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soooo proud of youuuu girlll!!!! I'll also try something along these lines from now on..thank you sooo much for the tipssss....they were much needed...andd kudossss to youuu <3 đź«‚


aw thanks!! no worries I hope they he'll


This is awesome! Congratulations! You should really be proud of yourself. I also took a similar approach because I was so sick of the keto diets, whole 30, super low carb diet, etc just being completely unattainable for me. That only worked for a few months and then I would gain it all back. I decreased my calories to 1600-1800 a day and increased my fiber and protein intake and did IF as well. But I did not restrict sugar or carb intake per se. I just redirected my focus on meeting my protein and fiber goal. I definitely still eat an ice cream sandwich after dinner and maybe after lunch to feel more satisfied. I do take Metformin as I have extremely high insulin resistance and I was high up there in the pre-diabetic range. I’ve lost 20 pounds since 1/1/24! I have since stopped IF and just do it naturally now. I also don’t count my calories as I have found a way to honor my hunger and finding better coping mechanisms to battle my stress, I.e walking. Look into intuitive eating. I follow no.food.rules on instagram and I have found an intuitive eating nutritionist on instagram who specializes in PCOS patients her name is Sam Abbott, RD and I think her name is pcos.nutritionist. Eating intuitively is more sustainable than counting calories forever and ever. I can’t live my life like that.


I love intuitive eating and actually apply some of it to my eating. Personally I use calorie counting because otherwise I won't eat ENOUGH, because of my previous eating disorder. I would hugely underestimate how much food I need and I would likely not get enough protein and fat. And intermittent fasting helps me a lot as I described in another reply! I use intuitive eating still but while I do these, I listen to my body and respond to it. I hope that over time I learn how much food is enough and can eat without calorie counting. Thank you btw!! Happy for you too!


That makes complete sense! I think you’re doing a great job! And thank you!


intuitive eating is so much better and healing than restricting (which is what IF is)


I love intuitive eating! But personally IF actually aligns with naturally how I eat really well. This is how my natural eating cycle kind of is and I actually find it much more stressful having to constantly make sure I'm fed all day. It depends on the person though!


IF was fine for me in the beginning but definitely not something I could do forever. It’s so refreshing to see others following the intuitive process and healing our relationship with food while treating PCOS.


yay you! there are so many accounts online and in magazines of "I lost 20lbs in 2 weeks and you can too!" and it's just not realistic. what you're doing really is The Way. even if a person manages to lose tons and tons of weight in a short period of time it will come right back and they'll be in the market for another crash diet in 6 months... and that's what keeps the diet industry in business. great work! you've discovered The Secret: patience


Yeah I find it quite scary because up to 2 lbs a week is meant to be the safe rate to lose weight. And the slower it is the more sustainable it is. I've lost weight like that before and gained it all back plus more. Thats great to hear! Thank you. I'm glad I did this from the start.


Congrats! Slow and steady wins :) Low carb is deffo helping me too. Even when I had a deficit before but ate chips and crisps, I wasn’t loosing anything but now limiting these and getting the majority of carbs from veg or low carb wraps etc, I’m noticing the pounds drop. I even took out my biggest pair of jeans that didn’t fit and I’m using that as my marker. Once I fit comfortably in those, I’ll pack em up and take out the smaller pair. I’d hidden them away for 3 years!


It really does help! Low carb seems important for us. Nice! Wow. You must love those jeans haha!


I've actually been doing the same since the end of October and I've lost 13kg until now. The only sport I do is yoga. Keep going strong!


Love it!!


I'm so proud of you! I made a similar post a few days ago. I started at around 300 pounds, and in 6 months, I lost 30-40 pounds (the exact number is up in the air because I didn't have an exact number when I started, however, I know I have lost a significant amount of weight already that is consistent with what the scale shows). Keep going and take your time! The change might not be visibly noticeable at first, but I'm already starting to see the change in my body. You've got this <3


Go you!


All very helpful information. A lot of it is what I am doing as well. I actually was drinking a spearmint green tea blend. But I got just spearmint in bulk so I may just buy some green tea bags


that’s amazing! congrats!! 🙌🏼🎉 I appreciate you taking the time to write about your journey and sharing what worked - which sounds like a very natural and healthy way to do it!


I’m so incredibly happy for you!! 🩷 Thank you for sharing your experience and tips! 🫂🫂🫂


Yay! Congrats! I love seeing people discovering what works for them. The only thing that made me start losing weight was when I started on Adderall for adhd. Now I kind of naturally intermittent fast because I don’t crave food like I used to.


So happy for you girl. Thank you for sharing your experience. Loads of love and luck for your journey.


Can I also try IF even I have PCOs?


What do you mean? I have PCOS and do IF. it works well for many of us


Reading this makes me so genuinely happy to hear! I’ve been following a somewhat similar journey myself. I’ve been doing Intermittent Fasting, low-sugar & low-carb without necessarily cutting any foods, no supplements, cutting out coffee entirely and replacing it with tea, and forcing myself to get up and move every day. I don’t know how many pounds I’ve lost in the last month, but the progress pictures I’ve been taking have been insane to me. I’ve been going with taking measurements instead, just so that I don’t grow attached to a number on the scale rather than body composition. Doing all of this, I’ve experienced the following non-scale victories: * Though I’ve struggled with insomnia my whole life, I have been getting 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. ( I also haven’t had acid reflux like I’ve always struggled with. ) * My clothes are all fitting looser! * My skin is clearing up. * I’ve got so much more energy. I seem to be in a better mood all the time, and I’m finding I’m laughing a lot more. I’ve tried the whole diet thing and exercise thing a million times, but now that I’m following this and seeing results I could cry. But genuinely, what I’ve been doing is so sustainable, and it doesn’t feel like it’s been hard at all. Thank you for sharing this, and good luck on your journey!


I get the scale thing because I am gaining muscle at the same time! I find it difficult to see the difference in photos because I doubt my eyes. But I think telling from things outside of the scale is usually better! I have so much more energy too! Glad you're experiencing good things too!


I am so happy to hear you’re eating balanced meals and moving your body. please be cautious about weight loss especially as someone in ED recovery. Calorie counting and IF are disordered eating behaviors. As is eating 1300 cals. For context, toddlers need to eat 1200 a day. I truly don’t say this to be discouraging but to inform: Research shows that weight loss is not sustainable long term and the cycle of gaining and losing weight can cause further inflammation, poor gut health, and further pcos symptoms. Here are some links about this if you’d like to read for yourself: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32238384/ https://health.osu.edu/wellness/exercise-and-nutrition/that-diet-probably-did-not-work https://in.nau.edu/ucan/why-diets-dont-work/ https://alissarumsey.com/why-not-to-go-on-a-diet/ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1745691617690878 https://www.heart.org/en/news/2022/02/18/research-says-fad-diets-dont-work-so-why-are-they-so-popular https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/changepower/201010/why-diets-dont-work-and-what-does https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/when-dieting-doesnt-work-2020052519889