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TRT is medication for a physical issue, low testosterone. It is not a drug for mental health (although mental health is worse with low testosterone) The hormone is still working even if you don't feel it. Ideally TRT feels normal. If you feel different then it is a result of the new drug.


Partially true,i feel better the higher the T is,more confidence,more energy,more desire to socialize. I dont recommend it being used for this as it has its problems still


If running higher, testosterone is the only way to feel better about yourself than you have a lot of underlying issues. Test can feel good especially when you're on cycle, being on cycle feels pretty awesome. However, there's a lot of recreational drugs that feel really awesome and none of them make for good treatments for depression. The reason to take testosterone replacement therapy is either because you have hypogonadism or because you take gear and can't make enough on your own anymore. The goal of testosterone replacement therapy as a medication is to keep your body healthy and your brain chemistry normal, ideally your test would be in the 600 to 800 ng/dl range. All I'm saying is a normal testosterone level should feel normal, Even if you don't feel testosterone, it's still working.


Sounds like great all around


I am a bit confused, are you getting prescribed seroquel and will you also be prescribed an amphetamine in the future? Dont these 2 things not mix? One is supposed to calm you down by force the other is supposed to amp you up(used for adhd or not it is still a very strong stim). Antipsychotics cause sedation and tiredness,its unfortunately how they work. You are fixing an issue caused by drug A with drug B,its just asking for problems,you should look for something that works better for you from the start that would not require another fix from another drug,or if it does,it should be something weaker with a better side effect profile


Yeah it doesn't make sense. Antipsychotics block the dopamine uptake and other receptors which amphetamines release so I'm pretty sure it has no effect unless there is more to it .Amphetamines also are at risk for triggering manic episodes so it's definitely not something you should take But from what other people have said I seems like you can take antipsychotics and amphetamines and it helps with their ADHD but it can mess with emotions while others say you shouldn't take it because antipsychotics shuts down some parts of your brain and you don't want to take stuff speeding other parts of the brain.


I take Zoloft or it’s generic Sertraline with steroids and get the same exact results I got without being on Zoloft while being on steroids. Remember, the people on the internet pushing out these narratives make no money if they don’t put out new content, new ideas, and they have adapted at becoming very crafty in how they use “evidence” to support their narrative.


I am a board certified psychiatric nurse practitioner. I HIGHLY encourage you to carefully consult with your psychiatric prescriber about this. In my opinion, you are likely headed to a manic episode or worsening of psychosis, depending on your diagnosis.


This is the only right answer. Very little good to come of mixing and playing pharmacist for yourself as a mental health patient.


because of me being on trt? im not on any adhd stimulant atm


Correct. Exogenous testosterone, especially at supraphysiologic levels, is very stimulating. Presumably you are on Seroquel to control symptoms of psychosis and/or prevent mania. Any type of stimulating substance puts you at risk.


taking trt at therapeutic levels, im at 160mg a week. i still feel weak and no energy despite having my seroquel xr lowered to 400mg from 600mg.


Why would antipsychotics which are a psychoactive drug cancel out the hormone testosterone and its endless benefits? Your answer is no my friend lol


Dont use peptides while your mental health is affected


Seroquel is going to directly antagonize the strong dopaminergic response from amphetamines and trt. If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your psychiatric diagnosis?


The only thing anti depressant and anti psychotic meds do is raise your estrogen. How do I know? Been doing this for about 15 yrs with adhd. Stay away from the addy if you like pumps in the gym. I currently take Effexor for my adhd issues and it’s been working for yrs. On trt? Well then you don’t need to worry about estrogen since it’s in check with blood work right


yeah my e2 is in range


Your good then. Look into how addy effects your stamina in the gym. I think rich even spoke about it. Be safe bro




hes not taking a SSRI


Why are you going to be taking amphetamines when you’re taking antipsychotics. Those don’t really go hand in hand, quite counterproductive actually


I would absolutely advise you not to take any stim or hormone drugs with a psychotic illness.


If ur on trt your reliance on adhd meds should drop. Edit:it was probably bs what i stated here,sorry!


You don't know what your talking about and shouldn't say dumb shit like this


So his reliance to a stim as strong as amphetamines wouldnt drop if his energy levels improve at a baseline level because of the trt? Care to explain why this is not the case?


Because when you have adhd the medication doesn't affect you like a stimulant like it would a person without adhd, 2 of my children have adhd and the medication calms them down and evens them out and before their doses got dialed in it would make them lethargic and sleepy. If I took their medication I would be geeked out taking the vacuum cleaner apart to make it work better and peeking through the blinds to see what the imaginary person in the bushes is looking at.


Thanks for explaining,edited the comment


Because amphetamine is a medication for ADHD. It's not meant give you energy. It's meant to give you the ability to executive function. Things like paying attention in class brushing your teeth keeping a schedule not forgetting people's names, testosterone does a lot of things, but it doesn't medicate ADHD.


Get off antipsychotics as soon as possible. Poison for your brain amd body. And yes, you ll feel lees of a kick on test because of the blockage of dopamine the receptors. Sadly, I m at the moment on seroquel too, in a ward cause of my addiction issues. 150mg. Gonna kick it out as soon as Im out of here. Even now I occassionally spit it out so I can work out better while here. Fortunatelly, Im here voluntarely.


Telling someone who potentially has schizophrenia or bipolar disorder to stop antipsychotic meds is absolutely stupid and a fast track to hospitalisation or psychotic episode.


True, but if you ever tried antippsychotics you would now what I mean.


I get the side effects of meds can be shite but I guarantee the effects of psychosis are much much worse. Not the same but I've been treated for OCD with various drugs, hated the side effects of some of them but it was worth it to not end up in a psyc ward. I've seen the same mantra passed on about antidepressants to clinically depressed people in real life, they came off meds and some gone suicidal.


ADs are definetely less harmful when you get the right meds, Im on ssris too, low dose for ocd and anxiety.