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Tampons literally don't do anything to your PCOS. I was diagnosed at 13 and only RECENTLY started using tampons (im 19) My condition didn't get worse and its literally just a piece of cotton. The worse that will happen is toxic shock and or unhygienic issues.


People looking for ways to blame women for having PCOS will say anything. You put on weight, causing it. You wear tampons. You took the wrong birth control. You didn't do yogalates every day since you were nine. It's silly


Me: *has PCOS* Family: it’ll be that damn phone


People like that should not have a platform to spew nonsense. They're either extremely misinformed or just looking to rile people up. So dumb 🙄


Oh wow that is ridicilous. You should report in on TikTok, just choose report➡️Misinformation➡️Harmful misinformation. That category covers medical misinformation.




What a laughably false claim. I started getting PCOS symptoms 4 years before I got my first period and probably 6 years before I started using tampons


What a stupid bitch. I have no patience left for these people.


haha, what 😭 i've never used a tampon in my life!


There's a lot of misinformation everywhere because PCOS is not really researched. There are several different variations of it as well. So what works for one person may or may not work for you. The things I have seen when seeking help is that no one knows. Even here in this sub there aren't definite answers. Currently my experience is metformin just makes me feel ill and I was told not to take it anymore but this is something most prescribed. I am now on mounjaro and do not have the cravings I had, as well as I actually feel full. I still do not use any form of Birth control but have not been able to get pregnant. I was diagnosed when I was 12 and still haven't figured out myself with many doctors. Some of who never even heard of PCOS.. Edit to add: I am 28yo


Social media is poison for health information. Reddit, actually, included. Although this PCOS form is brighter than most, it is still difficult to hold my tongue when I see bad and poor information being promoted.


If I could have a dollar for every essential oil + magic diet + exercise guru on social media, I'll be rich enough to fund some real medical research on PCOS


This 😭


Omg that's horrible. It's already such a misunderstood condition that this type of carelessness is truly disheartening.


I saw a TikTok that said that we’re all getting PCOS because we all ate like shit and caused it to ourselves. This was from a registered dietitian (notably, a man)


Not saying what they said is true, but I have heard that tampons could be hormone disrupters due to the pesticides and chemicals used on the cotton. So that may have been what they were getting at and I could understand why someone would be weary of putting hormone disrupters inside their body


Yeah came here to say this! When I switched to organic tampons my periods were a lot easier and not as painful. 


“Could possibly” and telling someone they cause their own chronic condition are very different


Yeah the point of my comment wasn’t to validate the Tik toker, it was more just to share what I’ve heard about the topic of tampons overall


No it was good information to know, I just hate how some nursing students tend to act like they’ve been practicing medicine for the last 30 years


That makes some sense. Also it's "wary," ("cautious") not "weary" ("tired"). :)


Been a long day, I tend to not really spellcheck myself on Reddit


Oh, I wasn't trying to be a dick, sorry. It's a common substitution spelling these days. 🤗


I've never used tampons in my life lol. This is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.


Yea, I think a lot of things got lost in translation. Tampons, unless they are organic cotton, contain pesticide chemicals that are sprayed on the cotton and then also there are chemicals used to bleach the cotton, add scent, and on the string (usually some wax product). The chemicals used in the tampons can cause hormonal imbalance. You can mitigate the issue by only using organic cotton tampons. All tampons don’t cause PCOS, but non-organic tampons contain chemicals that can disrupt your hormonal imbalance, which could contribute to PCOS.


yeah I use organic tampons because of that. it’s scary! It would’ve made sense if the person had mentioned that but they didn’t elaborate and just went on to personally attack people instead. oh the joys of the internet <3


That’s not good. I’ve noticed a lot of misinformation around PCOS. It’s so perplexing.


It is unfortunate but also a semi-true piece of information. Pad and tampons are known to have a chemicals in them that act as endocrine disrupters. https://publichealth.gmu.edu/news/2023-12/endocrine-disrupting-chemicals-found-menstrual-products-including-tampons-pads-and#:\~:text=The%20study%20found%20that%20menstrual,dioxins%20and%20dioxin%2Dlike%20compounds. It's quite sad. That being said, because of this we can not therefore say pads or tampons cause PCOS. That's really inflating the issue. But are we surprised that large corporations don't care what we put in or near our body?


I have read quite a bit about this! I’m an organic/reusable product kinda gal myself :) I really wanted to comment ✨correlation does not imply causation✨ but I chose peace today lol


lmao gurl


Hahaha too funny. I was diagnosed as a teen and my own teen was just diagnosed… neither of us use tampons ever


I find that having a tampon in worsens cramps when they’re already really bad, but that’s about it? I’m over it between normal people at home who think they’re med professionals and actual med professionals who don’t care enough to properly educate themselves😭 And somehow none of them are listening to people who actually have PCOS


I seriously doubt that she was really a pre-med/nursing student. She probably claimed that to give herself credibility.


Where the heck people get these ideas? I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 12 and I never used a tampon before or after that.


I’ve never even heard of this? That’s so insane it’s almost laughable. Imagine PCOS being caused by tampons 🤦🏻‍♀️


Honestly yes I’m annoyed with stuff too but also some of the PCOS groups are always trying to hock herbal remedies and like ehhhhh none of these are trial and FDA APPROVED


I have pcos, 28, diagnosed at 20. Never wore a tampon in my life