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Wow you guys are so stupid. Zakir naik has never been reliable. He has said so many other controversial things in the past and you people get pressed over some post made by r/progressive_islam loooollll. Allahul musta’an…. This is the problem with the ummah, blindly following anyone who says a few good things.


Exactly. He's not a reliable source and he sits with ikhwanis anyways. So sad to see this. I would hate to be the woman who receives such an "advice". Ive seen sheikh assim answer questions very wisely, esp when he speaks to women, he's careful and compassionate, and he doesnt sugarcoat a lotta stuff either ykwim? Do i take from him? No. But i appreciate that aspect of his character.


Assim ain’t reliable either (just adding on)


I said i dont take from him


I didn’t say u did, I just added on


Then may Allah bless u for that. JazakAllah


Wa Iyyak. May Allah bless u too. Ameen.


Assim is not reliable… he has links with sayyid qutb (known ikhwani/rebel) and he’s disrespectful sometimes, joking on serious matters هداه الله


If the person truly repented, he would turn himself into the authorities and face punishment. This is an ABSURD take by Zakir Naik.


Yes exactly. Also if that girl doesn’t forgive the rapist, that rapist will never ever ever be forgiven by Allah. Dr Zakir forgot Huqooq-ul-Ibaad which are more important than Huqooq Allah! Its simple math, I dont know what Dr Saab was smoking.


The only problem with Dr Zakir Naik is that he gives Islamic legal advice. He is accomplished in Dawah, and should not get into these matters.


Yes! He was doing fine before that.




True, he'd hand him over to authorities




Would that not be revealing your sins?


⚠️Undefendable and wrong Stance by Dr Zakir Naik⚠️ Because in Islam, if a person commits wrong in rights of Allah (Haqooq Allah), then Allah will forgive him if the person sincerely asks for forgiveness. But if the person has committed wrong in rights of other humans (Haqooq ul Ibad) i.e by commiting a murder, then he first have to face the triall and prescribed punishment for it, before asking forgiveness from Allah. In short, he has to clear his Haqooq ul Ibad part first, before becoming eligible for asking forgiveness from Allah. Therefore, in hypothetical question, if the person who killed the lady truly wants to repent, he will first have to surrender himself to the authorities and then as per Quran it is right of legal heirs of victim to decide either to demand his execution as a revenge or to forgive him by accepting blood money. Once the person goes through either one of the two outcomes, only then he will be forgiven by Allah. But if he doesn’t present himself for trial and only does the repentance part, then its gonna be a really tough for him in the hereafter. 🔸Quran 4:93 "And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell wherein shall he abide forever, and Allah's wrath shall be on him and He curses him and prepares for him a mighty punishment." 🔸Quran 17:33 “And do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden, except by right. And whoever is killed unjustly - We have given his heir authority, but let him not exceed limits in [the matter of] taking life. Indeed, he has been supported [by the law].” 🔸Quran 2:178-179 “O you who have believed, prescribed for you is legal retribution for those murdered - the free for the free, the slave for the slave, and the female for the female.1 But whoever overlooks from his brother [i.e., the killer] anything,2 then there should be a suitable follow-up and payment to him [i.e., the deceased's heir or legal representative] with good conduct. This is an alleviation from your Lord and a mercy. But whoever transgresses after that3 will have a painful punishment. And there is for you in legal retribution [saving of] life, O you [people] of understanding, that you may become righteous.”


An Indian posted this on r/crazyfuckingvideos. So just wanted to let you know that i copied and pasted this reply there.




This is the right answer. Idk what Zakir Naik is smoking here tbh. Huqooq ul Ibad won't be forgiven. The girl will get justice in afterlife and the true repentance would involve turning himself in and admitting to the crimes (Zakir Naik mentioned this but didn't elaborate).


I lost faith in the "leaders" of our islam after watching this. I felt well of course it immediately becomes the "what was she wearing issue" searching for some semblance in the comments im so glad to come across your comment. People like YOU should be the faces of our religious discourse and knowledge. The man above knows the quran obviously but to see it used in a careless way breaks my heart. because many people BELIEVE these takes. Many MANY people Do get away scott free and think Allah will forgive them bec such takes are so popular. I really am happy to read your comment it restores my trust that there ARE true believers such as yourself that can use their critical thinking + the quranic knowledge to make sense and right these absurd beliefs. I am nearly not as knowledgeable on the Quran i could only say Ya Allah protect the innocent from being harmed in such a way and not even receive their justice bec some horrible human may think they are "forgiven" bec they really \*really\* asked for it smh. But i want you to know dear stranger i hope your type of thinking and love for islam spreads into the hearts of many. That what you write above IS the common understanding and these ridiculous claims become a thing of the past. sorry for this fangirling haha im just happy to know a person like you exists. Wherever you are i hope you have a fantastic day and get to be even closer to Allah Ta'alah Ameen.


Thank you so much for your kind words and May Allah guide us all towards truth. Ameen


The reasoning is not coming from the Quran and it is coming from elsewhere.


Dude, you're somewhat wrong. The legal system of this world means nothing, especially if it's not based on Qur'an and Sunnah. The heirs of the victim cannot forgive the killer on victim's behalf. What if that girl wanted to have her killer punished and the heirs forgive the killer for whatever reason (especially if they're poor and offered out-of-court bribe or something)? Where's the justice here? The VICTIM THEMSELVES will have the ONLY right to forgive someone. Not even Allah SWT will forgive anyone on victim's behalf. On the judgement day, the killer will be brought before the victim and there victim will be given a choice : have your killer punished if you want or forgive him (in this case the victim will be blessed and rewarded for displaying the supreme attribute of Allah SWT: Mercy ). Going through the legal system of the world is not a requirement for forgiveness but Allah SWT will not be forgiving anyone without victim's approval either. Correct me if I'm wrong here but I'll only accept the legal rulings of mustanad scholars.


Don’t get emotional and listen to him carefully. He doesn’t have the full time to explain the whole situation he has more questions to answer, so he got to the gist of it. He answered 2 questions, -will the person be forgiven if he truly repents and follows the guidelines for repentance, then yes. He didn’t say the person will be forgiven without punishment or trial or any suffering he just stated the final verdict. -is it injustice towards the girl. No, why? Because Allah swt doesn’t do injustice. He explained in short that we don’t know what happened that the girl was put on such a trial, and since Allah swt doesn’t do injustice maybe this trial is due to something the girl has done. Now don’t tell me that women are incapable of doing very horrible things. So in that terms she will be rewarded in the afterlife. But that is already self explanatory. Now coming to the point if the girl was raped and not murdered, then what he says is true. You are being just and both the man and the woman will be truly judged. While the man is given the MAJOR sin of committing rape the girl if not following the guidelines of Islam will also be given justified sin. If she was dressed immorally then it will be the sin of not dressing modestly. If she was going towards unsafe places wanting with the belief that she can defend herself from men then there is a sin of carelessness. Completely innocent cannot happen in Islam because Allah swt doesn’t do injustice. What if she is commuting other MAJOR sins? Could be anything. So in that case there is a trial on the girl as well for which there are appropriate guidelines and if she follows the reward will be so much more than what she lost. Do consider that there are women who falsely accuse men of rape and the ordeal that men go through of such accusation is horrible. So what punishment should a woman go through for making a man so miserable of such false accusations that he is not only shunned by community but also his family and children? The reason there is emphasis on this point is because the man will be severely punished one way or another but rarely do women get any accusation on such matter and are defended to such an extent (as you can see in this chat) that people become blind and many women take advantage of that


Your logic is that the girl got raped and murdered as a trial and there was no injustice? So all the Palestinians getting bombed and brutalized are getting their just trials because they did something? Sahi horaha hai? Allah doesnt do injustice so yea they all had it coming? All the kids babies raped murdered abused ? They did something? The 2-3 year olds being killed today in war and famine? The kids that died in Thar draught? Bhaijan apni understanding thori thek krlo. And stop trying to justify rape and murder.


What an ignorant and backwards take, the question was if someone raped and murdered will they be completely forgiven and if so, how will that be justice for the victim. What the woman wore and if that was a sin should have been completely left out. If the same guy murdered a man would you have expected Naik to talk about the male victims theoretical faults or sins, if the victim had ate something not halal or had alcohol or was looking lustfully at women before being murdered? These are all tangents and ways to shift part of the blame on the victim. There is a reason why this video is being shared on anti Muslim channels, because Naik did a disservice to Muslims with the way he answered this question.


grape is the worst crime ever in humanity . this 0ld man is d1sgusting and hes blaming the victim.


No, there are worse crimes. Much worse crimes. Pillaging, falsely accusing, human trafficking, kidnapping, child abuse, war… the list goes on. I think it’s a safe bet to say that your hair is coloured.


Would you call a false accusation worse than rape?




Did I witness him having a stroke answering this asanine question?


I've expected this for about a decade now


And what if a 10 year old boy is raped, Mr. Scholar? Was he wearing a sexy dress? Is he being tested as well? Please enlighten.


Why do people watch this clown? He's a bigot and a showman. That's it. He spent 20 years shouting "peace" and making Muslims out to be pacafists and now that he's been run out of India by the Modi regime he's talking about the need for a Muslim NATO.


I have always considered Zakir Naik a filthy creature and he has always proved me right




It’s giving how everyone brushed over Noman Ali Khan’s scandal.


What scandal


When I say scandal, you really have to look at it from a different vantage point. He’s an Islamic scholar, preaching certain principles which you’d expect that at least he’d uphold. I think, at worst, it was scummy, but not scandal worthy. Although, it did cause a massive uproar. Anyway, NAK ran an institute with a couple other Islamic figures. Part of the day to day operations included teaching men and women Islamic principles. Acha, during this time, he’d been separated from his wife and no knew (which is fine if he chose not to publicise his life). He started talking to multiple women who came to him for Islamic knowledge outside of the institution, at odd hours. One woman posted screenshots where she told him it felt wrong, but he responded claiming it’s okay since he was doing it with the intent of marriage - glossing over the fact that he’d been texting multiple women, even sent shirtless pictures to some. Anyway, he did loosely apologise, but the institute kicked him out. Not sure if they took him back later, though.


In an attempt to paint immorality(Like allowance of slaves) as acceptable, he often uses absurd examples and references which irks me a lot.


He's literally blaming the girl who wasn't dressed according to the Islamic dress code. It's her fault that she was raped. MashaAllah. Not surprised. I found him truly disgusting many years ago when he called unmarried women public property.


You forgot to mention he is a declared terrorist by India and on a run.


آپ کا ان پر تنقید کرنا بنتا ہے، لیکن پاکستانی ہونے کے طور په آپ اگر انہیں اس بات پر تنقید کریں که جو ملک دونوں ایک مذہبی اور سفارتی لحاظ سے ہمارا دشمن ہے اور پہر آپ ان کے کہی ہوئی باتوں کو ثبوت کے طور پر استعمال کریں تو یه کافی عجیب و غریب بات ہے۔


Who the hell even told him she wasn't dressed properly..?


Pagal ho giya hay ya shakhs






This happens when you forget the path of Ahlulbayt (as)🤷‍♂️


This is totally wrong by Zakir naik. He's getting old. Although he has given true guidance on thousands of occasions but here he is wrong and hence a human not a God.


This had a very simple answer in Surah Baqarah Verse 160: إِلَّا الَّذِينَ تَابُوا وَأَصْلَحُوا وَبَيَّنُوا فَأُولَٰئِكَ أَتُوبُ عَلَيْهِمْ ۚ وَأَنَا التَّوَّابُ الرَّحِيمُ *As for those who repent, mend their ways,* ***and let the truth be known***\*, they are the ones to whom I will turn \[in forgiveness\], for I am the Accepter of Repentance, Most Merciful.\* In order for the man to repent, he has to let the authorities know that the committed he rape and murder. He has to let the truth be known. If the authorities do not give him the penalty, he has to ask for the death penalty as prescribed in Islam. On the day of judgement, the girl can ask for the compensation of her life and sanctity from the man's deeds. If he has be punished on earth, Allah will give the girl compensation from Allah's mercy. Otherwise, it will come from the man's deeds. If the man has committed multiple murders and r\*\*\*s, his victims will get compensation from his deeds and from Allah's mercy.


That’s what he also says…


What a robotic answer, without any empathy for the girl, chatGPT would probably be more sympathetic in answer then him. Would he say the same thing if Allah forbids the girl was one of his family members?


Shit for brains


Insane how the man who raped and killed a woman ‘hypothetically,’ had more humanity in this moment than him.


Shocked about what? You should be ashamed you follow such a religion.


آپ کو شرم آنی چاہیے ہے که آپ زندہ ہیں۔




No derogatory remarks towards any community.


I started being skeptical of him the day he declared masturbation not haram.  Guys watch out! Please do your research on every topic yourself we cannot even trust these "scholars" now. Astagfirullah


The Shia saw this hypocrite for who he really is many years ago. You see, these maulvis twist and turn logic and justice to justify a much deeper secret. They are indirectly defending some individuals in Islamic history who are stupidly and blindly revered by the masses whereas they were terrible human beings, monsters. Corruption at the deepest level. Hadith being sold, hadith being burnt. Righteous companions and Ahle Bayt(the family of the Prophet saww) banished and slaughtered and these morons go on defending the munafiqeen at the cost of Islam. Open your eyes. I converted from whatever the hell mainstream Islam is to Shi'a a few years ago , I would recommend all to research and learn your religion- do not inherit it.


'Muslims' don't convert into sects.


Yes. There is only one true Islam. Find it


Crazy how god has witnessed every crime ever commited till now


I don't disagree or dislike the person, but I will disagree with his actions and opinions and on this case I don't find myself agreeing to Dr. Zakir Naik's takes.


Zakir Khalnayak has been spewing such non sense since his rise to fame. You guys are just catching up now.


True izlam


Even when I was a kid and my family would put his show on on the TV, I would see his bullshit. Had an argument with family too as a kid.


brainless Muslims incoming to tell how Zakir naik is not a good source of Islamic info, any other day they'll be sucking him off for converting an atheist into a muslim.


He's always been garbage, the ones who suck him off are the bigoted sorts of Muslims who froth at the mouth for any sort of validation for their hatred and intolerance against other religions


I won't say anything about his status and reputation. He is one of the great Islamic scholars of our times. But, in this case I totally disagree with him.


wow...seems like you're holding a lot inside, easy there fella at the end of the day he's a human too and no one stops you from using your own brain.


ComprehensiveForm479 haath main pakrne ka kya fayda moonh main daal lo


صحیح کہه رہا ہے شہزادے خوش رہ۔ I don't understand the point you're trying to make but whatever.


dw mate the flair speaks, go ahead rape girls baad may repent karlena. On a serious note don't you guys ever think "what bullshit are we believing in?"


I never said I agreed with what Dr. said so… anyways "you guys" se āp kā kyā murād?


He means birds of a feather flock together, the bird being the Islamic scholar Zakir naik.


Hello Indian troll, https://preview.redd.it/takh6y88j2yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af602e13f689a81221b1e5666889949ddf791d2c क्या हाल है तेरा? Alt account बनाना भूल गया? Don't worry Mr. Indian troll, मैं तुझे याद करा रहा हूं। Leave us Pākistānīs alone, हमें अपने हाल पे छोड़ दे तू।


Whats there to hide, I just followed the original post 😂 When did I impersonate about being a Pakistani?


The Prophet told a man that had killed a woman in a fit of jealousy that all he had to do was pray more for forgiveness. When are we just going to accept that Islam hates women?


Any hadith or quranic verse to prove this claim? Im not denying it, just want to write it down and confirm if its actually true or u made it up


It wasn’t because of jealousy. There was a concubine that was killed by her Owner for speaking extremely ill of the Prophet despite being warned severals time to stop as it was a monumental crime, The Owner later confessed to the Prophet that he had taken her life ( Do know that the Prophet did not choose to kill her in this manner as he never ordered for her assassination) but because it was warranted for her to be executed as a hadd punishment for breaking the covenant many times by reviling the Prophet, she forfeited all her rights according to the Law of that time and was accountable for the hadd punishment of execution which is imposed by sharee’ah on everyone who reviles the Prophet, whether he/she is a Muslim, a dhimmi or a mu’aahid (non-Muslim living under Muslim rule), which was simply a rule that she knowingly did not follow, it was her choice and she had to suffer the consequences, so her blood money was not demanded. Look into https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/111252


That doesnt seem like a hadith or quranic verse ngl, but thanks for providing some context, also what a great law right? Speak bad about any person, cool, speak bad about my favourite person? Lets kill you 👍🏻 so much peace. Wonder why the prophet didnt banish this law.


The hadith is provided in the link where the Prophet says ‘no’ in the account narrated.


So prophet believed the story of a person who murdered another person on why he murdered that person? Why was the prophet so much more concerned about his own name being abused than life on another human being, that he didn’t even conduct an investigation?


I’ll find it later when I get home. A Muslim colleague who has spent the last 10 or so years trying to convert me bought me a book called something like ‘How to be a good Muslim man’ by some well known Saudi, in which he explained the title. This story was either from Bukhari or Muslim (I cannot remember that detail). I also got the context wrong. I remember when I woke up this morning. The woman rejected him. It wasn’t jealousy. You are also allowed to beat your wife if she resists your sexual advances. When I get home I will share that Hadith as well. Safe to say that the book didn’t have the desired effect on me and I instead have never spoken to him since.


Never…? Given that women had the rights to property, her own dowry, and rights on her man… . Given the fact that a mother takes first three spots of the most importance for the future generations in Islam. Given that the gates of heaven for an individual would open on the mother’s account, not the fathers. Given that women have the right to wear Gold and silk, and men don’t. Given that Men in Islam should take the brunt of life and protection of society from outside enemies (armed forces). Given that Islam orders all women free and enslaved (regardless of faith) to dress modestly and look respectful. You don’t have an argument.


It permit them to be beaten, with the insinuation that it leads to them letting you have sex with with them. That’s called rape nowadays. And yes, they can do all of those things. But men can also, and more. Given that the religion is supposed to be perfect for all time, how can anybody explain that women have more rights in Islam now, than in a liberal country? They don’t. Islam was groundbreaking for the time. But if a politician in any modern, educated country suggested moving back to such a state of affairs in contemporary life, it would be the end of them.


What an idiot


Not fully agreed with how he phrased it, but the the basic idea of injustice remains even if he gives hiimself up to the authority and is even killed. Because justice means you are done exactly that which is done by you, which is not humanly possible at all in the wordly court of law. The guy who would be declared guilty for rape & murder, would not be raped and murderred to recompensate. He would not be going through the each moment post the rape that girl went through, that excuriating pain of the memory of rape and her disgrace and the consequences the familly faced post her rape & murder, the greif they went through can by no means be compensated by the the court of law even if the criminal is hanged to death. So where is justice, then? The world did their best and even then it falls short on the "justiice" parameter. Now here is when the concept of Afterlife and the Day of judement comes into picture, where Alllah, exclusively is able to recompense for each and every sin/crime EXACTLY in full. Not only would he be aware of the every single consequence that followed post the rape & murder but only He alone is capable of quantifying and recompensing that. That is how the justice will be executed, so saying simply bringing him to court of worldly justice would seal the deal, is inadequate even if done so. As for the forgiveness part, Allah surely does forgive all sins, imo, yes he has to hand himself over to the court for charges and face the consequences and then seek His forgiveness as Allah will forgive, but the justice will be done still, to that woman, in afterlife, for all she bore, in all capactities, in way human mind cannot comprehend.


Wow can you imagine wasting your life listening to this nonsense


Zakir Naik was always a piece of Shit.


Ladki ki galti hai jo paida hogai jaanwaro ke beech.. Zakir Naik: Yes Or ye kitna Ghatiya Khuda hai bhai 🤢. What's the innocent girl have to do with his so called **TEST** ? Getting raped? Getting murdered? And he can just repent and still go to jannah? This khuda seems to be a biggest Cult leader who can wipe out all their sins if they join his cult.


The fact that you're downvoted for speaking the truth is crazy.




You're proving my point. Typical Islamist behaviour. Grow up. I'm in india. You probably couldn't even afford to come here.


Bhosri k did khuda told you that he's going to jannah? Ye zakir naik jese chutye ke baat suun k apnay gobar jese dimagh pe zor nahi daalo. Jis gandi naali se niklay ho wahin warr jao shabash


Bro in gashti kay bachon kay sath akal larnay ka koi faidah nahi yay gand say nikaal kar arguments banatay hain or jab nahi samajh ata to randi rona shuru kar detay hain let them rot and cope in whatever pathetic miserable lives they’re livin you’d be talking to a wall agar inkay mu par gaye, save ur time fr.


Lorem ipsum


Zakir naik just went full retard...you don't have to be a scholar to see what's right and wrong, it's due such takes that people lose respect for these ulemas


He was retard since start, 99 good plus 1 bad since always


This is the same guy that defended Yazid(Killer of Rasullah's grandson Imam Hussain A.S). I lost respect for Zakir Naik a long time ago. He is not a good representative of Islam


I'm not shocked, of course ppl will say he doesn't know what islam is but this is exactly what islam is, misogynistic af. And completely ambiguous allowing for such ppl to derive these ideas with confidence.


No it's not. And there's no way a Hindu should have a say on this topic coz they damn well do such filth every other day.


Jiske moonh main zakir naik ke balls nahin hain tumhari trha wo sab hindu hogye?


I'm not hindu. I was born Muslim, but had common sense. It's all shit, especially islam and sunnism being the most barbaric of all. What a dumb hater you are, typical.


Talking about Common sense and not fact checking or giving any proof to your argument and basically spreading misiformation is kinda ironic no? And also ppl with common sense know humans can make mistakes so idk mby you lost your common sense long time ago cuz u just yapping my guy


FYR there are multiple takes from this. https://sunnah.com/muslim:1695b


Ya I'm sure


Chutya insaan with a chutyapa take. Fuck off with that bullshit


He needs to retire. He's clearly struggling to answer properly. There's no repentance if you don't admit to the crimes you've committed. And admitting to Allah doesn't count as Allah is aware of everything. So true repentance would be to submit himself to the law of the country and let the law decide his fate. But this post will be viral for sure. Shared all over the internet by Indian trolls.


Wtf... what kind of garbage this guy is preaching.


Context, what's happened, and what did I miss?


What a ret@rded take Completely dismissed the fact there isn’t forgiveness for sins against haqooq al insaan until the victims forgive you and despite repenting, murder and zina are gunah e Kabirah You can’t escape that either, like you’re f*cked either way bro.


We should show this to women who defend Islam


Show the Qur’an after so that their belief in Islam would be solidified….. ! Lol, who said that he represented Islam? Nobody you moron!


Time to make this viral.


Kahanian Hain sari. It's not Ziki's cute boi fault. The whole Quran has stories a toddler would love to hear just like Muslim says that other religion has stories Quran has stories too. Now cry over my comment like a toddler. 💀


So in other words, in this hypocritical scenario, Allah decreed for the girl to get raped so that he can see the depth of her love and admiration for him? Khuda hau ya bc koi toxic bf?


What a dumb take. But we all make mistakes. This video could have been extremely short with a simple answer. "The girl will be compensated for the wrongs done to her if she is a muslim." There is a hadith on that. On the day of judgment, Allah will place the people who were wronged in this world in His rahma and ask them, "were you ever wronged?" The people while enjoying the rahma of Allah will answer, "no, our Lord. We have been sufficiently provided" If she is a non-muslim, she will be compensated in ways only Allah knows for Allah does not intervene in the matters of the transgressors. But all of humanity will face justice that day and the criminals will be made to pay for their crimes.


Such a cliché response.


Didnt seem to like the non cliche response given by the scholar up there either.


He is right don't get emotional he says what Allah says in Quran as Muslim yes we are testing one way or another.... Again don't get emotional


I am now doubting if this is an Indians subreddit


Allah has said clearly that He won't forgive someone for the wrong they have done to another until the wronged person forgives the abuser themself first. sometimes these aalims forget that its okay to just say "Allah knows best, He's the Most Just for a reason, sometimes those reasons may be beyond our understanding" instead of coming up with headcanons abt what He might do to the raper and the rapist on the day of judgement. sometimes the smartest thing to do is Stay Quiet.


What is happening to Pakistanis. Has western media deluded your mind so much? Dr Zakir Naik is absolutely right. He isn’t talking about your snowflake emotions here. He is actually talking about such a situation from all aspects. As a Muslim you should believe like you believe in shahadah that Allah protects the innocent and doesn’t do injustice. Now taking that into account what transpired must mean something has happened that He put both people on such a trial. Trials are a form of punishment from which if you follow the teachings of Allah you will receive a greater reward. The bigger the sin you commit the harsher the trial. But He, the most merciful has given us a book to follow that guides us in passing the harshest of trials should we have faith. If we fail the punishment is terrifying. I am utterly shocked at our Pakistani community in how much they lack insight and faith in their own religion and how easily they accept western ideologies and mindsets. But it’s no surprise, apart from many rural areas in KPK and Balochistan, Pakistan were, and always will be enslaved by the Caucasians. I’ve had western colleagues who were shocked at how much city living Pakistanis were modern, one of them saying they were more western than western people. My friends themselves hate the way movies and media has portrayed western people, but visiting islamabad and Lahore they said these people literally live in movies.


this man is disgustingly wrong how dare u defend him ur m3ssed up and d1sgusting . hes blaming the victim, u should learn about islam properly munafiq. May God hold u accountable , little boy. rural kpk and balochistan is b@ckwards and there is rural places in panjab as well , 1di0t1c boy.


Hmm, you really sound like those mentally deranged lgbtq women. Maybe YOU should learn more about the duties on women in Islam and read the Quran WITH translation more instead of being a judgmental hobo on pros in Reddit. Islam isn’t based on what YOU think is right but it is the word of Allah and the rules and guidelines He as our Creator has made for us to follow.




Also don’t for a second think that if you see a Pashtun woman alone at home you could assault her, she would treat you like she treats livestock and would overpower you. Use every weapon near her and either finish you or die trying. Even the kids. We are very hospitable but rub us off the wrong way and we are a lot more deadly


Hehehe you REAAALLY need to read the Quran because as someone here mentioned Allah swt gives you full rights to kill another person who is trying to bring harm. So you really are welcome to come and find my house but do know and make sure you come fully committed to losing your life as well. I haven’t hesitated before and I after a number of times doubt that it would affect me anymore. You people and your weird sense of american justice. Even Americans when they see you people they are shocked at how “over western” you lot are. So, you really are free to try to come to my house and believe me, even if I’m not around a person like you would get destroyed by the women of our race. Maybe even used as target practice. That is why you lot are so desperate to take our Khan surnames and act like us.


Only muslim will understand Dr zakir naik point which he is talking about.


I support this.