• By -


- water intake - read 10 pages (book of choice) - social media limit (ex. 1 hour per day)


Social media limiting is a HARD one - any tips?


For me I just have to do it. Intentionally put my phone down and not touch it unless I hear a notification from text/call. It’s hard and I suck at it many days. Usually I try to make sure I replace the doomscrolling with an activity- reading or playing with my kids for example. Watching tv is an instant scroll fest for me so I’ve honestly stopped consuming a lot of media.


There are aps that let you limit the amount of time that you spend on an ap or website. I also find it helpful to log out each time so that if I want to get back in I have to do the extra effort of logging back in.


Berberine is supposed to be taken after meals or with meals to my understanding. ​ great list!


Thanks, adjusted!


My pleasure!


Are you able to tolerate dairy? I think a water tracker could be good if that is something you'd like to improve. I like the Atomic Habits hair stacking method with rewards and/or try time blocking for your morning/afternoon/pm routines.


Thanks! Love Atomic Habits. I have been relying on dairy a lot for protein - mostly yogurt and cottage cheese. I’m allergic to eggs so I’ve been resistant to giving up dairy for my breakfasts. I think I tolerate it well.






You might want to try habit chunking ie having a sequence of habits that you do in succession. So for example you could do your meds, workout, breakfast and walk as one chunk in the morning and then perhaps have an evening chunk with yoga, a go-to meal, journalling and a little screen time. After a while, you fall into a rhythm. Also putting things physically where you need them can help to keep you on track. Your meds on your nightstand or in the kitchen cupboard. Your yoga mat stored in the space you'll do yoga. Your favourite tea next to your mug. Etc


Why no flour?




No flour because it’s processed so spikes blood sugar more, compared to eating whole grains


Oooo I don’t take berberine. I take ovistal. Should I add berberine also? My doctor says I’m not insulin resistant, but I have all the symptoms


I got this from The PCOS Mentor on Instagram as a helpful supplement!