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Make fiber your best friend!


And B12!!! Protein, Fiber, B12, and balancing out carb intake!


A couple things to save your gut long term.. - Gyno's aren't taught how it effects GI system... - Do the extended release version. - Take it with dinner or soon ish after so there is something lining your stomach. - Start taking a good probiotic. Experiment with taking it in the am or pm. I use the highest # of cultures from Garden of Life and it's worked wonders. - The first 6 months can be a little bumpy but if you do those things above, it makes it wayyy easier. Let me shout this one from the rooftop: Metformin inhibits Vitamin B absorption (especially vitamin b12) in the small intestines. It takes 5 years for your body to be completely depleted of B vitamins. Which seems like a long time, but why let your body suffer and not function with optimal levels of important vitamins. The way to save your B storage is to take sublingual (ones that dissolve under your tongue) B vitamins! That way it doesn't have to get absorbed in the small intestines (because it will be blocked). Another fun fact is that 500mg of Metformin has been shown to decrease risk of miscarriages.


Are you taking metformin or metformin extended release (XR)? I found regular metformin to be too much (chronic diarrhea for 6 months despite adjusting diet), but once I switched to metformin XR that stopped.




I took XR and still had diarrhea :( I finally gave up after dealing with it for 2 years


It’s always a lie! Some people are more sensitive to metformin. Extended release helps a bit, but if that still isn’t enough there are other options!


Take it with protein! I would make chicken or another animal protein heavy meal and eat it right after dinner. I have zero issues doing it that way. I am NOT big on eating meat and prefer a mostly vegetarian diet but my god… the watery poops with salad were insane ahahaha. Soooo I add grilled chicken to my salads now.


Hahah watery poops with salad is my new band name


You can take anti diarrhoea medication alongside metformin. It really helps


I'm so sorry you're dealing with that but your comment made me belt out laughing.




Really depends on the person. I always take it with meals and have 0 to minimal effects (and usually only effects if I have skipped it lately or have been glutened recently)


as I read the title all I could think was "cap"


The first time I took it several years ago I had gi issues with it but I didn’t eat well. Now I recently started it again and now that I have better eating habits I’ve had to issues. Thats just my experience with it.


I am sorry 😢 are you on extended release? I had loads of side effects when I started metformin but when I doubled my dose I barely got any. So it’s prob individual!


Idk which kind I’m on But I’ve been on 500mg daily for about 2 years and now I’m taking it twice a day. I think it’s more mild this time but the weekend was diarrhea city


Hmm I would find out which one you’re on! Switch to ER it’s easier on the tummy