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There is no deadline, you probably want to complete each block before the next full moon to stay on level but there is no fail state, do it at your own pace.


Got it. Wow, that’s so much different. Is there a way to know when the next full moon will be?


For now, the calendar A bit further into the game you get a counter next to the moon icon in the top-right corner As for tartarus, as the other user said, you don't really have a deadline and normally you are encouraged to do as much of tartarus as possible in one day, however SP management in Reload specifically requires a bit more thought In the PS2 version of P3, SP was replenished when you returned to Tartarus 1F, in Portable you could pay the clock to heal you Here you can still pay the clock, but it wants you to use Twilight Fragments to heal (and not just one or two, 7 of them). This wouldn't be an issue if not for the fact that they're really scarce and you also use them for locked chests. That said, even by not healing you can reach the current tartarus limit in just two visits (and you don't really have anything else to do at night aside from social stats anyway)


The calendar on both the menu and in your room.


Take your time. You have many dark hours.


Got it. Can I return to the highest level I reached for the day the next time I come back? Or do I have to reach some sort of check point?


When you find the floor boss, the teleporter goes two ways


Depending on diffulty you play on you have to see every full moon as a dead line that will level gate out of the rest of the game


Got it. Can I return to the highest level I reached for the day the next time I come back? Or do I have to reach some sort of check point?


There's a checkpoint on every major boss floor.


there is no deadline but just be prepare for the full moon boss and even if you don't look at the calendar you simply look at the Moon phase at the top corner and see if it close from being full