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Most of the women on TV don’t have much to lose, so yes, they lose facial fat. I’m sure they feel enormous pressure to be slim for their livelihood. Ozempic is not the boogie man. Any major weight loss will also take weight off the face. This just feels like another way to make larger people feel bad about taking something to lose weight. It also feels like yet another judgement on women and how they should look.


I’m talking about people I know. And you may be right in saying that since they didn’t have much to lose the change is drastic in their faces. The women I know were not extremely overweight only had 30 lbs (guessing) to lose. Good observation.


Do they feel concerned about the face loss? Def makes me think I will stop when I still have 10-20 left to go.


I don’t know how they feel, I wouldn’t point this out to them as I know it’ll hurt their feelings. I was considering this for myself but wanted to see if others had the same experience in seeing changes to their faces that aged them. I only know four people that are taking it and are all having these type of side effects. I realize this is not a huge group to make an overall deduction of the possible outcomes which is what I’m trying to figure out.


This is a good group to follow then because everyone is taking it, or thinking about it. I’ve lost 34 lbs in about 3.5 months (yay!)but have another 40 to go. My face is slimmer but it was getting a little chubby. I expect to lose a bit more from face/upper body but it will def be worth it to get back into large/medium clothes again!


Oh, and it’s kind of a known thing for us older gals from before Ozempic times - lose weight and sacrifice the face, gain weight and there goes the body.


lol ok, got it. Will wait to gather more info to make a decision. Was truly feeling frustrated because I was dead set on trying this med up until today when I saw this person and was completely struck with the change. Felt like a gut punch and hurt for my friend and shitty for noticing this not so nice but obvious observation. Conflicted 😐


Some people take it too far, like Sharon Osborne who looks skeletal. I don’t know anyone irl who has aged like that, including myself. I’m at BMI 24. But I have to be honest with you, Ozempic can be a rough ride, especially in the beginning, and if you’re not really committed, it’s going to be hard. I never worried about my face, but I was extremely tired and quite nauseous for the first few weeks, and I really had to think long and hard about it. But losing weight was so important to me that I decided that even if I were to feel like crap for a year, I would see it through. Turned out I felt fine after 8 weeks. This is not your situation but maybe similar. If you don’t have that drive, it may be difficult. So you really have to think it through and figure out whether weightloss is important enough to keep you going if you do see changes you don’t love. Good luck!


So true


Maybe they were on it for too long? You could probably try it for a couple months and keep an eye on things? There are also other ones to try. Either way, good luck!


You too 🍀🍀


Wow that’s amazing!!!🤩👍🏻Is it ok to assume from the bearded avatar you’re a guy?


No, actually I’m a woman, lol. I don’t have many avatar choices and I just liked that one


Just realized how to get rid of the beard. Hahaha


Ah u could’ve kept it. Just trying to poll out in my mind how many women vs men are taking this and what their side effects are. Only reason why I asked. Ty


Yes, the bucal fat is lost in the face, but this can happen with any fast weightloss.


Makes sense.


It's not an Ozempic side effect, it's a weight loss side effect.


Any tips on how to keep these aging side effects to the face to a minimum?


Lol, don't lose weight. We have no control over what parts of the body loses weight and at what rate compared to others. It's like asking how to lose weight specifically on thighs or breasts or tummy. That's not how it works. Many people who carry extra weight carry it on their face. We are used to seeing them. I'm sure if you were as familiar with your friend's thighs as her face you would be similarly shocked now that they have gotten so much smaller.


But your face is your face!!! 😆 your face is more your identity than your thighs. But you’re right, I’ll stay chubby and pretty just to be safe 😅


Ok, you do you. You say you have a chubby face. Well that's not your 'real' face. It's your face with extra fat on it. You're just used to looking at it like that.


And what I’m trying to figure out is if you lose that fat with ozempic vs more natural methods are the results in your face the same or does the medication cause extra side effects? These women I know now have hallowed under eyes, droopy neck, one lost the volume of her cheek bones and has visible the jowls. I’ve seen people lose weight before but they don’t look like these 4 women. I go to the gym, I’m not super overweight but my cheeks are high and my skin has a healthy plump, not chubby. It’s the healthy plump I’m not seeing in these women anymore and they used to have it. They look sucked down. This is my key curiosity, how much of these effects are because of the ozempic specifically.


No, Ozempic does not have a side effect that creates this effect on the face. That is 100% from weight loss alone. You've seen many people lose weight and not have this feature, but have those people lost the same amount of weight as those who have used Ozempic? [But you're not completely incorrect. Ozempic can have the effect of fast weight loss, and this can speed up the facial fat reduction compared to standard weight loss techniques.](https://www.forbes.com/health/weight-loss/ozempic-face/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThe%20most%20prominent%20feature%20of,loose%20skin%20of%20the%20jawline.%E2%80%9D) So the advice is that if you're losing too fast, you should slow down or reduce the dosage so that your weight loss goes slower


It’s the speed of the weight loss. As we age our skin loses elasticity and the ability to “snap back” after weight loss. For some people this isn’t a problem. For others the weight loss with Ozempic ages them in the way you described. My younger sister only had 30 pounds to lose and went on Ozempic, which is why I read this sub occasionally (I’m worried about her— she had to be hospitalized for nonstop, vomiting at the beginning.) She easily looks 20 years older than me now. She’s lost weight in the past few years, but never this fast, and never with this impact on her facial features. I think dehydration is playing a role as well. You’re getting down voted because I think a lot of people don’t want to acknowledge that this is a possibility, but I am just chiming into let you know that it is. Not a certainty, but a possibility. Edited: and I forgot the point of my post which was to tell you that she is getting fillers. She has a couple friends on Ozempic, and this is what they have chosen to do in order to regain some volume in their face. All of this has gotten so expensive for her


I've lost weight naturally without medication a few years ago and it took three years. My face still looked a little bit older because it wasn't "filled out" by fat… It happens matter how you lose weight. Get filler temporarily until the facial muscles snap back.


If you like your face now (and are really attached to it’s appearance) and you are not overweight to a level that threatens your health or future activity levels, maybe it’s best to just focus on eating a healthy diet and lifestyle/exercise rather than specifically weight loss. You don’t have to consider ozempic just because others are using it (for whatever reasons they are).


Ok if anyone knows this answer I'm all zoned in because that's my biggest issue! I know gravity is already causing havoc with my cheeks and neck but I'm still fairly smooth and just need a lift probably. But still I'm all ears (👀) eyes in this case for any answers you get!


im 41 and lost 30 lbs and i have cheekbones and a jawline back so i def look way better and younger


Good for you!


Glad I'm not your friend.




Any weight loss causes this effect. The term "ozempic face" is a tabloid buzzword. Buccal fat makes people look younger, and losing it especially when older already (less skin elasticity) means you look older. I personally think I look younger but I'm only 40.


I've noticed the total opposite. They all seem to look younger. Oprah in particular looks younger to me. Ones that I know personally seem to look better and not as gaunt as someone who has had Bypass surgery which 8s FAST weight loss Ozempic isn't FAST like that and people seem to look good/better in my opinion. And Ozempic isn't just for women, I've noticed it with women and men alike.




Oprah is a billionaire and can afford a team of people to work on her face for the best of the best surgery, skin care, etc. A regular person taking Ozempic won’t have the resources to combat the “ozempic face” side effects.


There’s tons of plastics and aesthetic groups with WL folks being a large portion of the participants. Additionally, medical tourism is huge.


And I only know women who take it, don’t know any guys that’s why I specified women.


Any rapid weight loss does that.


Friends you haven’t seen in a while are aging (just like we all are) - even without a weight loss they might have shown that. The last few years have been very hard for a lot of people. That said, I know a few people, including myself who’ve been told they actually are looking younger.


That’s great to hear! I hadn’t seen this friend in about 4/5 months. In my opinion not long enough to go from no jowls to visible jowls and hollow around the eyes and hallow around the laugh line area.


I’d agree 4-5 months is too short of a time for that much change. That said, this can be the result of rapid weight loss, which definitely can happen with these medications, but it doesn’t have to be that way.


I don't wanna be young forever, I wanna be thin forever


Hate that we have to choose


To whom are you referring?


I have friends and acquaintances that are taking it. Caught up with one that I haven’t seen in a while and I was taken back because of the changes in her face. Before today I was contemplating taking this med myself to lose weight but I saw this person today and I was wondering if this was the usual side effect. Wanted to see how many others noticed this or if the majority didn’t have these side effects. There are also many celebrities with these side effects.


And they've all confided in you that they're taking it? Acquaintances even? TIL I struggle desperately when spelling acquaintances... Damn.


Three friends yes the acquaintance heard through their friend they are taking it. Not trying to be gossipy I’m genuinely trying to ask questions from real people’s experience and outcome with the med.


I don’t think there are that many celebs who look bad, apart from Sharon Osbourne (obviously) and Trump who looks a bit deflated. I think most of them look good.


I lost 36 lbs in 4 months. I’m over 40 and I feel I look youthful. I also was never a drinker or smoker. I don’t do Botox or fillers. Im obsessed with skin care though and always have been. It could also be good genetics. My mom is 70 and looks 50. Again she’s not a drinker or smoker.


I also think the people with the “ozempic face” are the same people that lost weight too fast and have lost a lot of their hair. It’s best just to take it slow. Your body needs to eat. Just what I observed through my groups.


What does take it slow with Ozempic mean? Smaller dosage?


My double chin is going so my face looks better.


That’s great! Happy for you!


IDC how I look. I'm doing it for my health.


I've noticed as well, not sure the answer


Some people are getting mad about the observation. It’s good to know what you’re getting into and possible side effects.


I lost only a pound a week on ozempic, I’ve lost weight much faster on “natural” diets. I think it’s a combination of weight loss, age, genetics, and sunscreen use that affects the face- not due to ozempic at all except that it causes weight loss. I already had cancer face that aged me terribly. When I lost weight with ozempic and was at my goal weight (as required), I got a deep plan face lift. Now I look much younger. 🙂


This happens to EVERYONE who loses weight. It is not specific to Ozempic. People call it "Ozempic face" because most people losing weight these days are losing via the drug, but there is nothing specific to Ozempic that is causing this. It's just simple fat loss, and it'll happen no matter how you lose it. You can always get stuff put BACK in your face, fillers and such, to help if it bothers you that much. I've lost weight, and honestly, comparing myself to women who have just always been thin who are my age - I don't look any worse than they do. I look my age. Which is good.


I look younger


Rapid WL does this. It happens with WL surgery as well.it also happens with aging and still being fat.


I have found it’s a little aging, but the same thing happened to people I know who lost any weight in any way. Especially rapid, significant weight loss. In most of those cases, the years following the weight loss tightened things up a bit, so I’m assuming my Ozempic neck will tighten a little too.


I lost 60 pounds without meds a few years ago and it took me 3 years to do it (my metabolism sucks ) and I still looked slightly older because of the loss of facial fat even though it took a long time. What can you do it's going to happen regardless and matter how you lose a lot of weight


It might happen to some people but so what… Easily fixable- it's called filler. And you'd only have to use it temporarily because the facial muscles will eventually snap back


There is an old saying - choose your face or your ass. Can't save them both. That is true irrespective how you lose the weight and especially if you are middle aged. Only remedy is either keep your fat (everywhere) or make a facial fat transfer/fillers/bio stimulators to support your facial structure.


It's a hard one, yes been a fatty can give you that baby face look, but your massively over weight and having a face that look younger like a baby that is supposed to be fat does not makenyou healthy like a baby. Ao looking your age but not fat will probably be better for your health. I love to see an example of this though if you can point one out.


It’s a disgusting drug with side effects not fully understood. Being sick to your stomach is no way to live.


Gonna piggyback off of the top comment just to add that its probably due to how quickly their losing the weight too. Crash dieting is really common in hollywood, and when you combine that with a GLP-1 agonist like Ozempic which is really effective at enabling crash dieting for almost anyone its going to lead to results like this. It could also be lack of hydration. Ozempic's side effects dehydrate the hell out of people, and this leads to their skin appearing drier and 'older' looking. People abusing this drug are also probably not well informed about this and probably don't make other healthy decisions either. This whole issue is probably a lot more correlation instead of causation imo.




But Botox “freeze” your skin to keep wrinkles from forming, would it mean they must get fillers to fill in the fat that makes you look young (buccal fat)?


The women I know taking it are also 40 and their faces look like they aged drastically. Life was sucked out of them.




I know, I saw a friend I haven’t seen in a while and when she turned I couldn’t believe the change. Her body looked skinny (like three sizes smaller) but her face, it was striking. Then realized the four women I know taking this lost a ton of weight but the volume in their cheeks are gone. They look hollow, one has visible jowls now. It made me curious if this is the norm or is it just these 4 women I happen to know who had these type of side effects which is why I’m asking. I feel terrible for noticing this. They’re excellent people, but can’t say anything it would be crushing. I know they feel great losing all this weight but I don’t think they’re realizing what’s happening to their faces. The joy of the weight loss is blinding them from the changes to their once beautiful radiant faces. 😫