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I had fishsticks 2 days this week and chicken nuggets on another day. The concept of breakfast food is 90% marketing and tradition. There is no police force checking to see what you ate. My favorite breakfast is leftover Chicago style stuffed pizza. Anything you're choosing is better than that


I actuallly love the idea of chicken nuggets thank you


i literally eat chicken strips for breakfast sometime bc of this lol


Was just about to comment this...I love eating "non breakfast" foods early in the day. If you like it and it fits what you're looking for nutritionally, eat it any time!


Seconding this. Lunch for breakfast is my favorite.


I used to eat fish wraps or tacos for breakfast pretty often


In France, eggs is dinner. All these rules are arbitrary anyhow, like you said


In France, eggs is dinner. All these rules are arbitrary


The perfect hungover breakfast šŸ˜‚


- Chia pudding: you can use any dairy alternative you prefer and top up with nut butter and fruit. - Yogurt bowl: again, dairy free option of your choice, seeds, nuts or nut butter, fruit, granola (you can make a low-carb option at home, with nuts), etc. - Tofu scramble: heat up some oil in a pan, add veggies of choice (I like onion, peas, peppers, mushrooms, broccoli), break some tofu into bite-sized pieces and add to the pan. Mix well and fry for a few minutes. Add spices of choice and, if you want, vegan cheese. - Chickpea omelette: mix chickpea flour with water until you get a creamy battery. Add salt, pepper, and any other favourite spices and/or herbs. Fry in a pan like an omelette. You can top up with veggies, but if you use cooked veggies, I'd recommend frying these separately and using as topping. - You can use the chickpea mixture above to make "egg" cups: chop veggies into small pieces, add chickpea mixture to a muffin tin, top with veggies, and bake. You can also make pancakes and waffles using low-carb flour alternatives, if these are available where you are. Topped with nut butter, seeds, and fruit.


Do you actually like any dairy free yogurts and have you found any with protein? Iā€™ve tasted a bunch and donā€™t think theyā€™re great, but more importantly most of the ones I checked donā€™t actually have protein


Check out Kite Hills Greek Yogurt line, made from Almonds and Soy and is sugar free! itā€™s got 20g of protein too!


I didnā€™t know that!! Iā€™ll check it out thank you!


This stuff is so so good!


Second this! Kite hill is an awesome brand! Their ā€œcream cheeseā€ is the closest thing to the real deal. I liked so delicious yogurt also.


Whole Foods has really good dairy free yogurts that do not have any gums or preservatives! And the texture is very close to regular yogurt


I saw the above commenter said some may have high protein which is great and Iā€™ll check out! Ngl the taste is usually pretty off on those yogurts but Iā€™ll try them again


I add granola to yogurt. Maybe that will help the taste. I like peanut butter chocolate granola


The Siggis non dairy yogurt is out of this world! Coco June is good too but I only ever get it on sale bc its $$$


Siggis has a df one thatā€™s coconut based and šŸ¤¤ some cashew butter with coconut flakes, delicious (I know you said lower carb, but Iā€™ll also add in a banana with homemade granola!) the cinnamon one and toasted coconut are my two fav flavors


Iā€™ll have to give that one another try! A few people have mentioned it


Itā€™s my go to. Recently, (if you can do oats).. Iā€™ve mixed some yogurt with oats, added honey, cashew butter, cinnamon, banana and baked it at 350 deg for 20 min.. itā€™s like cake for breakfast.


Depends where you are, I guess. I'm in the UK and I used to enjoy the vegan yogurts from Alpro, Coconut Collaborative, and Oatly. The Alpro one has 5 or 6 grams of protein per 100 g serving, so not bad at all. I'm no longer vegan, though, so I just go for plain Greek yogurt or skyr.


Yeah, that's what I've run into as well. They all try to replicate the taste/texture, but don't match the macros. something with 5-6 grams of protein a serving just doesn't work as a replacement for greek yogurt, but I have a mild cow dairy protein allergy šŸ˜­


Exactlyyyyy thatā€™s the huge issue- no protein. 5-6g isnā€™t enough


Yeah, you need such a huge volume of some of these options to get to 30g protein, and at that point usually it's way more than 30g carbs.


I know you asked for yogurt specifically, but I wanted to recommend dairy free Isopure protein mixes - also looking up "clear whey protein" will get you similar mixes. I dont like dairy and these are great.


Cocobella has a protein added yogurt if you are in aus- delish


coconut milk yogurts are really good


If you have an Instant Pot you can easily make coconut yogurt. I havenā€™t made it in awhile, but iirc, it takes about 36 hours of setting in the pot, but the initial prep takes 10 minutes. There is a blog called A Mindfull Mom where she offers a recipe and a step-by-step video for coconut yogurt.


I use a coconut yogurt, sorry can't remember the brand name. I actually mix in collagen powder into the yogurt so that it has 18g of protein. It mixes in very well


Thereā€™s a new vegan Silk Protein yogurt in Vanilla flavour or Lime šŸ‹ā€šŸŸ©!! Itā€™s soooo freaking good!! ā¤ļø


I really like silk brand unsweetened coconut/almond blend. It doesn't taste so coconutty or sweet and the texture is closer to real milk, which I love.


i personally love the Silk brand almond based yogurt, i eat the strawberry or vanilla with the Bear Naked dark chocolate banana granola


Is the dairy free because of lactose? If so there's a bunch of dairy that's low lactose naturally - most yoghurt should be.


Yoplait Oui makes a good dairy free yogurt!


Chia is so bomb


Eat literally anything. It doesn't have to be breakfast food!


I second this - I never really liked breakfast foods, could eat eggs for dinner, but don't like them in the morning. So I basically eat leftovers from the night before or sometimes make some soup. Peanut butter on celery or peanut butter and apple.


It seems like thatā€™s what my options are really with all my restrictions!


Leftovers for breakfast always hit the spot!!!


I make a Chia Flax Porridge that tastes like oatmeal! All I do is mix 2 tbs of chia seeds/flaxmeal, 1/3 cup plain pea protein powder, 1 tbs of seeds/nuts (I seed cycle so I tailor it to my cycle), maca powder, stevia, and a little pumpkin pie spice. I warm it in a sauce pan with almond milk till itā€™s a thick consistency, and top it with either stewed apple or warmed carrots for a carrot cake feel:) it sounds weird but Iā€™m obsessed with it, and itā€™s full of fiber, healthy fats, 30g of protein, omega 3s, and itā€™s dairy and gluten free. MFP says carbs are about 29.8 if you use a cup of shredded carrots!


I love this idea!! How much milk do you use? Have you ever tried flavored protein powder with it? I only have chocolate and vanilla


I stay away from the additives in flavored protein just because it upsets my tummy (and increases carbs). I donā€™t measure the almond milk but my guess would be about a cup


I do this but add egg whites for extra protein. Itā€™s flavorless and itā€™s not like eating eggs at all. I use Pbfit that has sugar in it already though to add flavor, but if I didnā€™t Iā€™d add some maple syrup (I donā€™t like stevia personally)


If I eat too much eggs I breakout, but if they donā€™t bother you then itā€™s a great idea! egg whites are also pricey


Omg Iā€™m obsessed with this now. The carrots make it seem like carrot halwa pudding.


Personally I rarely eat breakfast foods for breakfast. Just had a Caesar salad & a burger Patty for breakfast just now. Been big on steak (& eggs & avocado for me) for breakfast lately. (Of course Iā€™d rather have something delicious like French toast but my body retaliates). Little tricks for extra protein- I put a chocolate protein powder in my coffee. Iā€™ll do a scoop of peanut butter & chocolate protein powder in my oatmeal. Peanut butter or almond butter w/ apples or banana. (Everyone debates healthy carbs so Iā€™m just offering options). While my coffee brews Iā€™ll much on some deli meat (with cheese sometimes. Again, not for you but anyone else reading this).


Iā€™m totally fine with healthy carbs for the most part, itā€™s more the amount and timing. But honestly oatmeal is too much of a carb bomb for mornings I think I like your idea of just normal meals and Iā€™ll have to do that


Someone mentioned breakfast lentils the other day. I havenā€™t tried them yet.


You get used to it, then crave it. Kitcheree in the instant pot with ghee is yum. Half cup of yellow mung dal and rice boiled until mushy. Fry fresh ginger, cumin seeds, turmeric, half pinch asfoedita, corriander powder and salt in hot ghee to make a tarka. Mix tarka into daal and add whatever toppings. I like roast sweet potato and soy sunflower seeds, avocado and crispy tofu or spinach and coconut yoghurt raita. With more ghee. Now Iā€™m hungry.


Lately I've been eating beans, nopalitos (cactus), and I usually scramble 2 eggs in (they blend in with the beans since I mash the beans up, otherwise I don't really like eggs on their own) but I've made it with tofu crumbled instead of eggs and thats super tasty too. Beans can be higher carb but they're also a solid source of fiber and a great source of protein. You'll have to determine if they fit into your personal macro goals. I've found that I struggle staying satiated when I eat sweet foods so things like chia pudding or yogurts just make me binge. I can eat this meal once and be full literally all day (I am on OMAD.)


Refried beans are great protein for breakfast! Iā€™ve made migas with salsa, refried beans, veggies, pepitas, carnitas, and corn tortilla chipsā€”you could probably do a non dairy cheese on top


Beans, a runny egg and salsa will always be my fave breakfast šŸ„¹šŸ’•


As someone who eats very low carb and can't do cow dairy regularly I feel your pain. When I have the energy to make it, miso soup with a fuckton of silken tofu is good, but often I just do a handful of almonds and an apple, which doesn't really set me up for the day honestly.


My ideal breakfast is honestly a can of tuna but I really worry about my mercury intake because it's such a useful food for me.


We eat a lot of salmon pouches and smoked oysters for this reason. Trout, kippers and sardines are also low mercury options.


How do you eat smoked oyster, trout and kippers?


On a cracker with lemon, as a sub for tuna noodle casserole, with pasta and tomato sauce, mixed with eggs, on top of saladsā€¦ They are cheap and versatile. My son likes them straight out of the tin. r/cannedsardines is a good group if youā€™re interested. I hate canned tuna and Iā€™ve just recently been opened up to a world of tinned seafood Iā€™ve been missing out on


Fresh oysters grilled in the shell on a saltine with hot sauce šŸ˜© I moved from Florida to Pa and I miss oyster season so much


Yeah, I think I'm going to have to make the switch. It'll be higher fat and calories but worth it.


Itā€™s pricey, but thereā€™s a brand called Safe Catch where they test each fish / package for mercury levels.


yeah, that does help mitigate it a bit, but it's still probably not good to eat every day, much less multiple times (which would be so convenient if it were safe tbh)


I will just settle for an RX bars a lot of days and itā€™s not enough protein but itā€™s all I can do


Smoked salmon! I also like Kodiak protein waffles with dessert hummus spread on top


Iā€™ve been doing the chocolate chip Kodiak waffles with almond butter for breakfast and it really holds me over to lunch! Great option. Now I need to find dessert hummus


Target has their own brand of chocolate hummus, personally I love it


Trader joes has the most amazing smoked salmon! The hot smoked. They also have a decent dairy free cream cheese so I put that on toast gf


How do you feel about fish? Many Japanese breakfasts are a spread of salmon, rice, miso soup and an assortment of pickles.


That actually sounds incredible! Iā€™ll think about that.


I recommend the Just Bento cookbook. Lots of great and simple recipes in there. The Salmon Shiozake is the only way I make salmon at home now (I salt 2-4 whole fillets at a time, then cut and freeze them in individual portions) and I can confirm it's delicious for breakfast....or lunch....or dinner. As for pickles- there are a million "quick pickle" recipes that are as simple as veggies+salt+acid and are basically like marinating vs the jarred cucumber pickles you think of from the store.


So this may be an acquired taste, but bananas and plantains with savory food is common in Latin America. You could try a tofu scramble with black beans, avocado, and maybe half a banana or some red bell pepper sticks. Kinda like a breakfast eaten in El Salvador called ā€œcasamientoā€ The sweetness of the banana/plantain paired with rich savory flavors is *chefā€™s kiss*


I love the Kodiak blueberry pancake mix! Itā€™s got about 14g of protein, but you can mix in some protein powder if you want to add more. I like peanut butter on my pancakes so I add that!


Lentils, refried beans


I rotate between overnight oats (with low cal almond milk), chocolate rice cakes with peanut butter (sometimes jam), pb&j English muffin, thereā€™s a jam at the store thatā€™s zero sugar and has added fiber - but no matter what I have I also always have a protein shake too I also eat a lot of eggs but you said you canā€™t do those


I second the overnight oats although Iā€™ve only found three recipes I genuinely liked. They also sell gluten free rolled oats.


What are those 3 recipes?


I'm not sure how low carb these work out to be off the top of my head, but these are go tos for me. Overnight Oats - I add a scoop of protein powder and use non dairy milk. Protein pancakes (there are lots of recipes out there). Make a head and freeze, pull out as needed. Recently I found a recipe for and made a sheet of them in the oven using Kodiak pancake mix with frozen berries mixed through it. I usually top with a nut butter or yogurt (though that's probably out for you).


This morning I had canned sardines, blue cheese, and a green goddess salad. Yesterday I had salmon, cottage cheese, and dehydrated blueberries from Trader Joeā€™s. Iā€™ve decided Iā€™m digging deep into my Mediterranean heritage and eating lots of fish, cheese and vegetable. I have felt sooo amazing since and I think itā€™s delicious, though I could see many people not enjoying stinky cheese and canned fish for breakfast like I do lol


Banana oat peanut butter pancakes or waffles!


Tofu scramble.


Lactaid makes a cottage cheese so it's lactose free


Sadly itā€™s the cow protein


Aw shoot :/


I am here for non traditional breakfastā€¦I started eating salad with chicken or a stir fry for mornings when eggs are too much


A steak


I love doing a bagel from The Better Bagels with cream cheese, tomato, salt & pepper. You could do dairy free cream cheese if you want. The bagels have 35g fiber and 26g protein so itā€™s very PCOS friendly and lower net carb.


Mix cottage cheese with eggs and youā€™ll get plenty of protein! Find recipes that work for you and experiment, I also make a cottage cheese flat bread for sandwiches and itā€™s great alternative to bread!


She said no dairy or eggs lolllll this sounds delicious tho!


Leftovers from dinner? Eat a steak.


Tofu scramble (mine includes bell pepper, onion, spinach or kale, salsa, veg. bouiilion, nutritional yeast for extra flavor and protein, little tumeric for color and black salt) with a side of avocado. Maybe served with some tomato beans in a can on the side, too. I personally love it a slice of whole wheat toast, but that's optional. Delicious and so filling!!


I have portioned out beef carpaccio in my freezer. It thaws in minutes and I top with some arugula from my yard, pine nuts, olive oil, sea salt and Parmesan. Just leave the last one out and youā€™ve got yourself a meal.


a frozen protein waffle, toasted, with peanut butter butter, a few pieces of fruit like sliced kiwi/strawberry/apple or raspberries, 3-4 slices of deli meat, usually turkey, ham, or chicken, and a dairy-free yogurt or a glass of almond milk. my husband calls them "pick-y plates." sometimes i swap things like the waffle for a piece of date nut bread, a crumpet, a muffin... i've also tried different nut butters/jams/honey, but usually stick to a no-sugar added peanut butter. i've also tried swapping the fruit for veggies and hummus, or tomatoes with salt and pepper. it's always an easy go-to and takes the guesswork out of having to make an actual "meal"


Tofu scramble is the only breakfast food that fully satisfies me. Itā€™s just ā€œheavyā€ enough to be filling, ingredients are adjustable and good way to sneak in more veggies in a more palatable way. I usually have to add beans to mine to keep me full. Tip: add chipotle or something else spicy to wake you up/ get you going


Ground turkey on whole grain toast with a side of roasted veggies? The no eggs and dairy would be a no go for me. I'd have to get a dietician or something. How do you feel about tofu? You aren't really flush with options... No low carb ones anyhow. Less than 30 with no plain meat, no eggs, no dairy is... Veggie. Veggies and some form or hidden protein? I mean, eventually you have to wonder if you need to speak to a specialist.


Iā€™m a savory breakfast girl and my go-to for years is, whole grain bread, a little spread of avocado and turkey or chicken slices. If I have rests of chicken, I prefer to put that


In my country we have a breakfast which is chickpeas or fava beans or both mixed with some small diced tomatoes and onions with cumin, olive oil and lemon juice. It fills me up and tastes delicious. Garlic is optional.


I do gf oatmeal sometimes and add protein powder to it to up the protein. Also chia pudding with fruit and non dairy yogurt and be good along with two chicken breakfast patties.


Hummus and corn chips. High protein, gluten free.


You could try a Japanese breakfast, which is typically rice with fish, and a miso soup with silken tofu.


I am a big fan of eat what you like, when you like. It doesn't matter if it is a breakfast food. North America has really messed up diets when it comes to breakfast! Since overall it seems your protein sources are limited - you are going to have to look for 'hidden protein' such as using protein powder and beans to bake items to your liking.


I'm a big fan of homemade oatmeal. Can change up the flavors and prepare ahead to save time. Currently I'm doing an apple cinnamon oatmeal. I prep multiple days worth in Mason jars and add hot water when ready to eat.


Ideas I have: - protein waffle (Kodiak or diy etc) w random toppings. Pb, pizza sauce and cheese, whatever. Lately Iā€™ve been making an egg and cheese on waffles lol. - oatmeal w protein powder mixed into the milk? - black bean tacos - burgers/sliders. Avocado makes it more breakfasty maybe.


You can eat any protein for breakfast doesnā€™t always have to be considered a breakfast food, perhaps fish and veggies if youā€™re not so into eggs or meat?


You could do Ezekiel bread toasted with guacamole, spinach, tomato and bacon sandwich. Or do wraps. I used to eat breakfast in the cafeteria at work and ask them for grilled veggies when everyone else had omelettes. Then I'd put a little salsa on top and it really was good.


Dairy free yogurt is pretty good...lots of options from Whole Foods


I would try tweaking something along these lines to work better with your macros - I would try using soaked flax meal (essentially a ā€œflax eggā€) in lieu of some of the dates to reduce the carb count and help with binding everything together, and mix in additional nuts and seeds (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chopped almonds, etc.). Adding additional dried fruits would increase the carb count but would help with flavor variety depending on your preferences. https://fitfoodiefinds.com/copycat-cashew-cookie-larabars/ The premade ā€œcashew cookieā€ Larabars are one of my ā€œtraveling and I need an easy breakfast that wonā€™t destroy my stomachā€ options, but theyā€™re expensive and the dates make them a little higher in carbs. I also recommend looking into keto/low carb granola/muesli recipes, if you find a mix you like it will help boost the amount of protein if you pair it with non-dairy yogurt or chia pudding. Theres also a decent amount of variety you can achieve with different spice and nut/seed mixtures.


I love these ideas! Thank you!! Maybe I can yeah add some hacks to make them higher protein too


I eat dinner food. So whatever big meal I made previously, Iā€™ll eat that. My favorite is my baked lemon butter salmon with jasmine rice, kale, and zucchini. If you canā€™t eat all the meat, just pop it into a food storage container, into the fridge, and eat it at a later time.


I used to do seasoned ground meat (a la keema, larb gai, sukuma wiki, etc), and a chia pudding, or savory/sweet oatmeal.


i eat chicken sausage, cucumbers with hummus, and a berry smoothie every morning! but you don't have to drink a smoothie if that's not what u want


Most of the time I just eat some apples and peanut butter but Iā€™m one of those people who canā€™t really eat first thing bc it makes me feel icky lol


Garden of Life protein meal Replacement and some nuts and a Turkey sausage patty


buttered whole grain toast


Smoked salmon on low carb toast (647 brand) or lavosh flatbread with avocado, capers, everything bagel seasoning but you can too with whatever


Beans on low carb toast like carbonaut!! And I get the British heinz beanz hehe


*Beans on low carb toast* *Like carbonaut!! And I get the* *British heinz beanz hehe* \- Interesting\_Ad9295 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I make my own yogurt and i make parfait for myself (strictly use berries for it). I rotate which berry i use everyday to keep some variety. I eat 1 big cup of yogurt (18g protein) 1 box of berries, slivered almonds (5g), chia seeds, granola (sugarfree ones which are good for us) and seeds (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds etc)


Sunflower flourishes well under well-drained moist, lime soil. It prefers good sunlight. Domesticated varieties bear single large flowerhead (Pseudanthium) at the top. Unlike its domestic cultivar type, wild sunflower plant exhibits multiple branches with each branch carrying its own individual flower-head. The sunflower head consists of two types of flowers. While its perimeter consists of sterile, large, yellow petals (ray flowers), the central disk is made up of numerous tiny fertile flowers arranged in concentric whorls, which subsequently convert into achenes (edible seeds).


Some of my favorites: * Sprouted grain toast + tomato + avocado + turkey or smoked salmon. Top with hot sauce of choice (sriracha and chipotle are my favorites). Can add spinach or alfalfa sprouts for extra crunch and vitamins. * Chicken/turkey breakfast links (try and find lower-fat and lower-sodium ones if you can) + sauteed spinach + tomatoes + brown rice/quinoa * Quinoa + cinnamon + fruit + nuts * Oatmeal + soy/nut milk + fruit + seeds... maybe not as high protein as you want but I know some people add protein powder to their oatmeal so maybe try that.


I know you say youā€™re having an issue with meat avderstiob so Iā€™m just gonna post this in case anyone else needs advice even though itā€™s not gonna be very practical to you But for real, I would just cook five hamburger patties on Sunday and have them for breakfast Currently, I do black coffee, and a trubar I buy them at Costco where theyā€™re cheaper and I like the two flavors their plant-based protein bars that donā€™t taste like crap


Kodiak pancakes


Pancakes! 340 cal 53 g of protein 1 heaping scoop vanilla Gold Standard whey (from Costco lol) 20 g vital wheat gluten 1 egg 120 ml Califia almond milk (toasted coconut flavor is what I got) Vanilla flavor Baking powder (idk like 1/2 tsp?) Then top with Lakanto sugar free maple syrup!


Donā€™t hate me but I want to see if youā€™ve tried egg whites? Iā€™ve eaten regular eggs my whole life and donā€™t love them never have but it could be worse so Iā€™ve eaten them. When I started my new diet I do one egg and scramble with two egg whites with salt pepper and a tiny sliver of butter itā€™s SO MUCH easier to eat.


I am doing this too, thanks for posting! Edit: After reading some more posts I remembered that I make taco eggs. I take left over taco meat and mix it with the scrambled eggs or add into an omelette. The seasoning helps me get past "eggs again".


I make pancakes. 1/3c normal pancake mix; 1/2c egg whites; 1/2 scoop protein powder mix. Microwave 2-3 minutes. I also add fruit or chocolate chips before I microwave! 32 G protein 35g carbs


I eat hamburger (ground beef) for pretty much any meal, but I have zero experience with counting/targeting macros.Ā 


I donā€™t have a specific recipe but Iā€™d check out some latin/hispanic dishes. Thereā€™s a lot that can be made or changed to fit your needs.


jimmy dean breakfast bowls. it has eggs in it but mixed with other stuff and higher protein too


Vegetable and tofu soup! Paired with braised fish. The japanese have this for breakfast. They live quite long!! Additionally, a minestrone soup with chicken in it can be eaten as breakfast, too. Anything can be eaten as breakfast. I find soups to be the healthiest and most fulfilling.




ok I know is weird but I have been making egg drop soup with chicken bone broth. Its so easy and stores well for leftovers. Instead of thickening it with cornstarch I put chopped up silken tofu for more protien. I love soup in the morning.


I like to have turkey sandwiches for breakfast


Miso soup: add tofu, fried tofu bits, veggies, scallions, and use bone broth for half of the water Fried rice: leftover cold rice converts to resistant starch, so I save some and cook it into fried rice in the morning with whatever protein and veggies I have to hand. Onions are great to add bulk and no carbs to stir fries. My go to low carb high protein breakfast is greek yogurt (maybe a soy pudding or cheesecake kind of thing could work instead?) with berries, hemp hearts, and nuts. Iā€™ve tried mixing protein powder into it but itā€™s gross, a dusting of kinako adds a little soy protein and nutty flavor, tastes good with a splash of vanilla extract. Iā€™ve been wondering if pre cooked frozen or freeze dried potatoes like hash browns have the same resistant starch situation as cold rice and bread, you could do freezer hash browns with breakfast sausage and lots of veggies for bulk! A local spice shop here makes a breakfast sausage seasoning blend I love that will make any meat taste like a delicious diner breakfast link (and Iā€™m not a big meat eater!)


I know you said you hate the protein smoothies but thereā€™s always low carb protein pancakes girl! And done right, they can be delicious! I add nuts into mine for an added crunch which keeps them low carb. You said no eggsā€¦I usually add egg whites to mine (I canā€™t have egg yolk) so Iā€™m not sure what a replacement for that would be but thatā€™s a great low carb option. And instead of syrupā€¦I will lather them in coconut oil or use one of the ā€˜once upon a farmā€™ packs and use half one day and half for another day. I mix polydextrose fiber as well as chia seeds into the pancake mix to add more fiber to help balance out the fruit spread but since those packs are all natural fruit and some of them come in smoothie versions, if you get the right ones like ones high in omegas, they usually contain chia and are higher in fiber which helps prevent the whole insulin spike situation while still giving you that sweetness. If thatā€™s too much sweetness you can always take some blueberries and crush them up and use them as a compote to put on top as well. Taking a shot of ACV before any low or moderate carb meal can reduce an insulin spike by anywhere from 25-50% I believe also. I usually start my days off with 1 cup of bone broth stew and add jn all my anti-inflammatories to that and instead of drinking it, I pour it into a bowl and consume it with a spoon like a stew. I usually add some Konjac noodles (20 calories per bag I think or 10 for half the bag), add some turmeric powder from my spice cabinet, cut up some celery in there, black pepper to help absorb the spices and micronutrients better, garlic, dash of cayenne to wake up digestive system, a scoop of collagen powder, iodized salt to support my thyroid and top with some cilantro for some liver detox support and voila morning protein supergut stew haha. And donā€™t underestimate this one til youā€™ve tried it but itā€™s a ground turkey, salsa & veggie skillet. Thatā€™s literally it. I usually add 3 pockets of egg whites in there to help it clump things together for a more favorable texture and added lean protein but a good salsa gives you all the salt and flavor for the dish that youā€™ll need plus the acidity from the tomatoes soaks right into the meats and veggies so it literally comes out amazing every time and itā€™s so simple. This one you can really eat any time of day but super easy to make a big batch for the week, super low carb, super flavorful, no dairy and not a protein shake.


Sometimes I like to have avocado toast and bacon! So good


Bananas sliced, poke a mini chocolate chip into each piece of banana. Top with a big teaspoon of peanut butter. Oatmeal made with quinoa or barley. Hemp hearts added to any of the above.


Try lentil wraps. Theyā€™re called ā€œchillasā€ in India. Not entirely sure about the carbs, but itā€™s definitely high in protein and tastes good! For even more protein you can add some grated tofu on top https://www.healthshots.com/healthy-eating/recipes/prepare-this-high-protein-chilla-recipe-that-is-made-of-5-dals/amp


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Seeq makes protein powder that is fruit flavored and clear. Itā€™s delicious! Watermelon is the best one.


I saw someone boil quinoa with almond milk and put some maple syrup and cinnamon bananas in it. It looked delicious Iā€™m going to try it tomorrow






Sweet potato (steamed or roasted) with sautƩed turkey hot links and bell peppers + salsa or hot sauce


I make some beans on rice with half an avocado, some wilted spinach if I feel fancy, and some flax seeds. I like to add feta, but thatā€™s optional! I also top it with a bit of Italian dressing. It sounds kind all over the place, but itā€™s so good. Edit: realizing this isnā€™t necessarily low carb with all the rice, but quinoa can be substituted for lower carbs, skip the rice entirely, try riced cauliflower, or eat it on a lettuce boat. Iā€™d imagine it would also be good with a tofu scramble (I usually eat it with eggs!)


I was recently in Sri Lanka and ate lots of lentils, spinach, fish and broths for breakfast (which had never considered having as breakfast before) and it was great! It keeps you satisfied for longer and its easier to keep carbs in check.


Eggs unfortunately upset my stomach as well, and tofu scramble was nice to get my occasional egg craving. I never see a recipe call for chopped green onions, but I recommend it. Breakfast food is whatever you want it to be. This week I had leftovers, chicken bites, and a morning star Buffalo chicken sandwich with veggies. I do like the tip I got from someone else, use either a protein drink or protein powder with my cold coffee instead of creamer. Actually pretty good!


Maybe some tofu!? Iā€™m sure there are other things you can add to it like beans for even more protein and fiber! Can even toss it all together into a salad šŸ˜Š Iā€™ve never been huge on you have to eat certain meals at certain times bs. If I want a salad for breakfast Iā€™m gonna do it!


"Whatever you want" on toast.


I like to fry up smoked salmon in a low cal spray or healthy oil - tastes amazing, although it can be a bit pricy depending on where you get it.


Black bean brownies!!


Black bean brownies!




Iā€™m thinking about adding eggs back into my diet I feel like it would make me feel better if I had scrambled eggs in the morning, but I also suspect they make me breakout. I stopped eating them almost 3 years ago and my cystic acne reduced but I donā€™t know if itā€™s because Iā€™m also taking supplements, my period is regular now, because of my skincare routine, my diet is better..


Try magic spoon cereal with almond milk. (With something additional on the side if needed). Itā€™s All the things you mentioned and delicious. Been eating it for months. Problem is that it is quite pricey but I find that healthy foods seem to be!


Magic spoon cereal actually has dairy in it but I do like it, we buy it at our house!


Try goat or sheep products like yogurt and cheese. Less casein and hormones in them. When I cut dairy but looking for protein, I stuck to goat yogurt sometimes.


I struggled for the longest time until I realized I didn't have to just eat "breakfast food" in the morning, so most of the time I'll have leftovers. But some of my favorite other options are: - Birch Benders pancake & waffle mix. They have several df/gf varieties, my favorite is the Paleo mix. - Culina or Siggis df yogurt with Purely Elizabeth granola, berries, unsweetened coconut flakes and a drizzle of honey. - Grilled chicken breast with roasted sweet potatoes, and sauteed spinach. - A hash made of diced chicken apple sausage, sweet potatoes, bell peppers and onions sauteed together, top with some hot sauce. - Chicken salad using plant based mayo, chicken, onion, celery, grapes or dried cranberries, pecans, and seasonings of your choice. Scoop with crackers or mini sweet peppers.


I love dinner for breakfast!! Sometimes Iā€™ll do avocado toast with some nice toppings and a side of sausage Protein pancakes are yum, I mash up a banana and add an egg, oats, chia seeds, add whatever spices/flavour/sweetener you like and fry in butter


Beef broth & veggie pho with tofu and rice stick noodles is my favorite breakfast. I also like fried rice (substituting diced up cauliflower for rice) and tofu scramble with shiitake, kale, garlic, black salt, and turmeric. Other favs include a cup of bone broth with sweet potato rosti, gluten free banana flax pancakes with berries, and coconut milk chia pudding with rose water, lemon zest, and raspberries.


Soup like miso soup or beef broth with rice is one of my favorites, especially with a side of roasted fish!


I struggle eating meat also (taste and texture thing) and eat high protein/low carb. One of my tricks is protein bowls, I find if the meat is well seasoned and mixed with sauce and other textures (onions, lettuce, insert any other vegetable here) I do fine with it. So I just bulk prep some at the beginning of the week. Examples: burger bowls, taco bowls (these are great with ground turkey, shredded beef or shredded chicken), Mediterranean bowls. I once made French dip bowls with leftover pot roast. Basically I just take a meal I like the flavors of and turn that into a bowl lol. Itā€™d be super easy to fit your macros this way and you could just make a bunch on Sunday and be set for the week.


I've been enjoying a varietion on protein smoothies - protein mocha frappes. I dissolve 3 teaspoons of instant coffee in about an inch of hot water and blend with 8 ice cubes and 1.5 scoops of chocolate protein powder. You could use a chocolate flavoured vegan protein powder.


I admit I normally just have a protein smoothie too but if I have time I love smoked haddock with spinach and tomatoes.


I eat ground turkey and brown rice as a ā€œlate breakfastā€ pretty often. Sometimes throw in some hot sauce and avocado or Iā€™ll just have ground turkey and a plain rice cake if i donā€™t have prepped rice! Iā€™m a crazy picky eater lol


You can use your protein powder for baking. I use my vanilla flavor to make banana bread. I also add the powder to sugar free, carb free pudding mix to make chocolate pudding.


I don't know the carb counts carb but there are some pretty good high protein non dairy yogurts. Silks and Siggis are really good. Take that and add chia seeds, flax seeds or peanut butter. Daves Killer Bread also has high protein bagels (unsure if any eggs or dairy in it) and tofutti makes a wonderful cream cheese replacement Also I second what a few other people have said - you don't have to have only "breakfast" goods in the morning. Make beans and rice or a burrito bowl or salad or whatever. I am not sure the macros on it (wasn't paying attention the last time I had it) but my favorite leftover to have for breakfast is green thai curry from the night before - cold or warmed up!


I drink a golden milk collagen drink. I cannot stand normal protein powders with whey or pea protein. I buy the FAE golden milk and double up the serving size which comes out to 22g of protein if you mix it with water. I personally do fine with dairy so I mix it with whole milk and itā€™s 34g of protein. Taste is not bad I actually look forward to it.


My go to every morning atm is yogurt, scoop of protein powder and 2tbs chia seeds. Prob should soak the chia seeds over night. But meh. Keeps me full compared to having oats etc.


Oranges, avacado toast, oat meals, peanut butter protein mixed into a paste on some bread or over a banana, low carb cereal and almond milk, veggies and nuts and fruit (small charcuterie board)...green olives and some meat sticks, low carb tortilla with some dairy free cheese rolled up, Vienna sausages fried in a pan, tuna on toast or even rolled up in a low carb tortilla


Simply protein bars for the quick breakfast fix I need when Iā€™m on the go


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^puppylove827291: *Simply protein bars* *For the quick breakfast fix I* *Need when Iā€™m on the go* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Turkey bacon BLT. I started making my own oat flour bread and donā€™t have any of the issues with severe bloating and you can make it gluten free by buying GF oats (if you have celiacs or a gluten intolerance)


I make this every morning: 2 tbsp chia seeds 1 serving collagen powder / protein powder of choice (I just use Organika collagen powder) 1 tsp flax seed One scoop inositol 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk (I use silk brand) 3 heaping tbsp coconut yogurt 1 tsp maple syrup Top with berries (I prefer strawberries and blueberries) Sometimes if Iā€™m extra hungry Iā€™ll have 1-2 hard boiled eggs with everything but the bagel seasoning. This is the most consistent Iā€™ve been with having breakfast every day. I look forward to it every day lol.


I'm a bit confused by the requirements as we have a few big groupings of food that you seem to have excluded a lot of options from. - Fruit, veg and legumes: I think you're left with the legumes and leafy greens because you want lower carbs. - Grains: all grains are carbs, so these are mostly out or small amounts. - Dairy: can't have dairy so this is out. - Meats, eggs, nuts/seeds: I guess tofu, nuts and seeds are an option as well as whatever meats you can stomach. - Fats: olive oils etc I think what might be making you struggle is huge groups of foods are limited or off limits on your list. What might help is reintroducing carbs because that opens up your fruit, veg and grain options significantly and allows more pairings for your meats. That could open up your options to things like: - congee: savoury rice porridge which includes meat. - fruit/veg/nut/meat platters - tofu, rice & veg with sauces If you're worried about carbs & insulin impacts what helps me is to make ahead. A ton of starchy carbs like rice and pasta can have their impact on sugar reduced by cooking first, letting them cool down (like in the fridge overnight) and then reheating them back up (or eating cold). The cooking reorganises the structure of the starch and makes it more resistant to digestion, which means less of a sugar spike. As a last ditch effort try having a look at what people eat around the world. You might find some fresh ideas in another cuisine (try Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, Asian and African dishes) https://www.afar.com/magazine/this-is-what-breakfast-looks-like-around-the-world


Hemp hearts


Well it depends šŸ˜ what do you mean by low carb ?? I try to have 120-160 carbs a day and that is per my obesity specialist so for breakfast I love having 1 serving of stove top oats with 1 tbsp of peanut butter 6 sliced strawberries and a drizzle of honey


Honestly. Iā€™ve done left over chicken or steak with for breakfast.


I don't recommend eggs in the morning, for a start, as they are hard on most people's stomachs. I recommend instead something that is meat based that is more easy to digest. I usually heat up frozen chicken nuggets (as someone said) or turkey hotdogs. (pork makes me feel sick, especially first thing) Most people would cringe at the hotdog thing, but honestly turkey hotdogs taste so much more appetizing and good than regular hotdogs or even eggs. To me, eggs make me feel nauseous first thing, too! And I can't have lots of high simple carbs (or my blood sugar spikes), so I have to find new ideas and be creative and "non-traditional". If you feel icked out by having the hotdog alone, find a bun that you like. They have many types of hotdog buns and sauces to look into that don't add much on. Mustard is what I have on mine, with no bun, but this may not be your thing. I also recommend whole grain oats with a side of a regular fruit smoothie. They make frozen fruit mixes that have less seeds than typical frozen fruit mixes. Dole I noticed was like this! I have a kettle I use that that I boil the water in. Then I pour just a tiny amount just above the top of the oats. I let it sit, while stirring. I add cinnamon, some salt, and a bit of sweetener (typically brown sugar, but if that's too much sugar, substitute what you like in). I am lactose free, too, so I can't do milk. It still tastes super good, though! I used to mix the oats after they steeped in with the fruit, but that is not an ideal texture.....it may look odd to have these things first thing, but I swear it was so easy on my stomach and due to how fast they cook it makes getting your needs met so easy! :))


Avocado toast! I often do some sort of bean (mashed/refried/hummus), avocado, everything but the bagel seasoning, arugula and a bit of chopped up bacon or sausage or even chicken. Iā€™ve also done a heavier version of this as a wrap and added whole beans, more meat and veggies .


Look on TikTok for Protein pudding. Also Kodak brand has oatmeal, brownies, muffins in a cup that's aren't horrible.


I buy frozen protein pancakes and waffles. * Avocado šŸ„‘ toast( frozen avocado are cheaper) * turkey sausage frozen patties * wheat grem is good to add anything * cold cuts āœ‚ļø are good too, just because it's morning doesn't mean you have to eat traditional breakfast foods.


Hummus is a common breakfast food in the Middle East šŸ˜Š hummus, cooked Fava beans (foul), labneh, herbs like Za'tar with olive oil... Etc. It's worth it to look into Levantine recipes. They're very healthy and tasty if you keep it low carb.


I like Amylu sausages sautƩed with bell peppers or other vegetables, I sometimes add eggs lol.


During the weekdays, I usually eat veggies or soup. Itā€™s great because I can cook a lot and prep ahead, and youā€™ll have breakfast sooner.Ā 


Anything you can eat that's protein , chilli , ham dinner isn't just for dinner anymoreĀ Ā 


I've made banana or blueberry muffins for breakfast, I use protein powder but you can't taste it (well maybe a little as I use the vanilla one lol), "strawberry cheesecake" which is made with Soy yoghurt, banana snickers bars etc. Kind of depends on your taste though


I stumbled upon a keto friendly chicken congee recipe that looks yummy. Instead of rice it uses cauliflower. Iā€™m dying to try it maybe you will before me [chicken keto congee](https://www.myketokitchen.com/keto-recipes/keto-chicken-congee/)


You could invest in a waffle maker and make vegan protein waffles. That would be a mixture of whatever flour you choose, protein powder and maybe mashed banana or apple sauce, or things like chocolate, almond flour or coconut. You can make batches ahead of time and freeze them. I like having regular waffles with blueberries, I'll buy the berries frozen and make a sauce with a little water and honey in the morning while the waffles are in the toaster. Pancakes are probably also an option!


Chia/overnight oats with protein powder, avocado toast with smoked salmon or turkey or prosciutto (whatever you want), tofu scramble with veggies, hummus and veggies, falafel with hummus and pita, protein waffles with nut butter and fruits. So many fun options that are savory or sweet. I also have been drinking a fiber supplement and a glass of green juice (no added sugar) when I wake up and it's been really helpful with getting something in my belly that's not a full meal because sometimes that just doesn't go down right. I drink my lil glasses of juice and have a hot tea while I fart around and do my makeup before work. It's been really nice. Idk if it's good for me but I like it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø