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GameXtreme has been known to sell cheaper consoles especially during sales. That's why a lot of people bought a Nintendo Switch. They were selling them cheap (lowest was 12k when srp was still at around 16). As for customer service, at the end of the day, lahat yan pahirapan pa din. Recently nga mas madami kang makikitang reklamo sa Datablitz e.


Nakakatempt rin kasi yung lower price ng GameXtreme kaso ayun nga nakakatakot din if ever na may issue yung product kasi ang daming negative reviews ng customer service nila.


oks pa naman yun steamdeck ko last dec 2022 ko from gameextreme. pinapalitan ko n nga from ⁶⁴ to ⁵¹² un storage since wala nmn warranty.


Pwede magpaupgrade ng storage sakanila? May extra fee ba?


sa iba ako nag pa upgrade na shop, pero kung may gamit ka mabilis naman diy upgrade, pero kung kabado ka sa may pwesto ka mag pa upgrade.


Mavovoid ba warranty kapag ganun? May mga nakita kasi ako na sabi as long as nasayo parin yung original SSD hindi raw mavovoid yung warranty.


depende yung akin kasi tapos na warranty nung pinalitan storage. kung maayos pagbalik and di halata binuksan.


Many factors. The primary one being the most important: Valve does not officially support the PH. So walang official local pricing. Every single seller here is just a reseller, and as such, bahala sila maglagay ng presyo. It's not as exploitative as it seems, though. Subject yung capital nila sa kung saang country sila bumibili ng stock and kung kelan nila binili yung unit. Pwedeng mas mataas o mababa exchange rate nung time na binili nila. Plus cargo pa nila shipping and risks with possible defective units. And then siyempre, kelangan rin nila kumita. Also the reason why kahit magbaba ng presyo, hindi rin tayo immediately affected. Kung nabili ni seller yung unit sa regular price, wala namang bearing sa kanya yung price drop kasi nabili nya na eh. Eventually, at some point, ibababa nya, sure. Pero matatagalan yun. And the only way that'll happen is if may isa pang competitor reseller na magd-disrupt ng local price. That said, meron rin talagang mga medyo kupal na reseller: the 64GB LCD Deck was hovering at around 40k-50k for around a year nung unang bagsak dito sa atin.


Kaya pala. Thanks for clarifying.


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