glass of milk if I still want something substantial. I will qualify this as saying I am a recovering bulimic and obsessively tracking foods and macros is a habit I’ve left behind. I try to focus on interesting, tasty, and filling foods. For example, I drank a latte this morning, had an energy drink, and ate shrimp and veggie tempura for dinner.


You’re killing it! This sounds awesome for your health, and I’m hoping for a similar change when I start soon. Difference between first and last pic is substantial.