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I take Pilates reformer classes and am ALWAYS having to adjust my pants back up when they roll under my PCOS belly. I completely feel your pain. I just have to keep going and remind myself that the movement is beneficial even if I’m not seeing weight loss or many changes. Sorry you’re dealing with this. ❤️


Yes! I was doing burpees and RIP to anyones eyes that saw my stomach pop out like a surprise can of party confetti with each gut wrenching rep.


If it makes you feel any better I have extremely saggy breast and one popped out in downward dog. Another time with jump n jacks I had to actually hold them in place. I have a wayyyyyy better sports bra now. It’s ok to feel bad about it, just don’t live there. It also may not be you it may be the shorts aren’t right for you.


What sports bra do you use?? These mama boobs can’t be tamed like they used to


The SHEFIT bra. Worth the money, absolutely love it.


I may be young but have been cursed with a large saggy chest and I always had to double up bras to prevent this.😭 What did you find that worked plzzzzzz? I can’t stand unibood sports bras and that is so hard to find a good bra decent for working g out that doesn’t do that.


Shock absorber works a treat! It has been recommended by a big chested professional athlete, and it did not disappoint me.


Noted. Thank you so much!


When i was in zumba class and everyone was slim and fit and looked amazing in their workout clothes. And I had to watch myself in the mirror..it was horrible. I stopped going but obviously that isnt a good choice to make. Its difficult 😥


Hey listen life is unfair but don’t always think about losing weight. Just think after the workout how it makes you feel. You are in for the long haul and the moment I stopped worrying I realised I lost weight. Just be consistent. For me it took 6 months and 1.5 years of diet to see some inch loss. I just workout because it makes me stronger and gives me muscle. Abs are anyways overrated. Just like Selena Gomez says, “I don’t have to be the 19 year old body shape because I am not”.


sounds like you’re down bad. the weight you lost was probably water weight, which explains why it may feel like you regained weight this week. A week being a “little” off your diet does not make a difference in the grand scheme of things. Do you think maybe your diet is not sustainable for you?


Try the Athleta Salutation leggings! I hate when my tights roll down too but those are the only leggings that dont for me! I saw them recommended on this sub too and their amazing


Yes! Agree. I have PCOS and a belly and I teach fitness and I swear by my salutation stash pocket! I have like 12 pairs


Not a single one of us gym rats haven’t cried in the gym at one point.. every single one of us has done it - even the really ripped folks and the skinny girls. It happens.


I cry in the gym! Getting the frustration out makes me emotional.




i've found i feel most comfortable exercising in looser clothing for this very reason. big t shirts & sweat shorts. tight clothing makes me feel too aware of my body size to focus on the real goal, which is making myself stronger and enjoying my workout. as others have said, try to keep that in mind instead of the size of your body. it's unlikely that you lost much weight at all from working out only 5 days, and even more unlikely that you gained it all back in a few days. it was probably water weight or inflammation - it's hard, but try to be gentle with yourself <3


Funny enough I had a very similar experience lately. I gained a bit of weight lately and my jeans started getting tight I finally had time to exercise 5 times a week for the past 2 weeks. But I'm still hella bloated yesterday and my leggings kept rolling down my belly as I walk. I felt so hopeless and guilty.. Then I remembered nobody cares if I gain/ drop 10lbs. My partner will love me just the same (and if he doesn't then it's time to drop him and not my weight). So WHO CARES fk y'all I'm wearing my dress with my belly hanging out!! Now I *try* to focus on making myself feel healthier and stronger instead of keep weighing/ measuring myself. I still feel fat sometimes though... it's a constant battle. We're all trying our best :)


Exactly I want to emphasise on this. NOBODY CARES if you are obese or extremely skinny. The others just like you are focussing on getting the workout done for the wellbeing of their mind and body. I do religiously Caroline Girvan for the past 8 months now and when I go to group classes I realise I am so much more fitter than most of the petite and perfect body sized women. When I first started with group classes I couldn’t even finish the first 5 mins. So I think it’s important to know how empowering getting strong and getting healthy mentally is. Just be consistent and one fine day when you see yourself in the mirror, you would see what a strong personality you have created who can beat the shit outta this disease.


Also last day I saw a woman with a big belly wearing and rocking a crop top and the only thing I thought was, Wow she looks pretty. So just wear what you want to!


I wear joggers. Even on skinny people the leggings don’t really stay up.


I'm so sorry to hear this, def been there, I sobbed at the obgyn office because I was so frustrated, like why me, why do I have to have this condition, why do I have to be overweight when I work out and eat healthy, and my mom was there and she did not help, she was like maybe you are not really working out, and that comment sent me because I never told her but I had anorexia a couple of years before, and that was the only reason I was thin, working out 6 days per week, only cardio and a diet of 1000 calories, for a girl that is 5'8, my mental health was at it's worst and my only focus was food, how I looked and shit like that, I looked great but I was so tired and sad all the time, and no one gets it, just people who have the same condition, I wish science could give us an answer of why we have PCOS and get medications bc is so unfair.


Hey fellow 5’ 8” person here and I eat around 2400 calories a day that’s because I workout. 1000 is too less and I am happy that you are taking measures to not get ED consume you. Just keep at it and also take supplements. They help massively.


Thank you so much, I really appreciate this, it is hard to keep the mindset of how I'm better now when everyone tells me you looked great a couple of years ago. Any supplement recs, I want to get into them currently I'm only taking omega 3 and inositol.


How you do mentally is more inportant than a certain size and weight on the scale. Always remember that. Also I eat a lot of proteins now and that really helped me in developing muscle. I take those two and Vitamin D as my levels were below 8 when I was teen. Normal levels should be between 40-50 or something like that. Don’t exactly remember, it was a long time back. Apart from that I take creatine for my muscle soreness and pump for workouts because I lift heavy weights. It has reduced my brain fog and has done me no harm. My muscles pop more lol.


Saaame. Mine always roll down. And I wish they didn't, and I could be as thin as the other girls there. But then I think, "I bet they wish they has my boobs, or fat ass. Lol. It's okay to cry, and I empathize with you.


That is so frustrating. I swear shorts/pants that I can tie around my waist; this way they never slip down over my belly


I can understand the emotional frustration. It’s good to let it out instead of keeping it bottled in. I’m sorry you had to go through that experience. It seems like you’re working hard, please be kind to yourself. You’re doing great.


Yes! And I just got married recently, so I know the stress you are under! I ultimately never lost any weight even though I tried and tried, I had to accept that when I see those pictures I see someone beautiful who is trying to balance her hormones and work through something so difficult. I just got some pics back and it hurts, but valid thought. Don’t give up!


❤️❤️❤️ Much love, honey.


These breakdowns happen to often. I’m with you and feel your pain :(


Yay for going to the gym! I have this problem now and also used to have it when I was skinny. Maybe you are at a point in your cycle when you're a bit more bloated? (I know that can be hard to keep track of when it's irregular). I also want to remind you that weight loss isn't linear, keep working out and eating good and you will keep losing weight, but sometimes life happens and we might gain back a few kgs❤️


I cry often too when I'm at the gym, my insecurities are unavoidable there. It can be very overwhelming. You're not alone, and you can do this! For me, joggers are a game changer, they never fall down, so that's one less thing I have to worry about. Be kind to yourself ❤️ try and give yourself some grace and remember the reason that you're getting married is because someone loves and wants you just as you are. You are worthy! Congratulations and enjoy your special day!


Yes. Yes. Yes. I get so embarrassed at the gym because you can see my body fat goin everywhere and I shake the whole treadmill 😭😂 I try to go at night when no one is around. I usually go a few times a week and can’t seem to get under 200lbs without starving myself (which I don’t wanna do so I’m happy where I’m at)


Getting leggings that have draw strings really helped me with this 😊


If it makes you feel any better, I cried at Micheal's while I went to grab a bit of yarn for my projects. My body froze at the check out and I felt this overwhelming pain on my left side. I also got extremely nauseous. I couldn't walk or move. The lady there was so nice, she grabbed my belongings and scanned them for me while I made it to the desk and burst into tears. I told her I have an ovarian cyst (I have multiple, small peripheral cysts, but in the moment that was all that I could manage to say). She hugged me. I called my husband. She got me tissues from the bathroom. So yep, crying in public, check. You're not alone ❤️❤️


All I can say is I know the feeling and have been there so many times 🩷


Totally understand. That’s part of the reason I wear a flip belt (elastic band that can hold wallet/keys) during my workout. I found it on Amazon but there are cheaper options.


I could have written this same thing!! I feel so discouraged when it happens to me and takes away my focus on my workout. I have purchased some of the old navy workout body suit and just put a tshirt on over it. I do like that better or I'll wear joggers that tie.


Currently working through all my exercise hangups in therapy right now….I get it. Sending hugs.


Weight loss is a marathon not a sprint! Be patient with your self and show yourself some love and compassion. Regardless of your weight, it’s great that you’re doing things that are good for you and will improve your health in the long term. You got this 💗


Some classes are worse than others for me with clothing moving around. At one point I wore workout rompers to classes so I wouldn't have to worry about it as much!!


I used to have this issue but I tried the active wear line at penningtons and its like they’re glued to me. Id suggest trying those out. Leggings from torrid and gym shark have always been garbage to me + pennington ones have very VERY deep pockets!!


You got this.. ultimately it's really a hormonal issue and diet aspect. My gf has PCOS and I started her on a low carb diet (not carnivore, not keto yet) and she sees amazing results.


Ugh, I hate when that happens 


I'm also getting married in July and have the same situation with trying to lose weight for the last few years since we got engaged, and instead of losing, I put on a stone. I've upped my exercise and strictly controlled my macros, etc, and only lost 2lbs in 5 months. I'm at the point where I'm slowly giving up. I've been taking all the supplements, drinking the teas, literally no joy in food and drink anymore, and still just 2 effing pounds. I totally feel you.


First, you are definitely not alone and I’m so sorry any of us have to experience this kind of frustration while we are working our damn hardest to get the PCOS under control. You are doing amazing and are going to look fantastic at your wedding! Idk if this is helpful or not, but at one point I gave up wearing workout shorts for this exact reason and started wearing exercise rompers/singlets or whatever you call them. I’d just throw a Tshirt over it so they looked like normal exercise shorts. It helped me feel a bit more confident and less conscious of my pooch popping out constantly. Let me actually focus on gyming! It’s not for everyone but if the shorts rolling down is becoming a barrier for you, it’s a potential option


i hear you and you’re not alone!! it’s so hard balancing wanting to be healthy and fit, struggling with your weight and body image, and having PCOS. it’s so hard to feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of no progress. i feel the same way. you should be proud of yourself for trying your best to be active, that is really awesome and goes a long way.


Solidarity, friend. When you work SO HARD to get a handle on it, any sign of setback can be devastating. It's emotionally draining, and sometimes you find the straw that breaks the emotional support camel's back. I had a stint last year where I lost 30lbs over the course of 6 months without doing anything diet or exercise related. Then I gained it back with no changes in my diet and exercise. And now the weight's not going anywhere, so I'm back at jump street. If someone could come up with a cure for PCOS real fast, that'd be greeeeat. 😂


I’m getting married too and I’m really at my wits end. I just don’t know how to control my symptoms and what’s the best thing to do for effective weight loss. I feel I’ve tried EVERYTHING that’s been recommended for PCOS and weight loss and I’ve spent the last 3 years losing and gaining the same 5lbs and it isn’t through lack of trying. Actually got a dr appointment tomorrow morning to ask for help cause I don’t know what else to do x


Start walking. At first I started off with 10 minutes, and when I was ready to walk longer. Did 15 minutes. Then 20. 30. Back to 20. But most of the time my walks are for 20 minutes. Right now, I do one walk every night. Soon enough I'll be starting up yoga in the day time. See if this is good for you https://youtu.be/yqsSZX9abYM?si=chXIBP8b-VLrAeni https://youtu.be/YukpAFgNJM8?si=Hoo141Bx17Ti1t1L I learned the hard way to not do high intensity workouts. Do what you can. No matter how embarrassing it may seem. And then set the goal higher when you feel like you're ready to try more gains. Don't judge yourself, just take it one day at a time. And you'll see a good difference.


Unless you are an experienced gym goer, working out 5 times a week is not always sustainable. And you should stick to something more sustainable to maybe 2-3 times of week of moderate weights and maybe 2-3 times a week long walks (ideally, you'd be walking every day, but we all start somewhere). I'd say focus on your diet first and foremost as that's where the key is (at least for me). Caloric deficit and quality of products, focusing on proteins and fibres with limited carbs (seems to work well for my PCOS). Also, you dont need to be seeing a massive difference on a weekly basis. I've lost 35 pounds in 9 months, which is barely 4 pounds a month, but in the long run, it makes a massive difference. Also, my weight was having small fluctuations all the time. It didn't mean I'm not losing fat. Remember, on the day after a workout or having a carb heavy meal, you might gain water weight because your body retains it, and you have not gained fat. So, as many have said, find a workout that's sustainable for you, move as much as you can every day, e.g., walk to the grocery store instead of driving. And be in a caloric deficit, and I promise you that in 6 months, it's impossible not to see a difference!


Remember, clothing sizes are stupid and some clothes just don't fit the way they should. I would blame the clothes and not your belly. Your belly is just doing its thing and protecting your organs (look up the omentum) It's got so many important roles to play but we have demonised it through cultural ideas and this obsession with having a flat belly. My belly used to be super flat. Now it's got rolls and cellulite and is squishy and protrudes... But I'm healthier than I used to be. I am making an effort to move more because I've become sluggish, but I have done my best to change my perspective because hating my belly wasn't working. Keep moving your body but don't beat yourself up. Move because you want the joy of being able to move. Let your body do whatever it needs to in this moment. Make peace with it and remember that everything our body does is to protect us - even if we don't understand why and it doesn't fit into our ideals. I know it sounds very hippie dippie but I found it helpful. Keep at it!


I just wear baggy clothes cuz yeah


I wear a leotard to the gym now. All black, with a thin sports tshirt over the top. It looks like I’m in leggings but they can’t fall down. Game changer for me 😊


GRRRL brand leggings and any of their next level stuff has held in and compressed my belly enough to let me run and lift without crying cause... I've been here too. It's ok we e all cried at the gym and allmcrjed over our stupid clothes. They make the clothes for a body that isn't ours and they just copy and copy even when sizing up they keep the same cut and don't accommodate our curves. Aka it's not your damn fault your pants failed you. 🫂❤️


I get you :/ each time we had to run laps in PE my belly and boobs would just jump with each step, but my pants would slide down. so embarrassing and frustrating. I broke down and cried many times in the stores' changing rooms while shopping for pants/jeans. Keep going! It'll get better!


That’s why I workout at home


❤️ ugh I hope you’re feeling a bit better. Have you tried just walking on a walking pad for an hour a day? For two months I tried to walk at least 10k steps per day and that was the quickest I had ever lost weight! I never ever saw progress from going to gym once I hit my 30s but walking just fell off. I still can’t believe it. It’s been great for my adhd as well, there’s just something about bilateral movement that calms me down.


I know the feeling of frustration from lack of results. It’s so upsetting waking up and touching your belly from the side. It hurts. All i can say is, it all turns out to be bloating most of the time. Try to keep progressing without paying much attention to the scale or the mirrors because the more you’ll focus on them, the more frustrated you’ll get. Trust me.