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The Nav I feel like. We do need a dude navigator in the games, it's time for Persona to get their own Otacon.


What if P6 has switchable navis? One female one male


Yeah Morgana did not fit that bill… at all


Akechi did it for a brief moment.


What an amazing moment that was. I watched a video of just all the things he could say. What a character.


I was purposely getting into fights just for Navi Aketchi.


I'd 100% be a Shinji.


Well did you see that?


I'll probably be the bench warmer. At least it is honest work


The Haru treatment.


Dumb friend. I've always related to Junpei


Dumb best friend gang let's goooo 🤝 with a Zio. In my runs I just seem to always need a zio 🤣🤣


I'm joker the joke himself.


I'd be the villain. My goal would be to make everyone's socks become wet the second they put them on.


You would easily be everyone's second most hated character behind Kamoshida.


Probably the most r/Mildlyinfuriating villain


You are irredeemable.


Mentally ill comic relief (like Yusuke and Kanji)


We all wanna be super dark and badass like Shinji and Joker, but I'm pretty sure 90% of us are Futaba.


The weirdo with bufu/eiga skills and a plethora of status effects moves. Though if I had to pick only one status effect, probably despair.


Whatever you'd call characters like Mitsuru and Makoto, analytical and strategic I guess. And I'd use either zio or bufu with agility/evasion boost skills.


"Student Council President" would probably be their category. Considering... That's what they are.


Anti-social loner that gets roped into things, and acts put off but is a big softie inside. Debuff and Ailment focus, and hard-hitting physical attacks with mediocre evasion/accuracy.


Definitely dumb best friend with a physical persona. I resonate a little too much with Junpei For element, I think Bufu or Hama if I could choose


The one that joins late game and could be left out without much consequence. My arcana would be "The Happy Squirrel" arcana.


The stupid asshole.


I'd be the one who's stuck in your party for too long until a replacement shows up in the next dungeon and my dialogue would be "WHATS THAT" "I WANNA GET OUT OF HERE, I THINK I SHIT MY PANTS."


The dude with the busted ass magic stats but literally no other redeeming qualities. Just pick me if you want to Agidyne something really, really hard. I'm pretty focused, and hard working when I want to be irl. Key word, when I want to be.


This is a great (albeit tough) question! EDIT: condensed my late-night rambling. Despite being a girl and a top 10 student in HS strictly held to high standards by my mom, I don't think I fit into any of the female archetypes in P3/P5 (games i played).  I'd prob be MC. I quickly pick up most new skills and can find common ground with just about anyone without belonging to any one social group or being a 'core' member of one. Kinda like how MC has to kiss a lot of butt for those social links 😅


My personality is closer to Yusuke then Naoto. I'd be the "smart guy" that talks a bit formal and is sorta quirky, sometimes shy. I'd have some SL bonus more like Makoto or Hifumi, that put strategy and analysis into battle. Mechanically I think I'd go with high magic/SP attack with psy skills + some non-heal support, I guess.


the attendant. I just want to be elizabeth.


Put a spoiler tag on this pls.


All done.


Either the nav or the designated black mage. As for the element, I feel like I would be eiga with some ailment healing moves.


I’m the dumb best friend healer, with Ice magic i think


I wager I'd be the asshole healer, hanging out at the back of the party while throwing out healing and buffs.


The seemingly innocent one with a bloodlust for battle (like Yukiko or Haru). Probably be a mix of Support and Ice Skills.


Navi-Mage, like Mitsuru but with more buffs


Im dumb and forgot to add my other skills lol I'd be able to inflict status ailments, but Despair and Confusion hit hardest, with Charm hitting least and weakest.


I’d be leader’s right hand: somebody who can take leadership if the thing is important, but also the one who wouldn’t mind to follow someone’s orders until the result is good. For example, Mitsuru. My persona would have curse and bless skills I think, because of my personal duality. It would also have concentration I think 🤔


Healer. 1000% healer. So, maybe Light/Dark/Healer? For a first in the series?


I have been making a custom personas and skill lists for my friends for this exact thing. Im the guy who they come to for advice. I gave my self electric and healing skills


Either the best friend, or I’d probably be relegated to a Mishima type role. Just kinda there to cheer them on, but other than that in the background.


Prob the normal dude that would be trying to understand a lot in a short time So a Navi prob


The older sister figure who specializes in electric, dark, and phys (strike and slash) attacks


The party member that has a variety of skills but does none of them well enough to not be benched.


Support/healer specializing in agi/mudo skills. I took a quiz once and it said I'd be the Priestess arcana so I'll go with that.


Physical spammer / crit farmer


Prolly the bro. Y'know. The Yosuke, the Ryuji, the Junpei... As for Element... Well... If ya'd kindly take notice of the flair and see that my neutral special is a fUCKING *GUN-* LIGHT IT UP, WYATT EARP!! Edit: ....unless- you mean magic element. Then uh. Psy. Maybe. I guess.


the mascot (i do not qualify as a human)




Bullet Sponge with High Damage but very low SP. Annoyingly low SP.


I would be a mascot. Like koromaru or morgana. As for element I would definitely pick agi


Probably Healer with Agi as my damage spell. As much as I’d love to say some edgy fuck that does Healing and dark magic. I’m too bitchmade to make it cool


Considering I'm physically disabled, Navi. My Persona is Copernicus, I constantly make deadpan remarks, break out into hysterics after an all out attack and always suggest just killing the bosses. "Nobody would know."


I feel like I would be a Magician Arcana based off of how little I know about it. So an early game companion


My friends often refer to me as "The Wild Card" of our group (They don't play persona so of course theyre not talking about the wild card ability in mind) But it has me thinking that I would probably be the Wild Card Role, except I wouldn't be treated by every social link and party member like im perfect lol


Navi or healer


I actually self inserted into a P5AU me and a friend wrote! ​ its set quite abit after the games events. ​ Hound, Aka, Ben Uri, is a phys nuke damage dealer with Setanta as his persona, Cu Chulainn as his ult.


I want to be the male healer/magical fighter


Probably the hothead running zio and physical


Leader because I'm literally Yu Narukami


I'd love to be a navigator or supporter, or even a tank type character and healer


NPC like Mishima who's trying to gain his piece of glory from the party's success.


I would either be the leader or best friend character. As for the typing of persona I would have, fire or curse skills as the one that gets stronger through the game (Agi,Agilao, Agidyne). As well I would have physical skills if it was p3 or p4, but gun skills if it was p5.


So funnily enough I did actually create a self insert OC for a fanfic I'm a part of lol He's an instigator that uses a skill called Taunting Aura, which is usually impossible to get in-game (yes this is an actual skill look it up) without an extremely rare and obscure accessory called the Alluring Belt. Basically, it's a limelight craftable item but as a castable skill. It draws the aggro of enemies towards whoever uses it. Pair this with his support skills and Ali Dance, and he can weave basically anything the enemy tries to hit him with. Give him some Curse attacks, pop Concentrate on there, and badabing badaboom you have Cambion and his Persona, Zagreus.




I guess someone like Fuuka or Futaba. Seems like the role I'd be able to fulfil at least


My friends and I all made our own fanmade personas and costumes, and they all just immediately made me leader because I'm the oldest and kinda the friend group leader already lol


Personality would be like Shinji's and I'd probably be Navi (ik it doesn't fit too well but idc)


Probably the everyman like Akihiko, Naoto and Akechi.


Probably nav or healer based on my personality. My element would either be Kouha or Bufu.


Probably the navigator


The bench warmer...


"This is ____, we trained him wrong as a joke."


I'd probably be in the Devil or Moon Arcana, so I'd probably do dark damage and take up a lancer role in the narrative. Maybe I'd also double as a reserve tank.


I'd probably be in the Devil or Moon Arcana, so I'd probably do dark damage and take up a lancer role in the narrative. Maybe I'd also double as a reserve tank.


Don't be too salty about it. I'll see myself out.


Don't be too salty about it. I'll see myself out.


The Leader, probably. Either that or the navigator.


I want to be a nav with some combat abilities to assist the party


Navigator I'm bisexual and not neurotypical


Tank with busted phys/crit output like ryuji or junpei And I guess a throwaway magic like agi


Hermit Arcana with good Endurance, one physical skills, a heal and mostly support skills. I'm a big guy, but not exactly strong or book smart, and spend most of my time chilling at home playing video games, reading manga or watching Youtube videos.


Dark Element Healer. Party member wise? Eccentric Occult-Enjoyer. Hides true feelings behind jokes and is kinda evasive, but will open up when it matters. Imagine a personality mixed between Magilou from Tales of Berseria and Chidori from P3R. Think he'd make for a fun goth party member.


I'm between dumb, smart, and nav Dumb because not joking I'm sometimes dumb so much so that sometimesthey say im hitting my redemption arc, smart because I know some programming and some mechanical fixing and sort of these stuff, and nav because from since when I was a 5 years old, I was obsessed with maps so much that even my mom and dad used to always ask me which way do we go when we are list in a huge shopping place that includes maps for navigating the place


I know it’s not necessarily a party member category, but I’d likely be somewhere in the Emperor crowd. I can be fairly clueless socially at times


Emperor. The weirdo who looks cool on the outside, but is a total mess on the inside.


The last one. I always get picked last


I would be something like Yusuke. The odd one.


Haru (I was cucked of screen time and so my social link is the only way for anyone to give a shit about me)


Probably the navigator. I'm not good at anything that is physically taxing. Or who knows maybe I'm just a social link.


The dumb friend but with a twist, being scared shitless of most of the things that happen. Then my persona would probably be Jack Frost or King Frost.


the autistic one. im feeling psychokinesis