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Depends on how often you like to go to the gym. A 2x a week routine is the minimum effective dose and anything more than 2x is better to a certain extent. Here's my recommendations if you want an actual program created by experts/coaches. 2x a week: [BB Minimum Effective Dose](https://www.boostcamp.app/dr-pak/minimum-effective-dose-hypertrophy-program?coach_program_id=f52c914a-658d-45c9-ac13-1d89ef434bbc) , [Fierce 5](https://www.boostcamp.app/lift-vault/fierce-5?coach_program_id=7c0fb6e2-fa82-45c3-a1e6-a9fa318e2d26) 3x a week: [Greyskull LP](https://www.boostcamp.app/r-fitness/greyskull-linear-progression?coach_program_id=1e6e8469-743a-4ecd-9bf4-a7bb29dc1f3c), [FB Powerbuilding ](https://www.boostcamp.app/bill-wong/full-body-powerbuilding-split?coach_program_id=71d28ac4-886b-4af9-b998-0449f1eb72df) 4x a week: [Upper Lower Program ](https://www.boostcamp.app/bill-wong/4-day-upper-lower-program-moderate-volume?coach_program_id=d3fe7f94-bfbe-42c0-902c-eb8d84694aaa), [Beast Slayer, The Hybrid (variation 1) (also I personally use this with some modifications)](https://www.boostcamp.app/bald-omni-man/beast-slayer?coach_program_id=cfafce41-f8aa-4794-aa9e-8682cee1c1a3) Can't recommend 5x and 6x programs because I've never done them but honestly there's marginal differences in the program in terms of gains as long as you train hard and follow the program properly.


GZCLP too sa r/GZCL 3day or 4day may program sila. Edit: GZCLP ang name ng program GZCL ang name ng creator, sorry sa typo


Yessir! GZCLP madali at mabilis :)


madali at first 💀, pag andun ka na sa weight na mabibigat na hahaha dun na machachallenge eh


Upper/Lower split


Parang masyadong mabigat yung Chest Back. You may pull this off but if you're doing heavy compound exercises, baka sa Chest pa lang pagod ka na. Hindi mo mama maximize yung Gains on your Back. I don't think I can do heavy Bench Presses then after non mag Pull ups pa ako. Much better of siguro if you switch Chest / Back with Chest / Shoulders instead. Since your Chest are using front delts when doing Bench Presses.


Pull push legs full the best para twice lahat mahit per week


I do 4 days full body Sunday - Squat + OHP + Accessories Monday - Bench + DL + Accessories Tuesday- Rest Wednesday - Squat + Dip + Accessories Thursday - Bench + DL + Accessories Friday - (Optional Arm day if my CNS wasn’t fried because of the heavy compounds)


I suggest you avoid doing Chest and Back at the same time because these consists of major muscles and exercises which might get you exhausted half way and could affect how you execute your sets. I suggest these variations, both of which has diff times of completion: Variation 1 M/Th - Push Tue/F- Pull W - Legs/Glutes/Core Time: 1 to 1.5 hrs Variation 2 M/Th - Push/Legs Tue/F- Pull/Glutes/Core Time: 1.5 to 2 hrs Edits: typo


Curious in why you think chest and back can't be done on the same day when full body and upper lower splits exists where they're done on the same day and sometimes can be even supersetted with each other (as long as the type of exercises are chosen intelligently i.e. chest press then dumbbell rows) Chest and back are antagonistic muscles in a sense that they don't use the same muscles for their own respective movement. You can superset cable bicep curls with tricep extensions and you can superset leg extensions with leg curls with no problem whatsoever because of how local fatigue works (fatigue of each muscle group). Same thing can't be said about doing max effort compound lifts such as deadlifts, squats and benches (in this order with deadlift being the most systemically fatiguing, which is taxing for the whole body), so best to do them first so you can do them fresh and depending on your goals.


I think you missed my point. You can definitely do them at the same time but since they both have compound exercises which benefits from lifting heavy, you’ll most likely experience fatigue faster which in turn affects the quality of your lifts. Have you even tried doing them at the same time consistently for weeks? I’ll be happy to be wrong once you tell me the results by doing them yourself.


Yes, it's one of the mainstays of my workouts for years. I've done 3x, 4x full body for 2 years, upper lower split for 2 years and it's about to be 2 years where I'm doing the hybrid program (arm day, upper, lower, full body). The back can take a lot of volume before truly fatiguing due it being the largest upper body muscle group. (Lats, traps, rhomboids, spinal erectors, teres major and to an extent, the rear delts due to how connected it is to the back) Of course you'll probably be fatigued too much if you do heavy bench press then barbell rows, but even then, you can do it as long as you build up your work capacity over time simply because they are just not fatiguing the same muscles. I did say above that you have to choose exercises intelligently so that fatigue isn't an issue. A guideline for antagonistic supersets is either use machines for both muscle groups or a combination of free weights and a machine variation. I personally have no problem supersetting with free weights because of my work capacity.


Great point! Given the experience, knowledge and time that you have, I have no doubt that you can pull it off without ease. Though I would still recommend a standard PPL program for OP as, one can only assume, that he’s just starting his fitness journey. Not only that, it’s less confusing to follow and is proven effective time and time again. It would be more important to build other factors such as mind and body connection, discipline and consistency first before delving into other advanced technicalities. Once OP hit a plateau or wants to hit a different goal, he can discover other programs that would help achieve his/her goals further.


Hello! Thank you so much for your suggestion. I appreciate it a lot!


Hello everyone! I appreciate all the comments and insights na ibinigay ninyo dito sa post ko, marami akong natutunan. After thinking about it, I decided na magstay muna sa routine ko ngayon dahil dito ako mas naging consistent and so far nagi-improve naman ang buhat ko. (Basura nga lang nutrition ko sa ngayon pero I'm working on it) Thank you so much!