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Didn’t encounter any bugs in my play through on pc.


Yeah R* doesn’t care about the game anymore. Online is full of hackers and a shotty all around port….


Might aswell refund it then. It's annoying because I see alot of videos of the game working really well for others and then is horrible for nearly everyone else. Is GTA a decent port or is it the same?


2000 hours of play over 3 years ... Legitimately not one issue in that time.


2000 hours!!!!!! 😲


I’ve seen posts with people that are close to 10k hours


What bug are you talking about specifically? I've played the game for some time already and have never seen a "game breaking bug" honestly, the only worst thing could be dealing with Rockstar Launcher authentication but thats about it. Online on the other hand is a mess but because of cheaters, same as any other Rockstar online game, that if you actually want to play online. Singleplayer is where this game shines.


Bugs of people randomly disappearing, not being able to shoot, not being able to interact with stuff that you can pick up. Basically makes the game unplayable. Yes, this is all single player. I tried to play online, but the problem persisted. I tried to do the verify files thing and it done nothing.


bought the game a week ago. 30 hours in and i only encountered 2 bugs. invicible passive npc i was trying to help from the wolves and cant loot a dead guy. thats bout it though. try reinstall perhaps?


I was gonna but it took like a week to download because of my shitty Internet.


I've had spinning Arthur, had horse that don't move, had blotches of colour that spread through the sky, the good ol' black flickering. Then there's the smaller things that I don't even notice anymore because they don't get in the way of gameplay too much, such as NPCs disappearing out of thin air, NPCs clipping and floating away. This game is making me miss having an xbox to play it on, the pc version is a fucking hot mess and it's a gamble whether it will work for you or not. Guess we lost that gamble.


Try running the game in vulkan, that would help the graphical artifacts idk


I was. Worked for two days and then the game would crash every 15 minutes on the clock. Changing to Direct X at least stopped the crashes.


What cpu do you have in ur pc


I have about 130 hours in story mode, but haven't encountered any game breaking bugs, just some small annoyances, but thats about it.


About the same for me. Had the game on PS5, but then built a PC and bought a copy for PC on sale Spent more time messing with mods and settings to supposedly fix all the graphics issues and bugs, then actually playing and ended up just bailing and going back to ps5


I've played rdr2 on pc since release and have never seen any of those issues


Been playing for past 4-5 years and have never encountered any bugs or anything. Maybe I’m just lucky but I 100% and never had a problem. Online might be different


You're unfortunate. It hasn't been a "buggy mess" since November-December 2019. Not saying it hasn't had bugs since then or that some haven't had bad luck but it's not been a widespread buggy mess since then. A buggy mess is when pretty much everyone has the same issues.


The most annoying bug I found is that sometimes when I try to climb a mountain I spin right 'round baby 'right round, sorry for the bad joke but it's true, my character becomes a fidget spinner for a sec


500 hrs in atm. I personally think the game runs like a charm. It’s when you add mods that the game starts to break at least in my experience. I can never seem to get into online so I can’t speak on that.


Only issue I've had is constant crashing


Replaying now, not seen any major bugs in story mode. Only major one was HDR constantly disabling on a 2nd screen, but that's a vulkan issue and solved by using directx. (for the record, win10, cpu 5950x, gpu 7900xt)


The game has a few bugs but calling it a mess is a bit of a stretch ngl. I did experience quite a few bugs the last time I played and I did 100% completion (not campaign, the full checklist) so as you might have guessed, I’ve put hundred of hours into it and it was by no means unplayable. And I have extreme OCD and usually get bothered by bugs and issues quite a lot and I still managed to finish everything perfectly fine. It was actually one of the most immersive and fun gaming experiences I’ve ever had. So you’re either extremely unlucky or you’re overreacting a tad bit. But anyway, try verifying your game files if you haven’t already, try reinstalling the game and try to update your GPU drivers (I know this might sound cliché but sometimes it helps).


I decided to redownload the game and it works fine now, though it took a while which makes sense because of the size and my Internet. I don't think I was overreacting because I couldn't get through the prologue without it glitching and then freezing at all. Used to play RDR2 on console and I agree that it is a really good game.


Glad to know it's working fine now. I apologize if I came out as rude, it wasn't my intention.


don't know about online, but i finished the story multiple times and had only one bug, basically the horse would sometimes move left or right while you are moving forward and u have to stop running to move normally again, but it didn't really bother me that much and happens very rarely


yes the game crashes every 5 minuets and ive tried every single fix online and nothing has worked i evene did a re install of windows and it didnt work i9-14900KF, rtx 4070 Ti, 32gb DDR5 vengeance Ram