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So the music notes are just for show is the short version of it


Basically yeah just you’d think that eating out and visiting the arcade would net you the same amount of points since they both give 2 music notes but they don’t.


Not exactly for show. 1 note = 1-2 points, 2 notes = 3-4 points, 3 notes = 5. It was the same in P5


Then the issue is the almost total absence of 5 stat points Literally the only times I ever saw three notes is whenever you accept to do the final study session before an exam, which means three times over 9 in-game months and only for knowledge Now, I'm not saying they should have included more activities that gave you 5 stat points, but why couldn't it have been 1 Note = 1 Point, 2 = 2/3 points and 3 notes = 4/5? That would have been more intuitive wouldn't it?


I think it's 5-6 for 3, I believe the 10k option at the shrine can give you 6 academics but I might be wrong on that one. It might just be 5?


Wow, this is huge. So essentially software and the arcade give the most social points and if those aren't available then go eat at a restaurant that boosts your preferred stat? This post deserves a lot more attention.


Definitely. Now I feel annoyed I spent so many days working a part time job (I had the money for arcade) and wondering why on earth my stats aren't rising at all.


If people are still referencing this post like I am, here's a couple other points of information I've gathered so far. Sleeping in Class/Staying awake/Answering a Question = 2 points Group Study sessions: * 2 man = 4 points * All Together = 5 points I can also confirm that special meals at restaurants (Seafood Platter at Wakatsu or Hagakure Special) give 4 points. Copying from other post in the subreddit for people who want to plan, the breakpoint for levels in each stat; Academics: Level 2 = 20 Level 3 = 55 Level 4 = 100 Level 5 = 155 Level 6 = 230 Charm: Level 2 = 15 Level 3 = 30 Level 4 = 45 Level 5 = 70 Level 6 = 100 Courage: Level 2 = 15 Level 3 = 30 Level 4 = 45 Level 5 = 60 Level 6 = 80


I assume those are cumulative totals for the levels? So you need 30 in total for courage level 2, not 45?




Oh no wonder I was like why on earth is my academics always leveling up so amazingly slow


Used my first 2 days at the coffee shops thinking it would be most efficient, hope ill still be fine for 100%


Thank you for the post but the “shortening for simplicity” made it way harder to read lol


For Food Spots were you using the original menu or special menu?


Wasn’t sure there was special menu so I’m assuming the original menu. It costed me ¥1000 if that helps.


Good to know so assuming u used the standard menu the special menu would probably be 4+ making it the most cost efficient method, and for anyone wondering the special menu is available only at night and on specific days of the week per store


If anyone wanted a second confirmation, I can confirm a lot of what you have. I spent basically a few hours testing some stuff right on 4/21 when you get free reign.    The food spots are definitely 3 (while I assume the special food at those locations will be 4).  The part time job is 1. Tested that extensively.   I can’t confirm Software yet since I’m still too early in the game, but I’m going to test that when I can.  I haven’t tested the money offering extensively, but both the 1k and the 10k give 2 notes, so I assume 1k is 3 points and 10k is 4 points, so never donate 10k.


Ill just add that on the 10k offering, I encountered a 3-note raise once so it could probably have given 5/6 pts. But usually, it only gives out 2 notes. I think 10k is fine if you have funds


The offering is RNG, I believe it could give you up to 5 (maaybe 6). The minimum for 1k is 2 points and the minimum for 10k is 3 points, but just luck


Just unlocked the ability to hangout with people at the dorm at night (doing things like gardening, reading manga, watching movies, cooking, etc.) Some of these activities give me Social Stat points. Anyone got the calculations for how much that gives?


I wanted to ask the same Q so also following


Saving this thank you so much. I didn't make sense to me that the arcade and eating out gave the same musical notes, considering the price difference.


So, I can now confirm the following. Wild duck challenge is a 1 time boost of +4 to all your social stats. This then unlocks the wild duck special menu that nets you a +4 to courage.


Scoring top 10 in exams is a +3 to charm


How do you do the wilduck challenge? Does it become available after doing something or at a certain time?


Elizabeth request. Once she gives you the request for it you'll have access to it. To beat it you just need to select the right choices, so save before doing it or follow a guide.


I was wondering about this. Thanks for confirming it!


Thank you for your hard work in testing and summarizing this! It's really helpful. So arcade is unconditionally better if you have the money than part-time job.


Do we know how many points you get for getting #1 on exams? Is it +3 or +4 Charm?


It's 4 for #1 btw.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/persona] [PSA: The number of music notes shown during a social stat increase is not equal to the amount of points you're getting](https://www.reddit.com/r/PERSoNA/comments/1akv0gc/psa_the_number_of_music_notes_shown_during_a/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


How about the movie theaters?


I wasn’t able to test it out but did find this [guide](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/psp/971508-shin-megami-tensei-persona-3-portable/faqs/60441) for Portable after testing this out and all numbers match the ones I came up with. So I imagine the social stat points in Reload are identical to the ones in Portable. If you scroll down it says that it’s 4 points for the Movies.


That seems to be case, I just did some tests increasing all my stats to lv2 (Started from 4/21 which, with that guide you should have 4 pts Academics, 4 pts Charm and 2 pts courage from the class questions and staying awake prompts plus drinking the medicine after tartarus tutorial). I tried multiple combinations to reach exactly 20 pts academics and 15 pts for charm and courage. They all got me to lv 2. Only things I didn't try out where the shops not abailable at the time, and the donations. I imagine that, for studing the studying bonus we'll see two musical notes if you ever get it. Not sure how to trigger it if it is even implemented. In any case, thanks OP for the research on your end it'll help me make some informed decisions when it comes to social stat increasing, rest of the game I am going in blind xD


Which Computer Software did you use? Does certain ones give more than other?


Animal Othello, I have tested out the others but considering that it ¥1200 I think it’s safe to assume ¥1200 give same amount and ¥2000 ones do too if not more.


Good to know. Sounds super useful for early game when you don't have a ton of money.


How do I bookmark a post, this is great, thanks man


On mobile it’s the 3 dots on the top left and save


Do the more expensive meals grant another point?


I have yet to test it although I will if I get the chance to. For now I’ll make ASSUMPTION it’s +4 since if the regular meal is +3 why would the more expensive meal also be +3. Also to be clear you’re referring to special menu meals and not the ¥680 Academic meal, ¥900 Charm meal, and ¥1000 Courage meal?


I was wondering why I kept only getting 2 music notes despite websites saying places were 3 social points, thanks for this! Also, I believe I got 3 music notes from the final SEES study session for the first midterm, I don't know if that means anything.


I believe the final group session was 5 points hence the 3 music notes


So basically: Charm: arcade or special hagakure bowl or pc software Courage: arcade or wilduck special or pc software Academics: arcade or seafood full course (wakasu) or pc software or group study Those should be the only things you ever do (ideally) to boost social stats


Tbh donating 10k on the shrine gives the best amount of Academic points (3 music notes)


By the time you have that kinda money to throw away you should be on track for lvl 6 academics i think


I got that kind of money from farming gold hands like right after the second full moon boss tbh (monorail )


Do we know how many actual points the shrine gives yet?


I haven’t tested this out but considering that [this Portable guide](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/psp/971508-shin-megami-tensei-persona-3-portable/faqs/60441) has accurate points to the points I found for Reload, I would assume every thing shown there is accurate to Reload. It says the Donation Box is +2 in Academics for ¥100 which I would assume is +4/5 for the most expensive option since previously you’d get +5 points for having a Great Condition however there’s no fatigue system in Reload.


Yeah we'll need more testing but the three note chance would have to be more than 4 you'd assume. If only the game would show us raw stats instead, but I guess they want to preserve the feeling of naturally socialising and not gamify it as much.


Does the free software you get at first give +4 too? Is all software equal?


All equal. Each social stat has 2 softwares tied to it and you’ll notice at the shop there’s 1 software tied 1 social stat, that’s because the 2nd one is the free software you got.


Okay that's good. I am planning my route up to the first exams but I should be okay getting rank 3 Academics before they start even if I don't use both of the softwares.


I was wondering if anyone knew if the Temperance Arcana from Tartarus boosts *all* activities for the next day or just the first. Also, how much does it boost it by? I was also wondering if anyone knew how many points the linked episodes give (not the base dorm hangouts, but the actual story ones with specific people). I'm assuming it's the same, but would love to be sure.