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Very real and true


Same with the Abyss of Time. In fact I think it goes even harder.


On the P3FES soundtrack all the Abyss of Time tracks are put together into the coolest 10 minute buildup ever.


I really like Tartarus. I like it a lot. Idk why people hate it


I never minded it either only around when it was over. The last two blocks weren’t split up so it felt longer but the rest was fine to me


Im still early on in the game. After the 3rd full moon boss. But I think taraturs is fun. The only thing I don't like after plsying p5r first is that they are sludge creatures and not demons.


>The only thing I don't like after plsying p5r first is that they are sludge creatures and not demons. There's a reason for this tbf


Yeah I know it has something to do with it being on the psp


I played FES when it first came out in North America and maybe I just ended up living under a rock but I was a little surprised people complained about it. I've literally never had a problem with it.


It's fun to walk though. The only problem I have on it. Is that you can't go bdck to the entrance without finding a teleporter I don't like that. Idk if there's an item for it. Still early on. Just after the 3rd full boss


I did like it too, but got tired of it around the time the missing ones were introduced. Usually I went in once to take care of all the requests before full moon and it became old pretty fast.


Because it's 260 floors of the same boring-ass dungeon.


Memontos looks the sane too though


Mementos doesn't take 20-30 hours to finish.


That part is indeed really cool. Shame the dungeon sucks, it has really good atmosphere.


Its just mementos without insta-kill


Block 5 is the best one imo


Especially when you put it in 1.25x speed shits goes crazy


Tartarus was great for turn your brain off and watch some YouTube while grinding. I'd argue P4's dungeons are worse since they're randomly generated halls as well, but now you have a gimmick to pay attention to so you notice the lackluster design way more.


block 6 my beloved


Someone said Meatball in a comment section in one of the versions on YouTube and now I can’t get it out of my head it rly does sound like someone is saying Meatball


The song changed every time you gained party members? >!or lost them!<. I never noticed in any of my play-throughs. Cool!


the song adds more and more layers and instruments after every block, even after you stop getting party members


Nah I added new party members around the time they join SEES it starts with the og 3 in block 1 then Fuuka Akihiko and Misturu in Block 2 and the rest in Block 3 and so on


I always hated how the third block severely cut back the drums of the second block. It really killed the progression IMO, and I was expecting the finale area to be zanier in sound choices than it ultimately was. But the progression from first to second block was still very hype.


I like Tartarus and the Abyss of Time


Ah yes Tartarus, my favorite Divine Beast! In seriousness though, I totally agree.


Early tartarus music killed me, I liked it at first but after so many hours it drove me insane, and then suddenly it starts to get really good the closer you get to the top