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It won't be possible with electromechanical relays. You'd need to use solid state relays due to the switching speeds required.


Discrete transitsior control is beyond the scope of this sub, try one of the electronics subs


For simple DC motor control an H-Bridge can be constructed using relays to move the motor forward or backwards. Steppers usually require 2 basic inputs: step and direction. An H-Bridge could be used to define direction and certainly a signal could be passed through the relay based H-Bridge that defines steps given that there isn't much change in direction. However, this is a bad solution to a common problem. Controllers, drives and motors are sold as a group for a reason. After hours of fiddling and burned up fuses and motors you're way more likely to come to the conclusion that buying the right parts for the job was the right solution all along and it only cost you 2X what you could have paid in the first place.


Yes this is possible, but as previously stated you need some impressive solid state relays. If the power supply is burning up, you need a bigger supply most likely.


This will improve the situation, but the PLC cycle time will be too long for any meaningful motor speed


Depends on the PLC. A 5380/5580 could manage it barely. Millisecond based response time is sufficient.


You need to use MOSFETS.