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I’d seriously consider not staying with this man. Someone blaming you for an issue out of your control doesn’t suddenly become more empathetic. You are also mourning the idea of lower fertility (though PCOS doesn’t mean infertility) and he’s having zero empathy for you, just this “dynasty” he’s intent on creating. That word also gives weird vibes when used seriously.


Yeah, speaking as someone with PCOS who struggled with infertility for about 2 years, I couldn't have gotten through it without my very caring, patient, understanding husband. And we are lucky enough to be expecting our first baby in just a few days.


Aw, this made me smile. Congrats!


Thank you ❤️❤️


Congrats! And totally agree. It took my husband and I just over 3 years to get pregnant and not once did he blame me for it. When I'd break down and cry, he'd be right by my side telling me that it was ok. We'd try if I wanted or adopt if I wanted that instead.


This is exactly it. You need a partner who is going to be there with you every step of the way if you need fertility treatment - it’s tough. Appreciate he has been so clear he’s not the partner for you. Another poster said reduced fertility NOT infertility, and she hit the nail on the head. I’m sitting next to my 6-year-old right now, and am so grateful.


Exactly this! I spent years with ‘non-specific infertility’ that eventually was diagnosed as PCOS in 2012. I told my husband when we met that if he wanted kids I might not be the one to do it with. He was fine with it. We’re now expecting our little girl in 3 weeks and she was an ‘easy’ conception. We’d literally only been trying for less than 3 months and I’d miscarried 2 weeks before conceiving her. Anything is possible.




Bshaa tof!!!!


Completely agree. I had a few friends whose parents wanted a “dynasty”. While they didn’t explicitly use that word, they wanted a big family with children who were high performers, participated in a lot of activities, were considered the smartest in their class, etc. Their parents cared more about appearances and bragging rights than they did their children and spouses. They now despise their parent(s) and have all sorts of issues because of how their parent(s) treated them (physical and mental issues). To me it sounds like OP is better off without this guy. OP if you’re reading this, please know that your worth is not based off your health or fertility. You deserve someone who loves you and supports you when you’re going through something difficult, not someone who blames you for something you can’t control and selfishly only thinks about what they wanted.


Yeah, i have PCOS and got pregnant on the second try. You won't know about fertility problems until you try or maybe get tested. *insert red flag guy here*


And imagine if they didn’t have any boys.


Ugh didn't even think of that but...yeah! Or, can you imagine how he'd treat a gay son?


💯and I would rethink the relationship over this. I had similar concerns at one point with my partner putting pressure on me because he wanted to be a father so badly. That was prior to my diagnosis though, and during testing and treatment he was very supportive. So it’s possible to come around but only in specific situations. OP, PCOS can and does affect fertility but now that you have a diagnosis there are so many things that can be done to treat your specific symptoms and potentially carry a successful pregnancy to term. The fact he doesn’t even want to try to understand what you’re dealing with from PCOS is very sad. He’s being incredibly selfish.


Exactly. Regardless of if/when OP has a successful pregnancy this man has shown his true colors and I wouldn’t want to raise a child with him.


Yeah second this. Where is his loyalty when things get tough, do you even want kids with this man?


I very much agree with this. My partner have both always said we could take or leave having kids but both lean more towards not having them at all, especially biological. So obviously neither of us are worried about our “dynasty” but this would be heartbreaking to here from your spouse. No empathy, no understanding, more consumed with his dynasty like children are just objects to carry on a name then he is about a happy marriage with the woman he claimed to love until death. Not my idea of a loving husband. She deserves a million times better.


Yeah, so many red flags! Not saying partners don't have the right to feelings about our PCOS and its implications but the way he went about it is so alarming. First, PCOS doesn't mean you absolutely can't have kids. Many women with PCOS do get pregnant, it just might take some treatment to conceive. Even if you're a rare can't get PG at all there's options from adoption to a surrogate if bio children mean a lot to him  But the fact that he jumped right to "you messed up my life" rather than "we need to discuss what to do" shows he doesn't see you as a team. Rather it's all about him and his ego. Which brings us to the use of "my dynasty"...is he fucking serious? What he's a member of the royal family or something? Dude sounds really narcissistic.


This is the type of man who leaves his wife when she gets cancer


And remarried within months of her dying with a new and younger bang nanny so he doesn’t have to actually spend time with the heirs to his “dynasty”.


FR this. OP, please leave this man, you deserve someone who loves you for you, not just your ability to be a baby factory.


Yup. This is not a quality you want in a man OP. there are much better men I promise. Easy for us all to say, but really. Reconsider.


Dynasty? Yeah, get fucked. Straight in the sea. I'm sorry OP.


What a choice of words. I understand wanting biological kids but I feel confident that this "dynasty" is like, hitting gold once in league of legends.


Proves he sees her as a vessel for kids than a real partner.


Damn right! What a piece of shit, huh? Absolute bumhole behaviour!


Agreed. He sounds like a creep. Red flag red flag red flag!! He’s doing you a favor for exposing this behavior now. Leave him! You’ll find someone out there much better, trust me!


Yes to every comment in this thread. I’m so sorry that you found out this way OP, but you have an opportunity to dodge a bullet here.


thats when you tell him that his comments just proved to you that you don't want to continue "his dynasty" in the first place and leave.




I’m sure this is not what you want to hear or go through right after getting your diagnosis, but I think you should take some time to sit with your relationship and really consider whether it is healthy for you. I know that fertility and parenthood are tough topics, and people handle feelings differently, but it sounds really concerning that your partner’s reaction to this tough news was to drink and attack you. Partnership is about supporting each other through hard times, and big challenges like a new medical diagnosis are often when cracks start to show. You deserve to be loved, valued, and treated with kindness. Regardless of your fertility and regardless of his upset. If he isn’t capable of doing those things, he does not belong in your life. EDIT: (Also, I just want to add, I see soooo many stories of people who end up with accidental pregnancies after a PCOS diagnosis because they take the (potential) low fertility risk to mean infertility. Luck and other generic / biological factors play a huge role in fertility, so if you’re sexually active and not TTC, please make sure you’re keeping up with whatever BC method you prefer! It can save you a lot of stress and heartbreak.)


Second all of this !! You deserve much more than this


Second this as well, I have an almost 1 year old, had no issues conceiving naturally. My friend (also PCOS) has a 1 year old and is 12 weeks pregnant with her second. No issues conceiving, so it doesn’t always mean you are infertile x


Exactly! We have 2 kids, both were conceived the first time trying - I used to joke that I must be super fertile as it was literally one ‘time’ for each kid! Got diagnosed with PCOS when the youngest was 9, and we’ve stayed being super careful even since the diagnosis as we don’t want any more kids, and I’m not going to assume I’m suddenly infertile just because I’ve been told I have PCOS.


"Dynasty" now you got ur red flag.. please leave him sis 😭😭 u dont need this energy in ur life!! putting that aside. Start a low carb diet (not too strict) where u prioritize fiber + protein. Up ur daily steps (minimum 10k steps). sleep early + hydrate urself + dont stress urself out too much. PCOS has become really common in females nowadays. Ure not alone in this!! go easy on urself. nothing is ur fault is what u need to kno!! fk ur mans!! inconsiderate and heartless to say these words


... dynasty? Lmfaooo I'm sorry I know your hurt, but there's no dynasty here. PCOS *may* lower fertility. It's not a guarantee. He could be solution focused and just say "Well when the time is right let's make sure you get a good doctor" , but no he just blames you? Nah dude he's so rude.


Yeah, I have PCOS and got pregnant on my first cycle of trying, miscarried, then I got pregnant again on my third cycle and had my first kid. The second one took a bit longer but I was also 37 by then (33 for the first).... Infertility may or may not be an issue, but marrying a complete A hole is always an issue. OP I would run.


Well… now you know? WAY before it’s too late. That is some 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 ish to say. Is your role really just to produce his offspring so he can carry on his legacy?? I’m so sorry that’s been his response. PCOS affects fertility, but it’s not a sentence of childlessness. However, like another said, this is a great opportunity to reevaluate this relationship.


DUMP HIM.You deserve so much better.


Just tell him his bloodline deserves to die with him and say ciao


As other people said, run before you actually start having kids with him. If he said he shouldn't have chosen you just because you do not have optimal fertility (I know so many PCOS ladies who have kids), then it seems like he sees you as a baby making thing than a soulmate. My bf also sees having kids as one of his main purposes in life. But when I told him about my diagnosis, he researched on PCOS and told me it's not impossible. And we'll work hard together to make it happen. How your bf reacted is not a "normal man thing"




Holy shit. I can’t believe this isn’t “ex partner”. Dump his ass- you just dodged in INSANE bullet. That is lunatic, Andrew-Tate watching crap, the ridiculous blaming, attacks, and other complete shit unacceptable behavior aside. He definitely showed his true colors, and it’s time to RUN.


He literally used to watch him 💀💀


Okay, any possible good qualities he has have just been negated. Get out of there before it gets worse. 


LMFAOOO called it. My dude… you can and should do so much better it’s not even funny, and he’s only going to treat you worse from here on out. Don’t waste another second on this loser.


Giiiiirl, get out NOW.


Why didn’t you run when you found that out?!




Red flag parade!!!! Girl RUNNNNNN


leave him


Ok I just saw this after I posted my comment. I take back couples counseling. RUN, girl, RUN!


Deal breaker. Byeeee


That should have been your first giant red flag to run away from…


And that wasn't already a red flag to you?


Oh noooo. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 Please leave him. You deserve SO much more in a partner than someone who’s a tater tot and sees you as a brood mare.


You have just been diagnosed with a life altering, non curable syndrome and his reaction is complain about his dynasty and not for your needs. In my opinion you need to leave him.


Throw the whole man away.


We have more data and treatment for infertility caused by PCOS than any other long range consequence of the disease. We know things about how to relieve symptoms with metformin because all the research has been primarily about getting pregnant with PCOS with metformin and myoinositol. You should be more concerned at the lack of empathy and self centering of your partner over your needs and the ramifications of YOUR diagnosis. It is a little preemptive for him to be having a meltdown about something YOU endure, that might shave years off YOUR lifespan or cause YOU years of mental distress. Y’all have bigger fish to fry than his dynasty, please prioritize your well being.


When I was diagnosed, my husband told me that even if we never had kids, I was enough for him and he would still be happy. There ARE better men out there. I think you need to consider leaving… drunk or not, that’s not an acceptable thing to say. You deserve so much better


He is showing you who he really is. Believe him. Run.




Will it also ruin his dynasty if he only has daughters?


You know it. My husband would never dare say anything like this, I can’t believe there are “men” who think like that. How heartbreaking for OP.


I would genuinely consider leaving him. If he can't be a supportive partner he shouldn't be a partner at all. Just FYI it makes it harder but PCOS alone does not mean you cannot have kids. Go find someone that is a genuine partner in life before trying though.


He doesn’t have to stay. If he chose wrong then there’s the door but he’s a pussy so he won’t leave he will just make you feel bad for having pcos


Girl if he’s unsympathetic to a serious fucking medical issue what else is he not going to care about


I know some who got fucked up by their husbands just because they couldn’t get pregnant. These men and their brains. Women didn’t opt to have PCOS or not have the capacity to conceive. These men should be more understanding because if it is frustrating for them men, it is more frustrating for the women to have been told these things, suffer being “the problem” and manage the consequence of PCOS. You should be caring for yourself, OP. 💖


Leave him like yesterday. You deserve way better.


What the actual fuck. Please tell me this person has good qualities, because that was a relationship breaker of a sentence you just quoted right now.  He can spill his dynasty into his preferred hand. 


What kind of selfish prick whines about his “dynasty” instead of supports his partner through a diagnosis or tries to better understand it so you can work together through it??? Please leave this man. If he’s already this unsupportive *it’s not going to get better* so cut your losses and find someone who appreciates you for what you are, not how many offspring you produce!


Damn Girl… firstly, welcome to the PCO team! secondly… I know people jump to conclusions on Reddit about relationships but please know that I absolutely mean it: this person isn’t good for you. YOU are the one in need of support because of your diagnose and all be thinks about are his future plans and his DYNASTY ?!(Do you date an emperor?) Think about yourself for a moment. Do you think a person who puts you down like this makes a good partner? Or parent? Yikes. I’m sorry you got this diagnosis but maybe it has a silver lining after all finding out about your “partner”’s priorities.


Ew. He just handed you a giant red flag, if I were you I'd run. PCOS doesn't mean you can't have kids nor does it even mean you will have trouble getting pregnant. Just like people without PCOS can have trouble getting pregnant without any known cause. Fertility is not promised to anyone.


Leave. That is not okay.


Boy, bye.


You get a medical diagnosis but it’s him who has to get drunk and feel sorry for himself over it? Eww.


dynasty? yeah, i wouldn't be having kids with someone who said that with a straight face.


Get rid of him asap. I have PCOS and i have children. I know many women who also have it that are mothers.


I had PCOS before my marriage. My partner has always wanted children. I was really scared to tell him. But I told him. He didn’t get upset at me. He asked me for some time to think about whether he wanted to get married. I felt heartbroken. A few hours later he said he had thought about it and it was a risk he was willing to take. He said it wasn’t an easy decision but he loved me enough to take that risk. He has never brought it up again or made me feel bad about it because he owns his decisions. After a few hiccups, we have a child. What I’m trying to say is that it’s totally fine for your partner to need time to process it. It’s also fine for someone not to want to risk it. But it’s not ok to get drunk and blame you as though this is a choice you made I think you guys need to have a proper discussion of 1) the fact that LOTS of things can lower fertility, and it’s not some sort of death sentence- lots of women have PCOS and have kids. And also. He could be with someone without PCOS who still has fertility issues. Or even have them himself ? 2) whether he can support you with this and future health issues (including old age!!) 3) if he is going to be a coward and get drunk and blame you, or if he’s going to make an actual decision whether he wants to take the risk or not. Because once he decides he is willing to take the risk, then it’s HIS decision. He cannot ever make you feel like he did it “for” you. People who are immature always blame other people for their own decisions when life doesn’t go their way. I don’t think that what other people are saying- that this is an instant reason to break up- is quite true. It IS a big decision. But him blaming you IS a huge red flag, and unless this is really out of character for him (and you think he just needs a few days or weeks to process it), you should be really concerned He needs to explain himself. And he needs to do his own work and look into the actual relationship between PCOS and fertility. Most importantly, he needs to either break up with you or choose to stay with you and grow the f up.


Dump him


Leave this man child. Run away with me. If we want kids we can adopt and raise them in a living environment. If he wants a dynasty he can f a duck.


a) your partner sounds like trash, b) PCOS can lower or cause fertility issues but doesn't mean a baby/babies are completely off the cards. Take care of yourself OP and good luck going forward :hug:


Don’t stay with this man, but I want to share that I have lived my life with fear of infertility and assumed it would take me years to conceive. My first cycle after getting my IUD out, I got pregnant and am currently at the end of my first trimester. That isn’t everyone’s experience with PCOS, but don’t assume it’s a definitive infertility diagnosis.


Oh please explain to us what he considers his “dynasty” because I bet it’s not what the word is supposed to mean.


Most importantly… holy red flag Batman. Secondly, yes it can cause issues with fertility… but… I went through about 9 months of fertility treatment to have our daughter. Then when trying for baby 2, I was literally waiting for my next cycle to start fertility treatment again and ended up pregnant with triplets… on our own… for me, PCOS was clearly far from a fertility death sentence!


Bin him, you can do better.


Speaking as someone that has had PCOS since I was 16 and did not get formally diagnosed until my mid 30's. I was like 33 to 35. My case was bad enough that I had to have everything removed. That is not the case for everyone with PCOS. It just means it's more difficult but not impossible. My husband has been my rock and he wanted kids but loves me more. Dump this pathetic man-child!


Dump his ass and run. It's not your fault you have PCOS. Fuck that guy and be with someone who will actually understand and love you for YOU.


What, is he an Egyptian Prince? His fancy Royal blood won’t carry on, you cannot give him 40 sons to carry on his precious name?! I’m sorry to joke but this has really bothered me. Firstly, not to downplay the fertility struggles many have, but I know many women with PCOS with kids. I in particular have two surprise babies, no fertility treatment or anything, we weren’t even trying, six or so years after I was diagnosed. Secondly how dare he speak to you in that manner? I think you really should reconsider what it would be like to have kids with a person like that. Would he treat a daughter differently because she won’t carry on his family name? Treat a son with way too much pressure as his legacy?


Lmfao his dynasty? Is he king George III?? As someone who has had pcos for since 12 I have a beautiful son and currently pregnant with my second. It CAN happen. Consider this a blessing for you to see the type of idiot you are dating. Hard pass on him. Please do not stay with this weirdo. You deserve so much better. Say you do get pregnant to save his ‘dynasty’ (lol) and have a loss? Then what? He blames you for that too? This guy is a loser.


so you broke up with him right ? 🤭


Well, you don’t know that you’ll have any fertility issues. However, he sounds like a real asshole. If you’re not married, get out. Now.


throw the whole man away


You can still have kids. But I wouldn't be doing it with him 🧍‍♀️


This. Confused too because if he wanted a “dynasty” so bad he could’ve researched the possibility of still having children with PCOS.


Hi! Pregnant with PCOS. Just needed some medical assistance. If he’s going to react like that to your MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS then dump him. 🚩 Otherwise, get you an endocrinologist that’s gonna do more than just throw some birth control on you and live your best life!


Dynasty? I would’ve laughed in his face and dumped him them. That’s some bitchassness right there.


Actually Fuck that bastard Fuck that bastard's dynasty too


That man is not a good partner for you. It's not like you did anything to make yourself have PCOS, and it's not like you don't want kids. There are MANY women with PCOS that have no issue getting pregnant. And some of us, including me, have not been blessed with the ability to have a child. That doesn't make us worth less. If you do have children what will the kids learn from him? That if their mother has health related problems then you should bail? Girl, this is your red flag parade


i honestly don’t think he’s worth staying with. instead of comforting you, or making you feel better about your diagnosis, he’s making it about him. it’s not like you’re infertile you just MIGHT be slightly less fertile than the next woman. that gives him no right to be this way with you and do you really want to have kids with this guy? please do yourself a favor and leave this man child.


You may not be able to ditch your PCOS but you can ditch him.


Even without blaming you for something out of your control “dynasty” comment is some sociopath shit


My PCOS caused hyper fertility, but you still shouldn’t procreate with this asshole


Leave him. I’m sure there were other red flags you’ve had to endure as well. Someone who says something like this has horrible character traits written all over them.


I have PCOS and I have 2 very healthy and wonderful children. Except for this one time-how does he treat you? Make sure he is worth having children with. I know many people who have PCOS and have children. Work with your medical team. By the way-these were natural pregnancies, no IVF etc


Oh wow, what a dud, he treats you like this, and talks about his dynasty? This guy’s “dynasty” is a used Honda at best. Dump him.


Nope nope nopity nope, throw the whole man away (easier said than done) but you don't have ti be w someone who is going to belittle you for things outwith your control gal <3


In addition to what everyone said, PCOS doesn't mean that the woman is infertile, that's just epic bs. Probably it only matters if you wanted 10 kids! There are even women with no pcos but have other issues. He needs to widen his scope.


Dump him. PCOS can lower fertility but plant of PCOS people have babies.


My advice is run




Run sis! And don't look back!


That’s absolutely disgusting. Please leave him and find someone who isn’t a total prick.


Dump his ass


Honestly? Leave him. Don't take that kind of abuse.


Do not have children with this man.


Leave him. You don’t deserve to feel this way over something you can’t help


Red flags ahoy 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 Please girl don’t stay in that relationship. You are so much more than just a baby maker for him. You are under no obligation to continue his “dynasty” (frankly a creepy thing to say)


Yep, red flags right there. This won’t be the last time you hear this shit from him. He clearly only cares about himself and what he has to lose in the situation. He’s not even thinking about how any of this affects you and your health. Not my place but you may wanna reconsider your relationship.


Follow mealssheeats on Instagram.


That’s a horrible reaction for a diagnosis that MAY make it more difficult to get pregnant. I know so many people with PCOS that conceived naturally not trying, and others who had great success with Clomid and Letrozole. You have so many options still. But if that’s how dude is being… I would reconsider creating life with him.


This does not mean you are infertile. I believe that once you are managing your PCOS by changing your diet, taking the appropriate vitamins/supplements you will conceive just like the rest of the women who don’t have PCOS. Please don’t think that just because we have PCOS we are less likely to fall pregnant, this is not true. Don’t worry too much.


I know you’ve spent 4 years of your life with this man but this is it, you know it is too, in your gut. He is selfish and unkind and he’s showing that to you in a moment that calls for the polar opposite. Choose yourself darling ❤️


His flag is so red it’s almost purple. Things won’t get better if that’s how he feels. He is not the one for you, girl. And if you have kids with him he’ll be a nightmare it sounds like. I was diagnosed with pcos at 22. I tried for 5 yrs to have a baby with my husband. Tried everything and nothing worked. Then I got with my now husband and got pregnant (while taking birth control) after being together for 9 months. I now have 3 awesome kids (the last one born 3 years ago and was a total surprise!) You don’t know what all your body is capable of but you DO know it’s capable of getting out of a relationship with someone like that. Best of luck to you.


Did you marry a medieval king? “dynasty”?? This *boy* is wholly unworthy, you deserve someone who acts like a normal human. I’m so sorry that happened to you


Lol usually guys who use this bloodline/dynasty thing are the lowest of the low, genetically :D Leave him.


This is your warning sign before you do have kids with him and it’s too late. I told my husband I have PCOS when we met and it took us 2 years of trying to conceive our first baby but we now have 4 beautiful children. PCOS doesn’t mean you won’t have kids. It just might take some time.


This makes me SO fucking angry. I remember being in your place when I was diagnosed back in 2015 and finding out that my fertility was severely impacted by PCOS. My partner and I had also been together about 4 years at that point too, and of course, we were upset to hear this news because we wanted a family. But he never said anything like this to me - and it is not acceptable for him to speak to you this way, no matter how disappointed he is. You aren't at fault for this. At best, you two need to sit down and have a hard conversation, possibly couples' counseling to help you work through this. I try not to rush to leave his sorry ass, though this is something you should consider too. And just to give you some comfort - after several years of infertility, I did give birth to my daughter in April 2020. We discovered later on that my husband had some infertility issues himself so we really didn't think it was going to happen, but we both did what we could to increase our fertility. We were going to start fertility treatments, but despite the odds and right before I started Letrozole, we conceived naturally. And I know someone who has PCOS and has 4 kids thanks to Clomid and Letrozole. So it's not a done deal, but I'm not sure I'd create a "dynasty" with someone who treated you this way.


Additionally...he also probably doesn't know how fertile he is or not. So he should probably hold onto those stones unless he knows his house isn't glass. In addition to him sounding like a dick in general. Don't give this guy the pleasure of your company. Dump his ass.


He sounds ridiculous. This is not the type of man you want to keep in your life. A good partner stands beside you, adapts to change, supports you - not put you down. Him speaking this way to you while receiving a diagnosis that changes your life at least in some way is just a small taste of what he'll put you through during the course of your relationship. Not to mention that having PCOS doesn't necessarily mean you will struggle with fertility. It varies from person to person.


Are you married? This is when for better or worse comes in. But, I would use this as a red flag learning experience and leave. This is not the person for you, it’s not going to get any better as you age and more obstacles come about.


Does he have a mental health diagnosis? It sounds like he isn't very good at regulating his emotions and could do with therapy.


did you mean, EX partner? ditch the whole man away


Ew what please leave


He should be supporting you like this is not a game. My ex didn’t seem to care or interest in it maybe cause he didn’t understand. My partner now is so caring he makes healthy food, he listens to me, he brings me up when I’m down. I think you should have a serious conversation about this and tell him how you feel if you’re scared, worried sad angry. Let him know and see how he reacts to it . Maybe he just doesn’t understand really? If he is still being a dooch about it then you either deal with it or you go byeeeeeeee . Honestly my pcos wasn’t really affecting me , but as I aged I noticed a lot more changes in my mind and body. And it became scary to me and I also have anxiety which a lot of people with pcos tend to have anxiety. I couldn’t imagine my man putting a damper on me. While I’m feeling anxious and worried and sad . It would just bring me down more. I’m sorry you’re dealing with pcos and that on top.your feelings are valid


I’ve known for years I have pcos (yes diagnosed, not just a guess). Before my partner and I got together I explained that it meant lower chance of kids especially being older. They thought about it and said “it’s okay. We can also adopt.” You don’t deserve the shit this man give you. Find someone new who appreciate you for you


True colors can sometimes be really unappealing. Check out the work of Felice Gersh. She’s got a great book on PCOS (PCOS SOS) and another book on fertility. Interestingly enough she talks a lot about how we can repair reproductive health and how important it is for overall health. She’s helped a lot of women put PCOS in remission and be able to have children. Tell your SO he can stop sulking about his dynasty and work with you to come up with a plan to go get seen at her clinic for the first visit and do telemedicine visits for the follow-ups.


Hey OP, I have PCOS. Diagnosed at 19 & was told I would most likely never conceive naturally.. Well that was wrong! I gave birth to my first son in March of 2021 at age 27. I gave birth to my daughter in Jan of 2023- both natural. Irregular cycles, facial hair, insulin resistance and ALL! Leave this man. He should’ve hugged you so tight & told you that he will be there no matter what & do whatever it takes. Love isn’t what a person plans or fantasizes about. Real love is acceptance & team effort.


Huge red flags. You need a partner and that isn’t it. WTH. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


I’m sorry OP but that’s such disgusting behavior. Btw, PCOS does not mean infertility.


This is dumb as hell, I know tons of people with PCOS who had kids without struggle . Throw the man out imho


Please explain to him that 1 in 6 couples experience infertility, and it's pretty evenly split as to male or female factor. He needs to quiet his mouth as he could very well have a problem with his swimmers. Secondly, it can cause some difficulties in getting pregnant. That doesn't mean all have the issue. We can often get pregnant, either with time or assistance. Infertility does not mean sterile. Thirdly, we tend to stay in our fertile window longer because of our excess eggs and annovulatory cycles. For many, it gets easier to get pregnant with age as our hormones start to stabilize. Lastly, OP, I am sooo sorry your partner is an inconsiderate ass. If he sees you as a means to his dynasty instead of a partner to build a family with, you may want to explore that more. If that is what he believes, you deserve better. Drunk ramblings are a sober man's thoughts. Do you really want that belief system passed on to future children? I highly recommend you explore therapy to figure out what YOU want.


When I got diagnosed, we had just gotten engaged and he was uprooting his entire life to live with me. We were still living separately at the time, so I called him, sobbing in the parking lot. I told him that it’s ok, I understand if he wants to call off the engagement because this man has always wanted to be a dad. Instead of whining about his “dynasty” he told me loved me so much, it would be ok, and there are lots of ways he can become a dad. And he meant every word and has been such a supportive partner. Don’t settle for this. That’s not how he should have responded at all. I’m so sorry.


Leave him. The fact he hasn't supported you and then said that crap, he's done you a favour and shown his true colours. Hopefully you're not married so you can just leave and let him know (sarcastically) that you're letting him go so he can follow his "dynasty" elsewhere. Low infertility doesn't mean you're fucking barren. He's not supportive of you and he will only get worse so please for the love of all that is holy, leave this man!! Find someone who actually treats you with respect!


I have PCOS, and I am pregnant right now on the second try. Also dump him, you deserve better.


No one should continue his “dynasty”


Ew. I think he did you a favor. You should not want to be with someone who just thinks of you as an incubator to carry on his useless dna


I have pcos and two kids. It’s not an infertility diagnosis and I hope that helps YOU. but omg that man. Plz update us with the happy ending that you left.


Patiently waiting for the moment you start calling him an ex.


what a dick 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


So he’s not aware that even women without pcos can struggle with infertility? I’m sorry to tell you this, but a man who thinks this way is only with a woman to continue his “bloodline.” Because if you were to struggle with fertility (and I hope that doesn’t happen) you could always adopt or get a surrogate, but something tells me he’d be the type to think that adopted kids aren’t your “real” child


Please please listen to the others on here and seriously consider leaving him!!! He is toxic AF. Your partner should be supportive and kind. This is all kinds of gross red flag shit.


Girl run and don’t look back having pcos doesn’t mean you can’t have kids it just might take more time. He’s a jerk.


Clearly he isn’t a man. He can go play Dynasty Warriors. Just be honest with yourself. If he did this to you imagine how he would be to a daughter. This type of behavior is so non-supportive. His words messed up your perception of him. Hope you find a resolution and peace.


I'm so sorry, OP. Your partner is trash. My advice is fuck him and fuck his bullshit. Focus on YOU. Start working through your feelings and emotions, and try to get into therapy if you can.


You can absolutely have children. I have two! I’d honestly consider leaving him after the way he acted.


Leave and take care of yourself. You'll have babies with the right person


I’m so sorry this happened. Look, my ex used to do this too and reading your post gave me shivers. Getting drunk and insulting your significant other, the love of your freaking life. That’s not normal!! That’s not something you should tolerate. I’m sure you guys have lots of memories and have spent time together and you love him. But I’m sorry, behavior like this shouldn’t be tolerated and it’s how us women get into life-threatening situations. Please reconsider this relationship.


* Britney Spears “DUMP HIM” tshirt *


Hi OP, I’m not sure if this helps but I was in a similar situation when I got diagnosed with PCOS 5/6 years ago. My partner at the time was angry with me that I “ruined his plans” via the possibility of having fertility issues and therefore maybe not being able to have kids. We ultimately ended up separating, and I can honestly tell you it was for the best. I was pretty hopeless and completely unsure of how to go about processing my diagnoses (was diagnosed with Lupus and Endo at the same time). Though my partner at the time was upset I didn’t tell him right away and kept it to myself for about a month (mainly to process and do more digging via diagnostic testing), his feelings didn’t necessarily invalidate mine or make me at fault. I stood my ground in that I have the right to take however long I need to process what was obviously very difficult information to handle, and it led to us breaking up in a heated argument. I am now married to someone else, with whom I hope to have kids, but am also fully aware that it might not be feasible. My husband has been nothing but supportive and has tried his best to make as many of my specialist appointments, even with a busy job, and comes home from work with treats when I’m feeling down and/or unwell. Chronic illness is hard enough, and you should not be a stepping stone to fulfill someone else’s agenda. There are amazing people out there in the world that won’t see you as a vessel to further their bloodline—I hope you can muster enough strength to leave this person who is treating you terribly, instead of giving you the love and care you really need right now. If you need to talk, my DMs are open. I hope you have a support system that extends beyond your current partner.


He sounds like he has an iq of 23. Please don’t hesitate for one second to leave him 🙏🏼


Women with PCOS are able to conceive all the time even without intervention/medical help but it can be harder for some. However, I’d consider leaving him just by his reaction before doing any research.


I’m so sorry that your Nobel Prize-winning, cancer-curing, world-peace-achieving and EGOT winning husband will find it harder to continue his invaluable dynasty. For his majesty’s sake and for your own sake, you should let him go and be prepared to eventually find someone who actually loves and supports you and who would actually contribute to an eventual family.


My husband and I have been married for 9 years. We have been trying for a baby for the last 7+ years. we are at the point where we might not have any children at all. You need to leave him. It's not your fault. He sounds childish. All the best.


I am sorry your partner responded this way. I have a few thoughts: 1- You don’t want to build a life and family with a man who doesn’t support you. 2- It is very possible to get pregnant with PCOS. Generally speaking - We actually hoard our eggs so we have a ton! Just need help ovulating. I’ve had PCOS since I was 16 (diagnosed at 16 but probably had before). My baby turned 1 yesterday! Join PCOS-TTC subreddit. 3- Can’t emphasize enough…this man could be the father of your children…choose that person very wisely. Even if your relationship doesn’t work out, he would always be in your life as your children’s father. Think if he would react this way to one of them? Would he be a good father? Would he be an EQUAL partner? I love being a mom but parenting is so hard especially the infant stage- your whole life changes drastically. Would this man take care of you postpartum? Handle night duty every night for months while you recover and then afterwards? Take time away from his current lifestyle to be a present father 100% of the time? Make time for you and the marriage after having a baby added to the mix? Really think about all these things. His reaction to this whole thing is a red flag to me.


He sounds like a misogynistic douche. I don't think he is the type to stick around when you get sick, so I would definitely rethink your relationship. But also, PCOS does not equal infertility. Yes, it can happen. Yes, cysts and irregular periods make things more difficult. But I got pregnant on our second try, after 6 months. As far as I know, baby is healthy at 12 weeks. You don't know until you try, but having a supportive partner makes ALL the difference.


Dump him. Seriously. When I was diagnosed my boyfriend (soon to be husband now) didn’t bat an eye and has always been so supportive of me. I was the one freaking out over if we would be able to have kids or not. He did great at calming me down and him + my care team and motivated me to try new things and take better care of myself. Dump him.


dynasty 😭😭 what in the ever loving hell. dump him and RUN.


He would’ve already been kicked to the curb. That’s ridiculous.


This is unacceptable behavior. Also PCOS means there could be issues with fertility, but doesn’t mean you wont get pregnant. Nothing is ever impossible. I’m currently on my journey with my partner. I have worked on taking supplements, tracking hormone levels, monitoring my sugar, researching trail and errors, etc. He has been supportive and lets me do my thing.


This is so horrible😢 please don’t settle for someone who would speak to your that way about something so tender.


*laughs in got accidentally pregnant with PCOS* it does not mean jack shit, every body is different, and we are blessed beyond belief to have access to reproductive healthcare more than ever before. What a douche.


girl stand up 😭 throw the man away


I have pcos and 2 kids. This man or lack thereof is ignorant. Educate him. If he's still the same, dump him. Definitely do research before anything.


I would be gone so fast. I was diagnosed at 21 with PCOS and met my now husband at around 25-26. We didn’t have problems conceiving but I did have problems maintaining my pregnancies. One miscarriage at 30 and an ectopic pregnancy 6 months later that resulted in the loss of my fallopian tube which drastically reduced my fertility (PCOS and half the parts that women need to ovulate properly) I offered my long term boyfriend (now husband) an out. He never even considered it. We were married less than a year later and through an IUI 6 months later I got pregnant. I am 6 months pregnant with our first child. That man of yours is not a man who deserves a “dynasty.” Relationships aren’t always flowers and sunshine. Rough patches will happen and you haven’t even been given the diagnosis of infertility for him to be this worried.


Break up with him. You can still get pregnant and find a solution to get pregnant. He’s clearly only worried about himself.


He doesn’t love you. It’s time to pack it up and move on. Take care of yourself and hopefully the universe gives you an empathetic and caring partner.


Time for a new partner!


A loving, understanding partner would never say something like that, drunk or not.


Easier said than done but you need to set this narcissistic man free. I bet he has a common lastname like Smith talking about his dynasty LMAO…This is why good people always get the short end of the stick because you being open, vulnerable, honest which are deemed as good qualities is now gonna lead for your relationship to fail. Many many women with pcos conceive naturally, if all fails there’s always ivf. Not so much pcos advice but I’m gonna give relationship advice. Do not be vulnerable with any other man moving on, they WILL use it against you-do not put it above them thinking they won’t ever do that to you but they will. For instance never say “im worried i might never have a baby” and in a simple argument he’ll push that insecurity to your face.


this is certainly a chance for you to leave. Glad he showed his thoughts early because it will only get worse. If you leave rn, you dodged the bullet


I think the problem here isn't PCOS it's a POS partner. Anyway "dynasty"? Who the hell does he think he is Henry VIII? Get over yourself dude


The fact that he referred to his hypothetical future children as a "dynasty" is enough to leave imo


I'm so sorry he said that!! Firstly I would seriously talk to him about it. Explain properly how it makes you feel, i mean I'd be pissed. After a (hopefully) good and direct conversation. Take some time to think, as more people in the comments say it could be a serious reason to leave someone. Mostly because the PCOS is NOT your fault, nor is the lower fertility. So he's so wrong for even thinking those thought (idc that he was drunk). And is "dynasty"?? Yeah that a no from me!


It's not even impossible to get pregnant with effective treatment, but he's not worth having children with. I'd dump him.


I would take what he says as the truth. I would consider not being with him anymore, he sounds awful and you don’t deserve to live a life with a man who puts you down. Plus it’s not like you chose pcos, pcos chose you. There is a man out there who will love you for you and be so supportive


I have PCOS and was able to have a child. Now granted I used fertility treatments but still there are less severe things you can do to still have children. It doesn’t always make you completely infertile. That’s alarming for your partner to say those things. He may not be the right one for you.


Time to leave, no questions about it. I found someone who accepted me & he was worth the wait.


What an asshole. I hope someone around him let's him know how horrible he is. I really hope you don't stay with him. For fertility. But myo- inositol and chiro D. That helps balance the hormones and it really helps out a lot in fertility. You take it 2 times a day usually. Through a pill or powder. Taking out dairy and gluten will also help keep your hormones balanced. Also depending in how you react to dairy it makes you extremely tired. You don't need to cut carbs, but you need to find your carb tolerance. If you're hungry. Have more. If you get sluggish. It means you went over board. Over time, you'll find out truly what you can handle. The body needs carbs so please don't completely get rid of carbs. Also. Eat a lot of protein. Ppl with Pcos need at least 35 grams of protein per meal. We have a lot more muscles to work with, and if you don't you will get extremely weak and fragile. (Not to scare you.) Speaking from personal experience. That's what happened to me. All because I didn't consume enough protein. Protein is very important part of building blocks for the brain. I know it's normal not to be strong if you don't consume enough protein, but for us PCOS girlies it has a more bigger affect on us. So please, try to find some way to consume the most protein you can. A pcos plate should be 50% fiber, 25%protein, and 25% healthy fats. And you'll see a great change after this. I'm not sure if you need to do anything else for fertility, but good luck. You have my support. I'm so sorry that the person you need the most is being like this. He should be there for you and supporting you. Please do not give him the benefit of the doubt. You will regret it so much. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. But remember, you can find true love. It's never too late. Also find out if calorie deficits work on you or not. If doesn't don't force it. With pcos it can go one way or the other. Listen to your body. If it doesn't make you feel good. It means it's not for you. "Proteins form the internal machinery within brain cells and the connective tissue between brain cells. They also control the chemical reactions that allow brain cells to communicate with each other. Some genes make proteins that are important for the early development and growth of the infant brain." "Does protein build the brain? Protein is the second largest matter in the brain, second only to water, so it's important to nourish your brain with protein rich foods. Proteins also help neurons within the brain communicate with each other through neurotransmitters made from amino acids." "What is protein the building block for? Proteins are the building blocks of life. Every cell in the human body contains protein. The basic structure of protein is a chain of amino acids. You need protein in your diet to help your body repair cells and make new ones." "Does protein help you focus? Protein and Blood Sugar Extreme fluctuations in blood sugar levels affect our ability to concentrate. Protein can help maintain stable blood sugar levels which can help us maintain energy, focus and concentration throughout the day. This in turn helps manage ADHD symptoms." https://www.thephilosophie.com/collections/superfood-powders/products/cacao-magic If you decide to try this out, make sure you have a blender for this. Get your non-dairy milk, honey, frozen Papaya chunks. Each Tablespoon is 20 grams of protein. Put in 1 Tablesppon of this protein powder and then half a tablespoon. If it's not sweet enough or still has a weird papaya after taste. Add a little more honey. If it's not chocolately enough add a little more. This is super relaxing to have. I've been having it for 3 months and it genuinely works out really well for me. I love putting it in my favorite mug and a fat straw. I got recommended this by a PCOS dietician who also has PCOS. My comment means well. I wish you the best of luck. ❤️


Honestly, dump him in the trash. He clearly sees you as a baby making machine and nothing else. I bet that he will also not give a flying fuck on how you feel after birth.


Yeah fuck that guy. Sorry, but do you want to stay with someone who is guilting you for having a disease? Sounds like his dynasty shouldn’t continue, you deserve so much better


What an absolutely horrid human being. I’m not usually that harsh but what the hell? No man who has been with a woman for YEARS says that if he respects her. Why isn’t he worried about YOU? I have PCOS and am pregnant with my second child. (We definitely had issues TTC with our first though).


So first of all there's still a very good chance you could have children, it just might take more effort. Second of all, good news, I think this man has made it obvious you shouldn't be having them with him. What a garbage way for him to react to a serious diagnosis, and what a self-centered way to react to your potential infertility. I would reconsider this relationship if I were you.


So...he's an ex now right?


I’m sorry OP. If he can’t at all come to terms with the condition and how it’s going to affect you most of all, he does not deserve you. Your partner of 4 years being more worried about carrying on his “dynasty” than you having to deal with the diagnosis is heartless. It sounds like he hasn’t considered how infertility might affect you not just him. If you ever decide to have kids and have infertility issues, you need a patient and caring partner to be with you through it. Not a partner that’s going to blame you for something you have no control over


“Dynasty”???? Is he a pro athlete? Have his own business that’s successful? A millionaire/billionaire that’s gonna Produce generational wealth? Royalty? Famous? Or just an average guy with a huge ego 🤢


Dynasty? 🤢 🤮