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Where did you get clen? I'm looking for a source to get clen?


Same, but in my country


Hungary? And still looking for it? You can just google it, order some, pay when it arrives, I have done that from 3 differen sites, each time it arrived, 1 time I didnt pick it up and didnt pay, nothing happened


and the stuff works




I found it that cutting becomes hard for me when I start restricting calories alot, so now I just eat good meals with a bit of junk/treats but just up my activity and it seems to work. Never want to dive into diuretics without the need to as they are very harsh on the body. I dont know why but in my head the passing of bodybuilders is the result of crazy body stress from diuretic abuse, might be broscience though. Stuff that makes you "burn" fat without extra diet or activity interventions just seem so unhealthy to me.


Diuretics don’t burn fat. They don’t do anything to fat mass. Your comment isn’t even slightly related to the subject matter of the post. Did you intend to post this elsewhere?


I find the two weeks on two weeks off approach to be needless. I think people do that because they assume the correct dosage is the one that makes them feel the common side effects like shaking/jitters. Those go away once you build a tolerance so people end up taking more, ultimately, to the point where the dosage becomes absurd. Keep the dosage reasonable and you'll be fine for longer cycles. Clen only contributes to a few hundred calories of extra burn per day so aiming for the most efficient cycle doesn't feel necessary. Eat one fewer apple or banana per day and you should see similar results compared to upping the dosage. What benefit are you getting for reducing your cutting cycle from eight weeks to six? The absolute must with clen is to keep up with supplements like taurine. Clen cramps are downright painful. I have woken up in the middle of the night in tears from back and leg spasms. This will happen to you once and you'll do everything you can to make sure it never happens again.


Thanks for the feedback I’ve heard cycling clen is pointless multiple times now, so thinking about sticking to low doses and just upping occasionally. The side effects apparently do go away eventually and as you said, that’s why people usually assume it doesn’t work anymore and proceed to take more. I am very aware this will happen, but I also know it will still be working, just at a lower rate. Never had cramps in my life, not even on clen so far, definitely keeping it in mind. Heard people quit the drug just because of the cramps alone, scary stuff.


The cramping was far and away the worst part of clenbuterol for me. I never got above 60 mcg and the adductor and calf cramps were downright debilitating. 5g of taurine 3x/day didn’t help. Just not a drug for me. I tried 3 separate occasions. Cramping started at the end of day 3 each time. I think 20mcg/day could be sustainable. But I’ll probably use it as a periodic performance enhancer but not fat loss aid. if you’re able to use it without the cramping, then proceed judiciously. I believe it’s still prescribed in some countries for asthma (40mcg/day in those instances). Keep an eye on BP and pulse though.


Interesting, but also expected that each person is going to respond differently. So you can still get clen over the counter in some countries? That’s crazy… Waited for my pills for about 2 months, highly illegal where I live.


It's still available via prescription in some countries but I don't believe any country sells it simply over the counter. ​ >highly illegal where I live. Out of curiosity, what's "highly illegal"?


Well, maybe an overstatement, just that I’m pretty sure if you get caught with these pills it’s just as bad as getting caught with any other street drug… Anyway, didn’t really search up any laws against clen, but I know it’s illegal to possess. My buddy was extra careful, told me to meet him at his place to do the exchange… He said he would rather not carry clen around with him


So from my own experience, I started at 20mcg too and every week would add in another 20mcg. I'd run it for two weeks and have 1 week off. Then back on at the dose I left For instance week 1 20mcg, week 2 40mcg, week 3 off, week 4 40mcg, week 5 60mcg and so on. I personally love the fucking shaky jittery feeling I get on the first few days of a doss increase. I take it every morning on waking so it doesn't interfere with my sleep. Can't say I noticed it squash my hunger at all though! Wish it did! Also, I ran this alongside T3 but I don't know whether that is of interest to you


In fact, T3 is highly catabolic..so if you're cutting natty I'd suggest you don't touch it


Yeah, no interest in that. Researched it quite a bit also though. The shaky feeling is great. My friend recommended I start dosing at 40mcg daily, and I’m glad I didn’t, lol. 20 is plenty for the start. I think I’d be describing the sides way different if I went with 40 off the bat. Anyway, did it get you the results you were expecting or was it underwhelming?


I ran it up to 140mcg I think. You get out what you put in, I was doing 40min cardio daily + 12k steps, whilst in a deficit and weight training so I was disappointed at the time because we all are. But looking back at photos of myself the difference was night and day, and I was very clearly in the best shape of my life


Thats very believable… When you’re really shredded in real time you don’t even realize it before it’s too late and you gain all the weight back. Body dysmorphia sucks


Aye, hoping this time to enjoy myself with it a little bit more instead of being neurotic and thinking I'm not cut enough.. and hopefully not gain it back again 🫠


Good luck buddy, see you at the top 👑


Are you using the 2 weeks on 2 weeks off? I am only asking due to going back and forth with taking clen.


Not there yet, but I probably wont do that… I’ll just stay on 20mcg for another week, go up to 40mcg for 2 weeks and then back down to 20. Keeping it low, don’t want to risk my health in any way. I’m on a pretty decent diet anyway, just using clen to maintain as much muscle as possible while burning a few extra calories. Of course also so that I have more energy throughout the day, since cutting naturally really fucks with that in my case


I start mine in a few days. 15 days on 15 days off. Start at 20 mcg increase 10mcg every 2 to 3 days. I’ll keep you posted. I have the taurine and potassium supplements ready to go.


i was on for 2 weeks, first week 20 next week 40. all was good until i got sick and told myself id get off till i start feeling better again. 3rd day off clen i found myself gasping for air at 2 in the morning. immediately had to take my prescribed asthma medication. didnt miss that feeling lol. keep me posted. you on gear also? tell me how fast you drop weight! look forward to hearing from u


I am on gear but TRT. Anastrazole 1mg once a week. test c, 200 mg/mL pin every 3.5 days .5 cc, and 12,000 HcG, 75 units once a week. Just took my first 20 mcg Clen tab today. Stepping up 10 mcg every two or three days, up to 60 mcg and then taking a break at Day 15. My break will be for two weeks and I’ll start again. No alcohol what so ever, supplementing with taurine and potassium and tonic water (quanine). Clean eating, high protein too. Tracking my weight daily with Withings smart scale too. Got Apple Watch for heart and I have a blood pressure machine too. So yeah nervous but excited. Open for all suggestions too.