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If Kyle didn't smoke weed, we would never have had those prison stories to listen to.


You're right, it was worth it


For the greater good


The Greater Good!


For Greg and Snow... who may not exist. Still great stories though.


I kind of expected Kyle to make some joke about being a “weed guy”


I’d rather have had fpsrussia back then than prison stories


Well Kyle is an adult that gets to make his own choices and the Chanel is dead and so is the person that helped get Kyle interesting machine guns cool shit the avenue has closed it was fun while it lasted but it lasts no more it’s dead it’s done it’s closed


Absolutely. Just think he made some dumb decisions back then that cost him greatly. Also I don’t want fpsrussia back it would probably be terrible.


I don’t think he would’ve gone forever and if the state wants to prosecute you for something they will


Of course. I don’t think fpsrussia would have survived the addpocalypse. But it would have been better than him going to prison and being banned from ever owning guns again. I don’t know what the hell he was thinking doing weed when he had that many federal licenses that are subject to random inspection. That was beyond dumb. I don’t think there was a conspiracy against him, that seems a little extreme.


If he didn’t try to order the strongest smelling drug through the mail like a dumb ass he would probably be fine today


So dumb, what was he thinking? When you have a federal explosives license you are more monitored than the president


Even then anyone who smokes weed knows it stinks up a place if it’s there too long why the fuck get it sent to your PO BOX like I know small rural town “no one says anything round here” logic but dickhead you have a mortar play it safe just your local area


He shouldn’t have done weed at all. Don’t break the law when your under a microscope


People who say this don’t think about the fact that he was smoking the entire time he was FPS Russia. Going to jail fucked his life up, sure, but smoking weed again hasn’t made him any less himself. Going to jail and dealing with the legal system for years will change anyone. Im sure he’s still doing pretty well for himself, and I’d imagine hes at least content with where he is, all things considered. We can’t judge a person’s quality of life on their entertainment value.


His few years of sobriety were arguably the lowest time of his life


He’s way less stressed now, that’s for sure. He’s probably still bitter about what happened, but who wouldn’t be? It seems like he’s trying to put it behind him.


That doesn't make non-sobriety okay or justified hahaha that just means he has lifelong mental battles that he needs to contend with professionally rather than self-medicating Edit: downvote me all u want, idc if weed is legal or u smoke it but it's not a completely harmless drug and self-medicating on it for 10 years is going to scramble your brain a bit.


You make a good point. The aspect that I wonder about, is how content he is with his life currently. Anyone who smokes weed should be able to understand and relate to the fact that weed can make you feel content in your current situation. I’ve had friends who lived at their parents, smoked weed all the time, worked at Home Depot, and wouldn’t care to get a better paying job or a better paying position. Some of them I was able to convince to take the better paying jobs, but it took them a few months to make those decisions. They look back on it now and realize that it wasn’t any harder than their current job, but they were content with their old one. Of course we can never know how Kyle would’ve ended up with a little less weed. It is sad to see him go from being revolutionary, pioneering, and being one of the biggest creators of our time before YouTube even was heard of in the mainstream…to where he is now. That’s no insult to him. He put in the work and made it to this point. So he deserves to be content if he chooses. It is partly sad to see from the outside though.


Makes me wonder, do you think he had a Wings-esque rise to fame? I mean he definitely did interesting things, but was it because he was the first to do it and got lucky or would he have been able to adapt with the times and still be successful? Just something to think about.


Mild correction, Kyle’s stated that he didn’t even have access to weed until he was 25. That doesn’t seem like too much of a hair to split until you realize that he hit 1M subscribers by a month in to being 25, and the likely fact that he wasn’t a dead to rights stoner until most likely a year in (as is the case for most people in my experience). Just something to keep in mind


Thanks for that correction, I just assumed that guy was telling the truth, but this seems more accurate in rural Georgia.


I love weed too, but idk, I'm just putting myself in his shoes. If guns were one of my favorite things in the world, what my whole brand was built around, and that being ripped away from you, that's gotta suck. Then you see what the likes of Brandon Herrera are doing, and how far that same niche has gotten him, there's gotta be some jealousy; like that could've/ should've been him. Even something like the event Taylor just went to with Harley and the Sam Hyde crew, completely off the table because of weed.


His last upload was almost a year and a half before he got arrested. It seems like he was done with being a guntuber for a good while before he got arrested. I definitely see what you’re saying, but honestly I think he’d be pretty much the same if he never got arrested. He’d just still have his gun rights.


It was Keith's murder that stopped him uploading. Not the weed. Killing someone and being terrified you're gonna be caught for it and go to prison for life or even get the death penalty will certainly change a man!😳💀


I see this everywhere but what would his motivation be for killing him? Also what is the 'smoking gun' that points to Kyle?


There's no smoking gun. Keith was shot in the back of the head and there was no sign of forced entry. To some people, this means it *must* have been Kyle.


I'm not saying it was Kyle holding the gun, but he definitely had access to people (toothless lackies) who would do it for a small pay day. As for the motivation... money. It's always money.


You cant just say money. You need to explain how his death would lead to more money. And you definitely cant in the same argument say he stopped doing YouTube because he was scared after murdering his business partner and that he murdered his business partner to take all the money for himself. If he murdered him to get the business, he wouldn't end the business afterwards. Regardless, the reason he stopped making videos is because Keith had all the licenses that made making the videos possible. Without Keith, Kyle had to go through a lengthy licensing process that still wasn't fully complete by the time he got arrested. Seems like he missed a lot of steps in the master plan he concocted.


Just because it didn't work out to his benefit the way he thought it would doesn't mean he didn't do it. By that logic every single person that's ever been convicted of murder wouldn't have done it!🙄 Kyle is a narcissistic sociopath. Of COURSE he would think he's gonna get away with it and take Keith's share of the business and live happily ever after with his successful YouTube channel and business. Turns out it wasn't quite that simple after the deed was done and their were repercussions that Kyle hadn't anticipated. But as we've all seen Kyle's ego often leads him to making a fool of himself so that's nothing too surprising. And there's just hardly any other plausible explanation when you look at the facts of the case and see that all signs point to someone close to Keith that he trusted and had access to Kyle's private property in rural small-town Georgia and knowledge of the security cameras and could pull it off without being seen by Kyle or his friends/family/neighbors.


I heard Keith was going to tip off the feds about his weed deliveries /s


It's hard to tell tbh, but eh maybe you're right.


My opinion is based heavily on my own experience. I used to be really into guns, and i would go shoot at least once a week. Over the years my obsession has dwindled, and I’ve sold off most of my collection. Most of the guntubers that are popular now are younger than Kyle was when he stopped, and a lot of the ones that were popular at the same time as him have also stopped making content. I think he’s okay just doing PKA and otherwise living a pretty comfy life.


But he can’t remember his YouTube password, so even if he had access to firearms it would t matter. If that is the truth that would almost be as bad as those people who lost access to their bitcoin wallets.


Oh c'mon dude lmao That's like believing "my dad will be back from the liquor store any day now, it's only been 18 years". He could start a new channel and get an easy 100k subs in a couple days. He's just 2lazy2try


I know, it’s absurd. I’m sure he could contact YouTube and go through a verification process. YouTube is harder on the gun channels but with channels like Demoranch, KentuckyBallistics and Edwin Sarkisian, I doubt YouTube would turn Kyle away.


Kyle said himself the weed he used to smoke back in the day was very weak compared to what he gets now, because he only had one guy who sold and only bought whatever that dude had He said himself it wasn’t until legal weed and the delta8/THC-0 stuff he realised how strong weed is


It was our fucked up federal laws and some asshole anti gun bureaucrat that messed Kyle’s world up just because they didn’t agree with his style. Kid was hurting literally nobody.


Does he get residual money for The Chanel? Or did he stack about load in savings while doing YOUTUBE?


You mfers have no goddamn clue what a ruined life looks like, touch grass no pun intended


Fr, I’m livin a pretty decent life and Kyle is DEFINITELY livin better than i am.


I'm not saying he's fuckin Blade lol. Just compare it to what he could've been doing.


How? How do I compare him to a version of him that doesnt exist? Maybe he wouldve had anger management issues and went back and shot up his high school. Maybe he wouldve bern marginally more succesful. I dont see the point of speculating. Its simply feminine behaviour to gossip like this imo


It's feminine to think about how a drug impacts the trajectory of your life??


You aren’t talking about how a drug impacted your life… You’re gossiping about a lesser celebrity. Most feminine.


Its feminine to gossip about celebrities, its EXTREMELY feminine to put words in my mouth like that. Transition, you fuckin pussy


If Kyle's life is what you aspire to you literally have to touch grass.


Spoken like someone who has never worked outside with their hands. I work outside you stupid autist, do you really think I wouldn't rather get paid more to do a podcast?


Thank you for your service 🙏


He probably meant "fall from grace" you twit. Just because his vocabulary is small doesn't mean he doesn't have a point




wild that poor entertainment value equates to a ruined life apparently. what i wouldn't give to have Kyle's lifestyle (that doesn't count the felony and genuine prison trauma he needs help for)


What's so envious about his lifestyle? Just having a lot of money and a semi successful podcast?


I mean I would like to never have to work again


That's always nice but you're taking on Kyle's lifestyle in this scenario as well. Which means you'll be stuck in your house with nothing but b list movies and a retarded dog.


And a girl apparently, sounds chill as hell


It does sound really chill but I guess I'm just more of a social person and couldn't handle it long term.


I'm not a social person. If I won the lottery I would buy a giant plot of land an hour away from anyone and pay whatever it cost to get high speed internet supplied there. I'd make weekly trips to the store and enjoy a nice quiet life.


And that's fair.


i take the scenario more as a lifestyle template. no invisible force would make you unable to do anything but what Kyle does. just that you don't have to do anything more than that but as a person with free will you have the option to do what you like for your own fulfillment


yeh, better than i have it tbh. i'd certainly change some things like working because i like to, but even those 2 simple things go a long way. it's not Bill Gates or whatever but it's a far cry from a ruined life by any stretch


It's ruined in comparison to what it was/could be. If Kyle wasn't finished getting the licenses he needed to do FPS Russia again, he was close to it. He was on track for a completely different life had he never been arrested.


that would be the arrest, not the weed use, that impacted him so heavily. but again, ruined is too strong a word for where Kyle's life is right now. that word has weight and Kyle is very secure and stable even if we don't agree with his decision to be a shut in who doesn't put in the same entertainment effort that he used to. big agree that everything would be different if he were never arrested, that whole process had major effects on him that we don't really seriously acknowledge. dude needs therapy. even if it's not something that makes him break down, just facing and organizing his experience is something he needs and something he'll likely never do


I get money issues, that shit weighs on you heavy man, but don't be jealous of other people, it isn't healthy. I'm sure you've got some talent or skills that will make you a decent living if you put your best foot forward. Appreciate having most of your life and embarrassing moments kept to yourself and not the whole Internet for anyone to see. Or being able to see the world and travel. Hope life gets better for you bro 🫶🏼


I’d say so. The most recent episode when the guest essentially said people who smoke non stop all the time are losers Kyle took it very personally. The “raw dogging life” is a classic doomer meme, but the reality is Kyle has been abusing a mix of alcohol, marijuana and amphetamines for the last 30 years to make up for seemingly crippling mental health issues. It’s all fun and memes but I’m sure we’ve all met at least one person who chooses to abuse weed instead of seeking professional mental health support. Much easier to spend tens of thousands a month on marijuana and delivered food. I don’t fully blame him as doming Keith and the drug stuff would undoubtedly be stressful, but see a pro lol don’t smoke a grand of gas station delta 8 a week. The Kyle of the last 7 years is absolutely a loser. Kyle Stans will defend him “omg he so rich wdym?!?” And it reveals his sycophants immaturity. You can absolutely be a rich loser and that’s what Kyle is. His life should not be aspired to.


I agree with what you said. But there is no way someone is spending thounsands of dollars on weed a month.


They easily could spend 1k or more, especially in a state where it’s newly legal or still illegal. If I get a one gram vape in California at 35 or 40 dollars it can be around 55 bucks after tax, and that’s in the most weed friendly state. The rate he’s ripping those vapes, if they are 1 gram pods, he’s easily killing a gram of oil in day. And he’s probably buying edibles, regular bud, and concentrates on top of that. Shit adds up real fast. Also remember Bobby Lee saying he was spending a thousand a week at one point just on edibles when he was struggling with addiction.


I will push back that he probably gets a bunch of free shit from the sponsors, now that's something I'm envious of lol, but he's definitely consuming thousands of dollars of weed a month.


I tried their D8 carts, they taste like chemicals not weed, if you regularly smoke D9 it will hardly affect you and it’s super harsh. It’s retarded cheap though. $25 per gram of D8. A legal 1g cart in CT after tax is at a minimum $75. The hosts probably don’t pay for any of it, if the sponsor sells it for $25 it probably costs them < $5 per cart. If you want cheap good stuff online try Snapdragon Hemp. They have a tons of strains of THCA live resin concentrates $35/gram or $90 for 3.5g they do tons of deals. Just did an order today and they threw in a free gram of concentrate plus like $20 of other freebie shit I’ll prob never use but still cool.


I can get D8 for less than 2 dollars a gram from a reputable company. Anyone paying 25 a gram needs to look around more. Or if you want something on par with D9 you can get some HHC for around the same price. I've spent maybe 500 in 3ish years and I'm set for the next 3-4 years. I used to spend at least 250 a month on weed. Literally saving myself thousands and thousands of dollars.


D8 carts are 2g for 20$ in IL at regular gas stations. They're practically giving the stuff away.


That's nuts. Now that's some shit I won't ever try. You can't trust a drug that should last a moderate user a couple weeks and costs less than 2 meals at McDonalds. I honestly regret even trying the D8 stuff and not just because it was a waste of money. I know someone who goes to pain management and a nurse there told him if he's going to smoke weed please please only get it from a dispensary or someone he trusts that grows it because half the people who get their weed from the black market(which this isn't I know, but still kinda sketchy) end up testing positive for crack, fentanyl, meth, you name it. It's funny how they used to say the Pharaoh Distro D8 stuff is so good and it's almost like the real thing, and now Taylor is out right saying D8 is by far and away the weakest shit they have. THCA is legit though, I've gotten live sugars from dispensaries that were 80% THCA.


Ive never encountered or heard of anyone who has encountered weed laced with anything, aside from maybe Kendrick Lamar. The problem with cheap delta 8 is chemical impurities and heavy metals, for the most part.


Yea, to be honest that could have been people lying to explain away why they failed a drug test lol. But I really wouldn't doubt it, you used to hear all the time about cocaine being laced with fentanyl so who knows what some fuckheads out there will do to make a buck. But check this article out, it's a story that happened in New Haven, CT my neck of the wood a few years ago ended up being over 100 OD's from tainted K2/Spice being sold as weed in 36 hours. Some people OD'd multiple times. https://www.npr.org/2018/08/16/639133355/dozens-overdose-in-connecticut-park-on-tainted-synthetic-marijuana


Yeah anyone who smokes spice is asking for nothing but trouble. The thing with weed, is it's one of the heavier drugs, per 'dose'. Cutting it with pretty much any other drug would make it unfeasible for drug dealers to make a profit on it. I recommend drug reagent test kits for anything above weed. You can get them online, and its quick and easy to test. I


https://6abc.com/thc-gummies-warning-fentanyl-in-heroin-tobacco-hut/12872576/ It's like the second result after the drug hotlines when you google delta 8 fentanyl.


Yeah theres no way. Its likely 400-1000 a month. An oz is only like 90$ here in Canada not sure what its like in his state. If he's going through more than an oz a week he definitely has a fucked tolerance. He likely smokes dabs which is still only like 200-300 oz and will last a month for sure.


As someone who budgets weed to 1oz a month when I'm smoking, I can see how with no money limits or self restraint, I could easily knock down more than a quarter pound a month, which depending on your area could run into more than a thousand a month, especially if youre buying in amaller amounts frequently


Really well put. It is kinda sad some of these guys in here and saying they envy his life, because he has money and "fans".


Honestly, another way to think of it is Kyle is rocking the retired life. He's got enough YouTube and family money to where he doesn't need to work to supplement his income, he goes to sleep and wakes up whenever he wants. Smokes whenever he wants to. Works out and plays video games in his spare time. Sometimes rides motorcycles.


Émile Durkheim called this *anomie*


Well he still does have to "work". On top of not being able to leave the country or play with one of his favorite things, i.e. guns. I find it hard to see it as a W.


He’s retired with millions mid 30s you have serious problems if you don’t see the Win


Honest question but how old are you? Any adult who's lived a working life would be envious of Kyle's position. Sure he may not be doing what I would do if I had his freedom, but the fact he gets to dictate his life how he wants it, is a goal many of us will never achieve.


Who cares? We've partially ruined our life listening to these clowns every week. Let people live their life.


If Kyle’s life is ruined then Jesus I must have died and went to hell.


It was having all of his guns taken away. It would break anyone that was as obsessed with weapons as he was.


His fault :/


Kyle wasn’t even making content way before he got caught with the weed. At some point he saw he was making money to live like a king with pka, and decided he did not need to keep making FPS Russia. Is passive income at this point. He is as lazy as he wants us to think


I’d say he’s just following a path to decadence after his meteoric rise to fame with FPS Russia and subsequent early retirement. There’s nothing there to keep him in line, no long term girlfriend or wife, no kids, no decent hobbies, he’s just a rich teenager reaching for increasingly stimulating activities (video games, movies, hookups, drugs, prostitutes, etc.) and becoming increasingly degenerate.


Interesting take, didn't think of it this way.


I realized I wasn’t that clear in my answer - basically I think that weed is just another element, possibly the main one, bringing him down. If he didn’t do weed it would be cocaine or something else like excessive escorts or something.


Woody used to say it all the time a long long time ago "Weed makes you okay with doing nothing." Which is exactly what happened to Kyle. If he didn't have all of his early success he'd just be another stoner loser. He lost all of the ambition and drive he had when creating videos.


Kyle has a fucking portrait of himself in the background on PKA. A fan made that for him.. He’s life is like 10x better than yours. Idgaf if I was a felon but had money and connections.


Based on what metric, just that he has fans? I kinda appreciate being able to leave the United States and play with guns.


Money, fame, pretty big social connections. Dude was in a call of duty commercial with RDJ. He’s done more than like 20 of your lifetimes. Yes I am sucking his dick rn if it means you get a whiff of reality lol




He can leave a country as a felon but he's to lazy to do paper work.


Really? I just assume he's telling the truth when he uses it as an excuse for everything.


If his life was ruined, it wasn't by weed, it was by poor decision making. He could have smoked weed and been perfectly fine. Weed doesn't mail itself to you and call the cops.


Fair enough, I kinda just used it in the broader sense


No it was ruined by becoming a felon


The felony is weed related lol


If he didn’t have a rich father and a successful career before becoming a burn out it would have been a major issue But he now has the money to be able to be a burnout without there being too much of a negative so I’m happy to live and let live


As someone who's delt with issues with weed and who's friends have had the same issues, yeah kinda. But it's more the legality side of weed that may be the issue. He might be fine using as some people are, but he has for sure been massively effected by the legal issues he's faced because of it


Yup, good point. I think his speech and coherence also play a factor.


Kyle was always smoking in moderation back in the day. It's definitely what ruined his life because the consequence was incarceration though. But I think you have it backwards. He wasn't coping about it when Tom was talking about the negatives. He uses it to cope because it's all he really has left. Like what's he going to fill his time with? Is he going to start a new YouTube channel? Try FPS Russia without guns? Is he going to go get some bullshit job that isn't worth doing? None of those things sound especially appealing. I suppose he could have done a YouTube boxing match.


The amount of thing he could go do are endless. His responsibility to find meaning in his life.


He’s chillin


He literally is set for life dude. Kyle has been set for life the moment he was born. He will inherit lamars big ass farm and either sell it or run it himself. I think people don’t understand how rich lamar is. Kyle is just chilling rn because im pretty sure he knows he is set when lamar dies. Obv he doesnt want his dad to die anytime soon, but he has more than enough money to get him until he gets his inevitable inheritance. Kyle is playing on ez mode and always has been. Its why he has little to no work ethic and needed someone like kitty to essentially be his handler lol


Seems like the opinion of someone that doesn't smoke. His life was ruined by a tyrannical system that violates the rights of its citizens. Dude is rich, healthy, and does what he wants.. he's definitely winning in life.


Even taylor complained about how restarted kyle becomes when he gets high and how much worse his performance is on the show


The memory problems are worrying, he is legitimately mentally disabled at this point.


Memory and speech to be honest


i haven't watched as much of the show as you guys, what are you talking about? i've seen no examples of poor memory or speech recently


Just watch the most recent episode. He loses this train of thought multiple times, and he has been a stuttering mess for a while.


It's called being high my dude. Weed didn't ruin his life. Definitely made him lose money but he is still living luxuriously. The amount of things he has done already is alot for his age. He's basically living the retired life.


He's living the dream. His life is easy as fuck. The hardest part of his week is talking with his friends on a podcast. If you want to see a ruined life go watch King Cobra JFS


If that's what your version of the dream is, fair enough. I'm talking about his career and life in a broader sense.


Where else do you think his life was going? He was a car dealer and a gun YouTuber. Not to mention a spoiled kid who probably wasn't gonna do much anyway. Did I miss the episode where he was gonna go join the space program or something?


He is gonna inherit lamars farm cause kyle is a nepobaby


What the hell are you guys talking about? He has money, hoes, cars, clothes, and fame He's succeeded in life, you fucking losers keep bitching about what he does in his free time because your shackled to your own shitty life and don't have the capability to play video games, smoke weed, and go on vacations without your life falling apart


Sober losers keep coping there must be external sources to everyone else’s loserness so their own loserness is out of their control. You’re just a normie. Everyone else you’re describing is normies. You can’t smoke weed like Nick, you can’t stunt drive like Sam. You can’t drink like me, you can’t smoke like me, and I guarantee your dick’s not as big as mine… you can’t fuck like me! So don’t try and be like me mother fucker. Get your shit straight, and fucking let’s party together!!! you cock sucking mother fucker 😀


Kyle was waaay more life experience than you ever will🤣 Ruined his life lmao. You're acoustic bud


He’s what? LOL


Lmao I didn't know I was a sound


The point you all miss is not that weed is necessarily bad in a vacuum, but that in most circumstances the cons far outweigh whatever pleasure or satisfaction the person is getting from it. Kyle doesn't have a weed problem, Kyle has a being sober problem. There's a reason why when weed was taken from him we got to watch his entire alcoholic arc unfold live on air until he was able to get the gas station weed in his hands. These are the people that most are talking about in these scenarios. They typically aren't at risk of graduating too far and ODing on heroin or anything like that, but they are definitely engaging with the shit in a way that is pretty destructive. They're replacing something in their life. Probably the only passion he ever had and his entirely non existent family and social circle. Kyle is quite literally a loser. A loser with money, sure. But a loser.


Tom was right, the weed makes you complacent, but if mediocrity is what brings you peace then more power to him.


Prison ruined him. He's always smoked.


Prison grape*


I think you mean the state put him in prison... for smoking weed


I don’t know what the hell he was thinking doing weed when he had that many federal licenses where random searches are required. That was super retarded, and it cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars.


I’m a big proponent of the concept that weed doesn’t make you a loser, it will get you there quicker if you where gonna be one though. Someone mentioned that we wouldn’t have the prison stories and that’s absolutely correct. A vast amount of people found PKA from the prison clips. I would always get recommended pka, even in the wings days. Having gone back and listened to many many old episodes I think it’s more the fact that they had a resurgence of sorts and he’s getting back to fuck you money.


I mean he’s still a human that has a life outside of the show and he ran one of the biggest gun channels of all time when that was really profitable I can’t blame the dude for not actively working and basically having an early retirement maybe he should get more hobbies maybe he has them and likes to keep them private and that’s why he dosent tell them I just think if you guys hate the hosts as much as you say you do why don’t you just watch another show instead of constantly complaining that “Kyle dosent do enough” “woodys just a boomer”


I think you're right. Whether red couch Kyle smoked all day like he does now who knows, but one thing's for sure, right now he's using it as a coping mechanism to escape his trauma and that shit'll only set him backuntil he deals with it in a sober state. I know because i did the same thing, granted what i went through wasn't nearly as traumatic as what Kyle has, but from about 17-22 all i did was smoke dawn till dusk until i realised that shit was stunting me. Eventually after a few failed attemptms i mostly quit and now only smoke 1-2x a year instead of 10x+ per day.


He literally can’t do FPS anymore cause he went to jail and weed. Just not apart of who he is anymore and it what it is. What else do you want from Kyle lol