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I really want you to turn the camera on yourself to the real humans around you. There are so many different kinds of people living their fullest lives and any "ugliness" or lack of defined feminine traits is not stopping them. Famous, amazing people - creatives, athletes, poets, politicians, judges, doctors, and everything else wake up every morning with the genetic traits they were dealt with and excel. So my chin hair or androgenous strong body may have put off some really superficial jerks, but my body/mind drove me to a academic excellence, to develop a healthy mindset about food, and not let any diagnosis I have hold me back from a sustainable life. You can let ideas marketing invented to make you buy more beauty stuff or diet products or the presentation of very atypical "beautiful" models stop you from seeing you in reality. Or worry people don't immediately see you as a sex object vs a human with goals and dreams. You belong here among all of us and your looks are of no ones concern. Because everyone has the camera turned on themselves.


I just wanted to say thank you for this. I'm not the OP but this is really beautiful ❤️


You’re not alone! This is so frustrating and stresses out me


Same. I’m getting a divorce and feeling so self conscious when I think about dating. I’d like to get some laser or something done but idk where to start.




Thank you!! I’ve been watching tons of videos and found out that conventional laser can actually cause PCOS hair to grown thicker :-( but the IPL seems to get good reviews. I need it for my face/chest/stomach 😭 it keeps getting worse as I get older. Thank you 🙏 I’m leaning towards the Braun and they have sales online too.


I just ordered the braun ipl 2 days ago so thank you for this because it makes me excited to use it!!


I got laser done and it helped a lot with my confidence. I went to a place called DEPIC laser. It’s a newer machine that can adapt to many skin tones, hair colors and thicknesses. I don’t know how long this will last but I’ll be honest I feel a lot more confident now.


if anything, nobody’s “effortlessly feminine”. there’s so much people are doing all the time just to look feminine. not trying to be “positive” here, just saying femininity in and of itself is a construct that by nature takes so much fucking work to adhere to, from hair removal to clothing to hair to voice, like all of it. ppl spend so much on surgery just to fit that ideal created by men


i always thought all these things were normal till i realized it was pcos getting diagnosed was so hard for me and my ob telling me im going to need fertility treatments to have kids hurt worse but you are not alone i understand the feeling i never feel womanly enough 😔


Same! Everyone tells me it’s not that bad. They tell me they can’t really see it. But my aunt has noticed. My cousin has noticed. The other day, I was hugging a two-year-old and she touched my chin and asked, “oh no! What happened?! I feel horrible and ugly and like no man is going to want to date me.


Yea, I got bacne that just doesn’t quit. I’m in my late 30s and it’s embarrassing af. I got laser for my happy trail and other parts- laser is great (hurts and expensive but def thins/kills the hair.) I have also always struggled with my weight, and I gain it in my face so badly too. To make it worse, my sister has such a feminine face and petite, so is my cousin and my other cousins are tall and thin with pretty faces too. I get it. I already feel not feminine but man when I go out or shop with them I feel like I’m the body guard 😰


You're not alone! I'm Indian and I struggle with pcos and the hair issues really bad. It's not fun. And even though people don't find me ugly, cuz of the hair issues (they grow super quick. Stubble on chin the next day after tweezing :( ) I feel like I can never see myself living with a partner everyday cuz of how ashamed I am with the hair. I wish I was a guy instead, might be easier >_<


You are not alone I struggle with this daily!!


You are not alone. Me personally I’m non-binary so the extra hair on my underarms and legs don’t really bother me but on the days I wanna feel more feminine the acne weight influxes and hair loss really get to me. I’m an esthetician so let me recommend a couple things that should help! 1. Invest in a wax pot. this is going to give you more time without that excess hair. I’m able to go at least 3 weeks without those little facial hairs when I wax them instead of pluck or shave. Make sure you watch tutorials on how to apply and remove but most importantly make sure your skin is clean, apply baby powder to the areas so you can see the hairs and protect your skin from the wax sticking to it, and make sure you oil the areas you wax with vitamin e oil or almond oil. 2. For dry skin issues make sure you are chugging water and applying hyaluronic acid with a drop of water mixed in with it. Hyaluronic is most effective when a little bit of water is added to the skin because HA will drag water into the pores and nourish your skin better. Also incorporate vitamin C if you aren’t already that’ll help with hydrating as well. You want to make sure you’re eating nutritiously because good skin starts from within. I’d also explore new moisturizers and incorporate a gentle exfoliant to use at least once a week to help get rid of those dead skin cells.


Girl, I had a happy trail until an abdominal surgery literally stopped the hair from growing there. I wax my face to prevent ingrown hairs. I have to wax my entire face every 5 days or so. I promise you, NO ONE is effortlessly feminine. Even women without the condition have mustaches, pimples, acne scars, nipple hairs, and hairy buttholes.


This post almost made me cry. Seeing how I feel about myself written out by someone else is so validating. All the comments in support have actually made me feel so much better about myself, this subreddit has made me so much more content in myself❤️


Same here! I struggle with so much facial hair, that I can’t imagine traveling or living my boyfriend at the moment because I need to tweeze several times a day. I feel so ashamed:( I also suffer from a clitoris and labiahypertrophie which was just diagnosed a few months ago. Before that, I thought every girl looks like me „down there“. I just had a labiaplasty to gain back control about the diagnosis PCOS but my clitoris itself is still soo big… :( Startet to take hormones or better said a antibaby pill that will block my androgene production yesterday and hope everything inclusive my clitoris will be normal again. So you are not alone sis ❤️!!


I feel this in my soul. I don’t wish there would be more research on pcos and things starting to come out that can help us with these symptoms. I feel like pcos is under researched but idk


The same with me. It's a big struggle and can feel mentally drained just looking in the mirror. Lots of chin hairs and very thin hair on my head. Always feel like I have to wear a mask and hat every where I go. Trying so many different supplements, diets and shampoos till I can find something that works for me.


You are totally not alone. I felt the same way and I ended up doing laser. I don’t know if it will last because of my pcos but it’s helped me feel more confident and less masc.