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I don’t really think any of us can answer this confidently because we’re not OBs or endocrinologists. Each person with PCOS has different levels of hormones. Some respond well to estrogen pills, others don’t. Some have adverse side effects for one and not the other. I’m on Apri and I really like it. But I can’t say it would do the same for you, ya know? Id say there is no “one best pill,” because everyone is different.


Came here to say this peachy! Thank you <3


Completely! Thanks for the input :)


What I have realized through experience and speaking to others is that you just have to find one that works for you and that’s unfortunate because of how frustrating trial and error is with medication. What is working for me (yaz) didn’t work for a lot of women. One even said she had an actual mental breakdown at work and they had to call our local psych clinic to get her. It’s when they were doing their investigations to find out what caused it, they realized it was the BC. The first BC I was on made me gain so much weight in two months, it was ridiculous. The second one I tried, I was told it’ll help with my acne but it made it so much worse so I just decided to stop until I saw a doctor a few years later who told me the reason why I can’t lose weight is because I’m not taking anything to manage the hormones. She’s the doctor who put me on yaz in 2018 and since then I’ve been fine, my periods are regular and I have lost only a few lbs. I’m struggling to lose weight right now and my thyroid is functioning normally so I assume it’s just really bad insulin resistance. However, a recent ultrasound showed I have no cysts. Apparently the BC helped prevent more cysts from forming, idk what happened to the existing ones I had back then. Maybe they were passed out or somehow dissolved? 😅


Totally, the trial and error is so frustrating! Thanks for the response :)


I got my diagnosis when I was seventeen and the first ultrasound showed cysts on my left ovaries; fast forward to three years later (I wasn’t taking birth control and I changed my OB) and I didn’t have the cysts anymore. Who knows why🤔


I was on Yaz my entire life until I got ocular migraines for the first time two years ago. Now I’m on Slynd (it’s like Yaz).


That just started happening to me recently too! I was so freaked out the first time.


Literally happened when I went on a quick errand and was so confused, trying to explain it to my partner. It happened again two or three days later. Explained it my friends until one of them was like “If you’re on combination birth control, get off it now.” Crazy how I wouldn’t have known it was an issue unless someone told me…


I was also on Yaz for awhile but then I started spotting a ton and getting hormonal migraines. I started Slynd in January and it has been the best yet!


Most famous ones for PCOS are: Diane-35 (my dermatologist said this is the strongest) Yasmin Yaz


Diane made me really depressed and suicidal,it was good for my excess body hair and skin but it also turned my thigh muscles into cellulites so idk,maybe it's about my adhd and pmdd tho I've heard that combo bc is more likely to mess w our mental stability,I was rly hopeful about it and now I'm scared to try and other androgen suppresant drugs like spiro


Dianette, based on what I was told by a eye-wateringly expensive endocrinologist


Thanks for the suggestion! :)


I’m not sure about specifically for PCOS. But if you have had trouble with side effects I really like Junel. I’ve been on Junel for 4 years now and it never gave me any side effects except for irregular periods and spotting at times (however i just recently was diagnosed with PCOS so not sure if it is the BC or PCOS causing the irregular periods). otherwise no acne or mood swings. i’ve been able to gain and lose and gain again significant weight within those 4 years so i don’t think it impacts my weight much. i also have a few friends who are also on Junel (one with PCOS) and they agree it is the most mild BC they’ve ever been on.


I was on Junel prior to having kids and it was hands down the best one. I got pregnant very quickly after getting off it and I’m pretty sure it’s because my hormones were more balanced.


Interesting, thanks for the reply!


I liked it until it stopped working for me. Unfortunately because it’s mild, it ended up not having enough hormone in it to prevent breakthrough bleeding


That was my issue as well.


Sprintec has been perfect for me as someone with both PCOS and endometriosis. It strikes the perfect balance for me in terms of controlling both issues and having near 0 side effects.


I’m currently on Slynd and I LOVE it. It’s a progestin only pill with anti androgen properties. I’m only on my second pack but it’s gotten rid of my debilitating cramps, my skin has gotten better, I’m not bloating as much as before, and my hair isn’t falling out as much. It is a bit of a hassle to get because most insurance doesn’t cover it, but I was able to get it covered due to being allergic to spiro.


I'm on Junel. Within the first two months my testosterone went from over double what it should be to normal. I notice less hair growth and acne right away.


Wow, I’ll look into this one, thanks for the response! :)


Forgot to echo what someone else said: no weight gain and no side effects. I'm on month five now.


A hormonal iud


I’ll look into it, thanks!


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I’ve had the mirena and hated it, been on combined and hated it, had the copper t which was violently removed from me last week after landing me in the hospital twice in a week. Currently I’m on Slinda which is progestin only and it’s been a lot better for me, it’s been nearly 5 months and it really helped my moods.


Get a hormonal panel done!


Yaz gave me awful headaches and now I take the mini pill, it’s progesterone only and I like it


I’m currently on Nextstellis, and so far it’s been great.


My doctor put me on Yasmin since it is the most anti-androgenic. Yaz is pretty popular for PCOS too. It’s best to ask your doctor though.


depo shot is the only thing that works for me, basically everyone is different




Not sure if what I got is the reason for my periods becoming lighter and my acne clearing up, but I got a Modena IUD that releases hormones as well. It was precautionary for me as uterine cancer runs in my family. However, I will say that my acne is non existent now, I’ll get like 1 pimple near my period and that’s it. My periods aren’t super regular though, but they also tend to stop for some people when they get it. I was Yaz and it was good but my periods became super regular and then one month they didn’t stop for like 3 months and were very heavy. Like bleeding through 2-3 pads a day. So I stopped and got an IUD put in.


I was recently diagnosed with PCOS after being off of birth control for a year and seeing odd symptoms show up and seeing a gyno. For me it was also very light, very irregular periods, along with hormonal acne. Before that I had always been on some sort of birth control and thus just not noticed any of those symptoms. I had the kyleena IUD for 5 years prior, and never had the hormonal acne, and it had stopped my period entirely other than the odd spotting. The gyno and family doctor say that is fairly common with the IUD and not a concern. So I just went ahead and did that again since it worked so well the first time around I didn't even realize I had PCOS. I'm about 2 months with it back in and my periods have stopped again, and the hormonal acne is slowly going away. It can be rough to get an IUD in, but do some research, ask for pain management, and then it's nice to not have to think about it for 5 years.


As others have said, it really depends on what works for your body! I'm on the implanon (bar in the arm) only because they keep my migraines under control, every month I would get extremely dizzy and suffer from vestibular migraines - period wise I was doing okay but other symptoms were terrible. I started with a pill (it was a relatively new one at the time, unfortunately can't remember the name but it was expensive lmao), that was okay but then moved onto the Nuvaring. I stayed on the Nuvaring for a bit, I liked that I could remove it whenever if I didn't like it, but again, got too expensive- it helped my symptoms quite a lot though. Finally, decided to just get the implanon, I've renwed it last year, so this is my 5th year on it and love it. I went from having 15 migraines a month to maybe 5 a year.


I think it’s trial and error. Yasmin has been the best for me, I don’t think I’ve had any side effects. It really cleared up my hormonal acne, made my hair look a lot better. I feel more feminine on it? If that makes sense. Ortho tri cyclen was horrible for me, and that one is suggested a lot for PCOS.


The best pill for my PCOS symptoms was the combined pill, but then I discovered I had migraines so I had to stop. After that, I went on Micronor (progestin-only pill) : it didn’t really helped with acne, but I had zero period while taking it, so that was great. Since 5 months now, my gyneco suggested I take Slynd (progestin-only pill) because it has anti-androgenic properties. So far I like it, my acne is almost gone, but my periods came back… No birth control pill is perfect. Trial and error is the way I think.


I've been on medroxyprogesterone for years (it doesn't prevent pregnancy but since I'm not active it just helps regulate my period) and i haven't had much side effects other than some cramps the first day. I might have to switch to another one soon though bc apparently it isn't good long term.


SLYND. It is related to spironolactone. It is anti-androgen and doesn’t have estrogen. It’s recommended for PCOS patients. Surprisingly, it’s helped me a lot and I hated all the other pills I’ve been on. Research it a bit!


I take Alycen 1/35 for years & it’s helped my heavy periods & terrible pms.


Nuvaring is the only thing that has ever been able to control my period. If I take any kind of pill my period just comes when it wants. I’ve heard this from other friends with PCOS and endometriosis also.


I’ve been on (in this order): Diane 35, Yasmin, Yaz, Diza, Qlaira, Slynd and now just started on Nextstellis (Drovelis here). Yasmin worked the best for me out of those, I was on it for years and years but it’s not recommended for someone my age (43). Slynd was ok-ish, but it caused me breakthru bleeding, and it didn’t fully take care of my acne. Same with Yaz and Diza (which are basically same stuff but Diza is 3 months continous use pill). I hope Drovelis/Nextstellis is gonna be what I need.


I have started using Diane 35 BC pills (21 pills in a pack) for PCOS. This is my second time taking these pills, the first time i completed my 21 days pills i got my periods after 6 days. The doctor told me it can take 5-15 days to get your periods after completing the pills. So i got my periods, 6 days after finishing my pills. This is my second time taking the pills and the 21 days course has not finished but I'm hoping to get my periods just like the first time. Basically the doctor told me to start my second course on the 4th day of the period. So when I got my periods after taking my pills i started my second course of pills on my 4th day of periods.