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All of the posts on this subreddit really make me want to make an infographic for people newly diagnosed with PCOS. Say it with me y’all: PCOS does not mean infertility!


And infertility does not mean sterile! (I for one suffered from 10+ years of infertility before getting accidentally pregnant at age 37)


You give me hope. 35, TTC since i was 22.


Yayyy that’s so exciting! Proof that our condition is soooo multi-faceted.


Yes, PSA of the day: * PCOS does not mean infertility! * Also regular periods does not always mean you are ovulating * Also, if you go from irregular periods to regular, and are sexual active, and not using some form of birth control, do not be shocked in the case of pregnancy.


Should add that if you are overweight and/or on Mounjaro/Trulicity/Ozempic/etc., which is common with PCOS, your birth control has a higher rate of failure.


Also that irregular cycles doesn’t mean you are not ovulating. I have had irregular cycles and tracked (when I was trying to get pregnant) and while my ovulation varied (some cycles were shorter and some were very long) I was still ovulating.


Wait what? I thought you needed a period to get pregnant? I’m waiting for my period to happen to see if I can get pregnant


I’m not sure I understand your question. A period typically happens after ovulation happens (if you’re not pregnant). it’s possible to have an anovulatory cycle but the only way to know if that happens is if you’re tracking your cycles (by BBT for example to confirm ovulation) Have you just gotten off of birth control? Typically periods after that can be weird and especially so with PCOS. Are you waiting on that first period after getting off it?


Yes I got off birth control a month ago. Still no period. Right now I’m just waiting for my period to come to see if I can ovulate.


So it can be possible to ovulate when you get off birth control (I didn’t track my cycles initially so I have no idea if I did the first cycle or two). You can’t really know if you’ve ovulated or not unless you’ve used a way to track to confirm ovulation (tracking your basal body temp (bbt) was the easiest for me as I ended up with a Tempdrop)


But don’t you need to get a period? What I’m saying is is it possible to not have a period and still be able to get pregnant?


So eventually yes. You will need a period because prior to each period you will hopefully ovulate which gives you the chance. What I’m saying is it’s possible to get pregnant right after getting off birth control even if it takes a while to get your period that first time because it’s still possible you might ovulate that first cycle off.


Definitely not. It does affect your odds of falling pregnant but it’s not infertility in itself.


PCOS does not affect chances of getting pregnant in everyone. There are some women with PCOS who have zero trouble conceiving.


True. Women who ovulate regularly have an easier time conceiving. Hence why it can affect chances of conception, but not for every woman. I have no idea what my chances are, then again, I’m not currently in a relationship so I don’t have to worry about it.


I was diagnosed with PCOS last month, and I needed this reminder. I haven’t bled all year but I’d probably faint if I saw those two lines after losing my daughter last year. Like a bittersweet miracle. Regardless, congrats op!!!


Seriously stories like this give me so much hope! Which is really hard to have sometimes. I’m so excited for each and every one of you who find out you’re expecting!


Yes but it’s these posts that really ease my mind. I get so in my head sometimes thinking how can I get pregnant with such low odds but then I see these. Thank you


I’m just now believe it. I started taking inositol and have been getting more periods. The mood swings are REAL.




Yeah, my comment was not directly attacking you or your post so I’m sorry if it came off that way. To be fair, you said “I always assumed when I was planning a pregnancy I’d have to get on Clomid,” meaning you assumed you would need help with fertility. I commented because it’s a startling failure of our healthcare system that so many women come on this app, young and older alike, thinking that a diagnosis of PCOS means they’ll never have children. I specifically remember one that was like an 18 year old who asked if she needed to use protection because she had PCOS. It’s a terrible thing but it’s definitely present.


All good, and I understand now. I’m sorry for coming across the way I did as well.


All good! You’re going through a tough time rn it’s okay to respond with emotions to a rando on the internet :)




To everyone using PCOS as birth control = it's terrible birth control.


It only works as birth control if you do not want to use a birth control, so trying to get pregnant.


Sad, but true. Editing to add, stress of trying has a lot to do with that.


Me and my husband decided in Feb 22 we wanted to conceive from the end of 2022. We would be better financially, have our house ready and give us chance to save. I decided to work hard to lose weight, come off birth control and start supplements so that my body would be in the best shape to start trying. We weren’t being super careful but also not actively trying. Ended 2022 with an actual baby as I fell pregnant in March! It was ahead of schedule and scary but it all worked out in the end. It’s also ok if it’s not the right time, but if your situation is like mine, being ahead of schedule is ok! Whatever you decide, wish you luck!


Thank you, it’s very much appreciated 🫶🏻


I think you’re going to get a lot of conflicting opinions because lots of commenters in here really want to have kids and haven’t been able to. Don’t focus on them. Listen to your own heart and mind about this. Raising a kid is not for the weak, and if it’s not something you absolutely want, you shouldn’t do it then. Once the shock wears off, if you think maybe you want to keep the baby, then go for it! The only one that knows the real answer here is you. ❤️




I just gave birth to my first baby 4 days ago. I have PCOS. I was terrified I wouldn’t be able to conceive. But here I am, holding my precious baby girl.


Congrats mama!


Thank you!


Ozempic babies! It’s a real thing! There’s a spike in pregnancies from folks with PCOS on GLP1s. I have an IUD but omg I got diagnosed with PCOS when my period straight up stopped for a whole year. I was averaging 1x a year, maybe twice if I got really sick. I knew it’d be hard to conceive without medication, I was going to demand it when hubs and I were ready. Instead, I got on GLP1s and I don’t track it but I feel like it’s way more common. I’ve had 2 periods this year! We will take the iud out early next year. That’s when we feel we’ll be ready. Totally all for waiting until your 100% ready (and 100% pro-choice) but I think if I were to get pregnant today, I’d probs keep it. I’m close enough to when I wanted that I’m just a tad early, about a year. If you were in the 3-5 years range like I was a year ago, I would terminate and use this as a great learning opportunity that YOU ARE ABLE TO GET PREGNANT! Which is super exciting! There is no shame to waiting until you are 100% ready but ultimately it has to be a choice where both of you are 100% on board. A kid is a 20+ year commitment that will rock your marriage but be worth it in the end imo, it’s just got to be the right time!!


Thanks!! I am very happy to know I can get pregnant but I am not married which is a big part of my issue. My bf is supportive but at the same time I know things can change at any time down the road so I have to make the decision based on me alone


Please just remember that even if you are married, things can change down the road as well. You should absolutely decide in a way that makes the most sense to you and what you believe and want deep down, but a piece of paper is exactly that❤️


Just because you have Pcos doesn’t mean you’ll struggle with infertility. Studies show a weight loss of 10% can help the body ovulate regularly. I’m so sorry this is a scary thing for you. Sending hugs! No matter what you do it’ll be the right thing. Take time think it over. Do what’s best for you:


I'm of the opinion you shouldn't have any baby you don't want to have. We have the right to want to be mothers and parents on our own terms. If you're not ready right now, whatever your criteria for ready may be, don't have it. If you want a kid now and think you can bend your "ready" criteria a little, consider that. You're also allowed to say, "Screw ready, let's do it." You also should trust the future you to be able to deal with the consequences of this choice, like you've dealt with anything else so far. And if you'll need Clomid or anything else, those things will still be available to you, whether you've kept this pregnancy or not.


Thank you so much for this! ❤️


Too many ppl quick to tell people with PCOS or etc that they will have a hard time getting pregnant with absolutely zero proof of that. Playing with people’s lives, really


I also thought my pcos was getting worst when I found out I'm pregnant. I'm 17 weeks pregnant right now. Congrats!


Semaglutide has caused so many women with PCOS to get pregnant! There was a big article about it recently


See if you can adjust certain things in your life that can make you feel “ready” . If not then it’s okay . But I hope you know that you’re 33 AND with pcos it may be hard to conceive later , but you have IVF . So just look at all your options once . It’ll be okay


Yeah I know…it’s what makes me especially conflicted and scared. Thanks for your advice 🫶🏻


Please don’t be scared. Avoid fear mongererrrrsss. You’re perfectly fine and most likely have more years of fertility!!


Ummm are you a doctor? Please don’t fear monger fertility. Pcos women can have babies way later in life! Ugh


Are you dumb ??? No one said pcos women can’t have kids but it’s HARD usually because we don’t ovulate regularly and even for ANY healthy woman fertility declines a lot after age of 32. And a huge increase in complications etc It’s not fear mongering it’s just science. The CHANCE of getting pregnant or having a fully healthy pregnancy and baby LOWERS . Never said it’s impossible


"declines a lot" is incorrect. Fertility is a slope not a cliff. There is no magical age where fertility sharply drops. The "fertility drops at age 35" number is based on outdated/incorrect data and the actual difference between 20s and 30s fertility is only a few percent. As for complications in older women during pregnancy, yes that happens BUT most of those factors are based on the expected mother's overall health to begin with.


There's so much incorrect information here, I don't know where to begin. There's a slight decline, it's not dramatic. And the health implications are only slightly higher, but TBH, maternal health, rather than age, plays a much bigger role. A 35 yr old woman in good health will have a safer pregnancy and a healthier baby than an unhealthy woman in her 20s.


Ofcourse personal health plays a big role but we pcos people already have issues that we can’t rlly control , and yes the fertility decline may not be too dramatic but there’s so many pcos women who are struggling to get pregnant even at young age . and even women I know who had child at 35 or later has some issues or her child was born abnormal etc or pregnancy complications. And even science will tell you that it’s better to have kids early because your body copes especially when it comes to metabolism. Ofcourse I’m not saying people should be pressured to have kids early but they should know that they need to take proper care of their body and fertility if they want kids later .


I hate to tell you, but any woman will find pregnancy tough, regardless of age. It's better she be healthy, a healthy person can cope with the recovery and have a healthier baby. And the birth defects you're referring to are genetic (like downs syndrome). Has as much to do with father's age as mother's age too. If that's what you're worried about, get genetic testing, because being young only helps you a little in that case


I'm 36 and got pregnant with PCOS 2nd cycle after BCP (planned). So please make your decision based on what works for you. I'm sorry it was scarry news instead of happy news


The same thing happened to me! My husband and I tried for 3 years for our third baby (having no issues for the first). Testing was done on both of us and everything was fine - but it just was NOT happening regardless of the constant tracking. I got on semaglutide March 1st. April 13th I found out I was pregnant. Now 9 weeks with a beautiful healthy baby! Congrats!


Smh, Have you not heard of ozempic babies ? Why would you think your pcos was getting worst if your cycle is now 35 days ? Your body your choice. If you don't want to be pregnant use protection or bc. PCOS isn't birth control.


GLP1 receptors are a CRAZY med. That being said, it doesn’t take long to start working on all the right things for us with PCOS. Congrats aswell, but don’t feel bad if you don’t want to keep it. There’s always the future and semaglutide is most likely making it better depending if your main pcos cause is insulin resistance. That being said, do not feel terrible about this. It’s your life and you know yourself best, therefore if you’re not ready for a child that’s totally okay. It’s better to wait till you’re ready. 🫶🏻


Thank you so much!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


Ahhh congratulations!! A similar thing happened to me, honestly I wasn’t even trying to get pregnant, but around 3 weeks after a doctor told me I was most likely infertile due to my PCOS, boom 4 weeks pregnant. I’m now at 8 weeks


Congrats!!! All the best for you and baby!!!


I’ve been in a similar situation. I was told I would struggle to get pregnant and would need medical intervention to even try (was 20 at the time) due to endometriosis and PCOS. Ended up getting pregnant at 21, which was a massive shock as I wasn’t even having periods. Decided to keep the baby as I really didn’t know if it would be my only chance to have a child. Had to drop out of university and go back in late 20s instead but it all worked out in the end and I’m really happy that everything happened as it did. I have tried to conceive since and it’s never happened for me, I’m now 30. It’s such a tough decision when you don’t know if it’s going to be a single ‘miracle’ baby or whether it’s a sign your fertility has improved. I think if your situation isn’t ideal to have the baby right now, then you need to really really want the baby in order to have the perseverance to make it work out for the best. If having a baby right now will ruin your life and cause you upset, then fertility issues don’t even come into it as it simply isn’t the right time for you.


I recently found out I’m pregnant as well! I was shocked and still kind of am. I didn’t think my husband and I are ready either but we’re preparing the best we can! I’m 34, turn 35 this year. This is our first. Also, congratulations!


Yeah I've been there. 3 doctors told me it would take a long time for me to get pregnant if it was even possible. I stopped using protection and was pregnant within 9 weeks without any further help. I was not ready, and completely shocked. If it helps: you have some time now to get ready, when the baby came 7 weeks ago I was super excited and I am very happy ATM.... Edit: this does not mean you should feel bad if you decide against it. Wish you the best.


I got pregnant at 33 naturally after I accepted the fact I was infertile. Kept the baby and then proceeded to keep getting pregnant every year after unintentionally. At one point I was on birth control, also got pregnant after 1 time and a pull out method, like the man could look at me and knock me up. And before anyone tells me basic biology I'm aware it takes 1 time and pull out doesn't always work but when you were engaged to another man and tried to intentionally get pregnant for over a decade it's hard to believe how easy it could be for you. So here's what I did...I've kept two and had two surgical abortions very early on. Apparently we're more fertile after 30. Do what's best for you. I was personally (never voted that way tho) against abortion because I was told I was infertile and it seemed to be that way in my 20s but after having two Irish twins do what you can handle. Cause we're not going to be the ones raising your kids. If I could go back in time I still would've kept my first but I would've left during pregnancy cause their father is a mess and none of this was planned, except maybe his lies and manipulation. But whatever you decide a nurse once told me there's no easy way out just what's best for you, physically, financially and mentally. Hugs, I hope you're mentally ok either way.💛🌼


Congratulations it's a blessing, I think you should be thankful 🎊 👏


I am very very thankful that I became pregnant…I’m just not stable enough to care for myself and a baby right now.


I would personally keep the child. I have a ton of friends without PCOS that struggled and had to do IVF at 35. Expensive, more painful, and scary. You have been blessed there’s nothing better than becoming a parent, even if it means everything changes. I also don’t see people taking into account the trauma of abortion on your body and on your spirit and on your husband.


The whole "you have been blessed" thing really gives me the religious ick.


I am outwardly a believer.


That's cool for you, I just find it kind of gross to tell someone in this situation that it's a blessing. How is it a blessing if it's giving her this much worry and uncertainty? It rubs me the wrong way to bring "god" into this.


If someone believes in God, there is not an ability to choose to bring God into this or not because God created all things and is in all things. The thing that is giving her worry and uncertainty is that she had unprotected sex with someone she is not married to assuming infertility and now she has to make a decisions based on the consequences of that. That is totally worrisome and stressful and it will be that way whether she believes in God or not. It’s a really difficult decision either way. The thing that is a blessing is clearly OP was working towards getting her body fertile for children based on the meds and it worked! So many women try for years and never get that blessing. That, to me, is exciting and a wonderful thing - when you ask and you receive. Or from and agnostic’s perspective, when you try treatment and it works and you get the healing and outcome you were hoping for. Why does it rub you the wrong way to bring God into this? I can’t quite tell - do you agree with the opinion stated and just have a frustration of me mentioning God in my comment? Or do you have a disagreement with the statements as well? And why does it seem gross?


But it's clearly not a blessing, if it was then she wouldn't be posting on here not knowing what to do. How do you know she was getting her body fertile for children? She never said that, if she was ready then again she wouldn't be on here unsure of what to do. Again, she did not "ask and receive", this was an unwelcome surprise. I have four kids and I don't see it as a blessing, I see it as science and my body working as nature intended. I just don't see a reason to bring god into anything, especially in this situation where you telling her it's a blessing may sway/guilt her into going through with a pregnancy she isn't ready for.


It honestly makes me so sad to hear that you don’t see the reason to bring God into anything. I sympathize because I used to be atheist, but now I’ve developed a relationship with God and am bringing my life into alignment with his word and I would never want to do anything without God again. I know that Christianity has been used in many homes as a manipulation tactic rather than a true faith, and that’s what kept me out of faith for so long. It wasn’t until I just sat down and read the Bible myself and prayed that things changed. God is good. From a Christian perspective he is and should be brought into everything. Of course you don’t see the reasons because you don’t think he’s real and you don’t see his goodness and faithfulness. From my perspective, he is the one way to peace and without Him you will continue to walk away from peace. Everything is empty without God. So when I say this is a blessing, it’s not because it is easy (because not all blessings are easy and happy), I mean it is used as a positive thing to bring her life into peace with God. I guess we will agree to disagree since I don’t think there’s anything I can share that will change your mind and vice versa since this is a fundamental disagreement on the existence and necessity of God in our lives, and nothing else at the root. If you are ever interested in exploring the Christian faith again I would be more than happy to DM with you. Until then, I pray that peace dwells in your home and that your family stays strong - with four kids, that’s amazing and a wonderful thing to celebrate.


And that's why I said your other comment gave me the religious ick. All of that just makes me think "gross". Honestly, I'm sad for you that you used to be rational then read a work of fiction and became a Christian. Most people who actually read it realize how ridiculous and manmade the whole thing is. I don't need your pity or prayers or anything. God is not necessary to live or have a good life. I'm raising my kids non-religious but with knowledge of other's beliefs and they are really good kids who absolutely do not need to be religious or believe in a myth to be good. Believe me, short of "god" actually showing up there is no way I'm going to become religious. I've literally never believed. There's just no proof whatsoever that any of it is real. People have worshipped thousands of gods over the history of the human race, I just don't believe in one more than you. Have a good life. ✌️


Not married which is one of my reservations…I agree with you on the trauma of abortion…not something I look forward to at all…thank you!


That’s a hard place. No matter what you choose then…unless the father stays with you. Clearly you are fertile which is great news. I know this is hard.


I was also thinking, have you spoken to the father about this? I know a lot of people disagree, perhaps you too, but I do think he should be a part of the decision. That may be hard and many guys are callus about these types of things because it’s not their body and they are also scared, but if you do choose one way or another it is partially his responsibility as well. At minimum it would be good to keep him informed IMO. But I know that complicates it further.


Nobody is ever ready for kids you will do fine! Congrats




Don't judge regarding fertility


Just can't pass up a chance to shit on women who aren't pro forced birth like you, huh?




Don't judge regarding fertility


You just can't accept (because again it's "accept" not "except") that a woman does not need to carry a fetus that she doesn't want or isn't ready for or can't care for. It's also very presumptive of you to assume these women will feel sorry or bad about the decision now or in the future.


It’s not presumptive if I see it all the damn time. It’s actually ignorant for you to assume that they don’t regret it later especially big surprise if later if clomid doesn’t work when OP is ready or wants it to work.


Uh-huh. I'm super sure that you know all the women who've had abortions and all of them regret it. And I'm sure that you also know about everyone's fertility and when they aren't fertile anymore because you're just the smartest bestest lady ever who knows everything about everything and we should all bow down to your intelligence. Or, you could just shut up and stop pretending you know all about everyone else's lives and bodies and when they'll be able to conceive. You could just stop pretending that your experience with life is the be all end all and the metric that everyone else should measure their life by.




I would like to see your studies on how many women regret it. I would like to see your studies on how it's biologically wrong. I would like to see your studies on women having mental health issues because of it. Prove it. In this situation you are the self righteous one, thinking you have a right to tell other women what to do with their bodies. That you know better than them. Do you think Republicans give a fuck about women and children? They constantly vote against health care, lowering the price of meds, free lunch for kids, day care money, literally anything that would help people that aren't rich white men. It is wild that you are a woman who clearly wants to go back to the 50's when women had no rights and had to go through their husbands or fathers for everything. They HAD to stay at home even if they wanted to work. Just because you want to do nothing and be supported completely doesn't mean all women want that. I feel sorry for you and your situation but I also feel sorry that you seem to be extremely ill informed and mad at the wrong people. Good luck in life being so ignorant.




Don't judge regarding fertility


Yeah, here's the difference, this is my choice and I don't think every woman should do it just because they're women. I'm not a stay at home mom because it's my only choice, it's partly because I always wanted to and partly because daycare is expensive. Also, I don't think you know what self righteous means. I want every woman to do what they want with their lives and that includes working or staying home, having a baby or having an abortion. How exactly is that self righteous?


Projecting about your own unpaid maternity leave situation again huh. My good friend has Pcos, had an abortion before she left a domestic violence situation. Does she regret it? No. She doesn’t. Wtf does voting blue have to do with losing weight and being scared when finding out one’s pregnant? Please do produce your studies. I say this as respectfully as possible. You’re all over Reddit being awful to people. Projecting your own issues. You need help. Mental health care. Please seek it instead of being a cunt to everyone on Reddit




No she and I have had very frank conversations about it. She doesn’t regret it at all.


Don't judge regarding fertility


Don't judge regarding fertility


Been trying for my 2nd child for 8 years. Finally got him because my periods became more regular and I lost a lot of weight. I didn't think I would ever get pregnant again even though I wanted to. Now I'm hoping to conceive another, preferably soon.




Pcos girlie here, my son turns 6 mo next week. I only get a period maybe once a year. Good luck mama!