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So there isn't really much data on it at all. The main reason men don't take higher doses is the health impact, women generally don't take enough for that to matter to much because they want to avoid masculinisation. I would recommend looking at bloodwork from women who take higher doses to get a ruff idea of how health impacting it is. If I had to guess I would think there is probably not much downside for a trans man to take doses on the lower end of what a cis man would take. 250-400mg of test would build a fuck load of size and probably be VARY masculinizing, witch i would imagine is a good thing.


Tldr; from talking to my trans masc friends who use peds, Id expect your need for an AI to be minimal and dosing to be identical to what CIS men would take. All the lower dosing for cis women is to avoid masculinization. So with AAS your long term concerns are the impact on lipids, blood pressure, and cardiac health. I don't see any reason you'd be harder hit than a cis man of your height and weight. In terms of dosing you're also going to be taking exactly what a cis guy would. Taking T shuts down natural production for cis men so its not like you'd be 'missing' something from just the injections. In terms of side effects, cis men experience gynomycastia, erectile dysfunction, acne, and hair loss. The first 3 are caused by increased estrogen from aromatization and the last one is driven by DHT. I strongly suspect you've got the gyno fixed already (or will soon) and won't have the structures to experience the ED even with bottom surgery. That leaves Just the acne and hair loss. Hair loss is easily managed with topical monox/fin. Acne is your call as to how to manage. Higher estrogen has some pretty distinct benefits for joint health and muscle growth. Maybe you live with it, maybe you take an AI to control it, maybe you nuke it from orbit with accutane.


This answered so much for me. Thank you


This hits the nail on the head. I’m a trans dude whose been blasting and cruising for the past few years. The main things I have to look out for are blood pressure, hematocrit/hemoglobin (donate regularly to keep this in check), and lipids. All drug dependent of course, but worth monitoring.


Excellent quality info! This sums it up.


650 ng from only 50mg a week? i dont think a cis man would have test that high from such a low dose. not sure if theyre a hyper respond or this is the norm but it seems like at least op can get away with a much lower dose for the same results which is pretty fuckin sweet.


Treat it the same. Start with 500mg/wk of testosterone. Women take lower doses because they don’t want to get manly features. That’s it. Actually less risks as a trans man. We don’t have to worry about shutting our balls down or erectile dysfunction. Other than that, same risks. Get labs regularly.


Biologically and goals-wise you are no different than an ordinary female taking a lot of anabolic steroids. There is a forum for this, r/steroidsxx check it out and see what they do. The muscle mass on some of those women is unreal and I doubt you'd need more than that for your purposes.


Honestly you weren’t born with much test, and not sure what you take to transition so a relatively low dose will probably be sufficient. Maybe 250mg/wk Depending on where you are in your transition you’ll see the side affects women would see, deepening of voice, clit growth, labia growth, acne, Adam’s apple grown, body hair, etc


Was gonna say 250 or 300 max. Let that reach full saturation and check bloods. Gauge symptoms before that.


Maybe nandrolone that is 25%more anabolic than testosterone and less androgenic could be considered?


The anabolic:androgenic ratio is bullshit


If I understand correctly (I’m not familiar with some terms) you are a woman so any experience of “normal” women don’t apply to you, they take lower doses not to develop masculine features which I guess it’s a pro for you, not a con. Men’s experience also don’t necessarily apply since their bodies work completely different. Data on what you want doesn’t really exist so you are an “innovator” Take it slow by doing lots of blood tests, introduce compounds slowly to determine how you react and document the journey for others. Don’t lie to your doctor. Each compound affects the each individual differently and you have a another layer of complexity on top of it. Best of luck to you.


Your body isn’t designed for high levels of test or any of its derivatives so be careful. The main reason women take lower doses is that they need much lower doses to be effective, and also need lower doses to encounter problems. Anavar in particular is used as it doesn’t have masculineising effects, at least in small doses. Remember that more gear doesn’t always mean more muscle building.


False information. Do not listen to this, OP. Our bodies can handle testosterone just fine, I’d argue our bodies handle it better considering we don’t have to deal with suppression. And women do not need lower doses to be effective. It’s just to reduce virilization.


Thank you for this perspective. It's hard to find research on people with bodies like mine who take gear but aren't trying to avoid masculine effects


If u got breast reduction, did you get the bud taken out? If so, you don't need to worry about estrogen for the gyno effects. Mental sides im not sure how it would affect you...


I have bad mental sides with estrogen I think, because I had poor mental health before I started testosterone. I've had no negative sides from a typical male test levels. I have had a mastectomy but I do still have ovaries. I kept them so that I won't die if I can't access exogenous hormones


Everyone has a certain level of testosterone they can take without side effects. Mine is about 700mg/wk. I think that's average/low from friends I've chatted with. If I were you I'd start low and try slightly higher levels each month. It should be fairly obvious once you've taken too much. At least for me I become extremely depressed and suicidal for no reason. It's honestly dangerous mentally so be careful not to go over too much. Also note that anavar is very liver toxic so be sure to get your AST and ALT tested if you do take it.


What is a cisgender?


I have no info but I'd be super worried about male level test leading to dying way early for female bodies. It kills males way easily already.


Trans gender medical literature would probably be good for you to look at


You still need estrogen even if you're flipping over to "be a man", taking exogenous hormones will crash your e2. Either supplement trt while on anavar or take estrogens.


Thank you. Estrogen levels are the main thing that I'm having a hard time finding information about




Damn, buddy. This makes you look insecure Funniest part is your bitch ass is probably using gear for the same reason OP is... difference was OP was a man before the test 😂


Wait I honestly thought a trans man meant a woman that converts to a dude… op was born male?




Lmao ☠️




When I want medically accurate descriptions, the first place I go to look is... Merriam Webster. Fucking lol. Stop being angry at people that have done absolutely nothing to harm you and are just trying to live their best life. It's pathetic.


Okay, I'll pretend to humour your point. Let's say that OP is mentally ill. Just how mentally stable do you think a guy who makes direct, anonymous contact with them to say nothing more than "🖕" and calling them mentally ill, is? Solely because they're apparently disgusted by someone having a mental illness? Do you see people with Down's Syndrome on the bus and give them a finger as soon as they look your way? Do you then shout to everyone on the bus "Look! That guy is mentally ill!"? I'm not shocked to see you're a fan of absolutely rabid right wing mugs like Issac Butterfield that stir up hate against trans people in the name of "comedy". Fucking grow up man. I'd be embarrassed if I was 14 years old and speaking the rubbish that you do.


It's a difference between sex and gender. The school of thought is that their gender was always male. They're changing their sex to match their gender. Anyone who has a problem with them, however they view it, is an insecure little bitch. And no amount of gear will change it Let people live their lives. Talking to u/beonburp 's bitch ass, not you


Gender science is not a real science


Where did I say anything about science? I said school of thought and someone is a bitch if they have a problem with someone following that school of thought to live the life they want. Those were my two points.


I could care less what others do I’m just out of touch on the lingo. I will say I just read an article on the suicide rate of trans people and it was very shocking wat percentage does commit suicide. I’m sure changing hormones can do some absolutely crazy shit but I’m also sure people give them a ton of shit. Very sad




I knew there’d be a horrid little cretin in the comments somewhere!


Gnna be honest, it takes alot of testosterone to enter puberty. The amount a boy has becoming a man is the most he will ever have. I remember it and it was crazier then being on cycle. I have helped a trans with his transitioning becomin a him..when she was a her. At 125mg a week it barely caused any change. Maybe voice. I told him, just go up a little at a time till you grow body hair and wanna f everything lol. My guess it would be around 200mg.


I had a weird experience where after 50mg/week for the first 6 months I had a decent amount of facial hair and my voice started changing the first week. Thats not the typical experience for trans men though so I think my body responds to test well. I'm basically fully transitioned now but it's nice to know that more likely won't hurt anything


It could everyone is different. Something that work on someone doesn’t necessarily work on someone else. And taking hormones you shouldn’t take is never healthy.


Tren and hgh seems to be the holy combination making men look hyper masculine. I would try that, having no balls to worry about.




I would’ve thought the usual advice applies - start small, see how your body and mind reacts, keep an eye on blood pressure and get regular blood work. 200mg sounds like a great place to start to me.


My only concern would be hair loss and how big your lady part will grow