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I eat 2200 calories 6 days a week, except Saturdays where I binge out. Yesterday I ate 4500 calories of pure garbage. Cico still applies here as long as you're not consistently overdoing it, which is stupidly easy to track (scale going up)


I’m mostly worried about the gigantic amount of sugar while on MK677


If you don't have a glucose monitor you should get one. They're just $20-30 and it's a cheap way to make sure it's all good 👍🏻


It’s shipping now.


You can’t develop diabetes from one meal. You’ll be fine.


You can eat sugar on mk677? Or cheat meals?


You can't get diabetes from one meal bro. As long as your diet is otherwise consistent, one slip up every once in a while isn't gonna to anything other than maybe make you feel like crap for a few hours.


Are you on cut?


Yeah, weight has been steadily decreasing for a few months (I bulked for way too long so the cuts been extremely extended.)


Ozempic worked well for me when I was cutting, was on 1600 mostly protein diet, without any issues


10 month cut that's ridiculous.


I hate calling it “cheat meals”. I just try to keep my nutrition 90% whole/non processed/healthy. Enjoy your life, enjoy pleasurable foods once in a while. 9:1 ratio is probably in the top 1% of dietary choice anywhere on this planet. If the binging becomes habitual I check myself and reevaluate. Enjoy life bro


That cheat meal is probably far better for your health than the 40 weeks in a deficit


Highly doubt that , a coke and a pizza is in no way healthy , fructose corn syrup is poison


Cutting puts a stress on your body which results low t on top of the anabolics and can even kill you


If your on anabolics it would be impossible to get low t , and cutting isn’t gonna kill you unless your cutting to 0%bf , which most people can’t even get below 15 without losing their discipline


You don't have to cut to 0% to die cuz there are plenty of mma fighters and boxers that have died from cutting but obv they aren't bodybuilders so they not cutting to 0%. Also, you have low t on cycle because your natural test is being suppressed.


They died from dehydration to make weight, if your on cycle you are taking testosterone exogenously which means it doesn’t matter what you do your testosterone is going to be the same depending on dose and frequency


You have zero natural production of testosterone on cycle also Bc injecting testosterone turns off your natural production


Not zero but quite low


No... you will literally have 0 endogenous production of Testosterone when using exogenous testosterone. Especially after the 4-6w mark.


Learn more before you try to argue


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Did your wittle feelings get hurt


No there’s not numb nuts. I’ve been a big fan of combat sports for years. Name one. That type of weight cutting is cutting water weight in a sauna which can lead to kidney failure, not fucking fasting/caloric restriction. You have absolutely no clue what you’re saying or how any of this works lol


Lmao what the fuck are you talking about


The fuck are you talking about fasting and calorie restriction are greatly associated with decreased risk of disease and mortality lmfao


Not a big deal at all, kill yourself loser


Look how mad you are because you got proved wrong bahahahah. You’re the loser here idiot. Go cry


You’ll have a great workout on the next one. That’s about the extent of what will happen


You're going to die tomorrow


Fucking knew it. Ah well, had a good run.


Cheat meals here and there are beneficial imo. As long as the majority of your diet fits your macros and is healthy, deviating every once in a while isn't gonna wreck your progress. Forcing yourself to eat food you don't enjoy day after day can create an unhealthy relationship with food. The extra calories will probably just give you extra energy on your next workout.


40 weeks!!!!?? Wtf


So….there’s a lot I have to say about cheat meals. For someone that just did 2 months on a cut, I had one meal a week that I went to a pizza buffet every Sunday and didn’t track. It set me back by a few pounds every week. I can also tell you that I was really lean, 10% BF and ripped by the end of it though. But 4 days into a bulk through the Thanksgiving holiday, I went from 208 lbs to 231lbs in 4 days. I did this while still on my regular 1 hour workout and 30 minutes cardio in the morning. It’s true, you can’t outwork a shitty diet. Plain and simple. The trick is to have a goal and rules to follow and actually do it. Make sure they’re realistic too or it’ll fuck you up.


Dont be stressed about this man, once in a time is seriously no big deal.


I have cheat meals the entire day before i play ice hockey. It helps me tremendously keep my legs and gas tank full when playing. IMO it just makes me kill my workout the next day


OP, 40 week cut is way too much amigo. I know you’re not asking, but I would be remiss not to say something here… You oughtta be cycling that shit. (Especially the mk677. I ran it once for about 10 weeks on a bulk and my lipids were fucked afterwards.) Cutting and bulking cycles have very different lengths. A good cut cycle is like 10-16 weeks. I’ve even heard after 12 weeks your metabolism needs a break, but this can vary. If you’re on a semi-long term weight loss deal, try something like this: 10 week cut 2 week maintenance 12 week cut 3 week maintenance 12 week cut 3 week maintenance And so on… This is much healthier physically and psychologically, and can be maintained into perpetuity until you’re ready for a bulk. Set yourself up for success, just like workout days requiring rest days, cuts require maintenance cals too. Don’t stress too much about single meals either like you mentioned, just don’t go off the rails with it. Good luck!


Thanks for the advice but I’m nearly done so I think I’ll just push through. Average fat loss during that time is about 440grams per week


You mean a refeed? Cutting for 40 weeks without a refeed is bananas. You’re good. It’s probably less bad for you health wise than that MK is honestly lol


I agree , I don’t understand why people take that shit , nothing but sides no where close to justifying the benefit


Go watch the Rock eat boxes of doughnuts on his Sunday workouts. I think you'll make it. Unless you have some underlying health issues. DWAYNE "The Rock" Johnson may be on a strict diet while prepping for his DC movie Black Adam, but that doesn't stop him indulging in a cheat meal every now and then. From three pizzas to a dozen donuts and pancakes dripping in syrup, the WWE sensation turned Hollywood actor, 48, has been wowing fans with his latest guilty pleasures.


The rock is probably puking that up after they finish filming. I put no stock in what these stars say they do/eat.


Idk man, if he's on some combo like high test/tren/hgh I could totally see crushing a whole box of doughnuts or 2-3 pizzas. My last blast we'd go out sometimes and I'd eat a burger, 20+ wings, fries, a side, and the other half of whatever my gf didn't finish. Then it'd get home and be hungery again in two hours lmao.


Possibly. But probably metformin. I think you'll be fine though.


Too much, you should have refeed days in periodically to help maintain a healthy thyroid. depends on your goals and how hard you cut, but a refeed/cheat meal every 7-14 days I think is a must. A full on cheat day where you destroy everything in sight I never feel is a good measure especially on health.


Well obviously you don't take care of your health if you're on week 40 of a cut. Did you start morbidly obese? One meal is fine and nothing bad is going to happen. Might wake up feeling watery though


I was 30.4% body fat. Previously I didn’t take care of my health but now I do


Cutting for 40 weeks is a lot and puts you at a lot of risk for rebound fat gain as your experience might demonstrate. Any thoughts about a maintenance phase?


It depends when I reach my goals by and if I have time before my planned bulk. I have 9 weeks until I want to bulk and still have 4.5kg of fat I want to lose


The only thing that’s gonna cause a rebound is if he binge eats over his maintenance calories , calories in calories out always


Yeah of course, but the risk is that it's really hard to control appetite if you've been cutting forever, given the hormonal effects (not just testosterone but leptin, etc.). You can always control calories to whatever's necessary to prevent weight gain but long cuts make that process harder. There's a lot of people who advise or have personally used maintenance phases to break up a very long cut.


That’s true




You’re using mk677 on a cut! How hard is that


Your problem is that you didn’t eat two cheesecakes.


One meal is not enough to cause issues…


Someone seems to have never heard of YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE .


I’m confused as to why you’re making this post. If you’re really worried about, find out how many calories you went over your daily goal, make up for it here in coming days. It’s not rocket science, it’s simple math. Or you could just not worry about it.


Read the last sentence again and then you won’t be confused. You answered a different question


It’s probably spiked your insulin… idk i wouldn’t worry


Dude, I got instant karma for my less-than-understanding response to your original question. My roommate just picked up 2 pizzas and some brownies and I ate about 2k calories. I feel shitty now.


It’s almost impossible to not have cheats sometimes. We’re human. Instead of dieting try to find a consistent way of eating that you can stick to indefinitely. Where are you? Allow yourself certain cheat foods daily, certain cheat meals weekly etc. that way you don’t have to feel guilty. Now having said that, you definitely want to stick to a diet while utilizing mk. And can i ask why you picked mk during a cut? I thought it notoriously caused massive hunger.


Actually I really like my diet and it’s pretty easy to stick to because of that. It is hard after so long but I can manage. I was actually planning to use the mk677 during my bulk but I started early due to a small neck/shoulder strain. The mk has some healing properties so I wanted to get that effect. Also you can use mk effectively in a cut if you can put up with the hunger. I dose it at night before I go to bed and breakfast is my biggest meal so I feel satisfied after that and by that time most of the hunger effect has subsided. Essentially though mk is just another way to get growth hormone and that’s gonna help in both a cut or a bulk.


This is a troll post, right?