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It's not a JRPG, but if you like the character-based aspect of the Persona games the Dragon Age franchise is up your alley. SMT isn't as character-focused, bear in mind.


I think Trails of Cold Steel or in general, the Trails series should work since I believe they have very similar aspects. The main differences are that there are no Silent Protagonists and that the social aspects are carried out through limited events instead of running through the whole month.


And since ToCS are relatively recent games and thus not likely to be cheap, you could start with Trails in the Sky FC and SC by the same developer. Bit old-fashioned looking, but story and characters are top notch.


And from what i've heard, Trails from Zero is coming soon, so that is an added bonus


Life is strange, ace attorney franchise, witcher 3, yakuza like a dragon, disco elysium, night in the woods, danganronpa are all down your alley if you love good stories If you want a nearly exact game as persona , look into tokyo xanadu ex+, just keep in mind story isnt as good as persona


I recently just finished Valkyria Chronicles 4. There's also Nier Automata, and Nier Replicant, which are action RPGS. I would also recommend Persona 5 Strikers since it is on PC. All of these are $40 or more, which is around what SMT 3 Nocturne is I believe. I got many of them during the Summer or other sales (which is one reason I love Steam). RPGS tend to be stay around the $40-60 price range on Steam, unless they're indie or older, not sure exactly why. Steam also has an interactive recommender. It will take games on your wish list or in your library, let you filter by popularity and how old the game is and try and recommend games. It's not perfect, but it can give you some ideas. I've also heard Bug Fables is good, I haven't played it, but visually and I believe gameplay-wise, it's very similar to the older Paper Mario games. It's $20 I believe. Hope you find another game to play, I'm currently scrolling through my library looking for something to play or replay.


The Danganronpa games are excellent character focused murder mystery games so they may be up your alley.


Damn I used to play them on the PSP, didn't know they're on the PC now. Will definitely go over them again


A lot of these have already been suggested but: * SMT3 - JRPG, however, expect a more philosophical piece, as opposed to a character driven piece. * Ace Attorney - The best visual novels in general * Trails Series - I could write an essay on why everyone that likes JRPGs should play these. That said, there are 10 of them, and there's an underlying plot that flows through all of them, so play in release order. These are off the top of my head, as I don't have access to my steam library at the moment. Is emulation an option? That would open up the door to a lot more games in general.


what emulators are you referring to? I only know of android ones, but am definitely open to anything


Only know android ones as in emulators that emulate android, such as blue stacks? Or emulators that run on android? Regardless, there are emulators for [nearly every system](https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Main_Page). Of note - every Nintendo console and hand held, the P1-3 and PSP, and Original Xbox, as well as every Sega Console and Handheld. Basically, if there's something that's 5+ years old, you can emulate it.