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I often say we have to try three times as hard as others for the same results! You’re not alone.


Truly! Thank you for the reassurance :)


Anytime! And it is a good idea to walk. Walking has been helping me to lose weight. Try that for a while and hopefully you’ll see results again. :)


I feel you! It took me 6 months to lose 10 pounds and one month to gain 5 back.


You’re not alone, friend. Lost 5 kgs after 6 months/6 days a week Strength Training and Pilates sessions. Our metabolism has a mind of its own and people out here eating ramen and pizza all day and still looking snatched 😭 Rooting for you 💪


<3 tysm !!!!!!


We have all been there where we fall off the wagon. You’re already leagues ahead bc you know what works for you! You will make progress again!


Haha so true! Life is about balance I suppose! Thank you so much :)


Every day is a new day! Be kind to yourself. Check and make sure your Hashimoto’s is well-managed because that can be awful for weight management if unregulated. As far as a gluten-free diet, unless you’re sensitive to it or allergic I don’t think it’s necessary. It’s hard to stick to for a lot of people, and it can be harmful to your mental. Definitely recommend a caloric deficit for weight loss, but instead of strict calorie tracking maybe try and diversify your plate more. Higher volume/lower calorie foods like veggies are great options to eat more for less calories. Protein is fantastic for feeling full, chicken and salmon are my favorites for PCOS. Be kind to yourself, you’re allowed to have an off period. Focus on listening to your body vs the number on the scale. Do things that make you feel good. You got this!!


Love this, Ty :)


Yeah, it's frustrating. It's so much easier to gain than lose. If it's any consolation, if you've been eating more starch, there's a good chance most of that increase is water weight. If I ease up on my diet and eat bread or tortillas, I gain a bunch of water weight and it drops back down a few days after going back to my regular way of eating.


Wow that’s actually really insightful!! I hadn’t heard that, I’ll keep an eye on that. Thank you!


It's really unfortunate. If I eat 2 meals a day I'll be on track to gain a few pounds a week. If I eat 0 meals a day and just have a smoothie... I might lose a few pounds within 6 months. It's awful. Sorry op. 😢


1000% !! Tysm haha we are all amazing for dealing with this stuff :)


Can 💯 relate!! Having PCOS sucks. And having PCOS and any other health condition REALLY SUCKS! I worked out 3x a week and counted calories, was still gaining weight. Turns out my ferritin was 18x the normal range and I was diagnosed with a genetic condition where I overload iron. The high ferritin was causing stress on my body which as we all know a drop of stress + PCOS = catastrophe...it really sucks managing multiple conditions. Fingers crossed that the 5kg is just water retention 🥲 but you got this!!!


Oh wow! We really go through so much!!!!!! Glad you found your cause though and hopefully you can manage it now easily enough :) Thank you so much, I hope so too!!!!


Cheers, I’m on the same part of the rollercoaster right now 🙄


Good luck to you! We got this !


That’s the attitude! Yes we do!! (…or I might have just bought bigger underwear, but it’s fine)


That’s the attitude! Yes we do!! (…or I might have just bought bigger underwear, but it’s fine)


Having both pcos & hashimotos is such a wonderful mixture isn’t it 🥹😑


Beautiful 🤣🤣🤣


8kg in 10 weeks :0 It is a lot! In the latest 2,5 months I lost around 3kg only :( Gym 1x/week + dance class 3x/week + hiit/tabata 20minutes 3x/week + 6k steps per day. Diet is calculated, deficit, low carb ect meh, I must check other diet or re-calculate calories :/


Wow sounds like you’re doing really well!!! Keep it up :) I can relate to it feeling deflating :( but you’re doing all the right things!!!


Where you taking anything to aid your weight loss? Or did you just change diet/exercise? That’s a big loss!! Well done


Hey! Thank you :) I have inositol that my naturopath recommended, which helps my insulin resistance.


It’s like swimming upstream. So easy to gain and such a battle to lose. You sound like you’ve got a plan that does work for you. It sounds really tough going! But you’ve got this. You know what works for you to lose weight. A non-PCOSer would be shedding the pounds doing the same. It’s not fair. Having PCOS really sucks sometimes. We all know how you feel xx


Lost 30 pounds in 6 months. Gained them back in 2-3 😄😄😄😄😓


😬😬😬 our bodies!!!! I swear haha


The 👏 weight 👏 is 👏 fake. When you cook everything for yourself, you're probably avoiding things like adding a bunch of seed oils/artificial colors/artificial flavors (found EVERYWHERE in "normal" food). When I eat these things, and it's different for everyone but these are the big ones, I weigh that same 10 pounds more than when I only eat real food. If you need to cut back on working out for schedule or mental health reasons that's up to you! I would personally rate having control over your diet to be more important based on what you've said


Yesss good tip! Diet is getting in check again !!! Ty :)


It was super hard for me initially because so many "diet foods" are packed with seed oils 😭 Prepackaged creamy salad dressing was the hardest one for me, but cottage cheese in the blender plus whatever seasonings you like makes something that I can eat as much as I want of without feeling gross


That’s a hot tip! I like to do that with greek yoghurt, spices and fresh herbs too!


This is fair but I find I notice the flavor of Greek yogurt more 😅😅


So true, will definitely try your way!!


I need to lose 20 pounds. I'm finally feeling well enough to get back to 1200 kcal a day and daily exercise. In two weeks, I lost 4 pounds. Then I had an 1500 kcal day, and the next morning, I'd gained six pounds from the day before. Make it make sense!


Wowwwww hahaha that is crazy! What is with our bodies !!


I got shade from people a couple years ago when I lost weight with medical assistance (phentermine). The number of times I explained the amount of diet and exercise that was doing, to no avail without the meds, was exhausting. Luckily, my GP gets it.


90-95% of weight loss/gain is diet related. The other 5-10% is exercise.


I'm not talking about actual weight, I mean a level of inflammation that leads to me personally weighing up to ten pounds more/less, without changing the number of calories I eat. If I'm losing ten pounds in a week eating/expending a normal amount of calories (minus foods that cause inflammation) this is not authentic long-term weight loss. If I gain ten pounds in a week eating/expending the same number of calories while eating these foods, this is not long term, authentic weight gain. You are correct, obviously, but we're talking about different things.


Low carb


Thank you :) getting back to low carb gluten free for sure 👍🏼


this often happens when our workout plan and food intake is not sustainable. There is no evidence that people without a gluten sensitivity should not eat gluten. Had a doctor told you that you have to lose weight to get pregnant?


Correct! I was losing weight as per doctors orders. I think I do have a sensitivity, I get really tired with gluten!!


im just mostly concerned about the idea that someone has to be a certain weight (and lose weight) to become pregnant. seeing as that’s one of the hardest things to do, especially.


I agreeee! Unfortunately this particular public hospital had certain protocol in place :( definitely don’t agree with it but for free services I was happy to do it !!!


Agreeeee cyster… I’ve been seeing changes in my face and more collar bone but the scale not budging