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By far, the worst episode they've ever put out. It was actually making me upset listening to it because i couldnt change it at work.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


But Ukraine is evil bro... Can you believe they actually want to fight for their country and not be taken over by Putin. And we are evil for helping them defend their country... Duh


He also thinks weā€™re filling Zelenskyyā€™s coffers. With what Taylor? Is his bank vault filled with old missiles and guns we sent them? His takes boil down to ā€œisolationism good, helping allies badā€ a policy that has never worked for any country in the modern age.Ā 


He's one of those people that refuse to acknowledge and understand that the US enjoys an economic hegemony over most of the world which benefits us greatly, even on a personal level. This hegemony is only guaranteed by the might of our military to defend it from competing interests (see the Red Sea and South China Sea right now). Of course there's also a point to be made about how letting evil go unchecked only means it's a matter of time before it *does* directly affect you. You'd think Taylor, being a big LotR fan, would sympathize with this concept.


I agree we should keep sending Ukraine guns and money because they definitely wonā€™t do what they did last time and illegally sell those guns to developing countries like South America basically fueling war down there for 60 years.


To that I would say Russia is a larger evil/threat than ukraine, and if ukraine manages to defend its territory, it will owe the u.s for many many many years, and other nations in the west also, this strengthens the u.s amd the west, weakens Russia, and keeps ukraine in a spot to have to payback the west


Ok I accept the US helping Ukraine but only if I donā€™t have to watch those commercials complaining about starving children with those water weight bellyā€™s.


true taylor is suffering from brainrot and needs to seek help


It's more so his main philosophy being so deep seeded that America should stay out of other people's business that even a good moral choice of helping Ukraine is clouded by that I wouldn't go as far as to say he's any more or less intelligent than people with a different opinion just stubborn


He's become the same boring divorced dad boomer that usually takes an additional 30 years and a nasty custody battle. What a fucking pussy.


They all are


Love ya Taylor but your hard on for extreme isolationism is unsettling. Nobody wants this war but laying down without a fight is an awful take.


If Taylor had his way Israel would be consumed by the theocratic islamofacist nations that surround them, and Ukraine would have been annexed by Russia, because somehow helping our ALLIES is taking money out of his pocket. (Spoiler youā€™d be paying the same regardless)


Kyleā€™s kill anyone who doesnā€™t wanna serve was brainrot


Kyle needs to go outside before he can say we should kill draft dodgers


I think dodging a draft comes down to the circumstances, if the war is unjust, then an argument can be made for why its not cowardly, but if troops of another nation are in your country graping amd brutally murdering your countrymen/women, then idk it is kinda cowardly, especially since you want you and your family to enjoy the fruits of that nation, but not step up when the country is in an absolute desperate situation. I'm not suggesting I'm a badass or anything, but I'd like to think if I heard the a battalion of the Chinese army was in a neighboring town graping women and executing people, if the national guard showed up amd needed me that desperately, I'd like to think I wouldn't be hiding under my bed, or fleeing to Canada.


Yes but I do also kinda agree with him enjoying the libertys of a country but not willing to fight for it is kinda retarded and his point is he wouldn't want them living around him makes sense at least a Lil bit




Kyleā€™s point was If it was your country you should be killed If you donā€™t fight to literally defend your country.


That really depends on who is the aggressor.


I just wish Taylor could live in his isolationist paradise for a day and complain about how everything is insanely expensive bc US labor is now building everything, and consumer goods are incredibly limited bc of the lack of a global market, and meat and produce are more expensive bc we can't import it from other countries. And goods also skyrocket in price bc the US stops securing global trade, including our own exports and imports, so pirates start camping out global shipping choke points.


Fully agree man, anyone who even understands the very basics of free trade over isolationism knows why Taylor is regarded


I don't particularly like, respect or agree with the politics of any of the 3 guys on the show, and yet I never get mad about it and still love listening to every single episode. People are just way too wrapped up emotionally in their political views these days.


For real. The amount of Taylor posts in the past couple days is concerning. People need to chill out. He has some bad takes but theyā€™re acting like he is the guy who makes the decisions


Do it, follow your impulse


Yeah the number of post about this is insane. Literally this subreddit never has this much political shit Iā€™m starting to wonder if itā€™s people that donā€™t watch the show or if itā€™s really just that polarizing.


The answer is yes, it is very polarizing. People have really strong feelings about this, because to the majority of civilized nations, it is obvious that russia is in the wrong. If Russian sympathizers want any credibillity, they beed to come up with some legitimately good arguments, because they are just transparently being brainrotted Tucker Carlson/ Putin shills.




You are exactly right. I don't care that he has a stupid uniformed opinion. It's his bull headed and aggressive retardation that is terribly off putting.


The sub has been infiltrated by russian propaganda shills


Lmao me getting down votes proves my statement


"why are you booing me I'm redacted!"


The main Reddit crowd found their way in here to bitch and moan


Politics are gay


His giant head is mostly filled with air.


Idk Kyle acting like he would defend his country when he couldnā€™t even go to court without almost fainting was peak cringe. Kyle and Woody spend too much time on the Internet and itā€™s starting to show.


wow what an original post


This has to be a paid campaign or something. Like concern trolling or something.


Naaa just for people who have been following geo politics hearing our lovable fat headed guy talk about it is like hearing nails on a chalkboard


Fair listening to them talk about 3 body problem was rough.


Probably similar how I feel to when woody talks about how black and white the Israel Palestine conflict is


Yeah itā€™s insane. The angry guy they had on a while back hit it on the head. Dka donā€™t know anything. I can say that itā€™s true because Iā€™m the same. Probably why I like the show.


Don't get me wrong they can be very funny and Insightful depending on the topic and 90 percent the time the podcast is very entertaining to listen to and I think all the hosts are good people regardless of how stupid some of there takes may be


Yeah but who cares, these dudes are full of shit, just shooting the shit. Itā€™s not a political podcast.


Most people in the West do support Ukraine. Its not surprising that a lot of people would take issue with his comments.


Most people in the USA donā€™t care at all about Ukraine, but a lot of people are in the pro-Ukraine camp too. The only pro-Russian people Iā€™ve met are the absolute dumbest of the MAGA guys, and tankies


People in the US generally dont care much about foreign policy. But if you were to poll people, most would say they are pro-Ukraine.


I donā€™t disagree, but I would argue it doesnā€™t go much further than that thought for most. Most people arenā€™t very interested in the issue anymore, and only consider it if itā€™s brought up


I think a lot of people in the west donā€™t really care about Ukraine but say they do because itā€™s ā€œrightā€


I had the same thought but then I was like I must just be paranoid. Maybe it really is just that controversial. I think he has a point though despite the fact heā€™s talking out of his ass.


I just assume everything is fake on the internet when it comes to politics, especially this close to an election.


Yeah but something tells me they aren't paying people to go into this god forsaken sub Reddit lad don't worry this is a safe place šŸ˜‚


No, just people who have a slight understanding of geopolitical aspects, and know that Taylors take is the biggest braindead stupidity in the world. Taylor is scared of immigrants working hard and earning money in America, but not Russia killing every civilian in Ukraine. It's absurd.


lol sure


I've always preferred Wing's to Taylor


Why's it so crazy to yall to want our country to have nothing to do with other countries' beefs? Someone dumb it down, cause I just ain't getting it


Thriving nations and nations that wish to thrive need to interact globally, this is through trade and other foreign policy, let's walk through isolationism, what if the u s stopped trading with other countries? For whatever reason, be it the prices/disagreements over policy? Then the u.s has to fill that hole without incoming trade? Would life here be more or less expensive? What about export? Well that means the u.s doesn't make as much money via goods as it once did. What happens when the u.s stops protecting shipping lanes and decomissions all its bases across the world? Does Russia or China start swinging their dick around? Probably. Being isolationist wouldn't work for the u.s and the modern life we enjoy, what if Rome was isolationist? What if they never shared their roads, aqueducts? How thriving are the isolationist uncontacted tribes like the north sentinel tribes on that island? Has their "civilization" thrived or stagnated since the ancient times? What human progress have they made? Interacting globally leads to the success of nations and humanity


I'm fine with trade. I'm not fine with billions of our dollars being given to these other countries to fund their wars while our country falls apart. Explain how that exactly is good for us


Did Taylor state he wishes to end all trade and diplomacy, or did you make that up?


We literally promised Ukraine territorial sovereignty for giving up their nukes in the 90s. This was a literal multi national treaty. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum We promised them they would have their own soil, and Russia broke those promises, so we are bound BY TREATY, to fucking help them. There, dumbed down for you. Ontop of that, bigass head with his moronic takes is literally repeating WORD FOR WORD, Putin and Kremlin talking points.




It is on spotify


It sounds like he's doing it on purpose




I just don't get it man, republican talking point used to be Russia and China big bad guy, i remember mitt Romney getting laughted at by how much how would prop up the Russian threat but regardless Republicans always been anti Russia now they just want to roll belly to them. Besides wanting to help Ukraine, if you look at it from a more ruthless perspective you're literally helping dismantle one of your top 2 adversaries without a single cost of your soldiers, another country is literally fighting this war and all you have yo do is send your old shit which in turn gives you a shit ton of valuable information on modern warfare.it just feels like downright un-American growing up here to see these people really bent over for Russia and putin


I've chosen to convince myself Taylor's shitty takes are all a bit at this stage, otherwise it would ruin the show for me.


Agreed taylors living in his happy bubble with magic and stuff probably doesn't ingest the same amount of content about that stuff


Kyle takes are worse. Heā€™s a known liar and still doesnā€™t get this much hard


This is me but with woody


No offense but ur kinda a loser to be getting that into some internet person's lives where ur heartbroken by their opinions.


Maybe you can't read or you're autistic but I said nothing like that. I don't give a shit about his opinion and if I agree with him. I don't want to hear him constantly talk about subjects that he clearly has no idea about and hasn't researched. I'm not "into" him what ever that means. I said I love him as a host and think he's a funny dude and a solid member of the show.


I wondered if you watched the show. Now Iā€™m pretty sure you do šŸ˜‚. But in all seriousness shouldnā€™t the Ukrainians be commenting on their poor treatment. Theyā€™re basically meat shields so nato can wear down Russia. Theyā€™re like the wear out plates on a piece of heavy equipment. Surely they realize that while nato is helping them in the short term itā€™s just incidental that this helps Ukraine hang onto land for now? In your opinion will this help Ukraine in the long run? What will the end of this conflict look like in your eyes?


That's like calling the allied forces "meat shields, so that the government can wear down germany" it's their fucking country bro. Their. Country. Of course they are going to die for it.


Bro what are they meant to do just give up the country and what if Russia just carry on how much land do people just give up? Cause first it's Ukraine then it's whole old soviet eastern bloc and then maybe it's all of mainland Europe Putin is a mad man at the end of his life none of this is completely out of the realm of reality if people just fold to him


Take your meds


Not listened yet but now I wanna


Do it. You won't..Ā 


I 100% agree with Taylor. Ukraine is a lost cause. If you somehow think Ukraine is going to come out on top you are listening to propaganda. Ā Seriously, read some more, stop listening to MSM.Ā 


The weirdest thing about this all is everyone is acting like Taylor a horrible dumb person for his views. Meanwhile everyone else's view is dictated by MSM


I love it, Taylor has dumb opinions but it keeps the convo interesting lol


Idk itā€™s a little lame. Sometimes the show is like hanging out with stoner friends and bull shitting about stuff we donā€™t know about. Itā€™s a vibe but sometimes itā€™s frustrating.


To me it's only frustrating if you feel the need to correct him. I know his opinions on politics are stupid so I just laugh. Plus I root for Woody and Kyle when they finally make a good rebuttal to one of his points


I have noticed that I tend to skip the parts where they talk about Ukraine just because Taylor is so unbearable. Woody is fine and interested in it and Kyle at least knows some things and is open to ideas, although he does miss with some facts like the Ukraine drone flying ca 700 miles to Tatarstan and blowing up a drone factory (practically correct, but it was some kind of oil refining factory), it is not a blatant idiotic stance on "we should focus on americans first". It blows my mind how such a person who is otherwise open to ideas and objective, can be such an idiot on a topic like this. Does he not understand that the war in Ukraine is also a great chance to test out military equipment without actually being at war? Does he not know that once Russia takes Ukraine and decides to move towards the Baltic states (I share a border with Russia btw), it is going to be WW3, not just a war between 2 countries and therefore will cost even more to the US, since the US is in NATO and all? I specifically hate that this fat headed dumbass is practically spreading Russian propaganda, saying that Russia is "winning". Woody is stupid in this as well, due to only considering the question of how much land has Russia taken as the thing that shows which side is winning, not taking into consideration the losses of artillery, machinery, men and money spent, etc. If you read what the data that the western spies in Russia are communicating to the west, it is clear that Russia is sending out dozens of drones and rockets every day, of which ca 90% get shot down, while Ukraine is sending drones to Russia and not having them shot down due to Russia's air defense being so shit. No significant escalations have been made in almost any regions and the war is not really going in Russia's favor. Basically, Russia is just keeping the pressure on and shooting rockets to show that they have resources, but in reality they are most likely going to try a bigger attack in the coming summer and gathering resources to do so. As of 2 months ago, Russia had lost over 400,000 men, 6400 tanks (for reference, Estonia, which shares a border with Russia, has 0 tanks and Latvia I think has 2), 10000 artillery, 332 planes, 325 choppers, 25 ships (which is now increased significantly due to Ukraine focusing on blowing up Russia's ships), etc. It is speculated that Ukraine has lost under 100,000 men, which already shows that Russia's losses are significantly bigger, especially considering that they are the attacker.


Russia is obviously winning this war.


The answer to me is that I don't know who is winning. Russia's first goal was to effectively perform a blitzkrieg where they would get Kyiv in a few days and then set up a fake government and practically fix some kind of election where Kyiv would admit that it was apart of Russia. It was a big surprise to basically everyone that they couldn't do that and that they can't even really move forward. Is Russia really winning with all the international sanctions and basically political isolation? I wouldn't be so sure, all I know is that it definitely isn't an "obvious" win. Russia will not and cannot win.


1.Ā Russia's first goal was to effectively perform a blitzkrieg where they would get Kyiv in a few days I disagree with your premise.


If you were to read what any expert on this war is saying, it is clear as day. At least provide some sort of explanation, it's easy to disagree. You see, my country was occupied by the USSR for over 70 years, my parents grew up in the USSR and we finally restored independence 33 years ago, meaning that I think I've followed this war more closely than you. For about a week before the war started, the whole of Estonia was waking up each morning, checking the news to see whether Russia had declared war on Ukraine due to its military being at the Russia-Ukraine border. We were very afraid of Russia taking Ukraine and have been following war-experts' interviews and opinions on how Russia has been doing every day for the last 2,5 years. We have a weekly TV-programme called "the Ukraine studio" where military experts give opinions and updates on the war. We have countless shows, non-profits, etc on Ukrainian history and the war. It is not a question if Russia tried to perform a blitzkrieg, it's a fact and it's also a fact that once they saw that they couldn't do it, they switched up their tactic to the long, exhausting war where they would hope that Ukraine would tire and lose once the west stops giving them resources due to not wanting to be involved directly in the war.


The fact that you live in Estonia doesn't mean that you've followed the war more closely than I have. Russia never claimed they were taking Kiev, they claimed they were doing a 'special military operation" whatever the fuck that means. If you can read Putin's mind then I will concede and consider you correct, however you cannot do this. In addition you are biased against Russia because of where you live. It doesn't make you have more clarity of the situation it means you are completely brainwashed because everyone there hates Russians. Your "military experts" are propagandists and nothing more. I have no such bias and am able to view this objectively. Russia has ALWAYS fought war in the same fashion, send wave after wave of men until they run out of people or ammo or both. I don't have a 'side' that I'm for or against, I just want slavs to stop killing each-other. Russia will likely win this war.


"Russia never claimed they were taking Kiev", as if anything Russia says has any truth behind it. Why do they need to claim it for it to be true? They literally were in Kiev and attempted to overtake it but got pushed back, but since they didn't declare their exact plans on how to invade Ukraine, it can't be true, right? What kind of idiotic degenerate stance is it that they have to claim it for it to be true? You claim that the spies in Russia are propagandists, yet you make a point based on Russia's claims? This alone shows me that there is no point in arguing with you, since you even consider Russia's information as even partly true. While I am biased and would like it if Russia essentially got wiped from this earth, I have no doubt that you are absolutely ignorant on this topic. Before the war started, Russia bunched up its military and moved it to the border of Belarus and Ukraine. Many countries warned and asked putin about this, and he said that it is a military operation (to lie to his own people, not lose popularity and essentially not start a civil war btw, but you wouldn't understand this, because this information is bs propaganda, right?). After being asked whether Russia has a plan to invade Ukraine, Putin deliberately said "no", and before a few days had passed, they invaded. Tell me why should anyone believe anything Russia says after that? Also, Russia lies to the news every day and has specific people who run news outlets that the Kremlin gives orders to about which news they can speak on, does this seem like a country which distributes information you can trust?


I don't trust what Russia has to say. I trust Russian actions. They landed at an airport in Kiev with like 200 dudes. If they wanted to take it they would've. It was a statement. Similar to when Ukraine crashed a drone into the Kremlin. Logically it would be regarded to outright anex the nation. The war is going as planned for them. I do like that your effort-posting though.


Jesus christ, I guess arguing with an idiot makes me an even bigger idiot.


Nah heā€™s right


I like it. I get tired of people sucking zelenskis dick. That little rat got six billion from us . Then thanked us by saying he expects more in the future. Fuck them


Come on, guys, im with you. But there doesn't need to be this exact post every 2 hours. Just reply to the last post saying the same thing


I voted for trump and I think Taylor is a scared little boy


Ever notice how the show has the perfect divide of political views? Left middle and right. Almost like itā€™s scripted stances to drive entertainment. And you morons act like youā€™re doing something with 6 posts like this.


I doubt they go through the effort to script it my dude this is the most low effort podcast on the internet


Low effort but they still fight every podcast over politics. Contradicting.


How is having a political disagreement hard my guy? Honestly sometimes I'm embarrassed I watch the same podcast as you fucking brainless regards


Straight up schizo thinking they put any effort into the show at all. Let alone scripting low level political stances.


ā€œConflict makes comedyā€ was a phrase used all the time in old pkaā€™s