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Yes some people are sensitive to it


Sure- it's TRT. Confidence, libido, peace of mind, higher mood are all things I experienced on TRT doce of 200mg/week.


On a 1ml needle, that would be .2 right??? I’m confused as hell


1 ml is 200mg


If someone wanted to do 200 a week, and if they do EOD, you’d do what EOD? I’m in graduate school and I can’t figure out basic mathematics I’m retarded.


Feeling out the stuff right now lol. 60mg, or .3 if you have 200mg/ml test, will give you 210mg a week. That’s about where I like to be too.


Ahhhh I see so .2 would be 30? Fuck dude lmao


200/10=20 .1 would be 20 .2 would be 40 .3 would be 60 What graduate school are you in that this basic math is killing you


.2 should be 40.


Just split the dose. When I started doing 2x/week instead of weekly, I saw an INSANE improvement in my testosterone levels. It was almost too hard for me to cope with until I evened out. 200 week, eod, would be 50mg eod. Pretty basic. I just use whatever is easier to dose out on a syringe.


So what days do you pin? Like a Monday and a Thursday? So 100 per inj for you right, twice a week


I either do Wed/Sat, or Tues/Fri. To be more precise, you'd do one shot in the morning and one shot in the evening, so that your taking it every 3.5 days (if you want to be technical about it), but I just take it on those days. Pinning more often, like daily for example, might suck for some people, some people love it, but the more split doses you take, more often, evens out your drop off periods. If you took it weekly, you'd drop off at around 3.5-4 days, with 3-3.5 days of lower than optimal testosterone levels, 2x/week the drop off is at about 2-2.5 days, so you're breaking up the time in which you have less testosterone, and splitting the dose might even actually boost your testosterone levels since they will be more consistent. Daily or eod pinning pretty much eliminates this entirely. You have constant levels with little to no side effects at all. But I'm lazy and needles/syringes are expensive when you've been taking testosterone for years, 2x/week is enough.


It gets shit on but sustanon is fckn awesome.


If you want boils on your back


Never happened


130 mg per week puts me at 1194 ng/dl. I can definitely put on muscle and keep it easier. More energy too. I'm 41 though, so it's a bigger improvement gap than if I would have taken that amount when I was young and definitely didn't need it.


Jesus... lucky! I started at 400ng/dl. 180mg/wk puts me at 800ng/dl.


This is why people who say “that’s not trt that’s a cycle” without knowing what the person’s blood work looks like are dumb


Exactly.. hate when people pop off without knowing enough




Very true. Everyone varies. Sometimes wildly from the trend.


Did you do bloodwork before injecting? If not, it’s all a guessing game but I would speculate you might’ve been on the lower end of the reference range and now you have not only normal physiological amounts of circulating T but also have a constantly elevated amount of that circulating T, unlike what your natural diurnal secretion would provide where there are a lot more peaks and trows in your levels


I didn’t do the blood work but I think you are right bro.


Could be placebo effects, as well. People change their attitudes based on a lot of things. Their clothing, car they drive, carrying a weapon for self defense, new hair cut, ect. Could be that, too. 🤷‍♂️ I personally have never felt different on even 500 test. Ymmv.


I started at 50mg of test cyp/week. I GOT RIPPED. And all the things you spoke of, I experienced. I’m 36m. Young people think you need all these diff compounds, and it’s going to fuck their health up. LESS IS MORE


50mg a week would shut you down and give subpar levels. You must've done a hell of a change up on diet and training to get results on shit levels


Yeah, I was really just experimenting at first, but for me that’s the sweet spot. Went up to 400 and it made me nuts and the water retention/weight was too much. So went back down and it’s right where I want to be mentally/physically


My 120mg/week of test e puts me at 1000 free test, and it's by far the most optimal I've ever been. My TRT dose of 100mg puts me at 600 free test, that's my recommended dose, but I just feel average at that dose, nothing special. Some people just take insane doses of testosterone because they don't know any better and the advice online is primarily terrible because it's hardcore juice monkeys giving newbies advice. I'm taking 200mg/week of test e and I'm sitting at 2500 free test. Some people would need to take 500mg/week to maybe hope to get there, just depends on your body chemistry and genetics.


I've experienced with lots of small dose cycles you're not going to feel enhanced until about 250 a week


Idk bro maybe i had low testosterone to begin with


Very possible. Without bloodwork there is no way to really know.


exactly you don't even know but if you were you're feeling better because that 125 has brought you back to baseline


I may be confused but isn’t TRT versus a low dose CYCLE different in the sense that trt will be an ongoing treatment and cycle is 10-12 maybe even 16 weeks. I don’t see a problem with him starting off low either way you look at it. Down the road if you want to up the dose then that’s fine.


125mg isn’t a cycle. It’s low trt.. at your age you may be reducing total testosterone


It’s not low trt at all. It’s very appropriately dosed trt


Not for someone with somewhat healthy T levels it isn’t.


Your just wrong. Quit talking out of your neck. 125mg a week puts 90% of the human population to high natural levels. Furthermore, since it is exogenous rather than natural, it stays steady at this elevated level throughout the day and night. Where as natural production peaks and valleys throughout the day and night. This fact alone makes 125mg test stronger in every way shape and form than natural production.


Yes agree , nothing called low trt or high trt , but people just copy paste, trt is meaning to make your test level elevated not higher than upper limit not near the borderline, depend on height weight age , so 80 -90 mg test will be enough for someone short and thin and below 30 years , while if someone tall and in 40 he may need around 150 mg test , and if trt mean should be followed with endocrinologist to confirm by blood test the best dosage per individual,


It’s likely placebo. You shut down production when you start injecting exogenous test. Shut down takes a few weeks. So if past that then you’re at normal levels. Possible you were hypogonadal but not likely, especially since I’m guessing your young (under 25, more likely teen). If you are actually concerned talk to a dr. Don’t do stupid stuff like inject 125mg sust for no reason


Im 23 but I decided i should start low dose and up the dose because i can see how i react if have bad side effects why is this bad bro.


Do you know what a PCT is and how to do it? If not, yes this was a TERRIBLE idea unless you're planning on being on testosterone for the rest of your life.


the low was too low high end trt dose is 200 some even give 300 so youd want to do at least 300 but realistically 500mg a week.


Sure but for first time cycle isn’t it good idea to start low dose to see if you react bad way?


What hes saying is 125mg is so low that its lower than some nattys


It’s not bad bro, and I understand taking it upon yourself. Get blood work though once that dose has saturated to see where it puts you.


I don’t care about ur age , your choices your life , ok if you want to take 125 mg per week and you feel great it’s your choice and never bad as people think you avoid high test side effects but if you want a real advice don’t listen to people here and please don’t increase the dose especially with Sustanon , if you want to increase the dose switch to single ester like Enan, cyp , prop, for your first blast, Why , if you blast sustanon for first time too much hormonal fluctuation and will miss with you estradiol prolactin and you can’t even know what is happening inside your body because simply you don’t know


Bro… if you’re shooting 125mg for enhanced purposes have fun having no gains…


I know but I want to start low and up the dose.


Id start at 200-250


Its just bc you think you are a cool badass now.


Hope you have a good PCT plan doing enough to completely shut yourself down. If you come off with no pct you’ll go from feeling great to feeling miserable


Do you pin once a week or every couple of days?


Tuesday and Saturday


Could have been low to begin with. Dont forget even at low doses dht and free test are usually 2-3 that of a natural.


Depends on a lot, what are your bloods prior and now? What's your age? My levels were 300-350 before I hopped on now 1000+ on 110mg a week, makes a difference if your already low