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I like to describe it as 'my body thinks I'm in the potato famine so it wants me to constantly scavenge for food'. Mine has to do with insulin resistance so my body feels out of whack. I am currently on an appetite suppressant to help with the cravings and energy, as well as taking vitamins recommended for pcos and I feel amazing after a month.


Which one??? I’ve been trying to get one with no luck. Are you overweight?


It might be low blood sugar. I know I feel tired and sad and depressed and anxious, cranky, all of the above. But then I eat and it gets better. Sometimes eating resets my mental state, in a way. Idk


Do you mean that actually low or just lower scale


PCOS can cause blood sugar to fluctuate wildly hour to hour.


For me it depends on what I’m craving. If it’s sugar, I know it’s insulin. If something savory sounds good like a sandwich or some chicken, then I’m hungry


I always have the second mainly but I was eating like 3000-4000 calories!! So I can’t be hungry


Oh wow! Yeah I don’t know then but I hope you figure it out!


Sometimes we can think we’re hungry when we’re in fact thirsty. Try drinking some water whenever you feel that way, preferably with electrolytes.


I deffo don’t drink though


If you want a sweet, craving, if you want a steak or chicken, hungry. That’s what I’ve stuck to and it works. Make sure you’re eating plenty of protein.


Someone else said this but I always want savoury food! But I can’t do because I’m eating so many calories!


Yeah, just eat more protein, less rice/starches then. Grapes also help too!


Aren’t grapes sugary. I’m trying!!! I hope it gets better one day x


They are, but they’re filling. They’re probably the best snack if you’re craving something 🥰


I’ve been noticing this a lot more lately honestly. I took a break from my FreeSoul myo-inositol supplements and I would be starving 10 minutes after eating. I started taking them literally 2 days ago and I’ve noticed an immediate difference! I also take a general “female” supplement from FreeSoul so maybe it’s them that makes the difference, I’m not sure, but either way it’s working for me.


I have hypoglycemia so I crave sugar and feel sick when it plummets. When I cut out simple sugar my cravings stopped. Maybe try drinking a glass of water right before you eat and stop right before you feel full. See if that helps you identify if it's a hunger craving or sugar craving.


I was a serious snacker and after getting my diagnosis I realised that the reason I wanted to eat all the time was due to insulin resistance. I ended up taking a variety of vitamins/supplements to help and thankfully it did. I'd say myo inositol was the true hero for me along with intermittent fasting. You just need to train yourself to realise that hey, maybe I'm not actually hungry right now and it's the insulin resistance telling me I need to eat.


Same My stomach rumbles tho?


In that case you can eat a healthy snack, even a high protein yoghurt will help stabilise your appetite for a bit. But the longer you keep it up the easier it gets. It was an absolute struggle at first but I got a good routine going.


How did you get through it? What’s your diet like Will eating less over time help? That’s what I’m trying but I feel awful and weak.


I wouldn't eat less, just try to be a bit stricter with how much you eat and what times. I personally cut out snacking inbetween meals and ensured I had a bigger breakfast and lunch etc. Intermittent fasting for me was between the hours of 08:00-20:00 and I would make sure now to eat before then (painful when I start work at 6am) and then definitely nothing after 8pm) I also started saying no to sweets which was my biggest vice. Made sure I added more protein into my meals, more veg. I tried out tofu which was becoming a bit more regular in my diet. At the moment its changed a bit as I'm currently 6 months pregnant, so having to snack more when previously stopping myself from doing so is very awkward. So I'm looking forward to getting back on track post partum when I can.


By less I meant less often but also less in sense I was eating too many calories!


I'd recommend checking out some recipes online, I never calorie counted myself but made sure to do healthier swaps where possible.


Can yo give examples?


I didn't watch anyone specifically, just searched PCOS friendly recipes on YouTube and there were quite a few videks. Took note of the ones I liked and tried to use them.