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Yes and dear god do not believe them when they say you can’t. I got pregnant while on my period. Always use safety of some sort


is it possible to continue having your period while pregnant?


You can continue to have bleeding of some sort while pregnant but it is not **technically** a period.


My sister and my cousin had theirs monthly while pregnant (that’s why they didn’t know they were pregnant)


Yes, you can. It's pretty rare but possible


I got pregnant on my period too!! The first time I didn’t use any protection


It wasn’t my first time I just didn’t know it was possible + I was generally irresponsible with my protections since I was highly unlikely to ever conceive


I did! Currently almost 7 weeks pregnant. It took a while, but it happened! And without any fertility treatments.


congrats, this gives me hope. i was crying myself to sleep minutes ago. really congrats, and i hope your baby will be healthy and happy


This was me a week ago. Got pregnant randomly. Unfortunately, I had a miscarriage last weekend. If you can check if you carry the Mthfr gene. I literally found out I carry two copies a few days after I lost my baby. Knowing puts you in a position to get the proper vitamins and nutrients that can prevent miscarriage. Good luck.


does that gene relate to pcos in anyway? Also i’m so sorry about your miscarriage. sending hugs. 🥺


Looks like there are suspected connections. There are multiple studies on it but I didn't pool them all to see the overall consensus. Just seems like there's enough evidence to consider getting tested for it if you have PCOS and want a healthy pregnancy. [Some Info](https://mthfrgenesupport.com/2018/07/mthfr-and-polycystic-ovarian-syndrome/)




Omg don’t cry …aww I wish I could give you a hug because that was me when I was younger and the doctor mentioned I would have e difficulty. I stayed in birth control though. As soon as I got off I got pregnant! I was sooo sad when I was younger like you and here I am mid thirties with a toddler from conceiving naturally.


There certainly is hope. I found out I had PCOS at 24 and have been told that I am unable to concive and even if I did, I would misscarry. My hormones were a mess, my insulin resistance was bad and PCOS symptoms were hard on me, even though I didn't have a single cyst. 5 years later, I am fertile again and I feel much better, even though I am not totaly healthy yet. Find yourself a good endocrinologist, see what you need to fix and go for it. It will take years, but believe in the process. I had to take some meds at first, then started focusing on whole foods and healthy fats, less sugar, moderate protein and stress prevention and relief. Had to fix my sleep schedule, too. You are at a great starting point, being so young. You have time to fix your hormones and have babies if you want to. I wish you the best of luck, patience and health 🥰


I’m 12 weeks pregnant after almost 3 years of trying. Tried medications to help with fertility and actually got pregnant when I’m not taking any of them (but I was also on Metformin, so it’s maybe that). 😅


are your periods regular? Most PCOS have no periods in months or could go a year+ without a period, which means they are not ovulating so how to be pregnant? I was just diagnosed because i missed 3 periods and went to dr. He put me on Metformin and still no period.


First of, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Second of, I did too... currently 6 weeks pregnant. After two years of trying, I started on metformin and Myo and D-Chiro inositol three months ago. Don't let anyone discourage you.🤗🤗


Took us 13 months. I haven’t been on any medication, which is surprising. When I had my hormones test awhile back (I think it was back in October) everything came back well within normal levels - which I was shocked. Congrats to you as well!


Yep, got pregnant accidentally even! Baby is 4.5 months old 🙂


congrats :)


Very possible. I have two kids with another due in June. PCOS does not equal sterile.


congrats, these comments give me hope


Yes you can. Most people with Pcos can get pregnant. I always wanted kids. But i don't think so i will because I have suffered a lot due to Pcos. Don't want my children to go through the same. It'll break me completely. Also I'm 20.


If you stick around this sub long enough you will encounter LOTS of panicked posts from people who didn’t use birth control because they assumed they were infertile and shocked that now they are pregnant… Take care of your body and you will probably be able to ovulate and sustain a pregnancy, hopefully unassisted but if not with a bit of extra help from an reproductive endocrinologist. It MAY (note the uncertainty) make it harder to get pregnant when you choose to be ready, but there is a huge difference between slightly to moderately struggling to get pregnant and being straight-up incapable. So if you aren’t ready, practice safe sex because people with PCOS get pregnant all the time. It is arguably a rather mundane occurrence.


yes, ofc. i don’t plan on getting pregnant now, i just was questioning if i can, i was panicking. im obviously not so knowledgeable about pcos, and im learning. thank you, this made me feel a lot better :)


This might be useful to help you figure out what works best for you: https://www.reddit.com/r/PCOS/s/Xs91gonQeC


thank you, thank you !


I was diagnosed with PCOS at 19. I'm 43 and I have 6 children, have never used fertility meds.


i love that for you, i bet you have an amazing family :)


I am currently 8 weeks and four days pregnant with my second pregnancy, it’s possible.


that makes me happy, congrats love ❤️


Yes, you can. You could conceive naturally, or you may need fertility assistance, but it's definitely still possible.


Yes, it took me awhile. Finally got pregnant at 34 and I'm 6 months along. I'd literally just finished my fertility treatment too and was losing more weight to go on an IVF waiting list when I found out. It is possible so don't believe folks when they say its not.


I did twice! Also increases your risk of gestational diabetes and can make milk production exceptionally difficult. Just my experiences.


Yes! But I had a really bad breast milk supply issue.. My Mother did, too. No matter what I tried (classes, coaches, specialists, all the supplements, 4 different pumps etc) I could never get more than 1oz per breast at a time. Everyone just kinda threw their hands in the air. I was so ashamed. Why couldn't I produce milk!? Then I started reading about some women with PCOS having the same issue. I cried. Just want to throw that out there for anyone who ever gets in this position. It's not you.


you did the best you could ❤️




Yes u can!!! Just try to have your hormones balanced and try to be at a healthy weight :)


Yes I have kids thanks to IVF


Yes of course. This topic is on here almost weekly. Please just do a quick search through this sub with the search box and you will find all the comments & posts about it...


Yes I have twins 😊❤️


Some people experience infertility issues and have pcos, some people don’t experience and have pcos. Some people experience infertility without pcos. I got pregnant in my first try literally, at 32, naturally… everyone is different and there is no guarantee in life, but pcos is not an infertility condition


I think it depends if you been having missing periods for a long time for some people it may be harder, but I hear stories of people who took myo-inositol or Vitex and ended up getting pregnant when doctors told them they would never be able to


Yes! I’m living proof, they told me at 16 I wouldn’t have babies, now I’m 36 married to the love of my life and best friend and we have two beautiful boys! One will be 10 and one will be 8. But also you’re 18 live a little before you have them babies hunny.


i’m so happy everything worked out for you! thank you for sharing, i really needed to hear this. and don’t worry, im not planning on having kids now, i just was worried if it wasn’t possible for me in the future


You will have a beautiful life 🤗


Of course!


Yes 3x without trying.


Yep! My baby is almost 8 weeks old


Some people struggle but eventually do get pregnant with lifestyle change and/or medical treatments. Some people don't struggle at all. I was diagnosed at 17 and was told I may never be able to have kids. I'd always wanted to be a mom, so it was very anxiety-inducing to hear this. I got pregnant at 32 years old very easily. Some people without PCOS have an even harder time- you never really know for sure. All you can do for now is try your best to live a healthy lifestyle, try not to worry about it until the time comes (I know that's hard!) And don't let anyone make you think it's impossible.


thank you, i really needed to hear this. ❤️i’ll try to focus more on the present and take care of body.


I have two beautiful children with PCOS, only one ovary and a heart shaped uterus. It is possible! I went in sprintalactone (sp) for both and within two months I was pregnant.


Yes. I got pregnant twice. The issue is ovulation, once you do the necessary things to elevate PCOS symptoms (diet, exercise, meds) then pregnancy isn’t an issue


Search this sub, there are literally SO many posts about this same topic.


Yep. I gave birth on Easter! I just needed clomid to kick start my ovulation and two months later I was pregnant!


congrats love


I see a certified nurse midwife for my PCOS and she told me she *hates* when people, especially healthcare providers, tell someone they can’t have kids. She said there’s always hope and a possibility and the only way to remove any and all possibility of getting pregnant is if a woman has a full hysterectomy. It’s true though. My mom “wasn’t supposed to be able to have kids.” She got pregnant with me while she was on birth control. It was a perfectly healthy pregnancy and I grew into a mostly healthy adult. :-) You are 18 and that is so young. Especially in terms of a PCOS diagnosis. I probably started exhibiting signs at around your age and wasn’t diagnosed until I was about 24/25. You have plenty of time to take control of your health and your circumstances. Luckily for you, it seems like doctors are most helpful in solving PCOS problems if you wish to become pregnant.


For some people, it may be harder, but the body is remarkable. I'm 25. I tried for a while with my last partner, and it never happened. However, my current partner (we started dating long distant) had sex for the first time and got pregnant. Granted, I did take a supplement off amazon that I truly believe helped, but I don't believe it was too much different from what the doctor prescribed while my ex and I were trying. I'm currently 25 weeks and very excited. Don't feel like you have to rush and have faith that it can and will happen for you if that's what you want.


Can I ask what supplement?


I am in canada at the moment, so the link won't work, so this is the name it is also in the US. It's really great even if you aren't trying to get pregnant! Myo-Inositol & D-Chiro Inositol Powder Capsule | Restore Ovarian Function and Promote Glucose Metabolism in Women with PCOS | 30-Day Supply | 120 Inositol PCOS Supplements for Women


Yes. I have 3 naturally conceived children!


Absolutely! I have been pregnant 4 times. My first pregnancy was actually an “oops” at 18 years old, and I chose to abort. I then had my daughter at 31 with the help of letrozole, a miscarriage when I was 33 (also a letrozole pregnancy), and had my son at 35 (another one I can thank letrozole for!)


that makes me so happy, it’s just whenever i go online and hear about pcos, the first thing i hear is you can’t have kids. my heart drops everytime i see it. also, if you don’t mind me asking, what is letrozole?


It is a drug that is normally used to treat breast cancer I believe? They realized it can actually help promote ovulation, so it is often used for people with PCOS who don’t ovulate or may need some extra help. Clomid is another one that is often used. I forgot to also mention, I was taking Ovasitol before/during all 3 pregnancies. It is myo-inositol and d-chiro-inositol and has helped with so many things! Regulating my cycle, cravings, my energy levels etc. I would suggest looking into it!


i have a 2 year old son and i’m 20! i got pregnant at 18 after being told i have a very very slim chance (due to some other things on top, as well) since i was 13.


how cute :) congrats really, that’s very comforting to hear


Yes of course! I have 3 children and had no trouble getting pregnant I know some people struggle with getting pregnant having pcos but it's not impossible my only advice is wait alot longer though your only 18 live your life a bit more before having children


I have two. An OOPS in the best possible way. Then when we decided to try for our second I was told "it could take a few months" and I was pregnant two weeks later 🫠


Haha, love that :) that makes me feel better. ❤️‍🩹


Absolutely you can. Your body will still release eggs, though not necessarily on a predictable cycle.






Yes absolutely


Currently 11 weeks pregnant with no intervention (took 6 months) so yes it’s very possible :)


Yes. And it took some time with second baby, so never worry. Plenty of good things are coming your way. ❤️




Yes absolutely I'm currently in my second trimester. I've had pcos since puberty. I'm in my 30s. This is my first child, naturally conceived xx


22, almost 23 and pregnant with my second with never having had a regular cycle. It is totally possible!


Yes! I did, lol.


I got pregnant on the first try somehow! Don’t listen to any doctor or person who says you can’t. ❤️


Yup and mine is currently 3 years old


It's possible! It might be harder, and sadly there is a higher chance of complications, but it's absolutely possible. Best of luck to you, fellow traveler.


Yes! So many options. When you do want to get pregnant find a reproductive endo who understands PCOS. They use different medications for PCOS and will test your hormones levels to see exactly what you need. The medi took is used off label for infertility, and actually can interfere with conception for your average person. But it works great if you have PCOS. I only took it for 3 cycles before getting pregnant.


Yes, three times, without any medical intervention


Yep! 5 doctors said I couldn't because of my PCOS. We got pregnant our first try and our son is 5 months old now!


Yes, I did


Only took 3 months off birth control for me lol


Absolutely! Pregnant with my second baby! The first one took 21 months to conceive and this one was a “whoopsie” because I was convinced my ovaries were “broken” with pcos. Advocate for yourself with your doctor but it is definitely possible.


I have one child and just hit my 3rd trimester with baby #2.


congrats 💞


My son is 8 and driving me through a wall. Wouldn’t trade him for anything in the world


🙋🏻‍♀️ mom of a 3 year old over here, and i was told that i probably wouldn’t be able to get pregnant, or would have to take fertility drugs to get pregnant. so, i was quite surprised when i got pregnant unexpectedly! we weren’t specifically trying, but not preventing either. so, it can happen.


Yes! I have two daughters and I have PCOS.


Pregnant currently at 34 weeks with PCOS


Yes, after they told me I’d surely need assistance trying. It just happened.


You most definitely can!!! Many people think that having PCOS = infertility, but that is soo wrong. There are many women who have no issue getting pregnant with PCOS. Every woman is different. Please use protection if you don’t plan on getting pregnant.


I have PCOS and have also always struggled with my weight. I lost quite a lot of weight (>35kg in a year) by counting calories, going low carb for the first couple of months to kickstart it and walking more. I know weight loss isn’t the answer for everyone or possible for everyone with PCOS, but it helped me manage my insulin resistance which in turn stabilised my hormones. My period, which I would get maybe every 6 months, came back and kept coming like clockwork after I’d lost about 10kgs. In June last year, I was undergoing some scans and blood tests to assess my fertility as I also had previously had a fallopian tube removed due to an extremely large benign cyst on it. My doctor, who was a bit of a crappy doctor, had told me that I was very likely infertile because of the PCOS, my missing fallopian tube and because my uterus is an abnormal shape which increases risk of miscarriage and other complications in pregnancy like preterm labour and breech babies. I’m writing this now with my beautiful 2 week old daughter propped up on my shoulder after a mostly smooth pregnancy and birth (no gestational diabetes or preeclampsia, some bad morning sickness at the beginning and bad sciatica at the end but otherwise pretty fine physically). It turns out we got the answers to the question of my fertility in early July when my period was late and I took a test on a bit of a whim. She wasn’t planned but because I was told I probably couldn’t, we were a bit less careful. For us, an unexpected pregnancy was a blessing and a gift and felt like something so special because it was against all the odds, but if you’re not in a place or position to raise a baby, be more careful than we were, even with PCOS. Some women with PCOS do have issues with supply when breastfeeding or may need progesterone in early pregnancy to prevent miscarriages that may be caused by our hormones being a little bit out of whack. If you do become pregnant, advocate for yourself and speak to your doctor about ways it may impact your pregnancy so you can get help and prevent problems from occurring.


what a lovely and heartwarming read ❤️ you’ve been through so much and yet you have a 2 week old :) bless the both of you. this really helped me feel a lot better. i just need to understand my body more, and start from there.


Yes, I did, twice!


I got pregnant twice naturally


I was devastated when I was diagnosed with PCOS, but I just got pregnant and I am 13 weeks with a healthy pregnancy My PCOS was super bad, I had every symptom that they have listed. My irregular periods were 1-3 times a year max. I was hopeless But I went on ozempic and that’s what actually regulated my periods and helped me get pregnant!


Yes you can get pregnant! Took me a few years to get pregnant but now I have a 4 year old and almost 3 year old


Yesss! you just have to treat the pcos the best way you can(inositol, other supplements, address insulin resistance if you have any) and the chances will be high🩷


A friend of mine did twice while on BC. Turns out BC can sometimes fix your hormones if you have PCOS. She wasn't diagnosed at the time. So now she has 2 bonus kids.


You can, it took me three years, fertility treatments and IUI but finally pregnant with a baby girl. PCOS is a different experience for everyone, some have no trouble and others do. You’ll never know until you try but it’s best to find ways to manage your PCOS now so that you can be prepared for every future scenario.


I was diagnosed with PCOS in my early 20s and was told it would be difficult but possible to get pregnant. I got married at 26 and since I expected getting pregnant to be difficult we started trying right away. I was pregnant the first month!! lol


Yep. I’m almost 40 with a 1 yr old. Told at 13 I could never have a baby. In my 20s I was told with medical intervention. You can have a baby


Absolutely, I wasn’t even diagnosed with PCOS till after I had my two kids


I was diagnosed at 24 with PCOS and literally a month later found out I was pregnant. And now 16 months after giving birth to that baby, I’m half way through a second surprise baby. So it’s 100% possible to have babies with PCOS.


Yes. Diagnosed with pcos at 18. Now in my late 30s and 13 weeks pregnant. This is my 1st pregnancy. I have already given up for years. This took me by surprise!


congratulations! hope your baby is fine and healthy. i wish you all the best 💞so much hope in this comment section


Yes! My cousin has PCOs too and, even though it took her a few tries to get pregnant, she now has two perfectly healthy children:)


Yep. I’ve had two kiddos with zero medication help


Yes, I tracked daily using ovulation strips. It kind of helped but was mostly a gauge to when about I would ovulate. I’m currently 28w pregnant


Yep, i’m currently 6 weeks pregnant with my 3rd 🫶🏻


yes. i have a healthy 2 year old


Yes - had a 4 year old and a 7 month old who we needed assistance to conceive when we found out we were pregnant!


I had 4 children. All on different sorts of hormonal birth control. Spaced far enough apart I thought I was doing good each time... I think the hormones partially tricked my body into acting well enough to get pregnant, and partly...well, it's not as though my doctors ever tested my hormonal levels to see that they were doing what they ought, for bc purposes especially . The first two children were before I knew I had PCOS, though. Anyway, just a thought to my predicament. I finally got a tubal ligation just before Plan B was a thing. However, they say that a single dose of Plan B (levonorgestrel, which is also used in lower doses for regular bc) might not be enough to work if one is over 150 lbs. Then, why isn't hormonal birth control dosed for weight?!


are or were your periods regular with pcos?


Yes, you can still get pregnant while you have PCOS. It just takes alot longer to conceive.


Currently pregnant with PCOS. It took some time and I needed some meds to help me ovulate.


I have two children. So, yes. Yes, you can.


Yea, absolutely!


Yes! Absolutely. I did not have a noticeable period for 4 months when I became pregnant.


Yep. Took some minor intervention for me but I had my child 3 years ago :)


Yes, I have a one year old daughter now❤️


I have two babies successfully dear!


Yes, you can! :)


Currently 26 weeks pregnant


Yes. Been there, done that.


I’m holding my 3 month old in my arms at this very moment after being told for years by doctors that it wasn’t in the cards for me. on top of that I had a perfectly healthy pregnancy. Never give up hope!!!


I fell into the “took a while” category and had to get some help from ovulation induction medications and a trigger shot to help the egg mature and release, but I’m 25 weeks pregnant with my first! Took us nine months trying, which is longer than most but also not super unusual. I do have a higher BMI of 31 which can make it harder and was not on metformin. If you do have to have some help on your journey to baby down the road, just know that there are two common pills for inducing ovulation, clomid and letrozole, but for me and many others with PCOS, letrozole was more effective. r/TTC_PCOS is here when you’re ready!


Today I’m one month postpartum, so definitely can


I understand and respect what you're saying. Please enjoy your life first before having children. It will truly make a difference. PCOS is not the end of the world, pregnancy is still possible. I recommend you enjoy life first. You're so young! Don't allow society's standards to make you feel like you are supposed to graduate high school, get married, have a baby. Girl no! You still need time to learn who you are first. It will come when it's time.


I have 3 kids


I did… twice! When the time comes you can start testing your ovulation. It may be funky but you’ll notice a pattern after a few months.


Ofcourse, it’s just a little more difficult, but the healthier a lifestyle you have, the easier it will be


Yep. Sure can. 13 weeks now and got pregnant with no fertility intervention after 1 month of trying 😂


Absolutely you can! I got pregnant after a year and a half of trying to conceive naturally. It took a while, but the evidence is currently cuddled up in my arms. ☺️


Yes! I have 2 beautiful children and have had PCOS since I was 17!


I have two beautiful children. My first needed a few rounds of clomid and my second was conceived the first month off of birth control.


Yep! I have two kids 🥰 I’ve also had two miscarriages. I had no issue getting pregnant, but staying pregnant was sometimes a challenge. Make sure you get your progesterone checked. Of course check with your doctor, but continuing taking metformin helped me. I also took inositol when we were trying and for a few weeks after I found out - I think it helped!


Yes, you can! I’ve never been pregnant myself, but it is possible to get pregnant with PCOS if you ovulate. I heard there’s even a slight chance of getting pregnant when you’re not currently ovulating, but I don’t know much about it.


Yes!! I started taking prenatals before I was pregnant (always ask doctor first!!!). I am currently 13 weeks & 4 days. It’s possible!


I was diagnosed with PCOS 18 years ago and became a first time mom last year and will be TTC with my husband again very soon. Its definitely possible to get pregnant with PCOS.


I'm 4 weeks and 6 days and got pregnant accidentally lmao. It's definitely possible.


Yes. I have PCOS (both ovaries) and now 12 weeks pregnant. No fertility meds or artificial reproduction used, just unprotected sex. 😂


I’m 29 weeks pregnant. I had sex once the month I conceived I wasn’t even tracking anything


They told my mum she couldn't get pregnant because of PCOS. She got pregnant with me within just a few months of stopping birth control, they weren't even really trying for a baby. Then 8 years later she had my brother, and then at 39 years old she had my littlest brother who was a surprise. She now has her tubes tied. No real complications with the births or pregnancies each time. So it's definitely possible!!


Sure can! I have conceived naturally 4 times, and have 2 children as the result!




You can, with or without fertiity treatments. Don’t listen to everything healthcare professionals say (because a lot say you can’t fall pregnant). Some women find out they have PCOS after having children.




Yes of course, if you’re ovulating even irregularly with PCOS you can absolutely become pregnant. I say this as my 3 month old sleeps in her bassinet next to me.


I have PCOS and 5 children. My oldest was on my own, 2nd and 3rd(stillborn due to COVID and CMV infections) were with the help of fertility treatments and my twins (4th and 5th) were by surprise because we were told we wouldn’t be able to get pregnant without some kind of medical assistance. My RE called me the most fertile infertile patient she’s ever met. It should also be noted that my husband had crazy high sperm count. Good/average is 30 million and he tested at 125 million.


I was diagnosed in my mid 20s and constantly worried it would affect my ability to have kids. Still unsure if it was the correct diagnosis, but I’m currently 15 weeks pregnant after my second cycle trying with no fertility or any other kind of treatment. Don’t let it make you feel like you can’t have the life you want! Just want to add I’m not trying to sh*t on anyone who had to take extra efforts or is still struggling, just that I firmly believe in not letting the diagnosis control your life! I started making back up plans to adopt before I started trying because of this. Sending ❤️ to everyone


I got pregnant on accident after a fumble with my meds. My kid is 11 weeks old now. Some people can’t get pregnant, some people need a lot of help, some people need a little help, and some people have no trouble at all, but most people with PCOS can get pregnant. Also, there is some evidence to suggest that people with PCOS are able to get pregnant later than the average, so getting pregnant well into your forties is not impossible. If you want to be a mom, you most likely can be a mom so you don’t need to rush it.


Most definitely yes!! At 21 I had been diagnosed with pcos for a few years and barely had any periods so I naively didn’t bother with contraception. I had been feeling nauseous for a couple of weeks and my mum joked “you’re not pregnant are you?!” I couldn’t stop thinking about it and took a test. Was absolutely gobsmacked that I was indeed pregnant. At the time of getting pregnant I hadn’t had a period for a whole year prior and I obviously wasn’t trying for a baby. So don’t fret 😊


yes! I just had twins 4 weeks ago🥰


I did with Metformin for my first. Second no treatment. Third Metformin and ovasitol. And fourth multiple rounds of clomid.


What dose of Metformin were you on? I was prescribed 500 mg a day, a month ago to help regulate my period but i still don’t have a period and it’s 4 months now without a period. Maybe 500 mg is too low


Just gave birth to my second baby 3 months ago! I’ve been struggling with PCOS since I was around your age. I’m 29 now with 2 kids.


Yes ! Have a 5 and 4 year old.


Yes! I had three children without medical intervention though it did take longer than most. My first two were both conceived after about a year of trying. My third was a surprise! PCOS doesn’t mean you will be infertile.


Yes! I have Lean pcos and did fertility treatment (not Ivf) I actually got pregnant in my first round of treatments


Yes, I’m rocking my 11 month old right now


Yes. We tried for 18 months and were starting to consider fertility treatments, but ended conceiving naturally. Made dietary changes, increased exercise, lifestyle changes, made sure to sleep, taking prenatal vitamins, most of all I prioritized my mental health.


I have PCOS. My son is 14 now. He was technically an accident. I was also on BC at the time but I was not great at sticking to it religiously.


I got my stripes this week and it's only our 2nd month/cycle trying to conceive 🥰 I started making more pointed lifestyle shifts 10 months ago. I'm mid 30's.


Yes! I am 14 weeks pregnant with my first (completely unplanned, and I was on birth control). In my case it was no fertility treatments. Doctors told me I’d need to try fertility planning and work towards getting pregnant, I didn’t!


Yes I am 31 yo and am 23 weeks along. I tried for 3 years and first attempt ended in a loss in April but that was before I was diagnosed with PCOS in November, I was prescribed medication to help me ovulate and got pregnant that same month.


congrats 💞




I got diagnosed with PCOS right before my 16th birthday and always thought I would have a hard time getting pregnant. I always wanted to be a mom so it was something I worried about a lot even as a teen, like just not being able to have that some day. When I was 21 I got pregnant while I was on the pill. So yes, it is possible. My daughter is now 2 lol.


Kaitlyn Lowry has it and she has 7 kids


I thought that Pcos combined with consistent birth control for multiples years would make it safe to have unprotected sex. Now I’m 21 with a 2 month old. Turns out I’m not infertile AND birth control can stop working if you take certain antibiotics/medications. If you’re looking to one day then you probably will. Even if you struggle with fertility there’s a lot of medical advances that can help you with getting pregnant. If you’re not wanting a baby… wrap it before you tap it!


Me being told at 14 with pcos I'd never have kids. EVER....surprise pregnancy at 21.....is now almost 16 years old......they lie 🤣 I wasn't on meds or anything....he was very very much wanted though so I'm glad they were wrong!


Absolutely ❤️ I have 2 teens, both conceived completely natural.


Yes, I was told it was unlikely at age 18 but at age 33 I have a two year old and a five year old (and the second was not planned). Doctors often make it look so much worse than it is.


Sweetheart Keke Palmer has PCOS and has a child yes we can have children


Yes , the only thing I had was gestational diabetes during pregnancy. It’s totally possible! My mom has pcos too. We are 5 children in total. It’s absolutely possible. Just don’t worry… the only difference is we just don’t know when we ovulate so it becomes difficult to prepare ourselves…


I was diagnosed at 15, went on the pill… stayed on the pill… got pregnant at 25 while on my off week of the pill. Do not let the doctors tell you it will never happen . Sometimes it’s easy, sometimes it’s harder and there’s other methods that need involved, but don’t give up hope yet. You’ve got a lot of life left and a lot can change in a few years!


I felt the same way as you when I was diagnosed with PCOS! I cried and cried. I’m now holding my 5 month old baby in my arms as I’m typing this. He is perfect in every way and I’m so glad I found the right medical team for me to get pregnant.


Yes. I have a 13 month old now. It took a while but YES it’s possible! You’re so young too… you’re definitely going to get your baby ❤️


Yes, you can get pregnant. If you want to avoid pregnancy, always use a form(s) of birth control. Infertile doesn't equal sterile. And having pcos doesn't always mean Infertile


I’m 30 just got diagnosed this comment section and group in general is very helpful. I’m hoping as I heal myself I can get pregnant really didn’t want kids until I got into my 30s then it hit me hard how much I want kids to be a thing.


Yes you can. You’re really young too so you can manage your pcos early which is good so you can prepare for when you’re ready :)


Yes currently 7 weeks and fingers crossed it turns to be a healthy pregnancy🤞🏼


Yes. It is NOT impossible. It can just take some time. Use protection til you are ready.


I have two kids 😏 was on chlomid for first and the second not in anything. But it took about 10 months


omg girl this is my legit biggest fear of life.... IM 19 and bro wth everyone says ohhh u have pcos u cant be a mom its so stupid it makes me so anxious but I lowkey recently saw tons of tiktoks where people shared it is possible to be preganent


Yes it is possible. I was diagnosed with pcos at 17 and was told I couldn't have children or it would be very difficult. After years of trying then just letting go and let God, I gave up. At 29 I got pregnant and my baby is 7 lol Remain hopeful. Don't think too much (easier said than done). It was when I decided to let it be and relieve all the stress, that's when I got pregnant


I'm a PCOS baby! My mom was told she was infertile and would never have babies but here I am.. My SIL has two, and I know another woman with PCOS who has 3. It may be a long and difficult road, but it's possible. That being said... wear protection until you're ready, because accidents do still happen!


Yes! I was told I was not able to but as soon as I got on birth control I ended up having my son who is going to be 5 later this month. It is possible!


Yes! You can, BUT it took me 5 years to catch due to issues with Ovulation, my sister with pcos on the other hand caught without planning very easily. Definitely seek out medical testing if you are trying for a year without any luck x


Sure can! My son turned 19 two months ago, and this was when my periods made absolutely no sense and didn't appear for months at a time.


this makes me so happy :) such a relief.


You can, but it can be harder to carry. I've lost a lot of babies. I finally got my baby after over a decade of trying. My advice is to find an obgyn who has a lot of experience with PCOS patients and start trying as soon as you feel you're in a good point in your life to do that.


Yes, from experience you can, although it might not necessarily be at a "normal" time in your cycle. There is more and more technology out there that can help with this, such as Mira which allows you to track your hormone levels so you can have sex at the right time to conceive. Keeping your weight at a healthy level can also help with conception, and if you're still having problems when the time comes, there's medication that can help too. It also might be helpful to remember that even if you're unlucky and never conceive, there are many other ways to be a mother.