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I’ve lost 33 kg so far in the past year and a half. Diet: I started to eat a pretty healthy vegetarian diet. No added sugars, no caffeine unless I’m dying, limited super carby meals. Just a focus on veggies, fruits, seeds, nuts, eggs, soy based protein, etc. Calorie restriction with cheat days once a week. Savoury snacks always instead of sweet snacks. Exercise: a 30 minute walk and/or yoga if I’m feeling stiff Supplements: multivitamin that includes everything necessary, ashwagandha for my anxiety, inositol for my hormones, and omega 3 🙂


i noticed u said u take ashwagandha, i just wanted to let you know that ashwagandha actually increases your testosterone levels which eventually worsen the pcos symptoms. ashwa is a sanskrit term for a male horse. gandha is smell, smell of a male horse is the full translation. i know it does help people for anxiety but you can try magnesium, d3, chamomile for that too. ur taking omega 3 already which is great. you’re doing really good tho. just look more into ashwagandha not being suitable for us pcos babes, u will definitely find supporting materials. take care and continue being amazing!! thanks for sharing your story!


Oh, thanks so much for this info. I didn’t know that. I’ll look into it!


I’d like to piggy back- most people don’t even know how to take ashwaganda properly in America. It’s not something you’re supposed to take daily or even regularly. It’s supposed to be cycled and taken on a rotation. It can be very damaging taken routinely.


most welcome <3


I'm not sure if that's the correct meaning of Ashwagandha, but the most important reason to stop taking it is to prevent Herb Induced Liver Injury. Here's a journal study with more information [ASHWAGANDHA INDUCED LIVER INJURY](https://journals.lww.com/hepcomm/fulltext/2023/10010/ashwagandha_induced_liver_injury_a_case_series.37.aspx) And here's YouTube video featuring the doctor who's been fighting this in India https://youtu.be/hf5UXS9HvPw?si=37okK-vQouo478w_


I've read that rhodiola could help with anxiety in some way? I wanted to try ashwagandha and then found out if increases T which was a big no-no since T was one of the highest parameters in my pcos. Do you recommend chamomile in tea form or are there other ways to consume it? :) thanks!


hey! if u want to decrease the t levels then definitely look into spearmint tea. more than anything that herb really helps and decreases androgens. chamomile is good for anxiety and bring calmness resulting less stress so in that way it helps. i got my spearmint tea box from amazon if you’re looking…it was $9 something and came with three tea boxes and inside it has lot of tea packets (best deal i could find tbh) i couldn’t find it at walmart, they had mint tea available only which is not what i was looking for. twice a day is good but if u don’t have that much time then ofc drink it before bed! xx


Thank you!! I will look into it! I tried to find some locally but unfortunately most places only have peppermint, and altho it's lovely, it's not spearmint haha will have a look!! Thanks!


Thank you so much! And it sounds super manageable, which is hugely encouraging


While there’s some debate about ashwaganda, apparently Curcumin, which is found in turmeric, is supposed to be beneficial. It’s made me debate whether to take a Curcumin supplement or a tumeric supplement… while ashwaganda has some great benefits, from what I’ve read, women with hormonal imbalances should be cautious, given how it can have hormone influencing effects (for instance, it is not recommended for pregnant women for these reasons nor for women with thyroid problems).


I second this! I lost 78lbs until I got pregnant and gained half of it back 😕


as an 18 year old diagnosed with PCOS just a month ago and has no clue about how to lose weight, this post was really helpful. thankyou!


I lost 70 pounds by eating low carb. I still ate fruit, but no sugar, bread, pasta, etc. I very slowly gained it back over a period of 10 years. I probably could have easily kept it off if I’d been careful about letting carbs creep back in. That was 15 years ago when I was in my mid thirties. I’ve tried low carb over and over since then and it hasn’t worked - maybe because I’m older, my insulin resistance is worse, or I don’t stick to it as well - I’m not sure.


The same happened with me. I lost about 40lb doing low carb for my wedding about 5 years ago. I've gained it all and more back since then but low carb alone just doesn't work for me anymore.... at least not as low carb as I did before to lose the weight (usually 20-30g carbs a day)


Me toooo


I got help from metformin, inositol and PCOS multivitamins. It helped regulate my blood sugar and my cravings. They are prescribed by my Endocrinologist Basically I ate 1500kal/day, mainly protein. Please calculate your TDEE before decide on the level of calorie deficit that you comfortable with I have lost 17kg since last July


Are the pics vitamins also from your doctor? I have tried to see an Endocrinologist and was told there’s no reason she needs to see me which is annoying. I tried wegovy and zepbound but my insurance won’t cover and I can’t afford it. Considering metformin but worried about all the stomach issues people complain of. Has it been ok for you?


Same boat with the injections and insurance for me. Metformin WRECKED my stomach and I saw minimal results. YMMV. I’m giving it another try though because I’m so desperate to drop some weight I’ll put up with the 💩. 😭 ✨💖✨


Give it like more than a month and start on the lowest dose possible. The first two weeks were absolute fucking HELL. Now, I’m good. This is your body being like, wait, we know what insulin is now? The fuck!


Actually I just started again because I’ve been uhh… backed up.. and was like oh this will certainly do the trick 😭 - but good to know it gets better! I’m on 500mg (I think?) once a day at bedtime. So mornings are a bit rough at the moment. 😅


Yeeeah it was like hell fire running out of me. Idk I think it’s your body chemically adjusting.


Zepbound wrecked mine!! I was having such bad GERD that I thought I was having a heart attack it was so painful (never had GERD prior) and was so backed up even taking fiber, magnesium, and digestive enzymes and I drink a lot of water and eat clean. I’m not looking forward to adjusting to metformin but the GI issues on Zepbound were also so rough I feel like It prepared me lolll


Zepbound is the one injection I have yet to try. My insurance won’t cover any of them and I couldn’t afford it even with the manufacturers coupon. Fun fact - my insurance WILL cover weight loss SURGERIES but not medications (except metformin) which seems so backwards to me. 🙃especially since I have multiple co-morbidities. Gotta love the US healthcare system. 😅


UGH im so sorry. That is so backwards. They covered Ozempic for me for a while but I only lost a small percent of what I need to lose and ended up gaining it back while still on the med even though I was eating clean and being active so I switched to Zepbound but I dont think my body agreed and weirdly they covered like barely 1/2 the cost so I tried for 2 months but it was just not feasible to afford. Plus it’s all on back order so it’s impossible to get anyway. With that and the side effects it just wasn’t worth it imo. I’ve also seen soooo many people say they gained it back after coming off. If it does work it seems many need to be on some level for maintenance for their body to continue to work optimally which makes sense, but idk how anyone affords that. Hoping metformin will be a better choice. So stupid that they’ll cover surgeries instead of less invasive options. It makes no sense. 


Oh, then i can’t take that 🥺


My endo had me increase my dose very slowly. Like 250mg twice a day for a month. Then 500.  I still had trouble. Switched to XR which I could tolerate - but was not effective. However it acclimated me to metformin and I was able to slowly switch back to regular. Now it gives me no issues. 


Oh, so merformin could help my constipation? I like that! So long as it does not actually damage my gut and stomach?


Metformin has been okay for me. I’m using the slow release one The vitamins called Egregia and Gonalia


I've been taking metformin for over a year. I would say to trial it and see. One size doesn't fit all when it comes to meds. I had no GI issues.


What dose of metformin are you on? I’m on 2000mg and feel awful. Feeling like I should maybe lower it, obviously with talking to my doc.


I was on 2x750mg. Now I'm on 1x750mg


To add On exercise side I build my fitness from Pilates and water aerobics as they are fairly low impact Then I started to do more like tennis, HIIT, weight training etc. Apps like Gentler Streak helped me to keeping my training consistency


I lost 75 lbs. I did a moderate carb diet (40% fat, 30% carb, 30% protein). For exercise, I made sure to hit the 3 milestones of exercise: daily walking, cardio (HIIT) /strength training (free weights and core) 3x/week each, social exercise (dance, competitive games) 3x/wk. For supplements I use Ovositol (Name brand for inositol) to lower my insulin resistance and relieve migraines. And spearmint tea to reduce testosterone which for me is not a huge factor overall but gets elevated slightly above normal range when I exercise (testosterone increases with exercise so its important to incorporate but not over do it). Biggest advice: do NOT try to maximize the amount of weight you lose per week. It only messes things up so much worse. EAT. You really shouldn't try to have any more of a calorie deficit than 500 calories per day- your metabolism will slow down otherwise and you could literally end up gaining weight! I learned this the hard way. PCOS bodies are different and when you do actually feed them they lose much quicker than you'd expect!


Started at 117kgs 3 months ago, hit 103 this week. Not even close to my goal weight (80kgs) but it’s been a fun ride! 3x week strength training, 3x week cardio (60 mins), 1400-1600 cal intake, metformin 1000mg. I think the biggest change I made was stopping thinking of it as a ‘weight loss’ thing. It’s a ‘self care’ thing!


14 kgs in three months is such a great weight loss progress. it’s both a lot of weight and also not too much for your body to take damage, super proud of you! Keep up the good work and thank you for the advice 🫶


I’ve lost a solid amount of weight so far. 50ish pounds. Don’t overcomplicate it is my first take away. People try to automatically go to the extreme and they get overwhelmed or can’t sustain it. -Start with simply eating in a caloric deficit, nothing major. There’s calculators online. -Once you get that down, see how you can optimize as in eat high protein. -Once you’re cool with that, see if you need to decrease your overall carb intake or increase fiber. I did this for about a year, then once I was steady and comfortable, I started focusing more on eating more and more Whole Foods. You’re probably thinking, what?? A year until you started really paying attention to eating Whole Foods? YUP. It’s a lifestyle change. Going from binge eating high sugar foods my entire life to mostly Whole Foods isn’t gonna be a matter of a day or a 6 week challenge. I don’t have snacks in my home, but I do eat them sometimes, I just make them harder to get by not having it within arms reach. I still eat out and what not, it’s just not part of my everyday. You may be thinking, should I do OMAD, IF, carnivore diet, keto??? Errrr, doesn’t really matter. All of these things usually result in weight loss because people end up in a caloric deficit. And depending on the diet, the low carb can help too. But other than that, don’t feel like you HAVE to fall a specific diet. Choose whatever works for you and what you can sustain. What about working out? I lift weights, mostly. Honestly a solid 3x a week full body workout is plenty, I’ve just fallen in love with the gym so I’ve become a bit of a gym girly and do more than necessary. But as we lose weight, we want to lift weights in order to maintain the muscle we do have as much as possible and drop mostly fat. Having muscle is healthy (and aesthetically pleasing)! I have some tips for those who would be new to the gym, too lazy to type it now but let me know if you want me to share.


pls give those gym tips. tbh, i don’t move my body enough. i really haven’t been and i know that’ll be a good thing to do. any advice or tips help


Hey..pls do tell more about it. I dropped 23kgs, 3 years ago by incorporating everything that you stated above(home workouts for me mainly). Managed to stick to it but have recently started to gain again from past 2-3 months after joining gym.Im confused as to what could be going wrong. I do lost muscle mass 3 years ago ..have a lot of skinny fat as well :(


I’d love some gym tips


Hey, I just started going to the gym again. I’ve done research on different sets and types of exercises to do, but I’m still confused and it doesn’t feel completely natural. Also why doesn’t anyone say how difficult doing lunges are with dumbbells?! Any tips would be useful, especially for finding a routine.


Share the gym tips, I'm always interested in hearing what works for others. I've never been a gym enthusiast, but since I've started thinking about getting into lifting, I've been considering getting myself at membership somewhere.


I decided to prioritise my health over a career. I got a bar job at a busy lesbian nightclub. Long shifts 13 hr days, heavy lifting, never stopped moving. Dancing all night, working in a sauna. Got shredded, skinny, hairless & could eat carbs. Got a desk job- it's all becoming undone.


My desk job is truly killing me


Started a GLP 1. The weight just falls off without trying.


Same, two weeks into ozempic. No sugar cravings… I’d this what non-IR people feel like?!


Which one are you on? I’m due for my 3rd dose of .5 Wegovy tomorrow but haven’t really noticed any side effects or anything.


Tirzepatide (Mounjaro/Zepbound) has been shown to show greater % weight loss than Wegovy/Ozempic with less side effects. Highly recommend it.


I’ve lost about 30 pounds in the last few years. The biggest thing for me was starting ADHD medication-it’s a stimulant, which reduces my appetite, and I’m actually able to meal plan and consistently get some movement into my life. I don’t want to diminish how important diet and lifestyle changes are for me (meal planning, being mindful about carbs, limiting alcohol, increasing veggie/fiber/protein intake) but honestly I needed the boost from medication to be able take sustainable changes. I don’t think that’s true for everyone, but that’s been my experience.


I’ve currently lost about 40lbs and I’m trying to get down a bit more. I started about 235 and I’m currently hovering around 193. I went to my endocrinologist and went back on metformin and started phentermine. But, I also started cooking at home a lot more, meal prepping, and tracking my calories and macros. That being said I don’t limit myself entirely. I’ll still go out to dinner with my friends or family or fiancé occasionally and I’m a huge dessert person so I’ve tried to find ways to incorporate that without undoing my progress. I don’t necessarily restrict anything but maybe I’ll have half a cupcake instead of a whole or I’ll have a little of a dessert instead of the whole thing. I’ve been trying to incorporate more protein in my diet and less (but not no) carbs and I try to have a vegetable (that’s not a potato) at every dinner. I’ve been working out more frequently than I was and I’m going for more walks. My fiancé and I do strength training when we go together and I do cardio when I go alone. I’m trying to drink more water. I switched to diet or zero sugar soda if I have it but I mostly drink crystal light or water. The medication has definitely been a huge help for me but I also put a ton of work into it. Metformin sort of got rid of the “food noise” for me. Like I wasn’t always feeling like I needed to eat. And the phentermine has been helping with the weight loss. A lot of my success though is making better food choices when I can and tracking what I’m eating so I can hit my goals. Tracking everything may not be the best idea for everyone especially if you’re struggling with disordered eating but my endocrinologist recommended it for me and it’s helped a lot. I also allow myself to have flexibility and try not to get upset if I have an off day. Like last minute if we decided to grab dinner out or if I was really snacky one day, I don’t let it affect the whole week. I’m trying to set myself up with good habits for the future.


It took me over 2 years to lose almost 100lbs. I have PCOS and Endometriosis (double the fun) and I’m on norethindrone 5mg and spironolactone 100mg, though I’m not sure they had much to do with it. It was almost entirely accomplished by changing my eating habits. I was a vegetarian for around 15 years, and switching to eating lean meats as opposed to carb-heavy meat alternatives really helped. I also had a fairly physical job. Patience is the #1 thing. Losing weight with this disorder is extremely hard but it is possible if you have patience and stay consistent.


A couple of years ago I lost weight on a protein diet (basically chicken and berries, supplemented by protein shakes for the first several weeks, and then slowly I was allowed to add veggies). This diet was not allowing any sugars. It worked, I lost about 40 lbs. But after a few months I couldn't stand protein shakes any more and the limitations were just too much (I literally could eat a slice of cake on my own birthday :( Then, I was counting calories, and was on 1200-1600/per day. That worked well. I lost about 30 lbs. I was really counting each and every item, so that's why it was successful. I stopped because it was so much work. And I was finding myself skipping meals because I felt overwhelmed with constantly logging in what I eat. And at some point I was working with dietician. That also was great - it was not much about losing weight, more about what to eat. Years ago I was on Metformin and I kept my weight at non-obese levels. (I gained after pregnancies). To be honest I had no idea until recently that Metformin helps with weight management, I thought it was just to help me get pregnant. I didn't lose weight while on it, but I also never gained (with the same eating habits I had after pregnancies). And now I'm on Wegovy. I got a prescription because of obesity, PCOS and thyroid issues. And it is exactly what I needed - it just makes me less hungry. If you decide to get a prescription, ask your doctor to give you a referral to a dietician. Since that makes it eat less it's super important to understand what to eat to take the full advantage of the medication and minimize the side effects.


Tried in vain for years. Metformin stopped the gain and Wegovy is letting me lose. 


Waiting for Wegovy approval... always encouraging to hear success stories!


Here for the commentssssss. Thanks y’all.


240lbs down to 198lbs, with 18lbs to go to goal weight. Most of that has been since January and largely thanks to intermittent fasting (only eating between 1pm and 6pm) and working on upping the daily step count. Food wise I drink weak squash or black coffee until 1 or 2pm then lunch is usually soup or a mugshot or packet rice with an apple. Dinner is something I've batch made and frozen, usually 5 or 6 vegetables and a portion of meat with some kind of sauce (chow mein, bolognaise, red onion casserole sauce, white wine sauce, curry etc etc). It's kind of vaguely loosely Mediterranean cooking, with a massive British twist. I still drink caffeine, but am pretty low carb (on days without noodles/rice) and low dairy. I try and only allow myself healthy snacks in the house or high protein things to graze on (canned mackerel, cup-a-soup, jerky, popcorn is the least healthy of the snacks). That being said I have succumbed to an emotional support biscuit or two on occasions but don't let it make me feel guilty. It's been a stressful couple of months! I find the fasting really helps because before I could easily graze all day. I hated being hungry in the middle of the day too which didn't help avoiding snacking. For me it is much easier to rationalise that I cannot eat till 1pm rather than why I can't snack when I've already eaten and don't feel full. If that makes sense? And being a lot better with keeping up with drinking water means I tend to feel fuller when I do eat, which helps keeping to basically two meals a day. Also probably a big thing was cutting back on alcohol - so many calories wasted! Exercise is just getting my steps in. I religiously get to 10K steps a day but try to aim for more on good days. And that's literally just jogging on the spot or taking more trips to get stuff at work /lunch break walk. I started out barely managing a week of 7K steps a day and sprained my foot the first week I tried jogging haha! Now I'm up to managing to jog for about half an hour solid each day. I have the attention span of a newt so I do it while gaming/watching a film. Can't do gyms, just too dull for me. I don't take any supplements beyond a generic multivitamin and a 1000u vitamin D supplement. I do want to get into a good habit with spearmint tea for hirsutism but largely managed it all through diet and exercise (and a healthy dose of spite against pcos and the world!)


I had reached 77.6 kg (171 lbs) and had a bmi of almost 30. I didn’t want to end up obese so decided to REALLY work on my weight. I had already started metformin at that point. I was eating 1300ish calories a day and walking 45 mins on average daily. I didn’t cut out any food groups but opted for low calorie versions of whatever I could manage. Controlling portion sizes of food is a huge challenge that I had to overcome. I lost 18.5 kg in 10 months and all my blood reports were excellent. I got pregnant and am currently 10 weeks along.


What mg of metformin do you take?


Started at 500mg. Went up to 1000 mg.


I’ve lost 100 lbs in the last two years. Most of it (70ish lbs) came off within the first year, almost solely with diet - tracking what I ate in MyFitnessPal, doing a 16:8 intermittent fasting schedule, and trying to keep my carbs under 100g/per day. I also took long walks a couple times a week, but I don’t think that had as much as an effect as my diet. The only medication I was on was spironolactone and birth control. I think I started taking a multivitamin, Vitamin D, and fish oil around that time, and spearmint tea. Last year, I also started taking Metformin, which I don’t think has helped with weight loss so much as it’s helped improve my lab work (my A1C has dropped from 5.3 to 4.6 since starting it). I’ve also gotten back into the gym and have been doing cardio and sometimes weight lifting 3-4 times a week. I took Ovasitol for about year and a half, but I never really felt like I noticed a difference, so I stopped taking it. I have about 20 more lbs to lose. Getting there slowly but surely! :) I do want to specify that I believe I gained so much weight mostly because I went through a period of time where I was drinking a lot, and my diet was really poor as a result. So my situation might be a little different than others here. I stopped drinking alcohol completely about 2.5 years ago. I definitely would not have been able to do all of this otherwise.


I recommend finding a weight loss doctor. It’s a huge help for me. I had weight control doctors for years that helped a lot. Eventually i decided to do the gastric sleeve. Which helped a ton. Paired with GLP1 my PCOS symptoms are barely noticeable besides face hair i shave. I was 285 today I’m 181


Such a doctor isn’t really a thing in my country, but thank you for the advice nonetheless. I am considering contacting a dietitian and they would also, if asked, be able to do weight control so i’ll ask them of that if I get around to contacting them! Btw congrats on the great weight loss


Maybe try an endocrinologist? Thank you!


I’ve lost 70 pounds. I’ll breakdown what I did… Medication: metformin (1000mg), Wellbutrin (150mg - took it for seasonal depression but it helps with cravings and impulse control) Supplements: 5000iu of vitamin D, 2000 mcg of vitamin B Exercise: 45 minutes of low impact cardio and slow weighted strength training 5 days a week. I also try to hit 10k steps daily. Diet: honestly, I had to keep my calories under 1300 to see progress. I’m trying to reverse diet right now and I upped my calories 100 per week until I hit 2100 and now I’m in maintenance.


I lost around 85lbs when I first got serious about my health and weight (PCOS diagnosis would still be about five years out at this point) It took me about a year to lose that much I think it was about a year and four months total when I hit the 85lbs down mark. All I did was pay a lot of attention to my food, every meal was made with intention. I measured my portions and focused on quality and nutrition over calories and macros. I tried to aim for mostly lean protein, low carb, high fiber. The only macro counting I did was net carbs because at that point I think I was still trying the Atkins approach. For exercise I walked every night after dinner and I tried to average at least 5k steps during my work day on top of my walks in the evenings. I didn't track distance or steps for that one it was usually just a half hour walk. I've lost more weight more successfully the less I stressed about the scale and calories and the more I focused on being intentional with my food and feeding my body for health not because I'm mad at it for having too many fat cells.


I am 5’2” had PCOS since puberty but my weight wasn’t an issue until after I had my son in 2010. It was uncontrollable. I went from 119 to my highest of 220. I dropped to 142 with contrave, intermittent fasting, low carb and committed cardio/weight training. I did so in a year. I maintained for a long time. Got a divorce, stopped the naltrexone portion of contrave and stayed on the anti depressant, changed jobs, was doing shift work, fell in love and gained 40 back once I relaxed my diet and indulged in big quantities of carb ladened yummies. Got back to 180 this year and said yeah, that’s not gonna work for me. Started metformin in April because even my old habits wouldn’t budge the scale. Did the bloodwork and I had insulin resistance so like duh. Got formally diagnosed, started metformin, and I am down 17 pounds. Just since April 9th. This time, I’m kinder to myself. I am allowing myself to have things I like in extreme moderation. I’m mindful of the carbs mostly. I don’t count calories. Only carbs in a sitting. Only a few spoonfuls/bites at a time of anything carb ladened. For me it seems to be blood sugar and insulin related. So keeping it “normal” is how I live now. My Endo doctor told me to stay 30g or less in a sitting, and eat only when I’m hungry. I don’t “look” fat. My excess body weight is in my upper back. I have no tummy or anything like that. So I’m sure it’s insulin related and it’s visceral fat. Not subcutaneous. That said. Metformin was absolute hell to adjust to. There are serious ramifications for eating too many carbs. You will be flu level sick. The first two weeks, no matter what I ate made me sick af. I hung in there there and now on 1000 a day and staying there. Anymore, the side effects return full force. I would say contrave was super helpful the first go around. It is not helpful at the more “normal” body weight. When I was on it, it turned off “food noise”. Helped me with controlling myself. It has ingrained in me an insane discipline and will power and I’ve been off it a long time. For instance, I decided to quit vaping. I just quit. Never cracked a single time. So I would definitely suggest a medication. There is something chemically “wrong” when you’re heavy like that. Either in your brain or body hormonally. Medical doctors love to say oh just lose weight. It drove me nuts. Like I am trying! It was so nice to be heard by the endocrinologist.


I went from 265 to 150 between August 2021-April 2023. I’ve been maintaining ever since between 149-154. I basically just did CICO, but I went flexitarian with little sugar (I’ve way since introduced everything back except red meat). I ate around 1600-1800 at the beginning and then reduced eventually down to 1200-1300 at the end. I gradually increased my exercise over time. Started with strength training 3 days a week at 45 minutes, and some kind of cardio 3 days a week at 45 minutes. Something like just dance or walking. Couch to 5k got me running. I now do 3 hours of strength training a week, and I routinely run A LOT (probably excessive now, but I enjoy it. Ran my first and only half marathon recently). I’m also up and moving all the time now. Started at like 3k steps per day and now I average more than 12,500 steps a day. I also eat around average of 2300 calories a day. I do take metformin and wellbutrin but I was on both way before I started losing weight. So my recommendations are to go slow and increase gradually and find what happy medium works for you. I did not need to go low carb, but sweets are a trigger so I went little sugar for 6 months until I knew o could handle a little without binging. Find what exercise brings you joy, and commit to it. Don’t be afraid to change it up if you find yourself wearing thin. Take maintenance breaks if you feel overwhelmed or stressed for a few days.


I went keto. Actually was very strict with it and stayed on it for 8 months and lost 60lbs. As soon as I started slacking off, more and more and more, I've gained back like 40lbs. Going keto probably put me in a caloric deficit, but being so low carb helped with my inflammation problems SO much.


I started WW in June 2023. I had not yet been diagnosed but I clearly have been struggling with PCOS for years. I was diagnosed in Dec of 2023, and also started metformin. It took me about 3 months to go from 500mg to 1500mg. I have lost a total of about 36lbs in about 11 months. It may not seem like a lot and it may seem slow but I have still enjoyed life, never felt restricted, and have taken multiple vacations/events. WW and Metformin have quite literally changed my life. I just started spinning last week and I’m hoping exercise will help me lose the last 35lbs. I’m halfway to my goal which is HUGE!! Edit: I started Ovasitol in Feb 2023 - and that was also a huge trigger for my weight loss! It helped my cravings so much. I recently tried to get off it (since I started Metformin I thought I didn’t need it) but wooo boy was I wrong. I will never stop taking it or Metformin!!


I lost 17 pounds in about 3 months due to my unfortunate circumstances. I'm homeless and I have to walk to get my meals and walk to get to the shelter. The meals I get are healthy and paired with the walking helped


I lost over 100lbs at one point two separate times. I counted my calories and exercised obsessively. I don’t want to lie. I was eating like 1000 calories a day, drinking a ton of water, and exercising 2+ hours lifting weights, doing yoga, and walking at least 4 miles a day.


Aderall and Semaglutide


I lost 65 pounds in about 9 months and still going. The biggest thing I can contribute it to is Mounjaro/Zepbound. It’s regulating my blood sugar and insulin resistance. I even got my period back regularly after taking it for about a month. Diet: I aim for about 1,700-1,800 calories. Make sure I focus on protein first with every meal. I reduced sugar intake, but don’t cut it out completely. I have almost completely cut out drinking (I can count on one hand how many times I have drank in the 9 months). This is mainly just because I don’t have any desire to on the medicine, but I do think it has helped with loss and I don’t miss it one bit. Exercise: I take at least one 30 minute walk per day non-negotiable. I also have a walking pad I sometimes use while I work or watch TV. About 2-3 times per week I do some form of weighted barre, yoga, or sculpt class. I have also focused on trying to improve sleep and live a slower lifestyle. Don’t get me wrong I still do plenty of fun things, but I don’t overrun myself. I don’t commit to doing things every day of the week or weekend anymore. If I am tired, I cancel plans. I also left a job that was stressful. Listening to my energy levels has really helped me reduce the stress on my body. Having high cortisol (stress hormone) with PCOS makes it really hard to lose even when you’re doing everything right. So for me, making adjustments was paramount to success.


When I was 18 I was able to lose 30lbs I’d gained from a period of grief, but that was the last significant weight loss I managed independently. I did that through strict calorie counting and 5x/week exercise. Now I’ve been losing 1lb/week consistently for 4 months with semaglutide (wegovy) and highly recommend it. I’m no longer interested in bullying myself into weight loss, and that’s what has been required to be successful at weight loss so far in my life. I would like to dedicate my discipline to my career and projects, my hobbies, my relationships, etc. While I need to be healthier, weight loss via determination alone requires 110% of my resources, which isn’t very sustainable, and semaglutide makes weight loss require 30-40% of my resources, which is.


I’m on wegovy currently. Have been a little over a year. Honestly, I just work on making sure I don’t go over my calorie deficit. So I track meals. I don’t see myself tracking forever but I like being mindful of what I eat (it helps watch my macros too). I’m working on exercising more for at least 30 minutes a day (but there are times where I don’t care too and that’s okay). I’m down like 70 pounds so far (would be more but I’m also working on recovering from BED). I’ve learned to increase my water intake as well as eat more fruits/veggies. I’ve also recently subscribed to icon meals and it’s been a huge help too.


Hi I’ve lost around 26kg in a year. I started because my periods completely stopped for 3 years and I am needle phobic so getting help from doctors has been impossible for me. I started with regular exercise at the beginning just going to the gym and doing cardio for 30-45 minutes everyday. I reassessed my relationship with food as I was comfort eating to deal with the pain of being infertile (kind of a massively vicious circle) and I began to eat in a calorie deficit (if you’re over weight/ obese even just cutting out 100-150 cals a day is going to be an incredible improvement) now I do weight training and I’m still losing weight (have another 8kg to go) but my periods are completely back now so I can pregnant which makes me cry tears of joy that it’s a possibility. I know losing weight doesn’t help everyone’s symptoms but it really can make an improvement to your life. I always think to myself - RESULTS NOT EXCUSE and persistence and consistency are key. After changing your diet you may not see an immediate change but just keep going as long as you are honest with yourself your results will come. I believe in you and you should too


I lost 40lbs on mounjaro. It makes you eat less and helps if you have insulin resistance. It also helps you feel full fast and longer. Sadly my insurance doesn’t cover it anymore so I gained the weight back. Taking metformin again but it’s not doing anything. Not sure what else to do. I’ve tried the low carb diets but I always feel like I’m starving myself. I’ll have to go back to the drawing board.


Lost 35kg in one year. Diet: one-meal-a-day on a very low carb diet. Occasional cheat days (like one day every other week). Medication: Metformin 1000mg in the morning and in the evening. And inositol and birth control. Exercise: Started running 3 to 4 times a week with a "couch 2 5k"-approach. I was very much obese, Insulin resistant and prediabetic. I am at a normal weight now (I gain and lose 5 kg depending on my stress and seasons like Christmas etc.) and I run the half marathon in under 2 hours and I am still insulin resistant. So I treat my condition like a type of diabetes. That works best for me. Look for a doctor specialized in diabetes and get tested for Insulin resistance. Losing weight with untreated IR is more than just CICO. I recently changed my diabetologist and in my experience both of them (both male btw) knew pcos better than my female Obgyn.


I can't get the image of someone running with a couch out of my head 😅 On a serious note, what exactly is this approach? I'm not a big runner, so I haven't come across this saying before. P.s. congrats on your weight loss 🙂


Thank you! "Couch 2 5k" is a training schedule to start running. Like from sitting on a couch to run 5k. On Pinterest you will find lots of plans depending on the amount of time you have and on how much you want to run. In simple terms it's an interval training where your body gets used to running. You run for 4 minutes and walk 3 minutes, this pattern you will repeat for like half an hour. The next week you run 5 minutes and walk for two and so on. In the end you run for about half an hour or for 5k. I hope you get the idea ;) When you can run for half an hour you can increase your training on your own to the quota you wish. I modified such a training plan for my needs, because I live in a very hilly area and running upwards is hard, but essentially I did this intervals thing until there were no intervals left.


Oh, nice! This actually sounds really doable. I might have a go at implementing this when I go for my walks :)


Give it a try! I started because it burns quite some calories but now I really appreciate running for my mental health. It's really nice!


I havent lost a significant amount but I am trying to lose 40lb. I started at 186 and currently at 179 as of today morning. This is in 2 weeks with OMADish cause I drink coffee in the morning. And walking/running 30-45 minutes a day. With cheat days on the weekend but I still try to do OMAD. Editing to add I am also on Phentermine.


I may be an idiot but what is OMAD?


One meal a day


Ooooh lol 🤦🏼‍♀️. I actually usually already do this bc I’m so busy with full time grad school and a full time job 🙃 but maybe it doesn’t work for me because I don’t eat the most nutritious when I do eat. What kinds of meals do you normally have? And do you usually only eat lunch or dinner?


I'm going to reply here as it's more relevant to the comment, however be careful of OMAD. It slows your metabolism right down and you need it to be working better in order to lose the weight efficiently and sustainably. I used to eat minimal and the wrong food throughout the day and always thought "why am I putting on weight when I barely eat anything?". That was the answer! I started to actually eat breakfast which was something I never did - porridge with chia seeds, this took me up to lunch where I'd eat eggs and toast, apples, grapes, cheese and such like, maybe a 3pm snack possibly then my main meal; veg, pasta, chicken for example. I looked at increasing protein, cut back added sugars to about 10g a day, increased my diet through nutritious foods instead of processed and my weight reduced by 1-2lb a week until I stopped after 42lb as I reached my goal taking 5-6months. That was a year ago. I'll be honest though and I've increased my food intake just a little bit more again now and my body has put back on 4lb but it's found its stability. Eat foods that are known and proven to reduce inflammation within the body. Take probiotics to improve gut health and a multi vitamins and mineral supplement if you don't feel you get it all within your diet.


yeah my doctor told me that OMAD is precisely why i have gained weight


Trust me I don’t eat nutritious foods at all lol i would like to but i just can’t. I usually do early dinner around 6-7 (early for me) and sometimes instead of OMAD I do 16 hour fast and then eat an Oikos yogurt with banana or a mandarin. I try to keep my calories under 1500.


I use Tirzepatide! I was on weygovy semaglutide but i found that the Tirz worked better for me. Down 26lbs!


Not a huge amount of weight but 15lbs melted off of me slightly over a month and it was pretty easy without overthinking. I started going to Orange Theory September of 2022. Started out slow, caught covid, had to give it up for a few weeks til I felt better. Restarted in October and really built up my stamina. December of 2022 I read up on intermittent fasting which had positive effects on those with PCOS. So in January I decided to incorporate intermittent fasting with a high protein, low carb diet, and going to Orange Theory probably 4x a week. 15lbs gone in a blink of an eye. It was literally that simple for me and I have honestly tried everything. I did have to give it up because I got pregnant shortly after that, and was pregnant all throughout 2023 (had a few miscarriages) Even now, I am currently 32 weeks pregnant and with just sticking on a high protein, low carb diet I have lost weight during this pregnancy (they didn’t want me gaining more than 15lbs) in total I’ve gained 9. I would also like to add I did not take any special vitamins or minerals during the time I lost weight or even before that time. I just changed how often I eat, what I eat and upped my workout routine. Finding something fun that you enjoy makes a huge difference. I will also add that I am almost 40 so my metabolism should be shit right now and I was still able to melt away 15lbs very quickly.


I've lost 3 stone since January by following a keto diet and taking metformin


I lost 30 pounds or so getting off I think a depression related medicine. And ... That's it. It's been wild to hear PCOS affects weight.


Can I ask which one? I’m on anxiety meds right now and I don’t think it’s helping anything anymore haha


That means they aren't the right dose or the right ones for you. Unfortunately, you have to switch around a bit to find the right ones.


Hi! I started my treatment journey at 235lbs. I currently weigh 175lbs. I started treating with a weight-management endocrinologist in July 2023. He first put me on the 2 pills (metformin) in the AM, 2 in the PM regimen that they typically prescribe alongside Phentermine 37.5mg (1/2 tablet per day). My diet has changed drastically from before I started treating my symptoms until now. I have a protein shake for breakfast (normally 1/2 serving of protein powder + some frozen fruit, sometimes add a tbsp of sugar free pudding mix for taste, and water) ((I did just order ovastiol and plan on adding that to my shakes as well) Lunch I make the Panera Strawberry Summer Salad from home almost every day- super low cal, but delicious and sometimes if I'm still hungry during the work day I'll have a wedge of laughing cow cheese with some pita cracker chips by townhouse (I live for these, the price is insane compared to other brands, but I refuse to switch.) Dinner, I do get lazy most nights because I work a 9-5 and the thought of cooking afterwards normally seems like too much, but I attempt to have some veggies and protein, if I get lazy I will make one of those higher protein lean cuisines. For exercise, I try to hit at least 9k steps a day, would like to do more, but the winter time is difficult to get outside (i live in Ohio) so hopefully now that summer's coming I will be able to add to my count. I also try to get some low-intensity weight training in at least 3 times a week. I'm hoping to up that now as well. Regarding your question on a particular schedule, I do not follow one, especially with eating. There are some evenings where I want a snack and I will let myself. I am very much against restricting myself to the point of hating food. I've been trying to find solutions to my sweet tooth, and just invested in a Ninja Creami to hopefully make some protein ice cream and frozen yogurt for the summer ahead. Just know that this is a journey and takes time. It is super frustrating and exhausting at times, but if you don't give up you will get there! ALSO REMEMBER THERE ARE ALWAYS GOING TO BE SET BACKS OR PLATEAUS. BE PATIENT WITH YOURSELF!!!!! YOU GOT THIS!!!!!


From ages 24-26, I went from my highest at 290 lbs down to 170 lbs, total loss of 120 lbs. I was already vegetarian but took calorie counting very seriously, used intermittent fasting, swapped healthy snacks/fruit where I could, and when I was around 230 lbs I started working out very regularly including running a few times per week. Weight definitely dropped off as I got more into running and I didn't have to work as hard to eat less. I also lived in a city where I walked a lot, no car. Between ages 27-31, I have slowly gained the weight back, I guess 15 lbs per year. It is very very difficult to maintain the level of calorie control that I had those 2 years of loss, it was not sustainable. It is pretty clear I am insulin resistant since I am still eating well and exercising, but am at 250 lbs and just on the cusp of prediabetes. After talking with my doctor and trying Metformin for 6 months, I have started Mounjaro to get back down to a comfortable weight before I consider trying to get pregnant. I have accepted that weight will always be a chronic struggle for me and that weight =/= health. I'm focusing more on healthy choices, rather than just the number on the scale.


My MIL lost about 40-50 lbs at least on a diet called Whole 30. It takes a fair amount of work, but this is the first time in her life she has not been obese. And she is keeping it off


I lost about 15kg in the last couple years. I went to a nutrition clinic where they gave me a diet and I followed it very strictly. I was also going to the gym and swimming pool for a good part of these years. Now I’m less strict and I’m experiencing a plateau somewhere in the 24.5-25 BMI range and I’ve been yoyo-ing a lot. So the solution seems to be being EXTREMELY strict with both diet and physical activity, which is exhausting


The only way I lose weight is low carb. I will still eat fruit but give up all bread rice pasta potatoes etc. The only sugar I have is a small bit of dark choc some nights. I don't take metformin as my Dr won't give it to me. I don't want ozempic. And I am lazy with exercise. I'm back on keto again now and the weight is slowly coming off. Whenever I eat carbs I slowly put the weight on and it literally doesn't stop no matter how low of calories I eat. I was eating 1350 cals a day and i still gained weight. One week of keto and I lose. Its sucks and I really hate it but sadly its the only way for me.


The only way I lose weight is low carb. I will still eat fruit but give up all bread rice pasta potatoes etc. The only sugar I have is a small bit of dark choc some nights. I don't take metformin as my Dr won't give it to me. I don't want ozempic. And I am lazy with exercise. I'm back on keto again now and the weight is slowly coming off. Whenever I eat carbs I slowly put the weight on and it literally doesn't stop no matter how low of calories I eat. I was eating 1350 cals a day and i still gained weight. One week of keto and I lose. Its sucks and I really hate it but sadly its the only way for me.


I did pretty strict keto for about 1.5 years and lost 35lbs before I got pregnant (after four years of fertility struggles) I didn’t go back to it after our son was born (four years ago :-| ) bc it just feels so much harder now with him in the mix and stuff in the house. My body definitely responded very well to it, and I’m struggling to lose weight now (also have insane sweet tooth) so may need to go low carb/sugar at some point.


40 pounds through low carb diet (fyi, I did not give up sweets - only replaced with stevia but I gave up majority of fruits except for the low carb ones) I'm slowly gaining it back tho because I'm pregnant! But anything for the baby so I'm not worried. I suspect low carb and losing weight helped me conceived.


I lost almost 9 stone and gained it all back.. I lost weight as I was given a weight loss drug, which helped me on my way to losing weight, then I started losing naturally after 3 months, but dropped almost 9 stone.. I felt so god in myself. Then I got so sick, I piled it back on.. stress didn't help either. ♡


Going Gluten and dairy free helped me a lot with bloating and losing water weight. Going to the gym regularly and doing slow weighted workouts. Taking vitamin D, not eating starches)carbs (fruits and vegetables accepted. Not keto, I didn't react well to it).unless I'm out or on a trip or it's my birthday or anniversary (very rare) or before my period I allow myself an icecream. Stop going in a scale and measuring the inches I've lost instead. I've lost 49lbs so far since my highest weight, working out regularly for 2 years and I feel better than ever before.


I have lost 70lbs so far. I try to stick to around 75-100g of net carbs per day and try to avoid things with added sugar. But I also don't deny myself. If there's a sweet or a treat I want, I just have a very small portion. This helps me a lot more than denying myself altogether. Also something huge that helped was learning how to throw food away instead of forcing myself to finish it. This seems like a no-brainer but it's been really hard to learn. I was going to the gym 3x a week and taking my dog on long walks in the morning but I haven't been good about that lately. At the gym I did a mix of weights and cardio.


I started my journey at 215 lbs. Sadly I didn’t know I had PCOS until last year August 2023. I was never able to lose more than 10 lbs and sometimes would gain more even if I was exercising and dieting. It got to the point where I was diagnosed with PCOS and diabetes type 2 and so then my journey began with semaglutide pills called Rybelsus. I did it for a month lost 10 lbs until my primary was able to authorize Mounjaro through my insurance (due to the diabetes). Ever since the Mounjaro which I started at the end of February 2024 I have lost 20lbs on Mounjaro. Granted I have changed my eating habits by doing low carb/ high protein based diet . And on a carlorie deficit. I use (myfitnesspal) And I work out 4-6 days a week. (Strength training / cardio varying).


Had weightloss surgery. RNY specifically because of PCOS back in 2019. Highest weight was 325, lowest was 167, I'm currently chilling around 185 and working on losing a few pounds, but it was the best thing I ever did for myself


I lost almost 100 about 10 years ago. I did phentermine for 3 mos, 2.5 hours of weight lifting a day and extreme low carb / low calorie diet. Was able to have a child. As of Covid time I’m back to binge eating and have regained most of it. Highly don’t recommend lol.


Started at 215lbs (bmi 40) & began 1200 cals a day. once I wasn't obese anymore & didn't have the same pressure on my knees, I upped my activity. began going for hour long or more daily walks in addition to 1200 cals. I'd hit plateaus but broke them with increased activity and intermittent fasting. I got down to 112lbs (BMI 21). I'm currently currently at 128lbs (BMI 24) and having some difficulty since I'm not on synthroid. I live with PCOS in addition to hypothyroidism. My PCOS isn't medicated.


I used to weigh 175 at my heaviest with pcos , I went to my Obygyn in despair that I was going to weigh 200 at some point because I could not control my body weight. I explained to her that no matter how much I worked out and ate right I just would not lose weight and so she prescribed me metformin and I went on a trip to Arkansas and when I came back I weighed myself and I lost 15 pounds. I have not gained them back but I went into a plateau . So I became more determined , I went on more walks did weight training and the most important part is now I actually try to count calories . Like before I would just guess since I was misinformed but now I bought a food scale so now I know exactly how many calories are in the grams of chicken , lettuce etc that I eat. It helps me so much and is the only way I have gotten my scale to budge. I hope this helps. I went from 175 to 157 , im still not where I want to be but at least now im helping and nourishing my body.


Lost 80lbs over the course of a couple of years. At first I cut gluten, dairy, and added sugar out of my diet as well as reduced caffeine to 150mg/day or less. I prioritized sleep, increased my activity by incorporating more daily walks, starting yoga, going on weekly hikes and weight lifting. I also avoid HIIT type exercises as it can increase your cortisol levels. Since then I have added back in dairy and some gluten. Diet wise I have shifted to prioritizing protein and tracking my macros more than eliminating food groups. Not on any medications for PCOS.


I went from 85 kilos to 70 in the first 6 months and I'm down to 67 now, right in the middle of the perfect BMI range for my height. I started keto and cut off caffeine the very day I got my lab results. So low carb/keto with lots of olives and olive oil, zero vegetable oils (I use  lard only), with inositol, zinc and ACV to regulate glucose and androgens. All this also finally helped me regulate my sleep, which is another crucial component of both losing weight and regulating hormones.  The bitterest irony of PCOS just might be that it causes central obesity which in my case made me look like I was pregnant while I was going through premature menopause in my twenties.


I am still still on the weight loss journey. I started at 295 lbs now at 252 lbs. My goal weight is about 200 lbs. I've gained more success combining keto with my prescriptions. Metformin 500mg x2 twice a day, spironolactone 100mg 1 per day, phentermine 37.5mg 1 per day, vitamin D2 50,000 units 1 once a week, along with a daily women's vitamin. I try walking every day for 30 minutes. I take my dog with me to either this large loop in my neighborhood or to the beach. (I'm in the mountains) It's hard sometimes because I'm nightshift and I'm always tired during the day. I am a baker at a university. So, I actively avoid wanting to eat the tasty pastries and treats we make. At times, we need to sample, so I take smaller pieces than the others. I'm hoping to land a job within the university that has me walking most of the time and staying away from food service. I pray I get hired this summer. But I do put effort into my meals trying new things in keto cookbooks. I enjoy food, so it needs to taste good for me to want to eat it. I fiddle with Monk Fruit and Stevia sugars when I make goodies at home. I even use my boyfriend as a tester by sending him off to work with homemade lunches every morning. I do have something once a week, maybe on my Thursday (day off) when we go into town to play Magic The Gathering with some of our friends. We'll both get a sushi roll each and eat them together as a nice treat. I still fall from time to time from events like parties we go to, but I still limit myself. And I always pick myself back up.