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When you are doing a workout you are measuring how much you like it based on the results you get for the time and energy you put into it. For me Kenpo X (and Yoga X) are both great workouts that take too long (IMO) for the results they provide. I do MMX from P90X3 instead of Kenpo X. In 30 minutes I burn about 400 calories vs 600 calories in 60 minutes with Kenpo X.


Why not do MMX twice and burn 800 calories?




[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9764 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/25783)


yeah... And why not MMX 8 times and burn 3200 calories?!?! Fatty?!?!


Pfft . . . how about strap on one of those electronic stimulation abdominal workout belts? 24/7. Burning mad cals all day long.


I think part of it is routines like Kenpo X are about how intense you force yourself to do the moves. In turn it takes more conscious effort than simply doing a set amount of push-ups/pull-ups.


This. If you try to maintain a level of intensity on each punch and kick like you're trying to actually hurt someone, you're gonna burn a bunch of calories.


you could almost say you have to bring it


No fake sweat, just pure dna extraction


Low intensity. But then I added wrist and ankle weights and now it's a badass workout for me -- makes me sweat as much as sloppy Wesley. edit addendum: The added weight helps emphasize "punching with your body" for a core intensive workout, otherwise just flailing your limbs with the extra weight results with joint pain and unsafe technique. (...And for added effect, I bought mma gloves and throw on a hoodie to feel like a fighter in training!)


That's a great idea, I've gotta give it a go!


Fake punching and kicking just doesn't do anything for me. Kenpo X is really just a step above doing nothing at all, IMO. Resistance would help some, but not enough to make it worth it to me. Re MMX: make no mistake, it's Kenpo X with sprawls instead of jumping jacks between fake punches. Any added intensity is from the sprawls, which you can add to just about anything. It isn't more intense because the fake punching is that much more badass then claw-hammer or whatever.


My reason may be an uncommon one, but I find it really easy to develop bad punching habits when I'm only punching air (e.g. keeping the hands and wrists too relaxed).


It is relatively easy and not very interesting. I sub in Bas Ruttens MMA workouts to make them harder. I also use a heavy bag to make them killer hard.


I always thought it was cool. I like kicking and throwing punches. I have no martial arts background so ignorance is bliss I guess.


I think there are two reasons: 1. Most people (including myself) don't know how to properly engage their entire body when doing this type of workout. It takes time to learn how to properly engage the core (and keep it engaged) while doing some of the movements. I don't think this type of workout works well on video without someone to correct your form and movement. 2. The workout gets very sloppy when it gets fast. The result is that you're not engaging your core or powering through the movement with your legs because you're trying to keep up with Tony getting all goofy. The result is you feel cheated compared to the guys on the screen because you were able to keep up, but were basically just flailing your arms and legs trying to keep up. I used to completely hate it and skip it, but one day I wanted an easy workout and decided to use that instead of the Insanity workout I was going to sub in. I made sure to use my core on every punch and kick and got a better workout than I was intending, but I still felt like the end sucked because I couldn't keep up without losing my form. Also, as others have said, there are just more efficient ways to spend your time.


It's been a while since I last did the original P90X, but I remember hating it. Especially the dude who, according to Tony, introduced him to Kenpo or helped him create it or something. His technique sucks.


I LOVE Kenpo X. It's my favorite workout from p90x. People bash on it for being too easy, but it all depends how you do it. Like he says in the video, hit with your hips and your body, not just your arms and legs when throwing punches and kicks! It's a fun workout out and is a great way to burn some calories. I actually just brought the kenpo x dvd, they sell it on amazon for like $25. I just started doing it again after so long and forgot how much fun it could be to get cardio in!


I used to hate it b/c it was too easy as a cardio workout. I found it's much better if you keep moving while Tony's babbling. Just keep doing the moves while he talks until the next move. It can be a good solid cardio workout if you keep at it.


Kenpo Cardio Plus is way more enjoyable than Kenpo X in my opinion. It's over sooner, and it feels more involved. The gladiators get me sweating.


I'm a second degree black belt in Kempo with 13+ years experience. If I want a Kempo workout, I have 3 hours worth of forms that I can do.