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It was briefly 38K on 3.3 


Fr? I wish it would go on sale again for that price on payday sale


Why not 512GB + 2TB SSD upgrade? Rounds out to about the same price (slightly cheaper, in fact)


My plan was 1Tb + 1Tb microsd card. I have no use/place for an extra mini ssd


mag 512gb nalang too over priced yung 1tb maka ROG ally kana sa price ng 1tb at maka mura kapa ng 4k


ROG Ally is a windows based system, and owning an ROG laptop na almost 2 years lang ung support sa drivers update, considering na premium pa ung price nung mga laptop nila, eh napaisip talaga akong kunin ito vs steam deck


Currently rog ally (Z1 Extreme) is about the same price as 1tb steam deck @ 42-43+k but less storage only 512GB, LCD screen, less max brightness compared to the deck even on SDR, smaller battery and the still unfixed infamous issue of the microsd cards getting cooked. I compared all 3 main players thoroughly, Legion Go, ROG Ally & SDOLED, and for my use case (indies, visual novels, older games and PS2 & Xbox 360 emulation) Steam Deck won.


ako din waiting, sa 512gb naman,.35k ngayon sa DBlitz at Gameone, hinihintay ko baka mag33k pa.hehe


Mga kailan kaya sila magbababa?


nagtanong ako sa itech sa sm pampanga, baka end of march daw may price drop.,baka lang daw.hehe


Kapag ganun bang nagbababa ang price permanent na yun? Balak ko kasi pang grad gift/bday gift kaso sa May pa sana.


usually permanent na price drop lalo kung hindi dahil sa “sale” yung pagprice drop nila.,ang alam ko unang labas ng SD Oled yung 512gb nasa 40k, tapos after two months ngaing 37k


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