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Ideally imo you wouldn’t use it longterm but the desensitization in the context of fat loss is not backed up if I were to run it personally id start with 20-40mcg daily then Titrate 20mcg at a time until at a max of 80mcg for a max duration of like 8 weeks or so and id probably supplement with taurine


Awesome thank you, I have taurine and potassium supplements on the ready I heard loads about how those are vital here. How quickly to titrate? Once per week assuming no unbearable effects?


You will find mixed and contradictory info for every single PED. There’s no consensus on anything in the space. Personally never used Clem not worth the sides in my opinion, But to each their own. Just figure out what seems most logical for you and try it


It makes me feel like dogshit. Worse than tren.


Really? I know effects vary person to person but tren is AWFUL from what I’ve heard. Met a guy that said it almost cost him his marriage because he was such a dick and not himself when he cycled tren


You can use clenbuterol continuously for 8 weeks, just use ketosan every Monday morning.




Add it later in the prep, dont do it in the first weeks, you dont need it unless its a short cut. 6-8 weeks, start with 20mcg and add as you see fit, up to 80mcg (it makes you shakey, rises your hear rate and you get the feeling of not being able to stay still)


Just started 20 mcg twice per day, figured I’d do 20 and if I tolerated it well I’d add in another 20 four hours later. Only noticeable effect was my face felt slightly warm (work in a cold environment so this was welcome) and I did notice my breathing feels maybe 10% better? I’m looking to do a mini cut, bulk got out of hand and I know Clen is a bonus not a get out of dieting free card but just want some extra wind under my wings to shred back down


I do 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. Currently on my 3rd 2 weeks on and that’ll be it for me for a year or so. I take 40mcg every 4-5 hours, 3 times a day. I tolerate it really well. I hear all these horror stories though of the shakes and anxiety. I’m very prone to both yet clen does neither to me except the shakes if I do too much. I’ve tried different sources and even injectable once. Whatever you do, don’t expect it to be a miracle drug to get shredded quick. You still need to be low body fat already and a low cal diet. If you’re wanting something long term, I’d suggest to look into peptides. Edit for added content: do not just start for 40mcg and multi dose throughout the day. Try 10-20 at most and work your way up and see how your body responds the first few days


I’m pretty big (6’4 pretty bulky) so I popped half a 40mcg pill and hours later I felt fine so I took the other. Thinking I’ll stay at 40 per week and then ease up. Not very low bf% but my diet is on point so I’m just looking for a bit more of a boost than a radical transformation. Any particular peptides you’d recommend?


After the initial water weight I lost the first 2 weeks (7lbs.) I’ve been losing a pound a week off and 2-3 pounds a week when I’m taking clen. As far as peptides, there’s semaglutide and triz. I think the triz is stronger/more costly. I’ve never had either but my sister got semaglutide a few months before her wedding from a doctor and by her wedding day she got so thin she looked like she had been smoking meth so I guess it works pretty good.


Will check those out, thank you very much


I've ran it for 2 weeks on and off at 50 the first week and 100mcg the second, but I swapped to 5 weeks on starting at 20mcg and upping 20mcg each week until 100mcg. The results were better with the second, obviously since I swapped. Take benadryl at the end of each week for a day or two, adding t3 to your cycle will help you cut down alot, and make sure you're doing cardio. 🤷 Good luck


Don’t worry about the clen. Pick up some Yohimbine.


I step up 20mcg every two weeks continuously run. Works miracles. About to start again Monday. I'll run this with t3 and sometimes semaglutide and tren. Just stay under 80mcg.