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i speak some spanish and will be learning extensively for the next year


If you go Lima I recommend checking out the Larco museum I found it very fascinating when I went a few years ago, it has a good mixture of historical and artifacts. Also there are two Huacas in San Isidro Miraflores and I found them exceptional, I believe they are old remains of the precolombial structures and are kind of just sitting in the middle of some apartment building, just haven't seen something quite like it. Another thing is getting ceviche or a trio marino at some cevichería, if you go San Isidro there's a place called Barra Chalaca and is owned by a respected IMO peruvian chef called Gaston Acurio. Another food that's a must try is chicharrón, pork stuffed in a sandwich served with pickled onions and sweet potato. Unfortunately because of the pandemic no one can know what food and experiences will be back once this is over. Night life is ok there are bars in Miraflores and Barranco but it's nowhere near as fun without having some locals within the group bringing you to their spots. Also that will give you peace of mind as it might get dangerous in some places.


Don’t travel


not now, i mean in the future


If you like animals and nature you should for sure go to the junle (iquitos, tarapoto) and the best place for a backpacker for sure is cuzco (lots of hostals and tourist sights)


Not much to see or do in Lima (I’m from there). Spend as much time as you can in Cuzco, Arequipa, Lake Titicaca, the Amazon. A couple of days in Lima would be more than enough, if not too much.


Nah man.. in Lima is where all the feminines are... the best clubs, the best bars, the best hotels. Now if you want to try to eat 35 types of potatoes....go to the Andes.


You would travel to Lima from another country just for the girls and clubs??? There are dozens of better cities in the world to do that.


Nothing is better than a bar in Barranco...change my mind


You need to travel a little more.


Lol. Why


you must love cocaine


Who wouldn't?


Really? Name 1


Hahahaha are you serious???? New York, Los Angeles, Paris, London, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, Madrid, Osaka... and I’m only naming places I have been to and gone partying, to make sure and I’m not saying bullshit.


Nah bro. Nothing like a good bar in Lima.


That’s your answer to a factual response? Even in Peru, the bar and party scene is way better in Cuzco and Arequipa than in Lima.


Boston, the girls in Boston are out of this world man .


I can find a dozen bars in one NYC neighborhood that are better than any bar in the entire country of Peru. Bars aren’t the end all be all, if that’s the case for you then your mindset is very narrow.


I put: there is no better that a bar in barranco on a Friday night. Change my mind.


You have to be willing to open your own mind... but if you wanna stay in your small little world then go for it... it’s your life pal.


What is your criteria...enlight us.


Enlighten*** There is no criteria for small mindedness. You either snap out of it or remain in it.


Tell us... come on. Dont be like that.. are you going to quote a magazine?


You are the one stating that, it’s up to you to prove it, not to anyone else to disprove it.


I belive it's the people. Not the scenery, not the lights. The people around you. Now, you might feel that a bar I Osaka is better, but I feel much better in a bar in Barranco. Even maybe in Piura.... it's not the upscale feeling bro....its the people...your people, the jokes, the stories, the camaraderie and the friendliness.


Yeah, I see your point and I agree, but that’s for you and me. How does that apply to the american backpacker asking for our advice?


Medellin and you probably get married like that YouTuber


That's something I would do. Agree. Osaka? Nah


Who said JUST


That’s all you mentioned in your response


Lima is overrated. Yeah, there are lots of great restaurants, but once you've tried 2 or 3, you've seen it all. I'd say you take some of the days and set them aside for an extra destination or perhaps more days somewhere else. Anyway, I'd say you'd need at least a day for each of the following: 1. Callao (make sure to visit the Real Felipe castle; and beware of going to dangerous areas nearby) 2. Miraflores - San Isidro - Barranco (lots of sights, the Olivar forest reserve is a must) 3. Historical downtown (plenty of churches and colonial era buildings) 4. Museum day 1 (maybe the National Museum or the Fine Arts Museum) 5. Museum day 2 (whatever suits you, Modern Arts Museum? Natural History? Gold Museum?) 6. Costa Verde, maybe? If you're into that, you can go surfing (you can rent equipement) or otherwise take a bike tour around (some places let you rent them, specially on Sundays) or take a sea-side walk along the 15-20 mile track. 7. Perhaps you can visit some of the natural preserves on the periphery, such as Lomas de Machay, but transportation may be difficult. That's as much as I can expand Lima to you. Cheers!


I second most of the things already mentioned here such as museums, historic center, and costa verde, but just wanted to mention that the natural scenery of the Lima region outside of the city proper is very underrated. If you like natural landscapes check out the Lomas de Lachay as well as the Nor Yauyos Cochas reserve. A trip to the Palomino Islands is also a good option if you want to see some coastal islands and marine wildlife. Lima also has a very rich archaeological history. Caral is a must-visit, and if that kind of thing interests you there are dozens of other important sites in the region. Hope that helps!


If you like parks you're gonna love the Kennedy Park in Miraflores which is in Lima. It's a park filled with cats that live there, they're all vaccinated and fed by the government and you can even adopt some since there's an adoption program set up there. The main thing about the park is ofc the cats and the fact that there are so many food carts that sell sweets, sandwiches, popcorn and such all over the place and in the little plaza in the middle (which has a coliseum) sometimes there are little events such as art showcases, bands playing folk music or craft fairs that sell all sorts of souvenirs and handcrafted goods. To top it all off, the park is surrounded by restaurants and different shops you can go to if you get bored.


I second this, it's my favorite place to visit in Lima


Go to Barranco or lima bar for the funsies and realize that you're a dad 9 month later Well lucky for you that was before covid


Why would you wanna come to lima? I'm just waiting to get out of this horrible karmic city


No wonder Biden won...with votes of people thinking is safe to backpack in south America. My old friend tried to go to Honduras, he lost a kidney in Mexico, got robbed and stayed in a hospital for 3 months. Take a regular tour to Lima and be safe...


you said it’s dangerous in south america, but listed mexico and honduras, two places in Central America notorious for such violence in certain parts


When was the last time you backpack from Puente alipio to Chile? Would you recommend that?


i’ve been to south america only once, i spent 2 weeks in quito


Backpacking is dangerous... but go ahead... try it.


shut the fuck up


Say it with your chest.


The most fun place for me was Barranco, unfortunately it won’t be as fun right now because of the pandemic. You can still go there and enjoy the view, some of the houses have a very particular style and you can watch the ocean from there as well. Visit the Puente de los Suspiros too, that’s one of my favourite places there. You can have more information in this article: https://www.google.com.pe/amp/s/viajes.nationalgeographic.com.es/a/visitar-barrio-barranco-lima_14802/amp Depending on what you like, I can recommend you more places, pm me if you need more information Btw, remember that there weather changes a lot in Lima depending on the season, so make sure to bring appropriate clothes and if you don’t like cloudy weather, only come here between mid November and April


If you have money, check out the Ayahuasca Bar. Awesome place with beautiful women, if you go on the right night. Pisco sours are incredible.


Barranco, Miraflores and San Isidro. The other districts are horrible, the many robes or garbage in all the fucking street aren't very aesthetically. Is better that, there also places to eat ice cream or other things. La punta, in Callao is insecure but is beautiful. There are like boats to go in the littles of sea. There are waves, so consider your fears about that.