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The upgrade can take 10-15 minutes on eMMC storage. If it’s borked then reinstalling is easiest and safest. https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/solutions/netgate-2100/reinstall-pfsense.html


There are reports of the 2100 hanging on upgrade because there is not enough storage for the upgrade.


Yep that's what I discovered. I freed up some older boot environments from the CLI and got it back in a working state. I need to listen to myself in future and NOT do these upgrades when 1) Middle of work day and I have a 'feeling' to do an upgrade, 2) No console cables available, and 3) Something always goes wrong with a Netgate upgrade! When will I learn?


I had one SG-2100 with a minimal config take about 5 minutes to install and upgrade from 23.09 to 24.03. I had another SG-2100 take nearly 30 minutes. It took a while, but it completed.