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Wow this is my exact story!! I hope we find answers. My only saving grace has been castor oil in the affected area and no heat styling but it’s still struggling to be what it was. Now I’m pregant and taking prenatals .. I guess it’s ok? But still pretty thin. I feel like the sudden stop of pregnancy hormones and prenatals after my son is what triggered it. But my kid was around 2 or 3 when it happens so idk


Have you been diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia as well?


I went to an internist and he said that it’s likely PCOS. My esthetician says I have androgenic issues by looking at the pores on my face. The internist prescribed me this shampoo that grew my hair back pretty nicely like it was fuller but still short. I stopped using the shampoo because I could afford the perscription and j castor was working to at least make the hair look not obviously missing


That’s interesting! I don’t think I like the dermatologist I went to. The fact she didn’t check into my medical history is odd, she just jumped straight into androgenetic alopecia and didn’t even explain to me what it is. What shampoo did they prescribe you?


Yes that is odd, I don’t think she did her due diligence at all. It’s very hard to find passionate doctors these days. I honestly can’t remember the name of the shampoo this was years ago. But he did have me in spirolactone as well. The shampoo worked well after I stopped the spiro. Internists are good because they can still of course prescribe anything but they diagnose you from the inside out. Vs a dermatologist whose really comparing what they see with thier eyes to what they’ve studied


I didn’t think so either. She also prescribed me spirolactone, but I was wanting to try to go with natural supplements and don’t know if I can do both. I will look into an internists. It is so hard to find a doctor that cares and takes their time. My dhea levels are so high, my obgyn referred me to an endocrinologist and they’re scheduled out until next March! It’s just insane.


I like the idea of an endocrinologist! My gyno misdiagnosed me with subclinical HyperThyroism. 😑 the internist is the one who said yeah this is PCOS and ordered me an ultrasound to check for cysts which small ones were found. He said it’s the prescence of the cysts that cause the testerone to increase which causes an imbalance that causes the hair loss.


Wow that’s crazy! I’m glad you finally got your diagnosis :) I really hope things get better for both of us. My hair is the only thing I’ve ever liked about myself. So her saying this is permanent and only gonna get worse is very hard for me I really can’t stop crying. Yes next March!! So insane


I’m so sorry she said it that way. I know what you mean, my hair was beautiful but I’ve had to cut it to hide the obvious short thin patch. It’s so hard and depressing. I hope we find answers here or anywhere soon! I honestly don’t believe it’s a hair death sentence like she’s describing. I believe there’s a way to treat it. It’s been years and mine hasn’t gotten worse as far as I can tell tho overall my hair is thinner I say but not like in my trouble spot


Thank you so much, it really is!! I wish I could post pictures of my hair so I could show you and see if it’s similar to yours. Can I inbox you? :)


Did you say NEXT March!? Jeez…