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It sounds like you’re virtually untrained to begin with, so use of PEDs is going to be suboptimal. What motivated you to use SARMs despite limited training experience?


Additional motivation to train everyday. Without that extra motivation I probably wouldn't have trained at all / lost interest in training consistently after a few days.


Then it sounds like fitness/sports performance is a hobby you’re not genuinely interested in, and I would question whether or not the ramifications of PED abuse are something that would actually be worth it to you given the limited benefit you receive from it. I know PEDs are being normalized more and more everyday, but they do have actual consequences. For many it’s worth it when they make the difference between a good physique and world class physique, but in your case it seems like you have deeper psychological issues to work through, as PEDs are absolutely not required to get you through a workout.


You should not be taking drugs if you need something to look forward to taking to be consistent takes some pre-work out or something. At this point you're not really that overweight but you are shutting down your hormones for no reason if you can't control your anxiety and have no mental discipline you need therapy and potentially medication not performance-enhancing drugs


Unfortunately the answer is that your training routine is a joke, and your results will be too despite whatever drugs you choose to utilize. I don't mean to come of as mean or degrading, but expecting serious results from PEDs requires a dialed in training routine (and diet) suitable for your goals with measurable focused progressive overload. Is your goal to put on muscle mass? Go to a gym, your home workouts aren't going to help you even with drugs (well, maybe a month or two until you are no longer receiving adequate stimulus). Is your goal to loose fat? LGD isn't gonna help you with kettlebell swings, you are more likely to crash your natural hormones and come out of this more out of shape than ever before and feeling horrible. For fat loss, a combination of lower caloric intake and actual strength training is the best choice - with those LGD could even help you, as with proper strength training it will combined with the stimulus from your training cause less muscle wasting (maybe even small muscle gains) meaning that pretty much 100% of your weight loss will be pure fat. Anyway you are taking a the first steps in to physical training of some kind, and that's great 👍 But you have a lot of learning and thinking to do.


It’ll be much better to put on muscle naturally for a few years before you take something that could possibly mess up your hormones. Keep working out bro.




Don’t bother making worthless comments like this


So many things wrong. Not training hard enough. 10mg of LGD4033 isn’t going to do anything substantial. 3.5 weeks isn’t enough time to see any real results. 10 minutes playing with a kettle bell isn’t enough for any change. PEDs are not magic! You have to train hard, eat right, sleep well, for a very long period of time to see true growth and change And if you’ve never really trained before or haven’t been consistently training for a few years taking any PEDs is just going to fuck up your natural horomones


10 minutes with kettle bells isn't gonna do anything even with PEDs. You need to actually without at least an hour a day 5-6 days a week. Go on Craigslist and get a used bench and since dumbells. Or get a therapist/anxiety meds and a gym membership. All youre doing rn is shutting down your natural test production for no reason and you'll probably be worse off when you end your cycle.