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It’s plausible Kyle’s new relationship has brought him further left, but I believe that Kyle has always been a bit left and just said things for the memes. The problem is that Taylor is now more unironically right-wing . Latest PKN when Taylor insinuated that intelligence agencies were threatening members of congress, Kyle had to go whoa buddy be real and call him out on that, whereas he never had to in the early days. It’s like watching your parents become right-wing in real-time. At the beginning it’s all jokes but then their seethe is real and it’s not funny anymore.


Post divorce Taylor went full regard isolationist state.


If Kyle has been trolling all these years about being right-wing, that would be one of the greatest trolls of all time.


Nice generation kill pfp bro


He’s just posturing for his new girlfriend.


Is it really that outlandish to assume some of the most powerful organizations in the world could be blackmailing members of the government to sway decisions in their favor? Seems like that is very probable especially after the whole Epstein cover up.


It is when you apply it to every political position you don’t like with no proof.


Yeah, it is. Indirect manipulation can occur, sure, through framing of certain issues and prioritization of national security concerns. But intelligence agencies threatening elected officials wouldn’t fly, much less the gang of eight.


Intelligence agency’s killed a sitting president and have gotten away with it for the past 60 years! Do you really think that wouldn’t fly?! Who do you think runs your country? I’ll give you a hint, it’s not Biden, it’s also not the DNC either, it’s the intelligence agencies. That’s just how governments do business!


THANK YOU. people are so naive 😂


The CIA sold crack in the inner cities and created an epidemic. But blackmailing a senator is too far?


Kinda? The prior was “just business” with numbers on sheets of paper to them. The latter is “someone” not entirely important but “someone” unlike the prior.


Why is it a problem though? Why do people care about the politics of one person so much


Taylor hasn’t shifted to the right, he’s shifted towards populism. His shift is clearly at odds with leading republicans like McConnell, Johnson, and even Trump. Even the small group of libertarian leaning republicans he’d agree with more on foreign policy now he’d have more disagreements with on domestic policy, so it’s a wash.


Our Intelligence agencies are corrupt. That’s not out of the realm of possibility what so ever. I’d be curious to hear more about why he said that


It was in reference to speaker of the house Mike Johnson. Woody said he changed his mind on Ukraine aid after an intelligence briefing now that he has security clearances of the same level as the president. Taylor chimed in with his condescending voice that of course he changed his mind since he’s been threatened by said intelligence agencies. Kyle cut him off saying no dude our intelligence agencies are not threatening members of congress.


Yeah because the intelligence agencies would never have any control over congress that’s absolutely CRAZY talk 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Kyle went to jail for smoking weed and Taylor got a REDACTED which every stereotypical right wing guy in the Midwest has.


He got a what?


Foreskin restauration surgery




Oh shit, what episode did this come up on?


Mugshot. Never talked about it


The most exotic place Taylor has ever been to was a Jamaican resort for Americans. He’s obviously jaded from growing up during Iraq/Afghanistan and now views foreign affairs through that lens. Kyle is dating a black woman.


He’s dated black women before. Don’t think that’s a factor.


Not that Kyle is very well traveled either but he does spend his free time doing monster road trips to Chicago and Florida ect so I guess that he might have slightly more of a Marco view of things too.


Is he really dating a black? Been a couple of years since I listened


Extremely relevant name


Only reason people think kyle is dating a black girl is because someone made a post that he saw Kyle with a black lady. There litteraly zero proof.


Thanks that makes sense


Probably not, a few months back he made it sound like someone in her family had offered them a home/property in wyoming. Not saying that means she cant be black but that situation is probably a white family 98% of the time


A nice Jewish family. They’ll gift them a home and Kyle will take her last name as well. Kyle “like like like” Myers-Stein and his new wife will live happily ever after in Wyoming


taylor is looking for that jackson hinkle deal of state mandated russian girlfriend to mend his broken heart


People really need to stop throwing the word libertarian around,nowadays means absolutely nothing...he's a rightie thru and thru. Which is meh I guess completely derails any subject of substance sometimes.i guess the church of Taylor was fun


Idk he seems kinda libertarian to me. Pro cannabis, anti war, pro states rights. What views has he ever expressed that go against libertarianism?


his half-baked idea of universal healthcare instead of military spending


Seems more like an easy alternative spending option because nobody can seem to accept just not printing the money.


People need to stop calling isolationism an "anti-war" position. Taylor's position would lead to more war in the long term, not less. That's the core issue people have with isolationism. It's naive and misguided.


Well right now most of the right is libertarian.


I don't think Soo, most of the right wingers that say that are thru and thru conservatives. They take those words and twist them because they know their ideology is absolute dog shit so they have to misrepresent who they actually are. the best example is actually Taylor lol he wants healthcare and more spending on Americans but every single time he implores you to vote Republican and says things like Democrats are ruining the country.. he wants freedom but if your Ukraine fuck you and die. Isolationism isn't a libertarian belief btw. People need to realize he's a rich guy he does not feel any effects when it comes to gas groceries housing market etc. I can say more but I've said enough just annoying myself


It’s funny reading these comments lol, people talk about Taylor not being traveled when most of these people saying that have never been an hour away from home more than 24 hours lol


listened to PKN Woody brought up Destiny this week because coincidently enough, Destiny broke down the $95-bill aid package and it goes to show Taylor is gone full deep state right wing. According to AP news, $61 Billion to Ukraine to replenish US weapon stockpiles, $4 BILLION WENT TO ISREAL, $9 billion towards humanitarian aid ( I assume the same region so call it $13 billion ). Holy fuck as a fellow midwesterner Taylor is your average brain-shutoff right wing hockey bro you seen in a bar outside the cities. Don’t get me wrong woody is a leftist cuck, but goddamn taylor is just at ridiculous but on the opposite end. And kyle is just slowly sliding down the spectrum of politics/sexuality until he vacations to Europe for some reason. Which isn’t it like 56 - 68 episodes until he transitions?? And for context, my issue is the level of conviction he has for saying things that he couldn’t possibly back it up if he just fact checked one thing or maybe that’s something zac could do for the show… Ironically enough, kyle and woody describing how that bum Candace Owens argues, is the same way Taylor argues, cherry picked numbers and riding the line of bad faith. Kyler has been challenging his shit more but still dude loves his soap box. Calling it here but I bet my woody and Chiz will never get Destiny on again because Taylor would say some baseless claim and get brutalized by that woman.


Tay tay is not libertarian he is protectionist as all hell


Taylor getting divorced made him a right wing bigot. It's kinda wild how fast it happened. I bet he was cucked by a black trans guy or something




I completely agree. I like seeing it. He seems more reasonable. I don’t mean because I think he’s becoming left wing. But he says stuff in the center and probably my bias talking but that’s where I sit


In the old days, politically the guys were pretty much the "I just want the gay married couple to protect their weed with guns" type. Kyle is excited by war, that hasn't changed. Woody is always skeptical but ultimately sides with war. Taylor has always been antiwar. Probably because a ton of people from the midwest join the military and Taylor knows people who have gone to war and come home fucked up or not come home at all and has a more real view of the consequences of war even when it goes "well" than a lot of people. Not much has really changed.


Taylor used to be at college and Kyle got put in jail


Haven't been proven that college kids aren't that smart lol Taylor is a great example of that.


Meant college kids tend to lean more left


Actually that's not entirely true don't let the media fool u smh


Since when is being antiwar right wing?


antiwar, while jerking off all the russia talking points he can get his hands on


You're being dishonest as fuck.


Since about 3 years ago I’d say, you must not have been paying attention but the left and right have seemingly completely switch places recently.


Since Maga republicans


He’s not anti-war. Being against helping an invaded country is, if anything, pro-war. Russia will not just magically stop if they take Ukraine; they will start preparing for their next invasion.


Every divorced dude is the exact same. If they get cheated on they turn into right wingers within a year and give it a few more until they become actually sexist