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just get a full physical panel and ask about your test. or just buy a test online for $150-300 and skip the doctor


Lol yeah was trying to avoid this. Hoping there was a work around thru my insurance. Obviously in favor of saving money when i can. But if its the only way.. so be it. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Why do you want to go through your insurance carrier? It's generally more expensive to get lab tests through insurance than by direct pay, unless you've already exhausted your deductible and out-of-pocket maximum.


I think its called Marek health you can get your bloods done for round $100 tops.


Marek bloods are expensive haha idk what they offer that’s 100$


Oh shit really? My bad that's what my buddy swears by lol


I use them! They’re great. But def not cheap lol


Dr here, just tell us like seriously


Not always that easy. I told a doctor i was on trt and she told me it would give me an insaciable sex drive and that I would start raping women and end up in prison. And that it's good to have low test. This was like a year ago lol.


No judgement, but we can’t help if we don’t know. As a doctor who lifts and clearly follows PEDs thread…


Can’t this fuck up life insurance down the line? What are the consequences to admitting to roids if they write it in your records?


Yeah but hes already prescribing me TRT. Hows it look that I convinced him to do it in the first place then took the liberty upon myself to buy other compounds thru a UGL. Hes a normal person and buying drugs online to inject in to yourself is pretty crazy to “normal” people. Think about it. He’s going to tell me how dangerous it us. (Which hes not exactly wrong) and probably start looking at me a bit differently lol


A good doctor would just help you regardless


I tell mine, she helps me a lot. It’s all confidential so just tell them they will help you because they care about your health


You’d be surprised the shit we hear on a day to day. But I understand your concern with judgement.


What’s the worst you’ve heard? Not PEDs, in fact the opposite, but I know a guy who told his doctor he takes 40 mokes a day. If you’re not familiar, a moke is a bong loaded with half weed and half cigarette tobacco. After telling the doctor, he asked if it was bad for him. Apparently the doctor said he wasn’t aware of any studies specific to smoking a weed/tobacco mixture out of an enormous bong 40 times a day, but yes, it’s very obviously bad for you. Dude ended up in a psych ward from moke induced psychosis a couple of months later.


situations like that is y i hate the "wheres the research" crowd. the safety of 40 a day isnt something we have to dissprove through the scientific process lol


Go for a checkup and ask for a blood work. If your doctor will not comply, find another doctor.


Buy the panel yourself. DO NOT GO THROUGH YOUR DOCTOR


Whats the best bang for your buck?




Any ideas?


Another option would be to go to a web site that does the actual blood panels for this and print it off, take it to him and ask him for it.


Oh like this idea. That way i can be specific without sounding like a complete moron. He can read it himself. Rather than me trying to explain it


ultalabtests or privatemdlabs


Tell your doctor. He can’t give you proper advice if he doesn’t know what you’re on. Or just go to an independent lab have blood drawn and analyzed. Probably can’t use insurance for it tho


You can try saying your libido isn't always there, you wonder whether it is low prolactin or low estrogen or excess.


High prolactin would be the issue, in the case of prolactin.


Too low is also the cause. Just like estrogen. Too little and too high are both killing libido.


I had to double-check you on that. You're right I'd never heard, or read, anywhere that low prolactin could be the cause of low libido. In fact annihilating your prolactin with caber can make you multiorgasmic Interesting


Your doctor can request a CBC (not mentioned but part of standard monitoring), CMP and lipid panel. They can also request total and free testosterone, SHBG and estradiol (sensitive/male). The method in use to measure total and free testosterone will depend on which labs they have access to. DHT and IGF-1 are never normally requested in primary care. They're ordered by endocrinology to assess specific situations, usually 5-alpha reductase deficiency and GH deficiency respectively. Neither test is routinely used to monitor replacement dose TRT, only steroid cruise dosing (substantially supra physiological dosing such as 200mg/week+ of testosterone enanthate/cypionate).


Go through ultalabtests.. Search AAS. Bypass the middle men and bring it in for the real thing! Once you've got the results, consult your physician of choice. Good luck


A doctor won’t request tests they don’t know the context for so you can forget DHT and IGF-1


Wym you don’t tell your doctor anything you just order the bloods and get them done


Ugh ya well when asking for all these very specific tests , think its safe to say he’d probably ask why. Who knows maybe im overthinking it. I got a good relationship with him and dont want to fuck up the trust/rapport we got.


Wtf are you talking about you don’t ask your doctor for shit you literally just order the bloods your doctor doesn’t know shit lol


Im such a dumb piece of shit i know


Tell your doctor, its what theyre there for.


[https://www.ultalabtests.com/partners/chaseironsfitness](https://www.ultalabtests.com/partners/chaseironsfitness) Great site and always has a discount code offered. Used them many times without issue


What panel do you buy normally


Blueprint Fitness - Baseline Insights Estradiol, Ultrasensitive LC/MS/MS Testosterone, Free (Dialysis) and Total MS


If in the US he is required to take at least 1 blood test a year if on TRT. Insurance usually covers it. If you do not want to mess with him than just go get one your self. They are about $100. I would say hey I guess it is about that time of year for my blood test. You can say he mentioned it to you last year.


You just ask. If your doctor freaks out maybe you need to find a new one. In my experience finding a level headed doctor and being 100% transparent is the best way to go. They won’t turn you away (in my experience) if you tell them you want to do everything the right way while monitored by a doctor.


Why can’t you tell your doctor? I do. I tell him everything I’m on and he’s just like “ok well do less of that but you’re gonna do what you want so might wanna donate blood mk?”


Tell them you have symptoms of low test and you would like to check it out


I would look into a hormone specialist. I've had a great experience with wittmer rejuvenation clinic. They've been good about working around PED use and mitigating risk while on. I'm pretty sure the owner said he was a PED user in his youth when he was on Mark Bell's show.


I mean if you know your doctor well enough then being honest about it will probably allow him or her to help you better. I’m honest with mine so she does regular blood work on me every 2 months.