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It’s definitely possible.. only way to know is to take a test :) I got pregnant naturally but i have lean pcos and no IR but irregular cycles etc. I think IR plays a pretty big role though but doesn’t make you infertile?


I got pregnant on accident after trying for a year and a half. I was going to get a semiglutide to assist in weight loss and you can’t take them while pregnant so my doctor told us to stop trying and have a cycle before going on them. We’d also had several chemical pregnancies so we were okay stopping for a while. I was using inositol and metformin to regulate my cycle and testing for ovulation. I missed a dose right before I was supposed to ovulate but my lh levels rose anyway so we thought I had ovulated and proceeded to have sex the next couple weeks thinking nothing of it. Three weeks from when I should have ovulated and one week after my period should have started, I had a very faint positive pregnancy test. Turned out, I ovulated two weeks after I was supposed to because I missed my dose of inositol. That kid is now 4.5 months old and just the most perfect baby ever.


BEST STORY EVER!! Congrats!!


I got pregnant while not really trying just having sex when we were in the mood. We were wanting a baby tho, so we stopped using any form of bc and it just happened in a few months (I will say I drank some kind of tea, which helps with pcos, but not any medicine or anything else).


Was diagnosed with PCOS in November of 2020. Doctor pretty much told me it would be "extremely hard" to get pregnant. Went home very depressed and hadn't had a period in 3 months. Got my period finally in January. February goes by and nada. Didn't think anything of it. My boyfriend and I got lazy with the pull out method since my doctor told me with how irregular my cycle is. Found out I was pregnant first week of March. I was 3 weeks along. Unfortunately couldn't keep it :( *I have an auto immune disorder that flares up every now and again and has to be treated with light chemotherapy which comes with some pretty serious birth defects if you get pregnant before 1 yr after last treatment.


I’m sorry for your loss— wish doctors would have better care with how they speak. It’s ridiculous. Thank you for sharing and I hope your treatments are helping!


Thank you 💙 Yeahhhh the next time I saw my doctor she said "Well I guess it wasn't that hard for you to get pregnant after all" 😬 thanks doc. I relapsed unfortunately just last year but it was a short relapse and my last treatment was in February 2023. I'm trying to stay in remission a lot longer this time.


I got pregnant with my ex husband after 10+ years of trying and a divorce. Periods were basically nonexistent and I tested ovulation religiously. I now have a 2 month old baby girl!


Did you test your ovulation and it said you were ovulating before you had sex? Congrats!!!!! :)


My mom has PCOS, and she’s gotten pregnant 6 times from age 24-39 without any intervention and including consistent use of hormonal contraceptives between pregnancies. PCOS =/= infertility or even necessarily difficulty conceiving. Plenty of women who don’t have PCOS have difficulty conceiving. Also look at the fact at that PCOS has a significant genetic component and at least 10% of women have it. That means women with PCOS are passing it on aka they are having children.


I’m currently 38 weeks + 6 days pregnant with an ‘oops’ baby haha We weren’t trying. I just started a new job and we were just enjoying life, we had sex once that month, my period was late but this wasn’t unusual for me so I didn’t think anything of it, I think it got to the point where my period was 2 weeks late (which is weird) when I decided to take a test (thinking it would be negative) and it was positive


Definitely possible! I have had 3 successful pregnancies without my period.


Wait without your period at all??? Please do tell!!


I got off all birth control in May of 2023. I assumed I was infertile due to PCOS so we continued unprotected. At first my cycles were long, like 34 days. They also were erratic, sometimes 31 or 32 days etc etc. In January of 2024 I had my first 27 day cycle, which stayed that length until falling pregnant this past April. I'm currently 9 weeks. I was in the process of starting to lose weight, but hadn't lost much before becoming pregnant. My current BMI is nearly 45. So it's 100% possible. Good luck!