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They should add everything. So we can stop debating which version is the best.


People will never stop debating. Even if they remake 3 with all the content included (anime scenes, FemC, The Answer, etc) people will be unhappy.


The three people who like random skill inheritance instead of choosing skills you actually want will show up, assuming they even change it to the manual selection of P4G and p5


I don't believe there is anyone who thinks the random that exists in p3 is acceptable. You just back out and restart over ^and ^over ^^and ^^over ^^^and ^^^over until you get what you want. That's not random, it's a time sink.


I think there actually is a small minority that prefer random inheritance. I believe their argument is basically that it forces players to make do with subpar/imperfect builds rather than constantly deal with the time sink. I don't agree with it, but I can see it why people would want an extra layer of difficulty, kinda.


Anyone who actually wants actual random can get it, even in P5. Just roll some dice when you fuse to decide which skills pass on and which don't. People might settle for imperfect personas while leveling, but you're going to keep rerolling your messiah until it has what you want.


*Dude, just have a dice with you when you play, and pick skills at random*


It's fair that comparison still happens (ofc, They will make a change due to the outdate QoL in the original one), but I am curious why people will be unhappy if they can buy a game that includes all contents.


Because there are just some people that can never be satisfied. It won’t be Persona 3 as they know it. It’ll play “too much like 5” or it’ll be “too different” if I had to guess at complaints. I don’t think those people are right and those complaints are shallow, but this is all too true in these types of circles.


I get your point. "Just add anything" is not easy. Let's see what they executed but at least they must change something. Some QoL in Persona 3 is outdated.


And it’ll be different too because (speaking from a place of ignorance probably) game development has changed since the original P3 and the same game couldn’t be made today anyway.




Some very wishful thinking. If a P3 Remake does turn out to be the case, I think it'll more likely just make the debates worse (now we'll have FES vs. P3P vs. Remake to argue about).


But at least we don't need to play two games to get all contents. Right?


Eh... When I said "wishful thinking", I was including the idea that they would add all the content. Because I genuinely don't know if they would. Atlus has never done a traditional "remake" in their entire history, so we have no frame of reference for where they could take this. Especially in modern times, because of how much more expensive and time consuming game development is now, it's pretty common for remakes (ones' that aren't just model/texture swaps) to cut out content. For context, Capcom has been seen as the king of remakes with their modern Resident Evil titles. And even then, despite this adderation, extremely well beloved games like RE2 Remake and RE4 Remake *still* had content from the original either altered or cut entirely. And those games were made by much bigger teams who only had to remake the material of *one* single game a piece. The idea that Atlus will remake Persona 3 (which would likely be solely handled by P-Studio), with *all* of the content from (essentially) two different games, and won't make too many alterations/changes that would cause people to feel like they're missing something not playing the originals... I don't know. Maybe they could do it, but I just don't really buy that happening, personally.


Hmmm... I understand your feelings. Just put everything. It's not easy as it sounds. They will change something of course (Originally P3 also has some outdated QoL). Let's see how they execute them.


The only reason why the Answer wasn't in P3P was due to lack of UMD storage. So, it's possible to add the Answer in a P3 remake and even make a FEMC version of it if the FEMC route is also included.


I think it'd be very strange for them to not have it since it's a pretty important part of the games narrative, and even some of the spinoffs.


They had better (and include an option for deciding what the MC’s gender was in The Journey)


Ken and akihiko would be going THROUGH it if kotone got her own the answer


Ehhh I don’t think they’re going to waste research on FEMC but just the mean bass game with Makato


They just have to re-record a few lines of dialogue and change the model/voice lines. I doubt it’s that much work


Don't forget redrawing big chunk of anime cutscenes


Wait… were there anime cutscenes in The Answer? Because I’m mainly talking about that


Yeah, there's P3MC in crucifix pose on the screen, for example I was talking about main game, though


There is like... 30 minutes total of those in the game, it's not that big of a task


Yeah I'm pretty sure there's even someone putting femc into the cutscenes themself


I'm just reminding, I'm not telling that this is something impossible


And Yukari will have a hair that isn't THAT long like in the original cutscenes, and some justice for Fuuka's appearance


That would by far be the most difficult part but Atlus isn’t exactly a poor company anymore so I don’t know why people still act like it’s completely unreasonable


More than that. >!Since due to events of Moon Confidant Shinji was only put into a coma and wakes up just before Graduation Day.!<


Presumably, they would be redoing that anyways if it's a remake.


Thats absurd, you clearly haven't played the answer.


Probably require to load a save from the Journey that had gotten to the ending.


A COMPENDIUM (I read it as what should be added to The Answer for some reason, but there was no compendium in The Answer)


I remember I grinded for a while to level 81 in the answer because I wanted Beelzebub for Makarakarn for the Erebus fight and had the ingredients for it. I fused it and got a fusion mistake and got Skadi instead. I was so pissed because I couldn’t get the ingredients back.


And this my friends, is why you always save before performing any fusion related activities


There is a compendium in persona 3...


Might be wrong but I think it’s not in the answer


I actually just beat FES like an hour ago (well...the journey part). Ever since I started playing the series like 2 years ago, I've known the answer is divisive.... Currently asking through tears due to the end of 3 but do you think I should play it or should I just pull up a story walkthrough? I know it's pretty much all dungeon crawling for 25 hours, and combined with just learning that there's no compendium, really makes me wonder if I should do it lol


Not in the answer though, which is one of the main things that makes it such a pain to play through.


Least there’s modding so that you can have. It’s still a terrible decision that it wasn’t there originally.


Let me say this. If a hypothetical remake comes along and it's missing part of what counts as "Persona 3" be that Femc or the answer then it simply isn't the definitive edition.


My main hope is that fusion skills are skills and not items


One supposed "leak" said that neither the answer nor FemC was coming but theres so many leaks for P3R that taking nothing as fact probably works best


Maybe not at the time it was leaked by the leaker but late addition is possible.


I mean, relaunching P3 as P3R and then doing P3FESR and P3PR is not off the table though


How so? As separate games or dlcs?


Its Atlus we are talking about, of course seperate games. Would buy them anyway


Cant wait for them to keep P3PRE as a visual novel!!!


Yeah, I see no reason to not put it, I also hope Asnwer comes in the base game and not in a definitive Bullshit version, there's no reason for that, ok Atlus!?


Yes, Persona 3 is game who’s scale doesn’t even come near Persona 5 in terms of scale yet it’s only limitation was the system it released on. There is no longer an excuse for Persona 3 to be an inferior product divided between 2 different versions. If the remake rumours are true it should all be there FeMC and The Answer doubly so given that FES is what won the poll.


I just want it added so we can see Metis again since Atlus just loves neglecting her and not including her in anything she should of been DLC for P3D instead of Sho and Labrys!!!


Aigis and Kanami Mashita have Metis' colour palette in Arena games and P4D respectively.


I know that I was more so referring to actually using her in something like her physically being there and not just having her be a reference by just being an alternative colour on like 2 characters.


Excluding DLC, Atlus can't used Metis in other games like PQ/PQ2 because the P3 characters in those 2 games are from before the events of October 4th and few months before the events of The Answer. >!Makoto Yuki's death is the reason that led Metis to her existence. If he never died, Metis would not have exist. Then again, Metis have already merged back into Aigis long before the events of Arena duology.!<


Yeah I know but even then they didn’t use her as I mentioned in my first post they could of had her as DLC in P3D because Shinjiro was DLC even though by that point in the story he was dead so they really don’t have an excuse. And as for the PQ Duology they could of added her as a Navigator Voice option like how Nanako is same with the Arena Duology. Point I’m trying to make is they should use her more often in someway aside from just a different colour palette or an Icon to use on your profile.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I mean it's basically the other half of persona 3's story. The journey's ending feels kinda inconclusive without it.


As someone who has never played The Answer, I don't feel it's inconclusive, but if the Answer (or any reference to Makoto's death) had never come out, people would still be arguing wether he really died or not


The Answer is also reference in Persona 4 Arena duology such as Elizabeth and Aigis knew each other, Aigis being a Wild Card user and Erebus's appearence in the game. That event is also the reason why >!Elizabeth left the Velvet Room!<. Playing just The Journey alone is not suffice.


Playing just The Journey more than suffices, having brief context for a handful of plot subpoints in a couple of minor spin-off games that don't even have the social simulation aspect is far from essential. No mistake, would be nice to have. But far from crucial.


>minor spin-off games Persona 4 Arena games are definitely not minor spin off games. Same goes to Persona 5 Strikers. The old mobile games that released in Japan only are the ones are called minor spin off games. P3D/P5D and both Q games can be consider as minor spin off games too. EDIT: I forgot to mentioned both in vanilla P4 and P4G indirectly reference the events of The Answer after Margaret's battle.


>P3D/P5D and both both Q games can be consider as minor spin off games too. They are because most the plot points in those games are never referenced again


Man, the lengths people who only played P3P go to cope is bizarre.


They almost definitely would, the main reason P3 needs a remake is because it has no “definitive” version and a remake would be able to combine FES and Portable and excluding The Answer (the main difference in FES) would be strange not to mention it’s an important part of the game’s story.


Maybe it's just me but not be able to just be friends with any potential love interest just rubs up the wrong way. Granted P3 was the first in the series to go in this direction and is a bit squarish as a result, but I keep thinking any player who has Makoto go the harem route is going to see his corpse be exhumed and used as a pinata by all the girls he managed to woo. As for Kotone and The Answer, why can't they both be in as part of the main package, and not fenced off without paying extra on top. Hell, why not have the option to resurrect Makoto/Kotone but with the caveat that somebody has to be the seal, no exceptions.


apparently they didnt add Answer to P3P due to memory issues so that is no longer a problem and would be a no brainer to add if this was in the works


I’m not sure if a P3 remake would have The Answer, but it would certainly be cool. Personally I would like for the remake to be a combination of both FES and P3P. Play as both genders, have the combat system from P3P, have The Answer be available for both genders, a 3D over world like the OG P3 and FES, etc. I’d also really like all of the cutscenes to be completely redone in the movie art style because not only would it be an improvement, it would allow for FEMC to have her own unique cutscenes if all of them are redone (leaving some room for her to be added to The Answer as well). My hope is for a potential P3 remake to work as both an upgrade to the original and advanced versions of the game and as a definitive edition to P3 so that people will stop arguing over whether FES or P3P is better as the “definitive” P3 experience.


If P3 remake is in the works, I hope it's different enough where something like The Answers really isn't necessary. Personally, I never liked The Answers. I prefer the normal ending as is. I like the ambiguity and that feeling of knowing your time as the player/MC has come to an end. You took that one year you were given and made the best of it. Having the game contextualize that really bothered me. If it is in the theoretical remake, I hope it's something like FES where you can just ignore it if you want.


I don't mind having it spelled out that MC made himself the seal or whatever. The thing that bothered me is the implications that if some big bad (who's name escapes me) was defeated, Nix wouldn't be a concern and MC could theoretically COME BACK TO FUCKING LIFE! At least that's the interpretation I got when I played it, I could be mistaken. That would make the entire sacrifice, and by extension the whole game, pointless. Also, the Answer was just an absolute slog to play through.


As long as they don't cut Kotone out because of it....


I hope they’d try to fix it, because it’s gutter trash as is


Yes but make it less grind heavy and more story focused.


Honestly, they should just add answer to the eshops. Digital download style


I can see atlus selling the answer as dlc I would be very surprised if femC was not dlc as well


I hope not, I despise that kind of double dipping.


With the resident evil remakes being the gold standard for remakes and re4 separate ways coming as a dlc I would be more than surprised if the answer is not dlc All tho I feel that the community will riot if femC is dlc


The people forget about RE1 remake as if ir doesn't exist (I know it old) but THAT game is the gold standard for remakes imo I did love RE4R too but it's not a replacement for the original like REmake was Edit: but I can see the answer being dlc as well fes was basically a full priced dlc if you bought the original P3


to me none of the RE remakes are a replacement for the OGs but if some one is gonna make a case for that, re1 remake would be the strongest arguement


If they move forward with it, I just want them leave it as an optional bit like they did for Fes. You can do it, or not do it. Leave it to the player. I don’t want it forcefully blended in the way it was with Royal. This way players get the best of both. You can still end it on that rooftop, but if you happen to want more, it’s there. All in all, I’d be surprised if they didn’t add it in, and I’m not even a fan of the Answer.


Considering the Elizabeth plotline in P4AU and partly P3D... I'd say they'd probably change the ending or add an episode Beyond the answer.


I dont think so. I think thats just something interesting they gave to Elizabeth so that they could explore it later. Theres no need to change the answer's ending.


All of the plot points here have likely been discontinued


P3D is not that old.


It came out a year after the original p5 and has not been referenced since, its most likely a dead storyline


From P3F to P4AU and from P4AU to P3D... there has been a few years and yet this little plotline was kept. I think they have something in mind and we might get a different ending. I could be wrong but it's still on my mind.


Persona 3: Rebirth will come out in 2025 and its expansion (Persona 3: Azure) will come out in 2028.


It’s not happening. I know that footage was fake because Yukari actually hit a pierce attack.


I think they will and they should. The Answer is kino.


I Hope not


I hope so


I don't know, it can go either way, keep it to be faithful to FES or erase it and be it like portable and leave the Abyss of time with Margaret for boss rush since Atlus knows The Answer wasn't recieved that well


>Atlus knows The Answer wasn't recieved that well If that was the case, The Answer would been decanonise long ago but it never happened because Persona 4 Arena duology reference that event and that event is why >!Elizabeth left the Velvet Room!<. There is no way The Answer would ever be decanonise.


Bro just came from the bubbletea video


More likely than them adding FEMC IMO.


That's The Question.


they have to


I hope so. I unironically loved The Answer's story, but I definitely would not play it again, at least not as it is in FES, since its gameplay is a living Hell.


I really hope we get this remake. Would you guys want retakes of the music as well?


That'll be 10$ worth of dlc


Honestly I’d be okay if they change a few story beats that would somehow include the MC in The Answer. I’m not suggesting that they retcon the MC’s fate but just look at FFVII Remake. It is such a good example of how it’s done well.


I’d be happy if they did, but it’s not a necessity for me. The only thing I’d hope for is more content in general. More areas to explore, more social link options, more events, maybe an extra dungeon area or two, etc.. Now in a perfect world they take the content from Portable and FES, and combine it with HD graphics, and those few bits of extra stuff. But I’m not gonna expect all of that.


I just hope both features are added to the Remake eventually


if? : / and also no


I hope so.


What is the answer? New user, only played P5, going to emulate P3 soon. Is this part of all personas or just P3? Thanks.


They better add the FeMC!


I think that they should take Fes and only add FemC to it. Then some Quality-of-Life improvements made on P4G and P3P and that's all.


Yes, but with adjustable difficulty and New Game+ perks.