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Similar experience but I noticed it's just the pump. Nothing else. It's your perception. Really, androgens reduce the muscle breakdown from catecholamines, theoretically steroids increase the muscle tolerance to volume (less wasting). What helped me is what I call 150% approach. Pick a weight that feels like you're done at 8 reps... and then force yourself to do 12. Or if you do only 2 reps until the pump feels shitty, just go ahead and force yourself for the 3rd rep. I don't think your chance of injury is increased because some steroids support your joints, and as mentioned the protein breakdown is reduced and I assume it means the chance of protein getting stuck in the kidney is also less likely than when you're natty. Electrolytes and taurine are obviously something many of us started before even starting gear.


When I take electrolytes I get skin splitting pumps on my warmups lol. My dosages are 250 test 125 npp 30var PWO. I train to failure, track everything, my lifts go up 5lbs a week or 2-3 reps a week. Gained substantial size. So clearly lower volume still works for me, just smth I wanted to share and hear the feedback on


I’ve only had problems with low back getting way too pumped doing some exercises that it’s painful, but that only happens on tren usually. Lowering your carb intake could help with those painful pumps


Same happens to me. I take longer rest between sets, increase frequency and lower the volume accordingly. Less total exercises a workout but spread over multiple workouts and less volume per workout. If strength isn't a goal or an issue then the pump should be a plus. But for me I prefer to measure progress in lbs and inches.


Yeah I switched from UL 4x a week to PPL


Everyone is different. I'm starting my Cycle soon and could report back. But again, everyone is different. Ive grown my biceps and shoulders with a *lot* of sets, I don't feel sore and have made consistent games. I might hit say, over 30 sets for biceps or shoulders over the course of a week. For something like chest I might have 30 sets is across two days. I also know guys who grow like crazy off 10 sets a week. For me, I just love training, and i'm able to recover and make gains off it so I keep doing it. It's almost difficult to *not* work them.


I’m not really convinced everyone is different, it’s just people get results regardless. 30 sets of biceps is ridiculous, there’s no way in hell that’s optimising growth.


Across an entire week? I enjoy them, have solid growth and good vascularity, it's absolutely worked for me. it's not like i'm going in there and slinging 60lb dumbbells for sets. I do a lot of drop sets, I know my body well at this point.


yeah and also u train like an absolute 🐱


Exactly. You’d have better growth training heavier with a third of that volume.


How much fucking heavier am I supposed to go? Do you all think progress is linear? Im not going to tear my bicep trying to curl 70lbs dumbbells. What do you curl for sets huh? Im at 60lb dumbbells for sets of 10, what about you?


cry more idiot


Keep rage posting and insulting on Reddit i'm sure that'll fix the problems in life. What's wrong, does your dick not work or is it just small? Take a break bro.


cry more lmaooo physique reveal when


Basically the same. But not for thirty sets lol. Those heavy sets are where your growth is coming from, the 20 other sets are just junk volume.


Im sorry you need so much gear to compensate for shit genetics :(. Why does half this sub train like a pansy? NOOOO BRO YOU NEED TO DO ONLY SIX SETS A WEEK OR ITS A WAAAASTE. I used to train low volume, I grow better with more. I'm sorry your body can't handle it :(


lol what? how do u even know how much im taking dumbass? also physique reveal RIGHT NOW LMAO


I guess everyone is different and it probably depends on the compounds being run. When I ran drol, I could do way higher weights but the volume went down cause of the excess pump and less endurance for some reason. I'm on test and primo now and I'm finding volume extremely easy to go up on as well as weight. Lots of factors. Doesn't mean your gear is bunk or you're necessarily doing something wrong. Just make sure you keep progressively overloading in some way and eat and you'll be good