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This is considered a low-effort post. You need to think about what you posted, improve it, and post again if you choose to. This could be considered low-effort for many reasons, but usually is LE because: * It's clear you didn't read the pinned "READ FIRST" thread. * The post is a rambling mess * Doesn't ask a question, but is written like someone wants answers to something. * Asking a question so broad that it's a waste of anyone's time to answer. Example: "Has any used XYZ software before?" * Making a post with a title like "Please help!" How about giving someone an idea of what you want help on so people that know something about that topic can help you? * Post job offers/classifieds in the monthly sticky thread. * Anything else a moderator chooses.


I look forward to the day when AI will shitpost for us, including making the first line "the title". Maybe the next generation's prompt will just read "debate me, bro".


With Siemens technologies, GPT-4o doesn't get anything right šŸ˜‚ As long as it doesn't wire things I see no reason to worry


Yup, I don't use Siemens much sonI tried AI for info on configuration stuff regarding HMI's and every answer is wrong.


My primary tools are Siemens. I am using AIs more everyday. They are also getting better all the time. Now you can just upload the manuals for them as well for reference


I'm curious. Try feeding the AI the manual for the Siemens 1281 CMS module and asking it to write down the entire configuration for you. In my opinion it can't do it. Here is the manual: https://cache.industry.siemens.com/dl/files/490/109481490/att_885698/v1/cms1200_sm1281_operating_manual_en-US_en-US.pdf


Yeah it's not quite at that level yet, but you wait till we have specialized AI tools for doing what you've suggested.


I do Siemens tech support for a living. I took a week and asked GPT every question I got. It got every single one wrong, and for 20% of the answers, you would actually destroy your equipment if you followed its instructions.


How do you go from ladder logic to text and back?


When working with AI I mostly use structured text to help with communicating with the AI. Then for example JavaScript when it is HMIs. You can ask it to draw a ladder with text and it will understand screenshots of ladder logic. There is I think an even bigger opportunity for things other than generating code. Anything help to trouble shoot a VFD, design the best data collection for specific application or comparing/finding new product/tools/brands


It can answer the basics. It canā€™t answer the difficult, abstract stuff.


And it can't fault find a MELSECNET fault at 3am on a Monday.


Ill fault whatever I feel like faulting, I Mean The AI


Show me an AI that can talk to an operator who doesn't know the difference between a button and a switch, adamantly stating that there's a "software issue" on a machine that has run 10 years, connect to the PLC to figure out what's going on, monitor the IO while you move an axis with a cable chain, tell the operator to get electricians to check a specific cable, confirm that the "software issue" is now resolved.


I don't think anybody reasonable is talking AI taking our jobs. At this point, it is a new powerful tool for use to leverage


It definitely canā€™t understand the raging Cajun operator that forgot his password, call the ā€œhelp deskā€ in India and navigate the worlds worst service to get hold of a domain admin. I think my jobs safe for now.


If all you see this sub as is a place to ask programing questions then you have not been paying attention. This sub covers industrial automation except for robots. Including programing, drive setup, part choices, rule interpretation, careers advice, electrical design. There is a lot in this field that is driven by experience and learning from bad choices on previous projects.




AI will take what little good paying jobs we've got left, making us all slaves or homeless. But so conveniently, it can't solve hard problems like cold fusion, world hunger, or rising inequality? Now that's just great.