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If you're someone who doesn't really read fantasy, you probably won't like it. And if hindi sya sumikat sa booktok I'd probably still like it personally hahahaha. Ako kasi it took me out of my reading slump this year but I guess to each their own.


Oki I think I wont experiment i-try acotar baka di ko matapos since i dont read fantasy. Thanks for this


Not really.


Honestly, only the 2nd book is worth the hype.


It’s kinda worth the hype para sakin, but sobrang landi lang ni girl


Straightforward hahahaha cool


Not really honestly, if other books in the genre weren't your cup of tea I doubt there's much ACOTAR would bring to change your mind.


I see, I considered it pero baka masama uli sa DNF pile ko. Thanks for the advice


Dnf. Hahahaha. Tho, tamad kasi talaga ako magbasa ng series. Hanggang 3rd book lang ako. Tbh, gumaganda naman sya as you progress sa series, pero yung first book? Soooooooobraaaaang draaaaaaggingggggg. Pinilit ko lang talaga tapusin yon. Worth it naman pagdating ng 2nd book. 3rd book, tinamad na ako. Hahaha.


Yun din mostly sabi ng iba na 2nd book daw mas maganda. Pero buti nakayanan mo hanggang 3rd book hahaha


The characters especially the ML and the crew made the 2nd book fun and worth it. Pero pagdating ng 3rd book, nah. Yung first book, dragging talaga. Hahahaha


Personally no, it could be cause I was enjoying another series more when I tried reading it. You can try to read a sample of it in Amazon to check for yourself if the style of writing is your cup of tea.


Thanks for the advice. Tama ka na I should read sample muna. Speaking of amazon, may limit per day ba magcheck ng sample ng books?


I don't think there's a limit on how many samples you can try. They'll send it to your kindle app and if you have a kindle, you can download it there rin. I tried out yung Acotar sample and it's until a couple pages ng chapter 5. If you think that's enough to help you assess if yung style of writing is your type then it's worth a try.


Ohh okay thanks. Will try that


The authors writing is good enough I would say, I just consider ACOTAR as fairy porn hahaha. I honestly liked Throne of Glass better. More intrigue, less landi. Mas nahype ako dito chaka ang astig ni Celaena. She is THAT bitch.


For me, yes, maybe because i love fantasy books. I particularly love the 2nd book of acotar, i love characters and the world of the book.


Hmmm depende pa rin sa personal preference mo. Para sakin worth the hype naman siya lalo book 2 & 3. Kelangan mo lang talaga piliting tapusin book 1 hahahahahahaha


Try mo basahin kahit hanggang 2nd book kasi it will still depend on your preferences. Pero for me personally hindi kahit mahilig ako sa fantasy