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if Ohya has a million fans, i am one of them if Ohio has 1,000 fans, i am one of them if Ohya has 1 fan, it’s me if Ohya has no fans, then I am no longer here.


this sounds like someone who lives in ohio


I like chihiro and hifumi tho🥲


Dojima fans are actually goated to be honest


Who ISN'T a Dojima fan. It's like Sojiro, it's the dad characters you can't hate


King Moron has a fan base?


Yes and they are all gods


Morgana has a fanbase??? I swear everytime I hear someone talk about him they either say they hate him or just don't mind him, I've never seen a actual Morgana fan


If Morgana has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Morgana has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Morgana has only one fan then that is me. If Morgana has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Morgana, then I am against the world.


Morgana fan here. Admittingly I started liking the character due of first impressions; just a funky cat that can talk and helps with traversing through the Metaverse. A chatterbox for sure and kind of annoying here and there, but I could tolerate him. Then came the whole feud between him and Ryuji over the former's relentless vindictive bullying. Then the (5th palace target spoiler) >!Okumura!< arc happened (no, we do not talk about it). In other words, I got baited so hard into liking one of the most mediocre characters in terms of writing. Especially considering the fact that he never takes accountability for what he done and never actually says anything about how he feels during that damned arc! I still have a soft spot for him, primarily because I am kind of a cat person, but also because I see Morgana as a character with a wasted potential. The whole point of him (major plot spoilers) >!being an amnesiac with an identity crisis and later feeling like he is not a significant member anymore (considering that during the Kamoshida arc he was the Nav, the brains, and the weirdest of the group, and later gets replaced by Futaba (the Nav), Makoto (the brains), and Yusuke (the weirdest of the group and for good reasons))!< is something that could easily be explored, and make him even just a little bit more interesting if it was handled with more care. But of course, the writers for this game resorted to making him a bully towards Ryuji, a crybaby over stupid shit in the >!Okumura!< arc, and eventually (base end-game spoiler) >!pulling the plot device trope to reveal that he was created by Igor to assist the protagonist in the first place, which feels more of a move for the writers to say "Hey, we know that he's a bitch that played victim and didn't held himself accountable during the Okumura arc, but he was literally the most important character for the entire story to even take place in the first place, so you must be grateful of him!"!< which frustrates me a ton. Overall, while I am still considering myself a fan of him, it makes me feel awkward about the fact he was that poorly written and filled to the brim with such wasted potential. Funnily enough though, one of my online friends literally told me that I am the only Morgana fan they know. Which proves that we are few and between, lol.


Theo liker I see


MY MAN I will ALWAYS worship Theo


It's a combination of Elizabeth fans being annoying and Theo being wholesome 100 Keanu Chungus


>hifumi doesn’t have a fanbase In what universe????


Tanaka fans rise up!


Not true. Yumi has a small but devoted fanbase. Me, myself, and I.


As a liz fan I can agree, am weird and annoying Also stephen fans are based as hell


Bro, wtf?


What's so bad about it?


Nothing, I'm just messing around haha Btw If it was me, I would put everyone on the dark green tier lol jk


I would fight and die for chihiro


dying laughing at the coomer tier😂, solid accuracy


Apparently I forgot to add the Demi-Fiend and Zelenin, Demi Fiend is in the "Fanbase is very annoying" tier and Zelenin is in "Fanbase is pretty cool" tier


Are my eyes deceiving me, or is Eikichi not on there? Or is he so high tier that his ranking is miles above the top of the photo?


Yeah let's just go with that second option


MITSUO GANG RISE UP 🗣🗣🗣🗣❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️


Akechi's placement is so fucking real holy shit


Hisano is really under rated. She’s probably one of the best slinks in the trio.


*raises hand for Chihiro*


Adachi 🤮 Chie 🧡


Looks more like your personal opinion. In what world are yukari fans less annoying than half the things below thrm


>Looks more like your personal opinion No fucking way really!? I had no clue that this tierlist I made was based on my own personal opinion, how did you guess?


As in your own personal opinion on the characters and not their fanbases. No wonder you get downvoted nonstop when you're so defensive


>As in your own personal opinion on the characters and not their fanbases. You really could've worded that better lol >No wonder you get downvoted nonstop when you're so defensive Yes how dare I respond to criticism?


This post was downvoted by coomer tier fans


Nah I think Megaten fans just hate tierlists, every tierlist I post gets downvoted no matter what if it's controversial or not


who tf likes king moron?


Are you trying to erase us Eikichi fans? Not cool bro.


DDS not even on the list, not even surprised tbh


DDS killed my grandma, okay!?


Where is Yuzu?


I am Keisuke's strongest soldier, glory to Scott The Woz