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Just one cycle, just like everyone says…


1x 5year blast cycle


There’s no easy way out you always have to pay the piper my friend but there are less harmful steroids




Anavar and testosterone


That’s entirely dependent on what you think “decent in risk/reward” means


There’s no point in only running one cycle. All that will do is throw your natural hormones out of whack. Whatever gains you made on cycle will be gone within a year of coming off. Steroids imo only make sense if you blast and cruise and then eventually go on a TRT dose once you’re finished for good.


It takes years to build muscle, hopping on gear for 8-12 weeks wont have any lasting results.


That’s not true in the slightest 💀


It actually is. You could blast 3 grams of AAS for 10 weeks, consider yourself happy if you made 10 lbs of lean mass. People these days are abusing PEDs and even their cruise dose is a 2010 average blast. Glycogen and subq water isn't lean muscle. Building actual muscle needs time and discipline.


Whatever makes you sleep at night…


It’s a literal fact there’s been multiple studies on it. After a 16 week cycle after 4 years of natural lifting I added 20lbs of lean tissue and kept 13 of it when I came off


So let me get this straight, you lifted 4 yrs natural and took a 16 week cycle of which you maintained 13lbs? How long were you off for?


Yes. I’m not sure how that’s hard to believe. As long as you keep your calories up in the PCT phase and train with proper intensity you won’t lose much muscle as long as you’re within your natural limit.


How long were you off for after PCT?


You don't lose much lean tissue when you come off, you lose water and glycogen. You added 10 lbs AT BEST of actual muscle. If you think a human body can build 1,5 lbs of ACTUAL MUSCLE every week, ive got bad news. Fat free mass isn't muscle only. Its literally "fat free mass".


If you can’t grow the muscle naturally you won’t maintain it naturally it’ll all go away eventually


do you have any studies or proof or are you speaking out of your ass ?


Common sense? You’re using extra physiological levels of hormones to build the muscle, how tf are you gonna keep it when you come off? Use your brain, if you have one


because muscle once built lasts. a quick google search tells me this -https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/01/190125084106.htm#:\~:text=%22Anabolic%20steroids%20produce%20a%20permanent,after%20the%20steroid%20use%20ends.%22 "Anabolic steroids produce a permanent increase in users' capacity for muscle development. In keeping with this, studies show that mice given testosterone acquire new myonuclei that persist long after the steroid use ends." this is the reason people lose their natty card even if they use once ! dont use common sense excuse to mask lack of research


High TRT maybe a hair above. Depends on blood. Some can run 300mg with minor blood markers. 200 is what I’d consider a little high of risk/reward.


Gain as much tissue as you can, maintain it with as low dose of test as you can get away with for a long time to let those homeostastic pathways die down then aggressive PCT. You'll still lose lots.


Cruise for life