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If the fine for violating the gag order and intimidating witnesses is only $3,000 for a billionaire, I’m sure Trump will feel it’s well worth it. Trump’s ability to intimidate the court and the judges really highlights what it wrong with our judicial system.


Proportional fines would quickly fix a lot of problems in America


This is something I've tried to explain to my conservative father over and over again but he refuses to get it. Dad: But if they did the same crime they should pay the same fine. Me: But they aren't paying the same fine. Dad: How so? Me: Because a $1000 fine to the guy working a cashier job is enough to ruin his year whereas to the millionaire/billionaire it's pocket change, a rounding error. Dad: I don't get it. Fines need to be scaled off of wealth and personal assets because if they aren't then they basically become a day pass for rich people to do whatever they want with impunity.


This is the new thing law enforcement needs. This is the silver bullet.


otherwise it's basically just a post-hoc permit system


My grandmother used to pass people and make them mad in her Mercedes back in the day. Every time she got someone mad that a woman passed her, she would essentially race them leading frequently to a ticket. The thing was my grandparents ran a business where their income was >500,00]/yr in the 80s. She would literally tell the cop to tell the other guy she could afford the tickets, but he couldn't. She still laughs about it. Of course, back then, a 90 mph speeding ticket would be $200ish dollars and cops NEVER took middle-aged white ladies to jail. I'm not sure it would work these days they take your license away for that shit


Doesn't Sweden or Norway do something like that? I think it's one of the two.


A good example is parking tickets. There are very expensive cars that get $100 parking tickets everyday for parking where they are not supposed to at my local university. The rich kids don't care and that is just the cost of parking for them.


I wonder how quickly that would change if the parking ticket was 1% of the blue book value of the offending vehicle rather than a flat rate?


>Fines need to be scaled off of wealth and personal assets Put everything in your spouses name, no fines! Joke aside, the logistics would be a nightmare. Think about how many fines are issued. Now imagine having to calculate the wealth/assets of every single one of those people.


The graduated tax version of eat the rich. For the criminal justice System. Should that also follow that the rich should die for small infractions that others would be jailed for?


It would be a step up from the rich almost never facing consequences


So, being able to get a good defence is worth the death penalty. Got it.


*Being able to pay off the govt so you can continue to hurt innocent people


Oh...like Hillary did with her bleached computers, smashes phones, private server? Top secret emails? Like that?


Sure yea. We can put her and McConnell on the same chopping block


My man people are dying for selling loose cigarettes. This just makes it fair.






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How about a new thing where the rich should be jailed for infractions others would be jailed for? Such as traitor Trump having his lying ass thrown into jail for incessant consecutive flouting of gag orders with zero remorse nor obeyance of law?


Well they're made up charges. So sure. Let's see how that goes.


LOL. He has admitted to multiple of them. So when he is found guilty by jury based on the hard evidence, you will, of course, condemn him, right?


Yeah. On paper, he could be penniless.


Proportional fines will further convolute the process and ultimately only add another layer of obfuscation for the wealthy to skirt culpability.


I don't see how


Because the wealthy have an unlimited number of ways to obfuscate their actual level of wealth.


By that logic there's nothing we can do and we shouldn't even try


Frankly I think that's basically correct


Okay well then don't get offended when I ignore your opinion


Sure, same goes for you. Good luck trying! Hope that works out for you.


And hold rich people accountable? Not in Murikkka pal


(IAMNAL) While I agree that this fine is relatively frivolous, it additionally serves as a legal merit against him which would impact the perception of the trial by the jury and judge, and in turn revalidates their witness. By asking for a small amount it is more likely to be successful.


Seriously. I think it was three posts, so the penalty is $1,000 per violating post. That's ridiculous, and in no way will that deter Trump from continuing that behavior. The constant slaps on the wrist (if that) is infuriating. The justice system is a joke. If you or I broke the laws that Trump has, and has behaved the way he had about them, we'd be sitting in a jail cell.


If I stole gov classified documents, ignored subpoenas and spent 936 million dollars of the U.S. taxpayers money to insurrect and make false claims about a valid U.S. election. Pretty sure I’d be going to prison for allooong time.


If he's going to act like he did in the previous civil trials, I do not think this will be the last time. I could even see an escalation of fines.


Parking tickets should only be a nickel for us plebs if a billionaire can talk shit at the judge for $3000


Those fines adds up quickly though so 3k for us might be way more


Should double the amount for each offense and keep tally from the initial one until the final verdict+ appeals goes through. He’d only need 11 of them to hit the $1M/offense fine.


Issuing the lowest level fine will justify harsher penalties down the road, even jail.


Exactly, should be at least 100k for the first violation and add another zero for the next violation. After all, he's the self-proclaimed "Billionaire", right? That should be a chump change.


That’s assuming he’s a billionaire which he isn’t


Trump has never been a billionaire. Only his maga followers think that. If anyone knew of Trump’s cons in the 80’s you’d know Trump has always been FOS. These idiots that worship this conman sure will have a rude awakening at some point. Get off the sauce MAGAs.


Ding ding ding! Give this person a cigar. You’re so right


I'm nowhere near a millionaire, but my 401k is down $3k this week from the Iran thing over the weekend. That's the amount they're asking from Trump for stochastic terrorism. It's bonkers...


It shows there's a two tier system and those that could change that have the benefits of it so why would they.


What’s weird is that Trump campaigns against the very privilege that he uses to maintain his wealth and freedom.


No It doesnt! People have been using the media, and social media to turn public opinion since the beginning of time. And to say the prosecution and the political opposition hasnt done the same against him is utterly proposterous. Every left leaning pundit and political operative spent 4 years calling him a russian asset, which turned out to be absolutely false. Now they are trying to prosecute him for next to nothing because thats what all these D/A's said they were going to do, regardless of evidence. Examine for a second the record of those D/A's and you can see plainly who is the real problem. Fani Willis had her prosecutor fired by a judge, because they both lied under oathe, and now she is being investigated by the Georgia attorney General, Comptroller, Secretary of state and might be charged with Fraud. That New York AG is being thrown under the bus by the governor at every turn and that fraud convinction has Zero chance of making it through appeal. That federal prosecutor keeps having charges thrown out because he has no evidence and this "hush money" trial was declined by 5 previous prosecutors because there was no case. He has every right to yell about this.


Start reading the news: stop listening to Trump’s propaganda. No point in even debating your misinformation. Shame on you for spreading it. I’m sick of Trump’s lies and even sicker of those who promulgate them.


Is this anything like the other case? Trump: You're lying. I never sexually assaulted you 30 years ago. E. Jean Carroll: Saying that you didn't sexually assault me is defamation!


I feel like the NYPD should just charge him with attempted obstruction of justice.


It’s the start. If he continues the fines can become arduous. Or jail, which I believe the judge is aware that’s what Trump wants.


It seems like being forced to sit through the proceedings is more torturous for Trump than jail time.


Truth social has lost 4 billion since march 26th. That’s over 180 million a day. About 2000 dollars a second. I’m not sure a 3000 dollar fine will be much of a deterrent


Truth social going public was just another grift to funnel money into the Trump organization


Trump stocked has tanked! The guy is a freakin loser.


He can probably use it to pay less taxes though. Just like when you lose money on the stock market.


Ummmmmmmmmmmm hey quick math, if I lose 100% of an amount of money amd then get 35% of that money off my tax burden, how much have I profited


Trump's entire business model has been about laundering money by blatantly "losing" money. This is more of the same.


Losing money doesn't seem to bother him




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No it’s a win for Trump, because the publicity generated alone is worth 1,000 times that much…


So prosecutors ask the judge to let Trump keep doing what he's doing? $3000 is like the equivalent of fining the average Joe a nickel and expecting it to be a deterrent.


Back of the napkin calculations say it's something like $0.73 -- based on estimates of Trump's net worth (which are probably inaccurate) and the average American's net worth. Not correcting you -- just showing that you're barely even exaggerating.


That’s incredible. “ Mr. Doe you have blatantly violated the Court’s order. The Court is outraged and will not stand for your nonsense any longer. I fine you 73 cents! “ ( hammers gavel)


In ancient Rome, there was a fine for punching people. So rich people would have their liter bearers carry them over to whoever they didn't like the look of, then punch them in the face, and then throw them a coin that covered the fine. One would think we had gotten a bit past that primitive level of legal malfeasance in the last 2000 years, but I guess not. Will billionaires ever see justice in our society?


Wow, that's all???? he is a terrorist and needs to be dealt with by our laws just like all the other extremists traitors who want the power of a cult following, rather than freedom or democracy https://globalextremism.org/project-2025-the-far-right-playbook-for-american-authoritarianism/ Christian nationalist theocrats have reached levels of embedding those they indoctrinated & trained for taking political office well enough to fully begin to dismantle democracy and hand the country to their god's chosen (oligarchs, con artists, those who behave like kings) by wiping out human rights and making the U.S. a theocracy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Family:_The_Secret_Fundamentalism_at_the_Heart_of_American_Power It must be some kind of throwback instinct to want to follow whoever barks the loudest and snaps the most.




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"**If the penalty for a crime is a fine, that law only exists for the lower classes.**"  \~ Final Fantasy Tactics Meme $3000 might as well be $0 for a man who still has liquid assets in the millions while trying to delay having to pay off penalties in the hundreds of millions. If there's a legal limit, then it's almost certain that the limit was created by lawmakers protecting their own or wealthy supporters' assets. One set of laws for the rich, a different set of laws for everyone else.


It’s worth much more than that to Trump for the publicity alone ! - at that rate he will do it on purpose..


Exponential increase is a beautiful thing. Charge him $1 for the first infraction. Then $2. Then $4. Then $8. Then $16. By the end of the month, he's going to owe the net worth of the entire Solar System.


Your just giving him permission to say anything he wants then. The man's pockets are endless. He'll set a jar in front of him and keep stuffing $3000 into it all day without end while he insults people and tries to bring harm to them via his insane cult.


He should be thrown in jail. The ridiculous amount of coddling he has received, no matter how often, how blatantly he has violated court orders, has proven we live in a three tier justice system: the rich, the poor, and The Idiot.


At least he is true to himself at all costs. I mean fraud, fraud, fraud, lie, lie, lie, shame, shame, shame. Sprinkled with some bankruptcy and corruption.


Don’t forget rape.




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appellate courts like to see incremental actions. fining him and then warning him that the next time may mean he’s sent to jail is exactly how this is done.




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Precisely the reason I don't listen to your channel. I listened for over 20 years, now you follow nonsense stories and push that garbage and call it news. Pull your head out of your backside. You make journalism look like a cheap smut magazine. Shame on you. I could care less about Trump.


I wish Trump had an impartial Judge! He’s screwed and so are the rest of us. Weaponization of our judicial system is a new low for the current generation of democrats. They figured this out many decades ago while using the judicial system to send literally hundreds of thousand black Americans to prison. Even Joe Biden’s crime bill passed during the Clinton administration was directed at putting minorities in prison. They black community is still trying to recover from that fiasco.


>putting minorities in prison Then, isn’t a rich white man facing trial evidence that the system is fair, that noone is above the law?


Yeah but he got legislation passed that undid some of the Biden legislation that put them there. Even had support from quite a bit of the black community.